Allegro (Beckett Bradstreet)

By neighbourhoodscrew

17.5K 281 104

After her first year at Keaton being ended by being in a car accident, Talia Marlowe is solely focused on rec... More

± cast ±
104 days of summer vacation
milkshake money
funny honey
Music Mania
Realisation Implementation
Cause of an uproar
Meet the Crazies
CAMDA's? More like SHAMDA's, am I right?
Abbey Hill and the Ever Changing Mind
Welcome to the house, to the Haus of Holbein

It's a short one

966 13 6
By neighbourhoodscrew

Spencer Marlowe was in the receiving end of Talia's wrath and it wasn't a thrilling experience.


"You can't just kiss a girl and then not talk to her. It's like taking her heart and putting it in a freezer, Spence. I'm okay with you dating my friends and all but I'm not okay with you hurting them." She was pleading with him to understand her point.

Spencer frowned, "I'm graduating this year Tal. I'm going off to Yale for music, I'm not gonna be able to get to Canada easily and I don't think long distance relationships work if you don't see the person every once in a while." He took a deep breath, "I don't want Vanessa's last two years to be waiting to get out so she can join me."

Talia hadn't realised how far away Spencer was actually moving. Not for the sake of Vanessa, but for her. Spencer was the only family member she saw most days. The one she knew was by her side no matter what and he was moving to America.

Her eyes started tearing up, Spencer seeing this, and they both launched into each others arms.

"I can't believe you're leaving me douchebag."


"Let's work on our individual parts!" Alya had kind of taken over as leader for this project and to Talia's dismay, she was actually doing a good job, "Talia, Beckett, I got some juice in my bag to keep your energy up."

"Oh! Juice!" Talia was like a kid, running up to Alya's bag and pulling out a capri sun for and Beckett. Passing the boy the juice pouch, they shared a small smile as she stabbed the straw into it, "How was your weekend?"

Beckett shrugged, "It was good."



They hadn't got back to how they were before, in fact, the civility they were showing to one another was odd. It just didn't suit their dynamic if Talia wasn't stumbling over her word in front of him, or yelling in his face.

"How was yours?" Beckett finally asked, the tension was creeping up on them.

Talia burst out laughing, Beckett following in suit, "This is insane." 


"Talia!" Alya called out, "Beckett! I have a new part for the guitar, come and listen!"


Bianca was obviously feeling a little put out, that was clear to Talia as the girl stood in front of the whole group. She strutted forward, "Welcome, to a magical place, where toys are real."

"What is she doing?" Talia whispered to herself.

"I don't know, she's your friend." Beckett answered for her thoughts.

No one's eyes could leave Bianca as they all thought she'd lost it, "And fashion. It rules. Once, there was a dapper soldier." She indicated for Beckett to stand up, "Up tin soldier, lets go. You're all going to love this.  Dressed in tailored trousers with intricately crafted paper accents. It was love at first sight! When he saw the equally well dressed twirling..." Talia started to stand up as Bianca ran toward her, "TWIRLING." Bianca ran her in circles, "Twirling ballerina! He tried to hide his feelings as he marched to his destiny." She pushed them back to the benches, "Be steadfast tin soldier. Soldier on."

Then realising what she'd done, Bianca shot out the room like a lightning bolt,  Talia calling after her, "Bee! Bee!!"

"Your friend is weird."

"Oh, bite me ballet boy."


By the time Bianca came back, everyone was back at work, "Bee! Thank god, I couldn't find you!" Talia called out, running towards her to hug the girl, "Where did you go?"

"The dance bathrooms."

"You know where they are?" Talia didn't think to check there, which was the obvious place Bianca would go, "Oops."

Bianca grinned at the girl, "So... Listen..." She called out to everyone, "I'm sorry about before. But I really want to try the fashion show idea again."

"Actually, I think we've already-"

"But different!" Bianca reassured Alya, "I really think it could work. Just hear me out. So the story is about the harsh realities of the world and the beauty that exists within it. And how we can merge them to create something new. It's the heart of the story! Literally. So what if we keep the fashion show as a framing device but we leave room for Talia and Beckett to express their love story through dance." Everyone started smiling.

"That could work." Beckett told her.

Alya nodded, "Maybe, I could add a military drum beat to our song to score the soldiers marching. But keep a softer piano piece over top."

Vanessa stumbled forward, "Some narration could tie it all together."

"I could do that!" Bianca seemed eager to, "I mean, if no one else is interested."

Talia chuckled, "I don't think anyone is going to try take that from you Bee."

"It's all yours." Alya smiled.


Trevor had been working on a video. Over the winter break, spring break and during his last term, he'd been working in it, finally getting around to using Talia for it, "So Cody and I visited France and did a little piece there. I went to London, and now, I'm finishing off the editing."

"That's amazing, Trev! I'm so happy to hear that I was a help too!" Talia grinned, although he couldn't see it because they were talking on the phone, "When can I see it?"

"When you get me a date with Vanessa." 

Talia would have spit out her water if she was drinking any, "WHAT?"

"Come on, Talia, I'm dying over here. She was so sweet and all."

Talia rolled her eyes, "She's practically dating my brother, Trev. I can't do that."

She heard him grumble fine before her phone pinged, "I sent you the video. It's going on youtube, thanks for the choreo."

He hung up quickly, Talia rushing to watch the video he sent her.

(The girl at the end)

It was amazing. And it got two million views.

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