The Dare ~ A Park Jimin Fanfic

By MqlfoysLcve

815 31 34

Rebecca and Jimin were best friends when they were younger, except they grew apart when Rebecca moved from Ko... More

{2}: The First Date.
{3}: The Morning After.
{4}: Jimin & The Truth.
{5}: Their True Feelings... Revealed.
{6}: Getting To Know Her.
{7}: Finally The Weekend.
{8}: "It Was All Just A Dare..."
{9}: Letting The Truth Sink In.
{10}: Locked Up.
{11}: The Truth, Jealousy And The Halloween Dance.
{12}: Rain And Forgiveness.
{13}: The Girls.
{14}: Becky's Birthday.
{15}: Going Home.
{16}: Memories.
{17}: Call With Jimin.
{18}: Arriving Home For Christmas.
{19}: Christmas Day.
{20}: Christmas Day ~ Part 2.
{21}: The Reunion.
{22}: Making It Official.
{23}: The Truth Is Out & So Is The Baby.
{24}: Epilogue

{1}: Questions & Answers

52 2 7
By MqlfoysLcve


Becky slowly pushed the music room door open and stepped inside letting the door gently swing close behind her, she stood in the entranceway as she watched Jimin delicately pluck the strings of an old guitar.

He soon lifted his head, sensing a presence in the room and smiled as he saw the girls petite frame in the doorway. "Becky, you came?" He stated in surprise. "I did, don't make me regret it." Becky replied. Jimin was slightly taken by surprise with her reply as he wasn't used to that kind of reaction but he ended up brushing it off as he placed the guitar down and headed towards the small redhead. He stopped once he was directly in front of her and smiled down at her, she tilted her head back slightly to stare at the older boy, "Why'd you call me in here, Jimin?" She asked him. "There's something I've been meaning to ask you for some time now..." He began slowly. He was trying to find the best way to bring it up to her, he'd never officially asked a girl to be his girlfriend before, he was more used to one night flings. "Riiiight." Becky replied slowly. "Go on." She added. He slowly reached out and grabbed both of her hands in his, "Will you be my girlfriend?" He questioned. Becky raised an eyebrow, she was hesitant, she knew Jimin and she knew he was a player, "Uh..." She began. At the lack of her response, he used their joined hands to pull her closer so that his lips were almost brushing against her forehead, "Please?" He whispered. Becky closed her eyes slightly but nodded, "Yeah." She smiled. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend." She added with a smile. He smiled and nodded before kissing her forehead, "We can make it school official tomorrow." He smiled. She nodded before glancing back, "Shall we?" He asked as he gestured towards the door. "Oh, sure." She smiled. He nodded as he grabbed her right hand in his left and intertwined their fingers before heading out of the music room with her as they began their journey home.

I was sat in my room finishing my dinner when my phone began ringing, I glanced down to see a group video chat, I rolled my eyes slightly instantly knowing that Anoesjka would have told our friend Demi about the meeting with Jimin. I quickly slid my thumb across the screen to answer the call, the screen immediately halved showing both their faces, I raised an eyebrow at the two brunettes. Demi wasn't at school today because she arrived home from a vacation from Disneyland this afternoon so she wasn't back in school until tomorrow... Demi is also currently dating Jungkook, the baby of BTS. "Hey girls!" I finally spoke gaining their attention. "Oh, she answered." Demi was the first to speak. "Soooo..." Anoesjka began. "So what?" I asked as I dropped my last piece of chicken leg back onto my plate and pushed it to the side. "So, what happened with Jimin?" She asked. "Yeah Bex, we need deets." Demi said excitedly. "Uh... Nothing much." I shrugged. "He just... Ya know..." I began, making it sound like a normal conversation before lifting my eyes to meet the screen. "ASKED ME TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND!!" I shouted. "WHAT?!" They both yelled. "Jimin asked me to be his girlfriend." I said, unable to stop the huge smile that was now beginning to spread across my face. "Are you lying?! Please tell me that you're not lying!" Demi spoke. "God, Becky if you're lying I'm gonna kill you." Anoesjka put in. "I'm not lying. He actually asked me to be his girlfriend. He said we'd make it school official tomorrow." I replied. "Wait, did you actually have a crush on him?" Anoesjka questioned. "Have you seen that smile?! Of course she did!" Demi answered. I rolled my eyes playfully before letting out a small laugh, "And you never told us, Becky I am hurt." Anoesjka said. "Guys, come on. I couldn't say anything." I shrugged. "I haven't spoken to the guy in five years." I sighed. "Wait, how long have you liked him?" Demi asked. "Uh... Eight years." I mumbled. "What?" Both girls asked. "Eight years." I replied louder this time. "Holy shit." Anoesjka said in shock. "Wow, you must have suffered, seeing him with all those other girls over the years." Demi stated. I raised an eyebrow but shrugged as my father came into my room, "Off the phone now Rebecca, it's late." He told me. "Yes papa." I nodded before glancing down at the phone. "I gotta go girls, I'll see you both tomorrow." I told them. "Okay, see ya tomorrow." They called back simultaneously. I smiled and waved as we hung up before seeing my father take my plate, he then kissed my forehead. "Goodnight, sweetheart." He smiled. "Goodnight papa." I replied as he left my room. I quickly pulled on my pyjamas and pulled my duvet over my body, my eyes slowly forcing themselves shut.

I woke up and threw on the first outfit I could grab, it consisted of a white top, a beige jumper, a pair of brown/burgundy jeans and a pair of beige cowboy boots.

I then brushed my hair before throwing it up into a high ponytail before applying some light natural makeup and heading downstairs where I grabbed a slice of toast from my brothers plate before devouring it and grabbing my bag. My brother quickly hugged me and kissed my cheek before saying goodbye to me as I left the house, I stepped out to find Anoesjka and Demi in their usual spots, at my gate. I slowly walked over and smiled, "So, ready to finally be Jimin's girlfriend?" Anoesjka asked with a smirk. "I'm not sure, I know I'm gonna get a lot of hate from his 'fan girls' or whatever." I laughed. "You will." Demi nodded. "I did... I still do." She laughed slightly. "But I've learned to ignore it." She added. I smiled as we approached the school gates together, "This is the first day of the rest of your life." Anoesjka said. "Don't be that dramatic. Who says it's even gonna last that long." I chuckled as we walked in and headed straight to the lockers. "There she is!" Jungkook shouted as soon as he saw Demi. As soon as we reached my locker, he wrapped Demi in his arms as Anoesjka embraced in a hug with Yoongi whilst I grabbed my books from my locker.

As I was doing so, I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist, I glanced back to see Jimin, "Hey." He smiled. "Hey." I replied with a smile as I shut my locker and turned to him. "Guys, this is Becky. Becky, these are the guys." He smiled. "Yoongi and I already know her." Jungkook stated. I smiled as he introduced me to the other four, "Hey." I smiled as I waved to them slightly. "You Guys would make a cute couple." Namjoon soon blurted out to Anoesjka and Yoongi. "Becky and I have been saying that for YEARS." Demi stated. "Yeah, how longs it been? Almost... What? Four years now..." I laughed. Anoesjka shook her head quickly before shooting us her 'shut up or I'm gonna kill you' look. The bell soon rang and everyone dispersed as Demi, Anoesjka and I began receiving death glares from the other girls in the corridor. I rolled my eyes before feeling Jimin kiss my forehead, Demi and Jungkook were having a quick makeout session by the lockers and Anoesjka and Yoongi were having a final hug. "Also, I see what you mean about the cute couple thing." Jimin whispered after kissing my forehead before averting his eyes towards Yoongi and Anoesjka. I nodded and smiled as he kissed my forehead a final time as the second bell rang meaning it was time for everyone to go to class. Demi and Jungkook finally let go of one another, Anoesjka and Yoongi went their separate ways and I separated from Jimin but he caught my wrist and pulled me back, "See you at lunch?" He asked. "Yeah." I nodded with a smile as he let me go. I quickly rejoined the girls and we began walking away.

I pulled her back by her wrist, "See you at lunch?" I questioned. She thought for a minute, a gorgeous smile plastered on her lips before she nodded, "Yeah." She spoke as I let her go. She quickly went back to her friends as I watched her leave, "I've missed you." I mumbled quietly so not even the boys would hear. I had truly missed having her as my friend and I felt awful doing this to her but I needed that money, and it would be easy money too.

I quickly caught up to the other boys as we headed into our biology class. We sat at the table furthest to the back and pulled out our textbooks and I glanced out of the window and noticed a girls PE team from the year above practicing on the field, most of them were wearing short shorts and I couldn't help but stare. That was until I noticed three girls walking down the path towards the other building, they were all laughing together... I soon realised that it was Anoesjka, Demi and Becky. My eyes soon fell on Becky, God she's always had a gorgeous smile. What are you doing Jimin?! Don't fall for her! Remember the dare, think of the money. Don't fall for the target.

Anoesjka, Demi and I all headed towards our first lessons, theirs was history and mine was geography, which was by far my worst lesson of all. I separated from them at my geography class and walked in, instantly taking my seat at the back beside a girl named Chloe who was on the cheerleading squad and also happened to be one of Jimin's old flings. "Hey! You're Jimin's old friend, aren't you?" She asked as she noticed me. "Uh..." I began. "Becky, right?" She asked. "Yeah..." I mumbled. She nodded, "Could you get him to call me, he was meant to get back to me weeks ago but he never did." She told me. "Uh... I guess." I shrugged. "It'll be much appreciated." She told me. I simply nodded before turning my head back to my textbook as the teacher walked into the room.

I could barely concentrate as Chloe kept nagging down my ear and asking questions about Jimin, I soon slammed my pen down and turned to her, "Jimin has a girlfriend!" I spat just as the bell rang. I quickly packed up my things and grabbed my bag, she grabbed my wrist stopping me from leaving, "What? Who?" She asked to which I raised my eyebrows and let a smirk fall onto my lips. "Me." I replied before yanking my wrist from her grip and walking out of the classroom. I was so annoyed, so stressed that I didn't notice the boys heading out to the field that led from the main building to the history and geography building, I walked over to a bench and threw my bag down before sitting down and placing my head in my hands. I yanked at my hair slightly before turning to the sky and letting out a scream. This caused every person on the field to turn and look at me, including Demi and Anoesjka who were now leaving the History building. I rested my head back on the bench and closed my eyes for a split second, when I reopened them I was surrounded by nine familiar faces; The Boys and the girls. "What's up?" Anoesjka asked me with worry in her voice. "Nothing, I'm good." I shrugged. "I've never known someone to scream like that when they're good." Demi stated with a raised eyebrow. "It's nothing, stupid really." I told them with a sigh as Jimin sat beside me. "What's the matter, babe?" He questioned. I almost slid away from him before realising that it wasn't actually him I was angry at, "It was just one of the cheerleaders. They kept asking questions about you and saying things about you and I got annoyed, I guess." I shrugged. "So you got jealous?" Jungkook asked with a small laugh. "I... I guess." I sighed. "I don't know." I added before placing my head in my hands. "Anyways, she asked you to call her." I said as I turned to Jimin. "It was Chloe." I added. Now all their stares were on him, awaiting his answer, "Well that's not gonna happen." He said as he saw everyone's wondering stares. "Look, how about we all go to that old record shop downtown after school? Cool off a little?" He suggested. "Yeah, sounds good." I replied as the others nodded along. That was when the headmaster approached us and he didn't look happy, "Why aren't you lot in class?" He questioned. "Sorry sir, urgent matters." Namjoon tried to say. "I don't want excuses. Get to your classes now." The headmaster told us. "Yes sir." We nodded. Jimin kissed my forehead as Jungkook and Demi embraced in a kiss before we all went our separate ways, Demi and Anoesjka now had math whereas I had English. I separated from them at their math class as I continued on to my English class.

I headed towards my locker after leaving my chemistry class and placed my books back inside, as I was doing so I heard the familiar rowdy noises of the seven boys I had recently become acquainted with. I smiled slightly before turning my head to see Anoesjka and Demi with them as Jin and Hoseok messed around by pushing one another in a childish manner down the corridor. I rolled my eyes slightly but laughed as they approached me, "Ready for the record shop?" Jimin asked as he lazily threw his arm over my shoulder. I nodded with a smile as we all began heading out of the school together.

The boys all climbed into the front of Jin's truck as me and the girls sat in the back talking... Or more like, gossiping.

We soon felt the truck stop and the boys climbed out as we climbed out of the back, I'd never seen this record shop before but the boys seemed pretty excited about it. Namjoon and Yoongi headed straight to the hip hop section; Yoongi dragged Anoesjka with him. The other four headed towards the R&B section, Demi being dragged along with them as Jimin grabbed my hand and pulled me through to another room, I glanced around at all the records, we were in the country and pop section. He then grabbed a record and placed it on the record player before turning to me as it started playing, "Rebecca, May I have this dance?" He asked as he held out his hand. "Uh... I'm not a very good dancer though." I told him. "Just move your feet in time with mine and we'll be good." He smiled. I hesitantly nodded before grabbing his hand, I placed one hand on his shoulder as he placed one on my waist whilst holding the other in his hand, he then began moving his feet, as did I. Making sure not to step on his toes.

"Wait, Wait, Wait!" Demi shouted slightly gaining everyone's attention. We all turned to her, "What's that noise?" She asked. That's when I heard the distant sound of music. "It's probably Jimin, he usually takes the girls into the back room, puts a record on and has a little rendezvous... If ya know what I mean." Taehyung spoke with a raised eyebrow. "Oh hell no! Not with our Becky." I spoke as I placed the record down I had ahold of before walking away. I headed towards the room in which Becky and Jimin were as the others followed behind me, I stopped in my tracks and placed my hand out to stop the others as I stood in the doorway and watched the scene before me.

Becky and Jimin were waltzing around the room in perfect sync with one another, "That is not what usually happens." Taehyung whispered. Demi and I watched on in awe as the song they were dancing to came to an end, Jimin had a delightful smile on his face and Becky looked relieved. "You did great!" Jimin smiled down at her before kissing her forehead. "He's happy because girls usually never want to do anything that he's interested in, they only ever wanna do things they're interested in so when Jimin mentions music store it's usually sighs that he gets for replies, Becky has surprised him and made him happy by finally doing something he wanted to do." Yoongi explained to me. I nodded as I now understood the huge smile Jimin was wearing, "We've been spotted." Namjoon warned us before we heard Jimin's voice. "How long have you guys been stood there?" He asked. "About five minutes." I shrugged. This caused Becky to shake her head and cover her face in embarrassment, "You two dance well together." Demi put in. "Thank you." Jimin replied as he grabbed Becky's hand and they finally rejoined us as a group in the main section of the record shop.

We stayed there for a while before realising that it was getting dark out, "We should head back, my parents will freak if I'm out too late." Becky soon told us. "To the car we go." Jin said with a grin. We all left the record shop and piled back into Jin's truck, he instantly cranked it and began driving.

He soon arrived back at our neighbourhood; Becky, Demi and I lived on the same block. We all clambered out before hugging the boys goodbye. "I love you." I heard Jungkook tell Demi. "I love you too." She replied. I smiled at their cuteness as I hugged Yoongi, "See you tomorrow." I told him. "You will." He replied with a smile. That was when I saw Jimin and Becky watching us with small smirks on their lips, when they caught my eye they both turned away quickly; Pretending to be caught up in some sort of conversation. I shook my head before pulling away from Yoongi as Jimin kissed Becky forehead. We then all stood back as we watched them drive off down the road.

"See you girls tomorrow." Becky said. I nodded as we both hugged her, "See you tomorrow girl." We replied as she pulled out of the hug and jogged off towards her home where I could already see her brother waiting on the doorstep. I turned to Demi and began walking down the street with her until we reached her house, "See ya Demi." I said with a smile as I gave her a quick hug goodbye. "Byeee!" She said cheerily as we pulled out of the hug and she walked inside. I then continued on to my house.

Once there I walked in through the door and headed straight upstairs to my bedroom, I pulled off my shoes, threw my hair into a ponytail before changing into my pyjamas and falling into the bed. I was absolutely shattered. I pulled the duvet over me and placed my phone on charge before rolling over and closing my eyes, letting sleep finally take over my body.

A/N ~ Good? Bad? In between? I'm not sure, lemme know in the comments 😇 And please vote if you enjoyed... Or even if you didn't 😂

Much love, RaekensGirl 💖

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