the king and his bride |

By x_linn_

275K 15.6K 8.1K

[discontinued] "He must be quite fond of you if he's calling for you even in the middle of the day." "I don't... More

TKAHB universe


5.3K 320 84
By x_linn_

Sneaking out



"Hey! Wake up!" I stirred under my duvet, frowning at the disturbing, hushed voice.

"Mhmm, what?" I mumbled, tugging the duvet towards my chin, up to under my nose. Someone shook my shoulders all of a sudden, making me groan hoarsely.

"C'mon! Rise and shine, no more sleep for you today Chae!" I scrunched my nose confused, recognizing the disturbing voice. I opened my eyes slowly, quirking up my eyebrow at the grinning Lisa who was standing next to my bed.

"What the hell? It's still dark outside." I muttered looking around my room, widening my eyes at the sight of Jennie standing on my other side, still holding both of my shoulders. "What are you two doing here?"

"It's actually only 1 AM. But we're going out so get your butt out of the bed and get moving." I gaped at Lisa's words, all the sleep suddenly leaving my system. I sat up on the bed, frowning at the two girls.

"What do you mean out? And what do you mean 1 AM? Who in their right minds-"

"You talk too much, now get up. We still need to wake up Jisoo, which will take some time as well." said Jennie and clapped her hands, making me jump a little on the spot.

"Can't we just hang out in the morning?" I whined but my plead was unheard, Jennie already grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the bed. "B-but I'm still wearing my pajamas!" I said hurriedly but Lisa only shrugged it off as we already exited my room.

"We do as well, don't mind it. No one will see us at this hour anyway." she said and we continued our way further down the corridor towards Jisoo's room.

"Can you at least tell me what's the meaning of all this?"

"We do this often." Jennie shrugged.

"You mean sneaking out?"

"Yeah, since the guys are usually really busy throughout the day, we have no other choice but to hang out in the night. But it's fun, trust me."

"Guys?" Jennie looked over her shoulder at me, giving me a sweet grin.

"Yeah, it's time for you to meet some new people, don't you think?" I widened my eyes but didn't manage to say anything as Lisa stormed into Jisoo's room, with us trailing shortly after her.

"Wake up honey, it's party time!" she cheered, swiftly pulling blankets away from the stirring Jisoo.

"Lisa, I swear to God, not again..." she grumbled, turning on her other side. I chuckled as Lisa pouted, walking around the bed to face Jisoo again.

"Unnie! But I just came home today! Won't you celebrate my return? And besides! Chae's here as well so you better wake up before I consider another approach!"

And so all four of us walked down the corridors towards the main staircase, grumbling Jisoo next to me as the two chirpy girls talked at the front.

"How often do you guys do this?" I said, circling my arms around myself, the thin nightgown not being a really great source of warmth. Jisoo yawned before glancing sideways at me, seeming to finally calm down from her sour mood.

"Maybe once a week. It can be fun but sometimes it can get really annoying. Especially if you already slept before they decided to go." I giggled and turned back at the front, smiling to myself a little. We continued our way through the dimly lit corridors before a booming voice made us stop in our tracks.

"Girls!" I titled my head to the side to look around Jennie's shoulder. The guy who if I remember correctly is Jin, was walking our way while waving his arms around frantically.


"Were you going out without me?" he asked with a slight pout, crossing his arms on his chest.

"No, actually we were just looking for you." said Jennie.


"No." he pouted at Jisoo's grunt but his eyes sparkled automatically as he noticed me, who was giving him a small awkward smile.

"You must be Chaeyoung, right? It's really nice to finally meet you, my name's Kim Seokjin. But you can call me Jin or preferably oppa." Lisa snorted in the back.

"You don't have to call him that, really." said Jennie and I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Just because you guys refuse to call me that, it doesn't mean she has to as well. And besides, I'm older than any of you so it's only natural and polite." whined Jin, shooting lasers at still laughing Lisa.

"Polite my butt, we don't call you that because you don't act like you're older at all, you big baby." said Jisoo, narrowing her sleepy eyes at the huffing man.

Jin grunted and turned away from her, aiming his attention back to me.

"I'm sorry I couldn't meet you earlier, Taehyung and I had a lot of work to take care of lately."

"It's fine oppa, I'm glad I could meet you." I said and he gasped drastically, placing his hand over his heart, making me raise my eyebrow in question.

"Did you hear that? She called me oppa! Can I adopt her, please?" he asked frantically turning around towards the girls who started to laugh together with me as well.

I have to admit that I'm falling in love with these people, each minute more and more.

3. person

Most of the time, the sniffles from the other side of his bed made him irritated, not allowing him to fall asleep peacefully. The sound was already familiar to him, it has become a routine. Every time the cussing and yelling stops, the girl next to him falls to a fit of sniffles and small chokes. Sueji was like that, all barks and bites until she falls apart in the end, realizing how powerless she was.

Either way, the silent crying was last of his concerns now, all sounds muffled by the rackety mess in his head. It's true he couldn't fall asleep which was strange, after such a great sex he would always fall sleep in a span of three minutes, exhausted but pleasingly content. But tonight he was restless. And he was sure it wasn't the sniffing from the girl.

However the sleepless nights were nothing new for him, his insomnia made sure to make him aware of what endless nights full of frustration and exhaustion felt like. But that was never the case after having sex with one of the girls. The aftermath always lulling him to sleep without any difficulties.

So what for the God's name was it now?

What's making him so itchy and restless?

He couldn't stand it. The feeling of not being able to rest, the sudden raise of heat in the room, the loud ruckus inside his head.

He sighed messing up his hair, looking over to the still wailing girl who was huddled into herself as far from him as humanly possible, silently wetting his pillow with her warm tears.

He rolled his eyes at the sight and stood up, swiftly pulling on his boxers.

"Stop the crying already, it won't change anything. Get some sleep, would you?" he muttered and pulled on his silky black robe without bothering to tie it.

A silent 'asshole' resonated in the empty chamber, making him chuckle under his nose at the bold cursing. He walked around the bed and hovered over the curled up girl, squeezing her wet cheeks with his palm, making her purse her lips unwillingly.

"I would keep that pretty little mouth of yours shut, sweet cheeks." he whispered as Sueji clawed at his hand, trying to get herself free from the tight hold. "You have no idea what I look like when I'm truly angry." he growled and swiftly let go of her face before walking towards his balcony without a single look back at the shivering girl.

Sueji didn't know if it was fear or anger. But she knew there was no way out. The roots of he frustration and helplessness were the fact that whatever she does, whatever she tries, she can't get away from his trap and run away to her loved one.

Taehyung sighed, leaning his elbows on the railing, looking ahead at the empty yard of his palace. The gentle night breeze calmed him down, the cooling feeling on his flushed skin soothing his restless being. A loud sigh escaped his parted lips as he closed his eyes, the serenity of the night silencing his loud mind.

"Come on guys, my grandma walks faster than you!" he frowned hearing a hushed voice below, opening his eyes in confusion. He looked down to the yard and sighed heavily as the silhouettes of few people strolled across the lawn 'sneakily'.

"And they're at it again." he muttered, amusingly watching his best friend dragging a blonde girl by her hand, three other girls trailing behind them.

Wait, blonde?

He zoomed in at the small girl in a short white nightgown, her shiny hair tussled messily in the wind as she struggled to keep up with his friend.

"Chaeyoung?" he chuckled, shaking his head. "So in the end, they really managed to sweep you up into their little group." he watched as the silhouettes disappeared behind the wall of the palace, their hushed voices becoming more and more quiet until there was a complete silence again.

After few more moments of standing in the middle of the soothing silence he sighed, looking down at his hands intertwined on the top of the railing.

He turned around to look at the woman in his bed who looked like she was finally sleeping silently, her puffy cheeks still visible. He frowned at the familiar but weirdly unsettling sight.

Something wasn't feeling right.

Chaeyoung's pov

"Come on guys, my grandma walks faster than you!" Jin complained, tugging me behind him in a fast pace. The three girls behind us were struggling with their long gowns, trying not to stumble every second step they made.

"Easier said than done you douche."  cursed Jisoo silently as she grabbed her gown and raised it up a bit to see her steps clearly.

"W-where are we going anyway? I thought we're staying inside." I said, looking in between Jin and the girls waddling behind us.

"There's a small summer house in the back by the pound. It has benches, table, cushions, everything. I think Jimin is already waiting for us there." said Jennie as she managed to catch up with us, now walking beside me with her arm hooked around mine.

"Jimin?" Jennie grinned widely, nodding.

"Told you you'll meet new people!" I bit my lip and nodded, all the encounters with new people making me a little nervous and overwhelmed.

We walked around the castle's wall and across a marble sidewalk, white pillars lining on both our sides.

I didn't have the time to discover all of the yards and little courts outside the castle, being too busy with getting used to the inside of my so called 'new home'. But I could confidently say that the outside was just as  breathtaking and marvelous as the inside, even in the darkness of the night. The palace was in white color, the little white marble sidewalks and pillars matching in color as well.  Countless trees and bushes graced the yards with even more charm and beauty. The little fountains, pounds and summer houses with benches also added to the touch.

We finally stepped down from the footpath, crossing a little lawn with Jin in lead. A beautiful pond, a little bigger than others came into view, a small summerhouse made of stone with roses in white and pink color stretching themselves across the pillars and the roof. I awed at the sight, gasping at the beautiful roses decorating the small summer house.

"Look who finally decided to show up, I was already thinking I'll have to drink everything by myself." I turned my attention towards an unfamiliar guy walking our way, a bottle of what looked like a beer in one hand.

He was quite good looking, his fluffy blonde hair swept to one side of his forehead, clad in a casual black pants and unadjusted white dress-shirt.

"We just had some  trouble waking Jisoo unnie up. You know, the usual."

"Hey!" snapped Jisoo, causing Lisa to snicker behind her palm.

"Is there a day you two don't fight? Oh, hey! You're Chaeyoung, right?" the guy who I guessed was Jimin turned my way, giving me a sweet grin.

"Oh, yes and you must be Jimin then?"

"At your service." I chuckled as Jimin kissed the top of my hand before he retreated with a goofy smile on. "Let's go!" he took Jennie by her wrist and dragged her towards the summer house with us following shortly after.

I couldn't stop admiring our surroundings, the yard looked simply dreamy in the middle of the night. It was completely silent except the quiet singing of locusts everywhere around us, the sound calming my overwhelmed being.

We stepped up few steps and settled in the open summer house around a table in the middle. I squeezed myself in between Jin and Lisa, rubbing my hands up and down my forearms due to the cold night breeze.

"Here princess, catch!" I turned in Jimin's direction just in time to catch the blanket flying my way. I looked up at him with wonder, only to get a playful wink back.

"Thanks!" I smiled and bundled myself up in the fluffy blanket, grinning at the comforting warmth.

I quirked up my eyebrow at the sight of all kinds of drinks and snacks around the table as Jimin already started to pour some kind of alcohol in Jin's glass.

Did he bring all of that stuff all the way out here?

"Anyway, guys!" chirped Lisa, grasping all our attention. "You won't believe what happened to me when I was away!" she gushed, clapping her hands excitedly.

"Hmm let me guess," Jimin answered, finally settling himself down after grabbing one bowl of chips in his hands, "found yourself a boyfriend?" Lisa gaped at his answer, falling silent for a little while before giving him a suspicious glance.

"And how did you know that?"

"It's not that surprising honey." he smirked as she huffed, giving him a subtle glare.

"Hold on hold on HOLD ON! A boyfriend?" Jisoo gasped, the lemonade in her hands almost spilling out. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to announce it officially, here in front of everyone."

"Wait," Jin butted in, looking at Lisa with frown, "didn't your thirsty ass break up with Jihoon month ago?"

"Forget that kid, my current boyfriend is the real deal though!"

"So, you're in a distance relationship now, or..." I questioned, tilting my head to side. Lisa gave me a smug grin, making me even more confused.

"Actually, he will be moving to Silla together with his family soon! You guys will be able to see him in three weeks!" I smiled as she clapped her hands like a child, amused at her excitement.

"Just let this guy last longer than the...four previous ones." muttered Jennie and I silently gasped at her remark, looking up at Jin with questioning look.

"Lisa here likes to switch her boyfriends even more often than she switches her underwear." he said when he noticed my wondering stare. Lisa scoffed, probably catching his silent murmur.

"I'm not switching my boyfriends! I'm just looking for the right one!"

"Yeah sure, whatever floats your boat, now let's cheer!" said Jimin suddenly and stood up, a shot of unfamiliar alcohol in his hand. We all agreed and stood up as well, Jin and Lisa also with shots of alcohol while me, Jisoo and Jennie with glasses of lemonade since we were forbidden to drink alcohol.

"Let's welcome the princess in our little dysfunctional family! Chaeyoung, may you find happiness here with us and may we always be by your side!" cheered Jimin with others on his heels, making me smile genuinely at his sweet words.

"Thank you guys, I'm more than grateful to have you here with me." I said with tears of happiness threatening to roll down my cheeks.

"May we all find happiness together!" we all cheered and raised our glasses up in the air, before swallowing down the cool beverage.

"Aah, this is great." said Jimin as he slumped down on his seat, draping his arm around Jennie's shoulders. As we all settled back down, I couldn't help but let one tear roll down my face, soon followed by even more.

"Aigoo~ Is our Chaeyoung crying?" giggled Lisa poking my cheek, making me whine and swiftly rub my face to get rid of the tears streaming down violently.

"No I'm not!"

"Sure you aren't." snickered Jimin, making me pout at him with a slight frown on my still-glistening-with-tears face.

"Yah, leave my child be! You can cry as much as you want, dear." said Jin and gently pushed my head on his shoulder, petting my hair comfortingly. His kind gestures made me burst out crying as the others watched with small smiles on their faces.

I was never one to cry often and let my feelings out on the surface like that. I always tried to keep my feelings for myself. For all I know, Jungkook was a bigger cry baby then I was.

But these last days' occurrences made me bottle up so much inside, it was hard for me to hold it in. The separation from Jungkook, the adaptation to the new place, the frustration and confusion but also the support from these people and the unfamiliar feeling of so many people being by your side. It was overwhelming, and it came out without me having any say in it.

These were no longer only tears of happiness but I didn't want to ruin the mood, so I laughed it off, saying I'm fine.

It's already enough, having them by my side. I'm not going to burden them with my confusing feelings.

∗ ∗ ∗

OH.MY.GOSH! I'm sorry for the wait guys, I was really busy with school

don't procrastinate kids or it will bite you back in the butt not even kidding

anyway thank you guys so much for the votes and comments, I never even dreamed of this story getting so much support <3

you guys are awesome

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