Overboard (iKON JunHwan Angst)

By love_subin

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Synopsis: "It's supposed to be some give and take, I know. But you're only taking and not giving anymore. So... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: The Encounter
Chapter 2: New Life
Chapter 3: Bonfire
Chapter 4: Ready or Not?
Chapter 5: His Wedding Day
Chapter 6: The Visit
Chapter 7: Game of Fate
Chapter 8: Invisible Line
Chapter 9: Boundaries
Chapter 10: Best Friend
Chapter 12: Changes
Chapter 13: Stuck in the Moment
Chapter 14: Broken Hearts
Chapter 15: Jeju
Chapter 16: Pure Intentions
Chapter 17: Reunited
Chapter 18: What We've Become
Chapter 19: A Night with You
Chapter 20: Our Little Secret
Chapter 21: Run to You
Chapter 22: Not Again
Chapter 23: You and Me
Chapter 24: Overboard
Chapter 25: Because It's You
Epilogue: I Choose to Love You

Chapter 11: Drunken Night

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By love_subin

Chapter 11: Drunken Night

Jinhwan's POV

The next day felt special to Jinhwan. He woke up with his fiancé deeply sleeping beside him. He didn't make any disturbing movement and chose to enjoy the rare morning view he missed for a while. It is Hanbin's last day in the town today and he wants to paint every inch of his fiancé's face in his mind although he had it tattooed there already. He smiled as he observed how cute Hanbin was while sleeping. He slowly motioned forward and aimed for Hanbin's forehead to plant a soft and quick kiss. He then hugged him gently before deciding to get up on bed to prepare for their day.

The last two days went really fast for him. After their bonding with Junhoe the first night Hanbin went home, his partner suddenly became clingy and sweet in his every word. He thought it was just because of the alcohol that night, but when the days passed, and he noticed how Hanbin treated him, he was curious about what could be the reason behind it. Junhoe, too, hadn't texted him for the past days which he waited out of habit since the two of them almost talk every day since Junhoe started his training in Busan.

He was preparing the table for breakfast when a pair of hands coiled him from his back and a heavy head popped from his side. Hanbin tightly hugged him while resting his head on his right shoulder. He couldn't help but smile. He missed morning cuddle like this in their own 'home'.

"Good morning, Mr. Kim. How's your sleep?" Jinhwan asked as he continued to put the plates and chopsticks on the table.

"I don't want to go back to Seoul. Can I just stay here?" Hanbin muffled knowing that this was the last morning with his fiancé before going back to Seoul.

"Don't ask something obvious, Bin-ah. But you know you need to go back." Jinhwan said softly and fronted his sulking partner.

He cupped Hanbin's chin before he continued.

"I'll visit you after a month and a half. It will go by fast you won't even realize it until you see me in Seoul again." He gave the younger a peck on the nose.

"I love you." Hanbin said and wrapped him again in his arms.

He felt warm inside and closed his eyes because he will also miss his partner as much as he misses him. Hanbin doesn't always say those 3 words but he was so happy he heard it countless times already in the past 3 days.

"Come on, let's eat. We're gonna need to buy your suit for the hospital anniversary." Jinhwan said in Hanbin's back as he tapped his fiance's side, signaling him to let go.

Hanbin tightened the hug one last time before they both enjoyed their breakfast.

The couple went to Gwangbokro to look for a not so expensive suit as per Hanbin's request. One thing Jinhwan loves about his partner is his being low profile. Hanbin is earning a lot but he never once requested lavish things.

They went inside a couple of stores that sell suits and other formal clothes. As usual, it is Jinhwan's task to pick the suit for his partner since Hanbin wasn't into formal clothes while Jinhwan is really good with it. They found the perfect one for Hanbin on their 4th store. Instead of going for a typical suit and tie outfit, Jinhwan picked a chicer and more sophisticated look for his fiancé. He bought a classy gray inner turtle neck and black suit with black velvet lining on the collar. At first, Hanbin insisted to just go for a suit and tie because he thought it would be too much for him. He worried that he might overdress, but Jinhwan already paid for it after he saw it on Hanbin because his partner looked so good on them.

After picking his suit, they went to the salon to give Hanbin a short haircut to go along with his whole look. Hanbin's hair had grown long for months already so he wanted to give his fiancé a new look for a change. The whine and pout Hanbin gave him didn't stop him from doing so.

"You need to send me your picture on the night of the hospital anniversary. I must see you. You'll look amazing, I know it." Jinhwan said while beaming at Hanbin.

"Of course. I might video call you just to let you see the kids too especially Yunhyeong. He had been preparing for his clothes a month ago." Hanbin replied.

"Haha. As expected of him so I am not surprise. I'm sure you will all look dashing. I'm jealous." Jinhwan teased.

"You'll end us all if you attend there and wear your suit." Hanbin complimented and held his hand as they continued to walk on the fashion street of Gwangbokro.

"Awwh, babe." Jinhwan shyly responded on the praise. "Let's get you one last piece and we're done. What do you want for lunch?" He asked.

"I want to eat at home. I'll miss eating there once I go back to Seoul again. You don't have to cook, let's just have take-out." Hanbin said and squeezed his hand gently.

"Let's have your favorite sashimi." Jinhwan replied and smiled at Hanbin.

"Sure. But where's your handbag?" Hanbin asked when he noticed him not holding anything but his hand.

"Oh shit. Maybe I forgot it in the salon." He said in panic when he realized that the handbag which had Hanbin's suit was not in his hand.

"I'll get it, wait for me here." He offered and was about to turn around to go back when Hanbin grabbed his right arm.

"I'll get it. Go buy our food and I'll come fetch you." Hanbin insisted.

"Okay. Thank you. You can wait for me in the salon. That's on our way home anyway. I know you're hungry." Jinhwan said and nodded at his partner.

They went on their separate ways to do what was needed to do. Jinhwan hurriedly walked to the Japanese restaurant where they always eat and where he had dinner with Junhoe.

He reached the restaurant and quickly headed to the counter to order the Sashimi Hanbin always orders every time they eat there.


He heard a familiar voice calling 'hyung' and he hesitated for a second to turn his head thinking it was just some diners there. But his gut made him turn his head on the direction of the voice and he was surprised to see Junhoe waving and smiling at him. He instantly walked towards his friend and lately realized that he was eating with someone. 'He must be Chanwoo'. He thought because Junhoe had mentioned his annoying trainer to him once.

"Ya! I didn't expect to see you here. Haha! You're having your lunch?" Jinhwan asked Junhoe with his beaming face.

"Yes." Junhoe responded and stood up when he reached the corner of their table.

"Is this Chanwoo your trainer?" Jinhwan asked and smiled at guy.

"Oh. No. He is..." He saw Junhoe awkwardly looked at his companion and didn't continue until the other guy spoke for him instead.

"Bobby. Hello. My name is Bobby." Bobby introduced himself when he felt Junhoe couldn't say his name. Bobby stood up smiling and reached for his hand for a handshake.

"Ohhh... Bobby. Nice to meet you. I'm Jinhwan." He said while shaking Bobby's hand and turned his head to Junhoe and gave him meaningful look.

He was secretly scrutinizing this Bobby guy to see why Junhoe was head over heels for him and almost killed himself because of him. He's not ugly, but he's not that handsome too. He thought he had his own charisma because he himself couldn't help but smile when he saw the cute smile Bobby gave him. He was a little intimidating but looked nice once he smiled.

He turned back to Junhoe and received a rolling eye for his teasing look and smirked at him.

"Continue with your lunch. Sorry for interrupting. Just had some takeout." Jinhwan said and looked at them both.

"No, it's cool." Bobby casually said and smiled. He won't deny, Bobby is a cool guy.

"I'm just gonna wait at the counter. Enjoy your lunch. Nice to meet you again, Bobby-ssi." Jinhwan smiled at Bobby. He thought the nice aura of Bobby was one of the many reasons why Junhoe fell hard for him.

"Oh, you're too formal. Thanks. Nice to meet you too, Jinhwan-ssi." Bobby said being polite.

Jinhwan and Junhoe exchanged looks. He leaned forward to Junhoe which made the latter to lower his head because he felt that Jinhwan would say something in his ears.

"Enjoy your date." Jinhwan whispered at Junhoe and laughed.

"Hyung!" Junhoe uttered in a whiny tone and glared at him. Jinhwan just laughed at how cute Junhoe was.

He couldn't help himself but to tease Junhoe. Every time he sees his friend, he always has this urging feeling to tease him – not because he is a bully, but he always likes to see Junhoe's smile. It surprisingly calms him and always wants to see it.

"I gotta go. Hanbin is waiting for me at the next block." Jinhwan bid goodbye to both of them and walked towards the counter.

The lady handed him a paper bag of food and he turned to Junhoe and Bobby's direction to wave goodbye. The two guys waived back at him and said goodbye too.

He took his steps slowly while thinking of Junhoe and Bobby. Junhoe hadn't mentioned anything about Bobby being in Busan. The younger also didn't text him for the past days which bothered him but seeing the two together gave him the answer to his question. He thought Junhoe still texted him although he was busy at his training and seminar last week. This time he was with Bobby, so he didn't send anything to him. He felt a weird feeling thinking of it. He suddenly stopped to shrug his thought. "Are they back together?" He started to assume.

"Babe!" He lifted his head and saw Hanbin smiling wide at a distance while waving his hand.

He quickly forgot about what was in his mind and flashed a sweet smile to his cute fiancé. He lightly ran towards his partner and clung to his arm.

"Let's go home." He requested and they both headed home.

After they had their lunch, Jinhwan began to pack Hanbin's things as they only had few hours left before his partner went back to Seoul again. He double checked everything for Hanbin – from his clothes to necessities and some foods he cooked for him.

He couldn't help but check on his phone from time to time. He felt itchy to pry on Junhoe, but he ended up holding back himself from prying. He believed Junhoe will definitely talk to him about Bobby given how they've become close already.

"Thank you, hyung." He flinched when he felt Hanbin's hand wrapping him from behind as he was packing the last item on his bag.

"This is my job as your partner, so you don't have to say thank you all the time." He said and smiled at the younger.

"Starting now, I will say everything that's in my mind and I'll always say how thankful I am that you're mine." Hanbin muffled at his shoulder again.

These words weren't usually voiced out by his fiancé but same as the last few days, Hanbin randomly said sweet things to him that warmed his heart. He loved it honestly and it made him smile all the time.

"I appreciate it, Bin-ah. I really do. But you don't have to overdo it. Okay?" Jinhwan clarified while taping the younger on his arm.

"I won't. Don't worry." Hanbin replied and peck on his cheeks.

After dinner, it was time for Hanbin to leave so he could be in Seoul in the morning the next day for his duty. Jinhwan went to the train station with Hanbin to send his fiancé off. While waiting for the train, Hanbin kept on clinging to him like a child and though so many pairs of eyes glancing at them, he didn't mind. When they saw the train coming, Hanbin hugged him tightly for the last time and kissed him on the forehead. He nodded and smiled at his partner as goodbye. His heart felt heavy watching the back of his fiancé and thinking of another month and a half without seeing each other personally.

"Bin-ah!" He called out and ran towards him and gave Hanbin one quick kiss for the last time.

He saw the beam on Hanbin's face and the train door finally closed. He let out a deep sigh before walking away from the platform. Sound and calm night greeted him when he went outside the train station. He was about to get a cab when his phone vibrated. He excitedly grabbed it from his pocket thinking Hanbin might have sent a goodbye message. But he suddenly felt nervous when he saw the text.

From Junhoe 😊


He stared at his phone for 30 seconds not quite sure what this weird feeling he had. He pressed the call button and waited for Junhoe to pick up. He felt nervous when after 10 seconds Junhoe didn't answer. The latter usually picks up his call after 3 rings.

After another 10 seconds, he heard a faint voice on the other line which made him worried.

"Hyung..." Junhoe said in his weak low voice.

"Junhoe-ya, you don't sound good. Are you okay?" Jinhwan replied worriedly.

"I thought you were busy and didn't expect you'd call me." The voice on the other line answered, voice still faint.

"No. I just sent off Hanbin here at the train station. Are you crying?" He asked when he heard subtle sniff.

"We...talked." Junhoe admitted. He didn't ask who he was referring to since he already know the answer. The word 'talk' already gave him a hint on what he would be hearing next.

"I'm listening." He said in his soft voice. He walked towards the bench park at the side of the station and sat there because he sensed it would be another heavy night for him.

"I think we finally had our closure. We said everything we wanted to say. I feel like I have forgiven him already, but I am not ready to forget yet." Junhoe admitted.

Jinhwan started to sympathize.

"Forgetting is beyond man's control, Junhoe-ya. We never really forget. We just accept and move on. So, don't be too hard on yourself. Forgiving is not easy too." He lectured.

"I missed him for a while, but the longing couldn't suffice the pain just looking at him." He heard a little crack on Junhoe's voice on the other line that made his chest feel heavy.

"The greater the love, the greater the pain and sometimes doubled. So, he can't really blame you for feeling that way." He stopped for a second and hesitated to ask the next question he had in mind. "Uhm... does he know about your..." He couldn't finish the question but Junhoe knew what was it about so he answered right away.

"No. I didn't tell him about that. He doesn't need to know. I know him. This whole thing already sucks for him, so I don't intend to give him any burden anymore. He already feels worst about what he did to me. I don't want to...hurt him more. We're both recovering now. At least I am, and I know he is too. He's a strong man." Junhoe said.

Jinhwan couldn't help but admire Junhoe. He felt how selfless Junhoe's love for Bobby was and it hurt him knowing that it had to end like this. He thought Junhoe deserved someone who can love him the same way or even more.

"You're a good person, Junhoe-ya. I truly wish everything will be over soon for you. You deserve to be happy." He gently said.

Silent followed and silent cry on the other line. His heart was wrenching again hearing Junhoe's sob and he couldn't do anything to comfort his friend. He wished he was there with him, so he could pat his back and let him know that he truly cared for him.

"T-thank you, hyung for being there for me always. Bobby was the only friend I had, and now... I have no one." Junhoe said in between his tears.

"You have me now. I am your friend." He said full of sincerity. It is true that he will always be there for Junhoe as a friend. He truly cares for the guy.

"Sometimes, I just thought of shutting myself from everyone because I am scared that people will just leave me alone in the end." Junhoe confessed.

"You don't have to believe me, but I am willing to stay. So, don't isolate yourself from the world. Just take it slow." He encouraged him.

After exchanging 'thank you' and goodbye Jinhwan told Junhoe to rest and don't worry about anything anymore. He tried to lift his mood and it made Junhoe stopped crying. When Junhoe fell asleep, that's when he ended the long call and went home.


The next day.

Junhoe waited in the lounge for Bobby. They have a training on site again and he chooses to wait there first because he doesn't know how to act around Bobby after last night.

"Koo Junhoe. I am surprise you're early." A voice said which made him turn around only to see Chanwoo smiling and walking towards him with his case.

"Jung Chanwoo. Why are you here? I thought you're in Seoul?" Junhoe asked in confuse tone. He slid his hands in his pocket.

"I am supposed to be, but Yejin noona called me and I have no choice but to rush here." Chanwoo explained.

"W-where's..." He hesitated to say his name again.

"Bobby-ssi wanted to go back to Seoul for personal reason, that I don't know. But I guess you know." Chanwoo said in a teasing voice.

Junhoe felt bad for Bobby after hearing it. He knew that maybe he chose to go back to give him space and time he needed and so he could focus on his remaining 2 weeks of training. His friend still cares for him after all.

"How about your grandfather?" He changed the topic.

"He's fine now, so I can go back to work. Mom and dad are taking care of him."

"Oh, I see. Come one. Let's go." He demanded and they both drive to the next hotel for training.

While on their drive to their destination, Junhoe reached for his phone and open a blank message. He typed the number he knew by heart and sent a message.

To 010-5728-***

I will come around eventually, hyung. Don't beat yourself too much. Thank you for the chance to talk. I just want you to know that I already forgive you. Be happy. That's my wish. Grant that at least.

After sending the message, he looked outside and opened the window. He took a deep breath in his nose and felt something lifted off from his chest. He slowly flashed a half smile and he felt that everything's going to be okay now.


Seoul. A week later.

"Ya! Jaewon-ah. Come here. Put this on me. I can't do this alone." Hanbin yelled at his friend who was also doing his hair for the celebration which was in half an hour.

"Let me finish my hair first." Jaewon responded while checking himself in the mirror.

They are currently in Hanbin's dorm preparing. Hanbin already had his black pants and inner gray turtle neck on him and he finished his hair too. Jaewon was almost done too.

"You really look so manly on that black inner shirt." Hanbin complimented. Jaewon wore a greenish gray suit with a black loose long sleeve for his inner.

"I bet Jinhwan picked that outfit for you because it looks chic. You look so good. I hate Jinhwan for making you look like a human." Jaewon annoyed and gave him a teasing laugh.

"Ugh! Stop that. I already feel awkward with this. The seniors might think I am overdressed." Hanbin said in his worried tone.

"Oh, come on! Bet you, Yunhyeong will take this to another level. That guy loves to look great all the time. Haha! Look at him take a month to look for the perfect suit tonight." Jaewon joked again.

"Yunhyeong and Donghyuk are handsome already. Many patients always look for them in the hospital. Of course, they need to dress well." Hanbin responded while putting his suit on.

"Jinhwan perfectly picked out this necklace to complete your look. Come here." Jaewon said and Hanbin walked close to him so he could put the necklace on him. He couldn't deny he liked his whole appearance.

"Don't worry, you look good yourself. I'm expecting Yerin to be swooned again." He teased.

"I actually look forward to seeing the girls." His friend said and peeked on his side to look at him in the mirror. Jaewon winked at him and he just shook his head.

After they finished their preparation, they went to the hotel near the hospital where their venue was. Since the hospital is one of the most prestigious and famous in Seoul, the anniversary party is a little extravagant as he expected. They were to celebrate in a grand ballroom he felt grateful that he let Jinhwan dress him after seeing the senior doctors in the venue. They all looked like attending an award show or something, he thought.

They were waiting for the others at the lounge, so they could come in the room together. They still have 15 minutes left before the start of the celebration. Loud gossip and camera flashes are all over the venue. A few minutes of waiting, they saw Yunhyeong and Donghyuk walking towards them. He gave them a wow look and a teasing smile.

"Wow, you two looks gorgeous." Jaewon praised the two.

"Ah, thanks Sunbae. You too look awesome." Donghyuk responded and Yunhyeong also said his compliment.

"Ya, Kim Hanbin. I am surprised. You look amazing. Didn't know you had that in you." Yunhyeong referred to him and admired his look.

"Oh, stop all of you. I've been feeling more awkward the you say that." Hanbin shyly said.

"Ugh, I want to thank Jinhwan-hyung for taking care of you. He's really doing a good job." Donghyuk added.

"Why do you always say that? I'm good at taking care of him too. Give me some credits." Hanbin joked back.

"See? We all know that Jinhwan-hyung is too good for you." Jaewon said and winked at him.

Their laughter turned to surprised faces when Yerin and Dahyun came to their area to join them. The ladies looked stunning and all of them took 15 seconds to admire the beautiful ladies.

"W-wow." Jaewon said in astonishment.

"Ladies, I almost didn't recognize you both. Wow!" Donghyuk stated next.

Yunhyeong then clapped his hands to praise the now shy ladies.

"Everyday should always be like this so we don't have to nag you both to wash your hair. I'm impressed ladies." Yunhyeong teased and gave them two thumbs up.

"Ahh, now I'm shy. Look at all of you too. You look real men." Yerin gave back the compliment.

"'Yerin really looks beautiful right? I like her dress." Dahyun pointed out the black dress with the white ribbon that Yerin wore.

"Oh, you look beautiful too, Dahyun-ah. You look classy." Yerin said.

"Oh, thanks." The pretty lady in white dress responded.

"Y-you look great, sunbae." Dahyun turned to Hanbin and praised his outfit too.

"Thank you. You both look great too." Hanbin responded with a smile.

"Can we take a selfie first? I'm gonna send it to hyung. He wants to see all of you." He requested, and their squad compressed to fit in the phone screen.

They took a few selfies and he sent all of them to Jinhwan saying the program was about to start. The four walked inside the ballroom room first and Jaewon and him walked in the same pace behind them.

"Now, aren't you still going to hit on Yerin? She looks pretty." Hanbin teased his friend while saying those words in his ears.

"She is. I feel sad. But, nah. I'm still gay." Jaewon whispered back and put his arm around Hanbin's shoulder.

Hanbin smiled and shook his head as they totally went inside the venue and headed to their respective table. The party kicked off with the introduction of executives and of course, the welcome message from the President of the hospital. Like any other hospital anniversary ceremony, there were certificate of recognition given to those doctors with outstanding performance. They awarded those who had lifted the credibility of the hospital.

"Hmm, the food is really out of this world." Yunhyeong said while his reaction showed that he really loved the savory food he was eating.

They all enjoyed the food together as they listened to the program rolling. Hanbin felt a slight nudge on his elbow and he turned his head. It was from Jaewon.

"I think you're going up on stage tonight." Jaewon whispered while chewing his steak.

"I am not. Stop it. I don't expect anything." Hanbin shushed him and he drank from his glass of water.

"You've performed one of the most crucial and important operation last month with the director of neuro surgeons. You won't leave this party empty-handed." His friend said and winked at him.

He only shook his head. Truly, he wasn't expecting anything. The operation he did last month with the director was purely a job for him. He wasn't even expecting him to join the team because it was a crucial operation. It was almost a death table for everyone. But since the team performed it were the best of the best surgeons in the country, they pulled it through. He wouldn't even take any credit for it since he was only there as a doctor and nothing more.

"Lastly, we would like to take this moment to thank all the hard-working doctors and the future of South Korea. You all did a great job for taking care of the people in need. So, for our last Plaque of Appreciation, we decided to give this to the person who showed and performed in his excellent job. He is the future of the Department of Neurosurgery. Our youngest but one of the best neurosurgeons of this generation, give a round of applause to Dr. Kim Hanbin." The director announced.

Hanbin abruptly stopped chewing the meat in his mouth when he heard his name being called. He lifted his head and saw the people in their table beaming at him while clapping their hands.

"Ya! Kim Hanbin! I'm so proud of you!" Yunhyeong said which was also followed by Donghyuk's congratulation.

"I told you. Go get your award." Jaewon snapped his out of his mental shock and he wiped his mouth first before standing up to walk to the stage.

He could see all other seniors and doctors in the room smiled and congratulated him. He couldn't count the times his head went up and down until he made it to the stage. He was on the verge of crying, but he held it to himself while receiving the award. He was literally shaking when the director gave him the mic to give him a moment for his speech. He wasn't ready for this, so he just spoke what's in his mind.

"Uhm—Uhmm, I honestly couldn't believe I am holding such award tonight. Woah. I feel like dreaming. I—I didn't expect this. Woah." His dazed and astonished expression had the crowd laughing at him.

"Uhm, just want to say thank you for giving me this appreciation. I will work hard every day, so I can give hope to all the people suffering from any disease. I also want to thank my hard-working team..." Hanbin raised his hand holding the plaque and pointed to their table, "this award is for all of us. To the department of neurosurgery, thank you so much for trusting in me and for trusting the lives of the people to me." The next lines took him 10 seconds before saying because he hesitated at first.

"Lastly, to my fiancé, you aren't here tonight, but I also want to thank you. You never failed to be my inspiration to achieve all my dreams. I love you! Thank you so much!" He ended his speech on that note. He turned to the big guys on stage and gave them the 90-degree bow.

He went back to their table and welcomed with arms, nudge, and congratulations. The team was so happy for him he could see it all in their faces. He felt like he was in cloud nine. The feeling was surreal. The program carried on with some performances and the party time.

The celebration ended at 9pm. He still couldn't believe what happened as he stared and smiled at the plaque like it was the most precious thing in the world. Well, it was for him because it was the proof of his hard-work and his validation.

"Let's celebrate you, Sunbae!" He heard Yerin offered which lit up the mood of the team.

"Yes! We won't end this day without having our own celebration." Dahyun added.

"Wow. We should really grant these ladies wish, hyung." Donghyuk agreed.

"Of course, we will. Come one. Let's go to karaoke!" Yunhyeong said as he put his arm around Hanbin's shoulder and dragged him.

They went to a more private karaoke room just to be more relaxing as they celebrate the special event at the same time. The guys ordered 2 buckets of beer and some snacks.

"Let's call hyung." He suggested, and the others were excited while waiting for his partner on the screen to show.

"Babe!" He almost yelled when he saw Jinhwan's face on the screen. The other also squeezed in to see his fiancé.

"Oh! Hanbin-ah. Hello guys! I miss you. Wow, you look great tonight." Jinhwan said on the other line while waving.

"Hyung!!! We miss you too! Hope you're here tonight it would have been more fun!" Donghyuk said and popped his head in front of the camera. Yunhyeong removed his face blocking the screen and made himself seen.

"Hanbin should have brought you back with him. I hate him now!" He whined in a playful tone.

"Aawh, you guys are so sweet. I really want to see you all. But, let's meet next month." The older replied.

"Jinan-oppa!" Yerin and Dahyun butted in and both squeezed in too. Hanbin just gave them the phone instead to make their life easier.

"Yerin-ah. Dahyun-ah. You two looks gorgeous! I'm guessing some doctors will hit on you soon." Jinhwan teased them.

"Aaah, oppa! I wish they will. We really prepared tonight." Yerin said and took a glanced on Jaewon which was also looking at him. She felt awkward and turned her gaze away immediately.

"You all enjoy, okay? But please don't let Hanbin drink too much. He's so handful. I will feel bad for you if you take care a drunk Hanbin. So, I'm sparing you from trouble." Hanbin heard his partner joked. He shook his head and just smiled.

"Visit us soon, oppa. We miss you. Bye!" Dahyun waved goodbye with Yerin and returned the phone to Hanbin.

When Hanbin turned the screen to him, Jaewon blocked the camera to show his face to Jinhwan too.

"Jinhwan-hyung, you did a good job to transform Hanbin into a human. I need to acknowledge you for that. Thanks!" After that Jaewon moved away to dodge Hanbin's slap.

He heard Jinhwan laughed out loud on the other line. He stood up and went outside, so he could have his own time with his fiancé. He felt like he needed a hug from him because of the overwhelming emotion he had from the celebration.

"You all look like you're having fun. I'm glad." Jinhwan said. He finally hit the narrow alley which was more quiet than their room.

"I have a surprise." He started. "I was given a plaque of appreciation." He confessed. He saw Jinhwan's face lit up and gave him a side smile.

"Wow. Really? Congratulations! You didn't tell me you're receiving an award. I'm so proud of you." His partner replied.

"I honestly didn't expect it that's why I didn't mention about the giving of awards at all. I was surprised." Hanbin stated.

"I wish I was there when they hand you the award, babe. I missed an important event." Jinhwan pouted.

"We both didn't expect it. I'll show it later. I already took a photo of it." Hanbin said and smiled.

His wide smile slowly turned into confused expression when he heard other voice on the other line that was not Jinhwan's. He saw his partner turned his head somewhere.

"Ya, not there. It's on the other side." Jinhwan said to someone. His eyebrows narrowed.

"Are you with someone?" He asked a little confused. He didn't want to assume anyone but only one person came to his mind and he slowly became nervous when Jinhwan motioned the camera around and showed the other guy's back.

"Ah, I forgot. Junhoe-ya! Say hi." Jinhwan demanded the younger and he saw Junhoe bowed and waved at him.

He wasn't the jealous type of guy, but right now, he thinks he feels a little jealous seeing Jinhwan again alone with Junhoe. They looked like they just finished cooking again and was about to take dinner since he saw Junhoe getting some plates and preparing the table. His heart hurt a little as an awful memory flashed in his mind again. It was an unpleasant scene of Jinhwan on top of Junhoe the last time they cooked together.

"O-oh. You didn't tell me he was there. A-are you eating dinner now?" He asked trying to sound casual.

"I thought you're busy with the celebration and will tell you later. Yes. We are about to eat dinner. Glad, he visits me I'm not alone on dinner." Jinhwan said as he smiled.

Unwanted thoughts and emotion were slowly creeping in him. He didn't want to think of anything that could ruin the night both for him and for his smiling Jinhwan. Jealousy is not his type, so why would he feel jealous now? He just responded with a smile before speaking again.

"Enjoy your dinner, okay? I'll text you once I get home." He said and sincerely smiled at his fiancé.

"Ya, don't drink too much, okay? Go celebrate but remember I am not there to take care of your drunk ass. So, you don't drink more than 2 bottles of beer." Jinhwan warned him and he found him cute glaring at him from the screen while pressing his lips against each other.

"Got it, babe. Now, I'm going. I love you." He said.

"Me too. Bye! Enjoy. And I am always proud of you, remember that." Jinhwan gave him a sincere look and his favorite smile.

His heart warmed, and they decided to end the call. He still felt uneasy with Junhoe in the house, but he decided to shrug it off and returned in the room with a wide smile.

"Oh, here's the man of the night! Come here! Don't rub it in our faces that we're single. Come drink!" Jaewon said while raising the bottle of beer.

The party went on. All of them took turns on singing. They sang pop songs, danced, and even sang ballad. Jaewon sang and rap and they filled the room with so much laughter and fun. Hanbin was having a good time and didn't realize that it's already their 4th bucket of beer and he lost count of how many did he already drank. The other guys were also starting to get drunk. The night deepens and the last thing Hanbin remembered was Jaewon talking to him about Jinhwan again. The rest was completely blackout.

The next day.

Hanbin was already half awake. A memory slowly came back in his head. He saw Jinhwan last night and he was very happy. He didn't expect his partner to show up when he was really wasted. After his talk with Jaewon about him being worried of Jinhwan and Junhoe, he felt emotional when his fiancé showed up and tucked him in bed. Surprisingly he didn't scold him. He also sounded a little drunk. They just saw each other last week and the longing was still strong. He couldn't help but kissed him hard and almost bruised his partner's lips because of his constant biting. The alcohol fueled the lust and desire he had since he last saw his fiancé with Junhoe that same night. He never pleasured himself so much like he did last night with Jinhwan. It was almost heaven to him. He felt happy knowing that in just 2 months, they'll be celebrating their 1st year engagement anniversary and their 3rd year being together.

Hanbin suddenly felt cold because of the cold air in his room as he pulled up the thick blanket to cover his naked body. He smiled in the warmth of it and wanted to sleep more since he could feel the bad hangover kicking in. But the sound of his ringtone stopped him from sleeping back. Sluggishly, he reached for his phone somewhere with eyes still closed. When he grabbed it, he opened his right eye a little just to see the answer button and shut his eye again.

"Ya, Jaewon-ah. It's too early, why are you calling me." Hanbin said in his low, sleepy, and still drunk voice.

"Woah. Did you enjoy that much? You must have a very bad hangover today." The voice on the other line answered with an airy laugh.

"Hmm, so let me sleep more. You just disturbed me." Hanbin responded again with the same tone.

"You're such a baby when you're drunk. I feel bad I am not there to cook your hangover soup, babe." The other guy said.

Hanbin's eyebrows narrowed and immediately opened his eyes. He thought he just heard it wrong, so he held his phone away from his ears and checked the name of the caller again.

"Babe <3"

His eyes widened, and his heart felt nervous when he saw Jinhwan's contact on the screen. He was surprised to know that everything he just remembered was a dream. It felt so real.

"B-babe. I'm sorry. I thought you came here last night. I had a dream." Hanbin said in disappointment.

"Aaawh, I wish I did. You should get up now and cure your hangover." Jinhwan said.

"I will. Just 5 more minutes." Hanbin replied and he felt a slight movement on the other side of the bed. He didn't mind it at first.

"Okay. Call me if you need anything. I am really worried. You didn't even text me last night." Jinhwan uttered in a soft and sad voice.

Another movement was felt by Hanbin on the bed when he didn't even more. His eyes widened again when he heard a soft moan.


He slowly turned his head very curious of what he just heard. His jaw dropped when he saw the girl beside him naked. His grip on the phone tightened and his free hand covered his open mouth. He was in utter shock.

"Hanbin-ah, are you okay?" Jinhwan asked again when it took him a while to answer.

"A-ah... A-ah. Yes. I'm getting up now. Talk to you later, hyung. Bye." Hanbin said in rush and didn't let Jinhwan answered before he ended the call. He instantly sat on bed.

He dropped his phone on the side and grabbed his hair with both hands while still eyes wide open staring at the drunk girl on his bed. His heart almost dropped when the girl slowly opened her eyes and saw him.

"Aaah!!" She shouted and held the blanket up to cover her body. She looked as shocked and confused as he was.

"W-what happened, D-Dahyun-ah." Hanbin couldn't believe what was happening in his room this early morning.

What the fuck happened last night? Hanbin asked in his head.

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