Meggy X Reader: Endgame

By InfiniteLeJackal

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A decade after the events of Meggy X Reader, Xeggy and Wario-man return, but they're not alone. They've hired... More

Prologue 1/3: The Beginning
Prologue 2/3: Declaring War
Prologue 3/3: Heroes Unite!
Chapter 1: Let Us Fight
Chapter 2: Robot Swarm
Chapter 3: Shadow Jackals
Chapter 4: Android Parade
Chapter 5: Times Ticking
Chapter 6: Elemental Chaos
Chapter 7: Neo's Power
Chapter 9: Double Infinite
Chapter 10: Steel Behemoth
Chapter 11: Family of Darkness
Chapter 12: MY WORLD
Chapter 13: Unexpected Newcomers
Chapter 14: Mind Control Insanity
Chapter 15: Rise of an Ultragod
Chapter 16: Dust
Chapter 17: Goddess of Lightning
Chapter 18: Xeggy, Bringer of Destruction
Chapter 19: Squidnapped
Chapter 20: I Am... Inevitable.
Chapter 21: Water Colossus
Chapter 22: Past, Present, and Future
Chapter 23: Tornado Valley
Chapter 24: Rocky Business
Chapter 25: The Ones From Hell
Chapter 26: Burn It Up
Chapter 27: Chill Out
Chapter 28: Syn's Revenge
Chapter 29: Smeshfinite, King of Gods
Chapter 30: Terror and Fear
Chapter 31: Sweet Victory
Epilogue 1/4: Fire Jackal's Freedom
Epilogue 2/4: Epic Dance Off!
Epilogue 3/4: Dark Allies
Epilogue 4/4: Many Years Later...
Bonus Chapter 32: Venom!
Bonus Chapter 33: He Is Number WAHN!
Bonus Chapter 34: An Arrow and Whistles

Chapter 8: Demons

624 6 1.4K
By InfiniteLeJackal

(Y/N): Let's keep the Weegee Stone well protected.

Meggy: Yeah. 

Infinite: It's risky to keep, but we have to stop Wario-man from getting all six. He's got HALF of them already...

Crystalonetta: We can't afford him getting any more...

Comet: Indeed, mom...

Machito suddenly stopped.

Infinite: Huh?

(Y/N): Machito, are you okay?

Machito: Something's wrong. Aqua... Is in trouble.

Meggy: Uh oh!

(Y/N): Where is she?!

Infinite: Hmm... She's not far from here. 

Machito: We need to hurry!

Meggy: Right on!

Infinite: Alright, let's go save our little sister.

Comet: Aunt Aqua, we're coming!

Infinite teleported everyone to Aqua's location, but what you saw was horrifying.

(Y/N): W-what... The... F-fuck...

Dead bodies were everywhere. Blood was splattered on the walls, and organs were put together to form messed up pieces of art.

Meggy: Oh my god...

Infinite: Exetior. He's here.

Machito: Aqua?! Aqua, where are you?!

You heard a faint voice coming from a nearby building.

(Y/N): I hear someone...!

You walked into the building, and found Aqua holding her arm, which was covered in blood.

Infinite: Aqua!

Meggy: Are you okay?!

Aqua: Y-yeah... I got attacked by Sonic.exe... And Towa and Mira.

(Y/N): Oh no... Those two...

Crystalonetta: I see why Sonic.exe would make friends with those two. Those three are all cold-hearted.

There was a clap of thunder, the sky turned completely dark, and the clouds turned red.

Aqua: This isn't good...

Comet: Dad... I'm getting worried...

Infinite: Stay calm, son. I won't let these demons hurt you, okay?

Comet: Okay...

Infinite hugged his son tightly, as you finished bandaging Aqua's wound.

Aqua: Thanks.

(Y/N): You're welcome!

Crystalonetta: Let's go demon hunting.

Meggy: Right!

You walked outside, and looked at the sky.

(Y/N): Jesus Christ...

Meggy: This is really unsettling...

Infinite: Comet, stay behind me and your mom, alright?

Comet: Got it.

You walked past the dead bodies, and held Meggy's hand.

(Y/N): These demons are heartless... Look at this...

The dead bodies were endless. A female Inkling had been stabbed in the back, along with her head torn clean off. A jackal had his throat slit, and his eyes were gouged out. A Blood Raven had all off his limbs ripped from their sockets, and his neck snapped.

Crystalonetta: We'll avenge all of these people...

Machito: Yeah...

Infinite: Hmm... Who was the one who ended up killing Sonic.exe during the first war?

Machito: It was SB123 Clauds, she-

(Y/N): Machito? You okay?

Machito: Oh no... WE NEED TO FIND SB123 CLAUDS NOW!

Meggy: Why?

Machito: Sonic.exe is most likely hunting for her!

(Y/N): Oh shit, you're right...

Aqua: She could be anywhere though!

Infinite: Crap... I'll fly around and see if I can-

A few buildings suddenly exploded, as SB123 Clauds was thrown out of the clouds of dust and smoke.

Machito: SB123 Sweetie-pie!

SB123 Clauds: AAAAHHHHHH!!!

Machito wall jumped, and quickly caught SB123 Clauds.

SB123 Clauds: Thanks, my hero!

Aqua: G-guys...?

You turned around, and saw a pair of glowing red dots in the darkness.

(Y/N): Hello there... Sonic.exe.

The demon hedgehog walked out of the shadows, along with Towa and Mira.

Sonic.exe: An entire decade I have been waiting for this day. Not only to have my revenge on all of you, but to make that magenta bitch go through endless torture.

SB123 Clauds hugged Machito tightly, as he took his Wind Sabers out.

Infinite: You three aren't doing ANYTHING to her.

Crystalonetta: Yeah! If you want to hurt SB123 Clauds, you'll have to get past us first!

Sonic.exe smiled, and jumped at the married couple while letting out a loud screech.

Infinite: AH!

Infinite, Crystalonetta, and Sonic.exe disappeared.

Machito: BROTHER?

(Y/N): W-wha?! What happened?!

Meggy: They just vanished!

Towa: Hahahaha! They're somewhere very bad. And you can't save them...



Infinite and Crystalonetta found themselves in a strange hallway.

Crystalonetta: W-where are we?

Infinite: I don't know...  I'm feeling uneasy.

The two started to walk, unaware of the shadow behind them that slithered into the darkness.

Infinite: This doesn't seem so bad.

Crystalonetta: I hear a piano... Which is playing a peaceful song... 

Infinite: Wait, what's that?

It was a long staircase.

Crystalonetta: Stairs... Lots of stairs.

The two walked down the stairs, the walls got darker and the torches turned blue.

Infinite: Uhhh... That's not normal.

Crystalonetta: Blue fire? The walls changed too...

Infinite: Let's keep going. I'm sure we'll find the way out, sweetheart.

The married couple kept walking, and found yet another staircase.

Crystalonetta: Another one...?

Infinite: What the fuck is this place?

Crystalonetta: Maybe we should turn-

The area behind them was now completely surrounded in darkness.

Crystalonetta: Back.

Infinite: Nope. So much nope...

The two heard a snarl.

Crystalonetta: W-what was that?

Sonic.exe suddenly jumped out of the darkness, and made a terrifying face.


Infinite: OH WHAT THE F-

The two walked backwards, and lost their balance and started to fall down the stairs.

Infinite: OW! 

Crystalonetta: AGH!

Infinite and Crystalonetta fell to the bottom of the stairs, bruised and battered from the fall. The walls had gotten really dark, and the torches were now black.

Crystalonetta: Shit...

Infinite: Fuck... That gave me a big heart attack...

Sonic.exe appeared in front of the two, and everything went red static. 

(Back with you...)

(Y/N): You two have gotten way stronger since last time!

Towa: That goes for you too.


Comet: If you've done something bad to my parents, I'll make you regret it!

Mira: Is that so?

Sonic.exe reappeared, and let out his Kefka laugh.

(Y/N): Where are they?!

Sonic.exe: Right here...

Infinite and Crystalonetta appeared beside Sonic.exe, and opened their eyes, which were now like Sonic.exe's eyes.

Meggy: W-what... Did...

Comet: Y-you... Do?!

Sonic.exe: They're now part of my soul collection, but before I harvest them, I'll allow them to have some fun. Infinite.exe and Crystalonetta.exe? Kill them.

Infinite.exe: Yes, Exetior.

Crystalonetta.exe: Ready to die...?

(Y/N): No! Infinite, Crystalonetta! Listen, this isn't you!

The two flew at you, and started to claw at everyone.

Sonic.exe: I wish to stay and watch them tear you to bloody pieces, but I'm busy. Come on, Towa and Mira. Let's go kill some more people.

Towa: Very well.

The three demons disappeared.


Crystalonetta.exe grabbed Meggy by the neck, and started to claw at her legs.

Meggy: ARGH!

(Y/N): Meggy!

You kicked Crystalonetta.exe, and grabbed Meggy.

Meggy: My legs... Carp...!

Infinite.exe: It's pointless...

Crystalonetta.exe: Join us...

Machito: Brother...! Please... Come back...!

Infinite.exe: Your brother is no longer here. It is just HELL itself-

???: Begone, demonspawn!

(Y/N): Huh?

Aqua: Wait-

Cristina flew past Infinite.exe and Crystalonetta.exe with a sword in her hand.

Machito: Cristina!

Infinite.exe: W-what did you just...

Crystalonetta.exe: Do...?

Cristina: I fused a Holy Hand Grenade with my sword! Now, whatever it touches will be cleansed of demons!

Infinite.exe: NO! 

The married couple turned back to normal, and fell to the floor.

(Y/N): Infinite! Crystal!

You ran to the two, and helped them get up.

Infinite: Holy shit...

Crystalonetta: W-what happened, honey...?

Infinite: I don't know...

The two hugged each other tightly.

Machito: Thank god...

SB123 Clauds: Wait, where is Aqua?

The heads of Dr. Pootis and Enzo suddenly rolled in front of you.



Aqua: More villains down!

Machito: Nice work, Aqua!

You kicked the heads away, and started to freak out.

Infinite: Let's take a break for now... My god...

Crystalonetta: I agree... What just happened to us was beyond terrifying than anything else we have seen before...

(Sonic.exe: *Kefka Laugh* Ready for round 2, (Y/N)?)

Anyways, lata!

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