Breeze Among Flowers (On Hold)

By DarkPhoenix4

9.9K 408 156

She has been living a life of secrets and is shattered after discovering the truths. Her life isn't the way i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 7

373 16 5
By DarkPhoenix4

Picture of Dean.



Ignore me.

I don’t care.

I am used to it anyways.

I was always invisible.



          I have Biology as my last lesson of the day. Even though I have no will to attend it, I force myself to walk to my locker to grab my books and head for the class. I don’t know what made me apologize to Faith; the moment was truly awkward. I guess I felt little remorseful about catching her wrist too tightly. I did feel my finger- tips become a little wet after a few moment of holding her wrist, I hope that was only her sweat and not blood.

          Still makes me wonder that why would that be sweat? A person normally doesn’t sweat from all over the body, now do they? Whatever, why should I be bothered now anyways? My job was to apologize and I did it.

          As I walk through the hall and towards my class, I pass by a couple of giggling girls, probably having some guy talks. Why do girls have to be so giggly and girly?

          I look down and continue my walk until I reach my class. I take a seat on the back corner, which is my usual seat. The bell didn’t go yet, so the class was still empty with only two more students here.

          I take a look at my watch, which shows that the bell will ring any minute now and this silent atmosphere will fill with babbles and giggles. I sigh at the thought and do nothing, but look down at the cover of my Biology book.

          As expected, students start to burst inside the class, creating a chaos. I exhale a little loudly and continue to stare at my book god knows why. Sometimes, I think that if I ever had friends, would I also be blabbering and entering the class with them? I mentally laugh at that thought. Me, and friends? Hah.

          After an hour of listening to some boring lecture about the human circulatory system by Mr. Borrington, the bell finally rings and I get up to escape, before the halls get crowded.

          But before I could leave, Faith walks up to me and stops me in my place. She must be feeling really happy as this is the first time she could actually get a hold of me.

          “Hey um, I just wanted to ask, could I come to your place with my friend Nathan so you could help me out with some Math work before Ms. Jones gives us another unexpected test?” she asks buoyantly.

          I freeze at her question. She wants to come where I live? No. Not in a million years that could happen. If she gets to know anything about me and my life, I bet it wouldn’t be long until everyone around here, including the teachers, get to know them as well. I hate when people looks at me with sympathy, which is likely to happen if anyone get to know.

          She coughs a bit flouting me out of my thoughts.

          “No! Just cause I agreed to help you out, you don’t have any rights to try to me do you get that?” I say cruelly, but low enough so others cannot hear.

          “What? Why would you even say that?” Faith says frowning a bit.

          I don’t know why but I have never seen her smile; true smile, or heard her laugh. I don’t feel any better behaving so rudely with a person who hasn’t done anything to me but not my fault if someone else did, causing me to become such a ruthless bastard.

          “Well honey, no need to pretend alright? I know what type of girls you are. See some handsome guy and start hitting on them just to get a taste of them and leave in order to find another,” I reply her cold-bloodedly.

          “Well sir, you don’t know what type of girl am I so I’d appreciate that if you stop comparing me to my sister,” she says strictly and a little too loud now, as the classroom was empty.

          I say nothing but glare at her in hatred, but still I was to admit that she had the guts to walk up to me and reply to my vile comments.

          She walks away, clutching her book against her chest with both her arms. When she reaches the door, she stops and looks at me, I can see the distress in her brown eyes.

          “You do know that because of your behavior, you don’t have friends right? Stop pushing people away Kyle, I know how it feels to be lonely,” she says in a serene tone and leaves the classroom.

          I stand there motionless, as her last words keeps pondering in my head.

          I know how it feels to be lonely.

          Is that because I witnessed her break up with a bitchy friend of hers? No one has ever told me that they know how it felt to be lonely. No, she doesn’t know how it feels to be lonely. She has friends, most people here knows her and is really friendly with her. I was distracted from my thoughts when my phone started buzzing in my pocket.

          “Hey dear, when are you heading back? I am a bit scared, some of the girls came running back telling that there were chances of us being attacked tonight,” Violet says sounding apprehensive.

          I was bought back to reality after what Violet told me.

          “I am coming right away, don’t worry, just keep everyone inside and make sure all doors and windows locked,” I say hanging up.

          This can’t be happening. Since summer, there was no sign that those people existed in the city. Violet told me, after my departure from the city, only a couple of times this happened but then it’s been 3 months all these stopped. Was it because they knew I was here, or was there will to visit us today was for me?

          I was no time and get into my car. As I start it, I see Faith standing alone, near the bus stand. Where was her friends? Well at least where was that guy she seemed to hung out with?         

          I press the accelerator knowing that I have to time to think about someone else’s life.

          I was half way to my ‘house’ when I saw a couple of people standing in the middle of the road, causing me to hit break.

          “Get out of the way bastards!” I open my car window and shout as irritation rushes through my veins.

          “We’re not here to move away Kyle,” says a cold voice which, at once I recognize whom it belonged to.

          I look to my right to see the face that still haunts me in my dreams. In these two years, he hasn’t changed a bit. He still applies hair gel in order to make them into a mohawk with sideburns. His deep blue eyes still glazes while he looks with intensity in his eyes.

          I get out of the car, slamming my door shut; my eyes never leaving his tall figure. He goes and stands with the other guys in front of my car.

          “Dean,” I say making my fist into a stiff ball.

          “Good thing you remember me,” he says with a smirk across his face.

          “You didn’t leave an option for me to forget you,” I say as anger boils in me.

          “Well now that’s what I don’t want to happen right?” he says with a dry laugh.

          “Cut out the drama Dean, what do you want?” I say raising my voice as I walk two steps forward.

          “You know exactly what I want little boy,” he says as his smirk grows wider.

          “I am no little boy anymore, do you hear me?!” I say on top of my lungs, feeling frustrated.

          “Ops, I forgot, that’s the problem. Kyle, it’s good to know you are back in the city, and it will be good if you’re back with me too,” he says coldly.

          Fear and anger, a mixture of both rushes through my body. I know I left the  city and went to my cousin’s in California to get away from my past, but I couldn’t leave Violet when Dean decided to do the same things he did to me to others. I had to come back for them but I know what Dean is capable of. I know till what limit he can do to have e back by his side.

          “Dean, we’ve talked about this. Leave them alone, and me too,” I say matching his tone.

          “How do you possibly expect me to listen to you so easily kid?” Dean says sounding perfectly calm.     

          “I told you Dean, I haven’t spoken about you to anyone, and neither will I, so please get out of my life,” I reply pithily.

          “We were out of your life for the past two years Dean, you decided to come back for that pit of hole, you decided to come back to save the other unworthy kids,” Dean says and I can see his face grow out of fury.

          I swallow the lump on my throat. I stand there motionless as all the memories of my past comes crashing in front of me. What Dean was saying is practically write. I did come back on my will, but it was only for Violet. I could turn my back on the only person who never betrayed me. I had to help her.

          “Awh poor kid, don’t worry, we won’t lay a finger on anyone if you decide to join us back, we’d move somewhere else to continue our business,” Dean says sounding pathetic now.

          Business. Dirty illegal business.

          “I don’t want to work with you anymore Dean! I don’t want to do illegal and heartless activities!” I shout at him.

          “Oh so now you know they are illegal? Well, were you so blinded by Monica that back then you listened to her not caring about what you were actually doing?” he says giving a cruel laughter.

          I glare at him disgustingly as those words escapes his mouth. Not able to control my wrath anymore, I run towards him and smack him down on the ground sending a hard stroke across his face. There were 4 four guys along with him, out of which, two held me by my arms now and the other two started hitting my harder than ever. The punched and kicked me in my stomach and face, making me shiver in pain.

          After what seemed like hours, they stopped. My visions were going blur and my head ached in pain. I wasn’t able to see or think straight. I lay there on the middle of the road, groaning in pain.

          “Well, well, I guess we had to remind you what it’s like to mess with me,” Dean says wittily.

          He stoops beside me, and run his hand through my hair. I was breathing rapidly as pain was the only thing my body was feeling at this very moment. Dean grins at me then pulls my hair, straightening my head, which makes me groan louder.

          “Listen kid, do as I say, and you don’t have to destroy your pretty face, get that?” he states threateningly.

          I shut my eyes close as by now, I feel my body going numb. He lets go of my hair and my head crashes hard with the rough road.

          “Oh and you don’t have to worry anymore, we had enough for today, we wouldn’t bother Violet and others,” Dean smirks and with that he walks away.

          I lay there helplessly. I can’t help but wonder why hasn’t any car or any person, come by this way? I try to get to my feet, but due to getting bashed up by two grown ups, I have no energy in me, and so I fail miserably. My lips were bleeding and one of my eyes hurt really badly now, and I also cough out some blood, which makes my ribs hurt.

          Suddenly, I felt someone helping me to get to my feet. Due to extreme pain, and blurry vision, I cannot make out who it is. He/she, helps me get in the car, but the person makes me sit on the passenger seat. As the driver’s door open, I try and see a familiar face get in and start the engine.


          I whisper before falling into complete darkness.

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