RWBY Volume 1 The Start Of Th...

By fatalgreen11

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Team RWBY well soon exist but others will be joining they're journey each of them forming some kind of specia... More

Red Brazil Trailer
Violet Scarlet Trailer
Blue Swordsmen Trailer
Yellow Drago Trailer
Begining Of A Journey
Welcome To Beacon Academy
All in the same room
Taken The First Steps
Taken The First Steps 2
Found...chess pieces?
Double Trouble
Valetines Special
The Fith Brother
White Spartan Trailer
First Day Of Class
Good Leader?
A Moment With Each Other
A Moment With Each Other Part 2
A Moment With Each Another part 3
Falls Arrest
A Family Fight
Challenging Conflicts
Facing In The Forever Fall Part 2
Finishing the conflict
Finishing The Conflict part 2
A Easy Break
The Family Intentions
Red Stands For Love
A Faunus Romance
The Knight And The Princess
Judgement 2
A Run Away Cat
A lost Cat
Catching them in the act
White Forgives Black
Red Stratos Vs White Spartan
Red Stratos vs White Spartan part 2

Facing In The Forever Fall

77 0 0
By fatalgreen11

Pyrrah: I've stared out of the window of my dorm room just thinking about the conversation me and Jaune had I feel so upset from it I can't even remove my mind from it

Nora: I repeatedly jumped on my bed as I look towards Pyrrah"How come Jaune gets home so late?"

Ren: After I cleaned my weapon I pull the silde back to see if it functional"He's become rather scarce ever since he's been fraternizing with Cardin."

Nora: "Thats werid. Dosen't he know we have a field trip tomorrow? We need our rest!" I twirl in mid air after my last jump, landing on my bed on my back side

Pyrrha: I flet aggravated just thinking about him"I'm sure our leader knows exactly what he's doing." I put on a expression that can only describe anger

Nora: "Hmm..." Me and Ren look at each other confuse "I guess so."

Jaune: After hearing what everyone else said I slowly close the door abit as I just look down the ground

Ruby: "Hey Jaune."

Jaune: "Guh!" I got scared while turning around to see Ruby standing behinde me

Ruby: I chuckle a bit to his reaction"Long time no see." I point my finger to the door of his dorm room"Did you lock yourself out again?"

Jaune: I rubbed the back of my head out of embarrassment"OH uh, nope! Heh, got it!" I pull out my key to show it to her

Ruby: "So, where have you been lately?"

Jaune: "I uh..." I look away from her to come up with a lie but in the end I couldn't so I just sigh"I messed up. I did something I shouldn't have and now Cardin's got me on a leash and Pyrrha won't even talk to me...." I sigh again"I'm starting to think coming to this school was a bad idea." I lean against my door sliding down on it till I touch the ground, then I look down on the ground"I'm a failure."

Ruby: "Nope."

Jaune: I look up towards her confuse"Nope?"

Ruby: "Nope. You're a leader now, Jaune. You're not allowed to be a failure." I gave him a serious face as I look at him closely

Jaune: "But, what if I'm a failure at being a leader?"

Ruby: my face went into thoughts for the question he ask me"Mmm... nope."

Jaune: I laugh a bit to the way Ruby response to my questions"You know, you're not the easiest person to talk to about this kind of stuff."

Ruby: I sat beside Jaune against his dorm room door"Nope."

Jaune: I slam myself back against my door again with disappointment

Ruby: "Jaune, maybe you were a failure when you were a kid."

Jaune: I sigh to not liking to what Ruby said

Ruby: "And you might've even been a failure the first day we met."

Jaune: I sigh heavier then the last time while lowering my body more against the door

Ruby: "But you can't be one now. You know why?" I look at him to hear his answer

Jaune: I look down trying to think of a answer to her question"Uhhh, because-"

Ruby: I point my finger at him"Because it's not just about you anymore. You've got a team now, Jaune. We both do. And if we fail, then we'll just bring them down with us. We have to put our teammates first." I got up standing with my hands to my hips while looking down towards Jaune"...and ourselves second. Your team deserves a great leader, Jaune. And I think that can be you. Have a good night Jaune." I wave goodbye to him while I walk back into my dorm room, I lean myself on the door again thinking of Nero. Lately I've been having thoughts of him none stop since what happen to him, I just can't shake the feeling something might happen to him without me around"Be safe Nero..." I only hope that where ever he is he'll be ok

Jaune: After I got up from the floor I look towards my dorm room door and before I could open it my scroll started ringing so I open it to get a message from Cardin

Cardin: "Hey! It's your buddy Cardin. I know you're probably busy with that dust project I gave you, buuut I'm gonna need you to go out and get me a bag of rapier wasps."

Jaune: I gave off a shocking surprise to what Cardin ask for"Gah!"

Cardin: "And make sure they've got some reaaally big stingers. It's important, so don't screw this up!"

Jaune: I stood silence for a moment till my scroll ring again I sigh as I started to walk off to do what Cardin ask me for

In Team
RVBY dorms

Snow: While I was sleeping I woke up to hear the sound from our bathroom so I look around to only see Orleans bed empty"Orleans?" I got up from my bed to knock on the bathroom door"Excuse me Orleans. Are you in there?"

Orleans: I try to hold in my tears so Snow won't hear me through the door"Yea...I'm just thinking is all."

Snow: I started to get worry. So I just sat down with my back leaning on the door"Are you sure? I'm here if you need anything?"

Orleans: I wipe my tears away"I'm sure. Though you don't seem upset about Nero situation?"

Snow: I slowly started to get upset to the thought of Nero being alone or worst...dead"I'm am very worry." I put my face into my knees as I try to not think much about it"I can't bear the thought of losing another family..." I started to cry abit from my eyes

Orleans: Tears started to coming out from my eye's again but I held it in some of it"I understand...the struggle of losing a family's hard..." I stood tall as I wipe any remining tears, then put on my cheerful smile. I then open the door to see Snow holding in some of his tears

Snow: I felt arms wrap around me. I felt so much comfort just from this one simple hold"Orleans...?"

Orleans: I chuckle abit to his surprise"Come on Sweet Sapphire. You know I don't like it when you upset." I slowly close my eye's to feeling at ease to just help him with his saddnesses"I understand of losing a family. I don't want you to lose one again like me and Orlando did with both our parents for the same reason."

Snow: I wipe my tears away as my hands started shaking from fear"I'm just scare...but I'm sorry for you losing parent's twice already like this...I wish you didn't had to live like that."

Orleans: I nod in a disagreeing motion"That doesn't matter to me. Aslong I have my brother's. I know everything will be ok for us."

Snow: I held my hands together tightly to hoping my hands will stop shaking You really think so?"

Orleans: I stood tall in front of him putting on a silly face to make him laugh"Not when I'm around >:3! So get up and stop letting things get to you so easily. It like Orlando always say's. 'If your breathing then you a okay'!!!" I just smile big like a happy baby

Snow: I giggle silently to the way Orleans thinks. She might not look much, but she always has a way of looking things, before I said anytjing else we hear Orlando talking in his sleep

Orlando: "Ohh Blake, my neck is sensitive baby. Just be gentle hmm." I went back snoring as I start falling asleep

Orleans: Me and Snow giggle silently "Let head to sleep Sweet Sappire."

Snow: I laugh alittle nervously to her using my nick name"Of course. Good night-" Before I could finish my sentence Orleans scroll ringing which it also cause Orlando to wake up from his sleep

Orlando: I sat up while rubbing my eyes and yawing"Who will be calling us at this time?"

Orleans: "I'm not so sure." I pick up my scroll to answer it, then I put it on speaker"Hello?..."

Nero: "Orleans it me."

Orlando: I quickly got up walking towards Orleans scroll along side Snow aswell"Nero! Where have you been? We been worry about you!"

Nero:"Keep it down. I'm in The Forever Fall Forest and right now I'm still hunted by a Beowulf pack."

Snow: "Where did you get a scroll, didn't the police officers took that away from you?"

Nero: "Yea they did." I slowly look back at a dead Beowulf with it stomach open and some of it food it ate laying beside it organs"Though let just say I found one by my intuitions and alittle dumb luck. Not important right now, so listen. From where I am I'm close to the Academy is there anyway you can get me from here tomorrow?"

Orleans: "Tomorrow we are gonna have a field trip to The Forever Fall Forest. We can sneak away from the class when Professor Goodwitch sends us off for a independent assignment."

Nero: "Good. Make sure to bring my gear. I have a feeling we might run into trouble tomorrow."

Snow: I put on a concern look for Nero safety"Nero will you be alright? There will be some Grimms near The Forever Fall Forest.""

Nero: "I know." I stared walking to find a cave for shelter"Don't worry, I'll be there just fine."

Orlando: I cross my arm with a serious face"Listen. For now stay low and safe till we find you. The whole kingdom know we here in Beacon. Soon they find out you're not here they might come looking for you." Orleans scroll started ringing

Nero: I heard a scroll ring over the call so I look at the scroll confuse to the sound"What that?"

Orleans: I open my messges on my scroll and to my what I saw on the web"We are on global..."

Snow: I gotten extremely worry"How bad dose this put us in?"

Orlando: I look at Orleans confusd"Wait! What do you mean by global. Like Global we are all over the internet and news or global we are on the internet?"

Orleans: I gave Orlando a serious look"Global as in the world knows we are on the Internet, the News, the Web's and even on social media. What you think I meant by the global!"

Orlando: I felt disrespected to how Orleans explained it to me, it felt like she made me felt stupid"I simply just ask you a question. No need to make me look like a idiot!"

Snow: I rise my hand up in defense to keep them from arguing"Guy's please no fighting. I don't like us doing that."

Orlando: I point my finger towards Orleans"I didn't appreciate how she said it to me!"

Orleans: I gave Orlando a glare to what he said"Excuse me!"

Nero: I started feeling furious to the commotion I'm hearing"That enough you two!" I shout with a tone of seriousness in my voice"We don't got the time to argue nor fight, if y'all want to settle this wait to after our situation is solve and then you two can take a walk in the park, then duke it out from there. Till then keep y'all thoughts to yourselves."

Orleans: I look back towards Orlando, then sigh"He's right. Sorry about it big bro." He smile when I apologize to him

Orlando: "It fine. Though right now let worry about Nero." I point towards Orleans scroll

Orleans: I look back towards my scroll "Listen, Nero you need to dispose the phone we don't want our calls being track back to you and to us. For all we know there could be a huntresses or a huntsman that can find us easily."

Nero: I sigh to the thought me ending this short so early and I mainly call them so I can get a hold on Ruby"What about...Ruby?"

Snow: We all stood speechlesses for a moment till I broke the silence"She fine no harm. Though we promise we will let her know about you. Any message for her? I think she will love it."

Nero: My cheeks went bright red to the first message I thought which is "Tell her that I miss her so much" but I was too nervous to say"I...I..." I close my ears slowly then take a deep breath"Tell her to wait for me at her dorm room window to pick her up for our flight."

Snow: "We'll tell her." I smile till he hang up the call

Orleans: As soon I put away my scroll I look at my brother's with a glare"We don't have to tell her and what does he mean 'flight'?!?! >:["

Snow: "Uhh, Orleans I said we promise to tell her." I laugh alittle nerviously

Orleans: I grabbed Snow shirt with my eyes glowling purple and electricity coming out of my body"Haha you DON'T say AND THAT DIDN'T ANSWER NY QUESTION!!!"

Orlando: I laugh a bit to how the situation went bad to humor"Let just get some sleep tomorrow, it getting very late."

Orleans: After shocking Snow with electricty his hair stick up, then I just let go of him letting him fall on the ground"Hmph! Good night Bros." Each of us head to our bed and surely we started falling asleep for what ever tomorrow comes

Next Morning

Orleans: After we woken up from our bed we gotten ready for our field, but we were call to go to Ozpin office so we did and once we got there he explain his reason for calling us though his explaintion made all of us more furious then anything"What you mean we are not allow to leave this campus!?"

Glynda: I look at Orleans with speaking up my serious tone"It is exactly what we told you. All you are not allow to leave the campuse under no circumstances. After seeing you four on global we can't risk you being out there."

Snow: I stood beside Orleans worrying to the thought not leaving to help my brother"But professor Goodwitch. Nero is out there and I don't want to just leave him out there alone."

Orlando: I walked beside Snow and standing with them, agreeing with his choice of words"We will not abandon Nero. We all promise to look for each other and help when we ask or need it, we are a family and we won't abandoned each other." I lean on professor Ozpin desk looking at Professor GoodWitch and Professor Ozpin dead in their eye's

Ozpin: I got up from my desk walking to Orland and his siblings with my coffe mug and my cane"You do realize this will leave a heavy consequences on you three if you do not take this advice."

Orlando: I stood stright with my arms cross"Do what you gotta do...but we ain't gonna wait for him here."

Ozpin: I look at him suspicious"Hmm, clearly you three are already planning something."

Orleans: I stood right beside Orlando and Snow"We just want to be out there to help him. Nothing more, right my big brother's?"They both noddes to what I said "Now if that all you want to tell us. We will be taken our leave." I walk off with my right arm on my hip with my brothers walking beside me to the elevator

Ozpin: After they left my office I took a sip of my coffe mug

Glynda: I sigh, then I broke the silence that filled the room"Then you wonder why I don't like childern."

Ozpin: I laugh alittle to her remaining me again of those thoughts of hers"Of course you don't have the patience for them like I do."

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