Dorm Rooms

By MTGBooks

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College, a dream truly to come true to twenty year old Jennaline Anderson who desires to be in. When it comes... More

Chapter 1: New Life
Authors Note
Chapter 3: Boys and Malls
Chapter 4: Girls and Boys
Chapter 5: Trouble
Chapter 6: Tears
Chapter 7: Project
Chapter 8: Utopia
Chapter 9: "Jennaline.."
Chapter 10: Kaitlyn
Chapter 11: Boyfriend
Chapter 12: Party pt1
Chapter 13: Party pt2
Chapter 14: Rumour Has it

Chapter 2: Expect the Unexpected

97 2 0
By MTGBooks


"You should watch where your going" the guy says in a monotone voice.

I look around the campus seeing a few people staring and possibly gossiping.

"Sorry, I'm just a big cl-" I apologize, the guy then turns around cutting me off now I am just facing his back, he goes further away while I'm here devastated of his very polite "manners".

How rude of him, I hope the students here aren't all like that, otherwise, I would have wish I never came here.

Gladly, I carried my bags in success withstanding the pain the bags are giving my forearms, but I had to suck it up and keep my stamina, because there is a ton of people from where I am right now and it wouldn't be good place to fall at the moment.

I pull out the piece of paper that came in with my letter from the school, which had my dorm information and schedule which i could not read at all.

'Floor 4, Hall B, Room 157'

Thank god it's only preparation today, I'm seriously not in the mood for school at the moment, which is a first.

I head to the Student Residence Building, which is like across the street, Ugh i have to walk all the way there,

It took a painful 10 minutes and finally I reach the building, I see quite a lot of other students.

I awkwardly shifted my feet across the hard stone flooring, trying to get way through people. I'm really short so, I try not to get stepped on.

I finally reach the elevators and pressed on the '4' button.

A few other people were in here with me going up, but they minded their own business and I tried not to look over and make things awkward.

My head was in my thoughts again, thinking about the pros and cons of being in college, despite the rude guy earlier, maybe I will have good year.

I get interrupted my a 'ding' which indicates I'm at my destination.

I haul my bags and luggage's out and look for hall C, which was on my right. I walk down the hallway looking from door to door, watching the numbers gradually get higher and higher. My mind is on nothing else, but to find my dorm and finally getting to settle down.

I see the number 157 further down the hall. I start to pick up my pace faster and faster, almost to the point where I'm running. I don't know how I am capable of doing this, while holding 3 bags and luggage, I just wanna rest so bad.

'157' the door in front of me with the number engraved into a golden plaque.

I reach into my bag to find my key that also came into the mail. I found it somewhere at the bottom of my purse and inserted it into the keyhole.'Click'. The door unlocks and I slowly push it open.

"I KNEW IT!" a voice yells.

A girl my age starts running toward me. "I knew we would have another roomate. Hi, I'm Christina"

Her enthusiasm enlightens me, she had long brown locks, olive skin and brown eyes. she was really pretty.

"Jennaline, Jennaline Andersons" I softly reply.

"Izzy! come meet her!" She says turning her head back.

"Hold on!" a voice yells back.

Another girl appears a few meters away.

She opens her mouth to introduce herself

"Hi im isabe..." Her sentence faded away, I couldn't quite see her face until she slowly came closer and that's when it hits me...

She was the girl on the plane!

"Oh my god its you!" I smile to when I realise who she was.

"Sorry, do you guys know each other?" Christina interrupts.

I look over to Isabelle whose mouth is half open in shock."What are the odds." she says. "We met on the plane, I asked to sit beside her because some dude ws snoring beside me and I couldn't freakin' sleep" she tells directly at Christina.

"Ah, I see...well, your room is over there on the far left, and bathrooms are on each side.The kitchen is literally right over there at the corner. As for the living room, it's on second door beside your room" she quickly explains, I didn't get half of what she said, but I pretended to understand.

I walk forward into the bedroom on the left, opening the door seeing a medium sized room, a bed onto my right side, closet on the left, a coffee table and a tv.

I'm actually very impressed of the design of the room, it feels cozy and comfortable. I drop my bags onto the side of the bed and walked back out.

Isabelle and Christina were on the table talking, I decided to walk in and join the conversation.

"Oh Jennaline, we were just talking about ourselves" Isabelle says, patting down on the chair beside her motioning for me to sit down.

I plopped down and said "Well, I'm from Los Angeles California, and no I don't live in a cool big house like most of the people I know. It's a simple 2 story house. I have 3 siblings, I'm a school geek, and a huuuge cluts. I've also never been in a relationship, and I hate most of the boy population." exaggerating the word 'huge', I don't know if it's just me, but these two were devastatingly looking at me as if I was a ghost,

"You've never had a boyfriend?" points out Christina. I nod slowly, furrowing my eyebrow in complete confusion. "Wow, I did not expect that." Isabelle says in a shocked tone.

"Is that bad?" my voice cracks into a weird unexpected squeak. "Well your 19 in college, and stil pure as a daisy, have you ever gotton any dirt on your hands?" Isabelle questions, I shook my head signaling "no".

"Well, I mean I'm not the most popular girl in school, I accidentally bump into mostly everyone and it just sets them off, followed up with my obsession over types of Colleges and University and my future. Who'd date me? I will eventually date someone when Im older maybe, but I'm just not at your social structure level" the more I spoke, they just kept giving me a look which said "no"

"Social structure my ass, your perfect girlfriend material, I mean look at you!" I don't take Christina's words helpful in my self confidence. I don't see myself anywhere close to having a boyfriend.

"We can help! Like a makeover!" I flinch to Isabelle as she shouts in my ear.

"No no, there is no way you are ever changing me," I protest

"C'mon, please?" she pouts, batting her eyes.

"It'll be fun!" Christina says siding along.

"No, I like how I am and Im not going to change." I firmly demand.

They sigh in desperation, as I sit here still wondering why they want me to get a boyfriend so bad. I mean, it's like the last thing I would want to do during college.

Before they drop the boyfriend talk on me again, I walked into my room and unzipped my luggages and took out a towel, shampoo, conditioner, soap, a fresh pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. Carrying my things, I walk into bathroom nearest to me, and locked the door behind me.

I removing my clothes piece by piece and step into the white marble bathtub, turning the handle counter-clockwise 'till the water was warm. I lay myself down in the shallow warm water, adding soap in to enhance the water to be foamy, the water rises slowly and more of my body is being hovered over by the warm liquid. My hand moves accross the water cuffing the light foamy bubbles into my palms and blowing on it. Boredome overcomes me so I start to take portions of the foam and made face mask out of it. Honestly i find this really entertaining and distracting, I swear I look like an idiot.

'knock knock knock' I get interupted by the noise outside the doors.

"Who is it!" I yell almost getting soap into my mouth.

The door suddenly opens which alarms me causing me to send out a loud scream, I cover up as much skin over my body, a figure appears in front of the door. It took me a while to realise it was Christina, "Does anyone know the meaning of manners here?!" I yell

"I DO!" Isabelles voice echoes down the hall.

"Hun, it's not like I've never seen boobs before. It's alright." Christina states, which still wouldn't make me remove my arms from my chest.

"Oh my god, could I at least put a towel around my body?" I ask,

She sighs and closes the door and started to count down from 5. I instantaneously got up and rushed out of the bathtub all bubbly and wet, nearly slipping which would have hurt like hell, and reached for the towel on the hook and covered it around my body.

"2,1,0" Christina finishes off opening the door,

"How'd did you even open the door?" I ask. She responds by holding up a bobby pin which meant she pick-locked the keyhole

"Hey you know whenever someone says "who is it" I'm pretty sure they'd answer and THEN open the door" I firmly explain, walking out leaving droplets of water and bubbles unto the carpet.

"What do you want anyway?" I say as I put on my sweats and shirt.

"Well someone knocked on the door a while ago, and when I opened it no one was there, only a golden charm bracelet which incarved your name onto the bottom, I thought it would have been valuable to you so, here" She says holding out the bracelet.

"Holy crap, I guess it had slipped off when I fell" I reply putting it back around my wrist.

I would have assumed it was the greedy dude who'd return it, but at the same time, why the hell would he return my bracelet?

I stare at my wrist and a picture of my grandmother appears in my mind, she's the one who engraved my name onto this when it was my 8th birthday, but she died a year later of a heart stroke, ever since, I wore it everyday. Just of the thought of it started to make me form tears under my eyelids

I snap out of my mind and managed to blink the tears out.

My feet shuffle aginst the floor as I approached the kitchen, confronting a cupboard which I had to tipy toe my way to the handle to open it, the wooden door opens and many varieties of food were stocked in them, I took out an apple which was the nearest thing I could possibly reach, and took bite out of its red surface. I decided to take a look at my schedual for tomorrow because I have nothing better to do at the moment.

For a long period of time I revised all my courses and classes to the point where I proabably wouldnt need my schedual paper anymore, but I will eventually. Binders are huge to me, I have a binder for every and each subject I do.

'knock knock knock' my head turns to the door

"Who is it!" I yell,

"Christina" she says

"Come in" I say as she opens the door and walks in,

"See? That wasn't so bad was it?" I jokingly say, refferred of her walking in on me while I was naked. "Oh shush. Come out, we're going to eat" she says walking off into the dining table, leaving the door open. I hop off the matress and skip back out sitting down, seeing pizza on the countertop, my mouth waters in hunger, I've been craving pizza for quite a long time now and finally it comes to me.

For the hours spent at the table talking about our futures, obviously resulting with mine for the last, since it has various parts which all sums up into one big book. I really enjoyed spending time with these girls, they make me happy, I guess my judgement on college girls is comepletely vice versa.

It's about 7:45 PM right now and fatigue comes over me, I haul myself into my bedroom closing the door behind me. I drop myself onto the bed, covering myself with my soft, warm fluffy blanket. My eyes were glued to the ceiling as music played into my ears that I quietly tuned up to help me relax. Sooner or later my eyes slowly emerged from sight and peacefully rested.



The sound of my alarm clock sets off on my left ear, causing me to instantly get dragged out of my dreams, considering the fact it was my phone that set off which was placed underneath the side of my head almost making me loose my hearing. The time read 6:00, which is good because we're suppose to be at the school building by 8:30 for our first class, I have lots of time to shower and get ready.

I pick out my outfit for today and headed directly towards to bathroom to take a quick shower, I strip off my clothing and stepped in turning the handle counterclockwise to the hot section and pulling on the little handle that triggers the showerhead. I washed my hair and soaped up my body 'til I felt clean enough, I brush my teeth right after, with a towel wrapped around my body and another on my head as a towel turban.

After brushing, applying lotion, hair brushing, clothing, Im finally ready, I walk out seeing Christina and Isabelle taking their time slowly applying makeup to their faces, I dont wear makeup, I'm not that type of girl.

I grabbed my pre-packed backpack and sat down on the chair visible to the other bathroom, a few meters away from me.

I stare at them as they applied makeup with awkward faces, I don't know if it is necessary to do so, but I wont judge them. Their heads turn to my direction, they motion me to come over there, but I'm 100% sure they will lure me in to turn my face as a crayola colouring book. Before they could do that, I walk out the door and started skipping down the hall until I reached the elevator. I press the "M" buttom with my thumb and the doors slide open and close as I enter. I motion my hand to my eyes adjusting my glasses but instead i poke myself in the eye,

"ow" I say blinking continuously, dammit I forgot my glasses, Im already in the elevator and I'm too lazy to go back up, I guess I might be capable going through the day without them... I hope. As soon as I reach the lobby, I walked in a fast pace outside into the fresh air smell, with a hint of the sweet smell of grass.

My phone time reads "7:20" I still have a lot of time, I guess I could stop by the cafe to grab a small breakfast.

I follow the campus map to the cafe, and there is quite a lot of people here. I stand in line between two tall college guys, I reach the front finally out of my small claustrophobic moment, I ordered a French Vanilla Coffee and breakfast sandwitch,

"That will be $5.98 please" the cashier says. I hand her a 10 dollar bill, recieiving my change. I wait by the side for my food.

A figure stands right beside me, he was tall and quite buff, I look back down to my hands hoping I wouldn't start an awkward eye contact session. My golden charm bracelet remains in sight of my eyes. I wonder why I'm picturing the guys face when I look at I....

Oh my god, at first I didn't believe it. I slowly turn my head over to the dude standing beside me, I adjust my eyes on his face to make sure, as much as I want him not to was him. The guy that saw me fall right infront of him, that also returned my braclet. What are the odds?

Despite his crude like introuction to me yesterday, he doesn't look so bad at all. But still, he shoved my bag into my boob.... and it hurt.

I doze off into examination, until his head turns unto my direction laying his eyes unto mine,


I jerk my head the other way trying to pull it off, he walks forward kind of bumping into me which seemed obvious that he did it on purpose, he reaches forward handling his coffee in his hands.

"Hmph..." he says as he brushes right by me, I stare as he leaves the store. I just realized that my order was ready, I scoff and leave through the cafe doors.

"Jenny!" a voice calls.

I whip my head around, seeing Christina and Isabelle in a car. They point their thumbs to the backseat, which symbolizes for me to sit in the back. I carefully hold my coffee in my hands, as I walk so it wouldn't spill all over me. Isabelle opens the car door, I thanked her and got in. The college was a little bit further than the Student Residency Building but you could clearly see it from a distance.

The car ride was literally about 20 seconds. Christina parked near the gates and all of us got out and started heading in.


A textbook of some sort were given to us to read, they said it was for orientation preperation. It surely was hella long. I decided to register for courses first off, then I will start reading.

I am an Open Major so it was hard for me to make a decision on which courses I had to choose, but I chose of what I thought would be best to fulfill my dream of becoming a professional photographer or family doctor.

After that, we all had a small break. I found Christina and Isabella talking with each other nearby the restrooms. So, I walk up to them.

"Jen!" Isabelle exclaims. "Jenny" I correct her. "Whatever, we were just thinking maybe we could go shopping tonight, all three of us?"

"How about the book we are suppose to read?" I reply

"Pffft...the book can suck my ass. You should explore the city." Christina convinces. Which surprisingly, is actually working.

"Ugh, fine but just this once." I sigh in defeat.

"Yay!" Isabelle claps.

The three of us walk down the hall me, almost getting shoved everytime as someone walks past. These students have crucial manners. I stop, so does the two Isabelle and Christina.

"Do these people know how to walk by someone and not shove them?" I say in frusturation.

"Unless your Travis or Liam, then no" Christina says with a smile at the end. I furrow my eyebrows at her, Travis or Liam?

"Whose Travis and Liam?"

"The friut loops in a cheerio box" Isabelle answers,

Christina laughs at her statement, while I'm here wondering who these people are, and what kind of rights do they have to not get shoved. Like c'mon, that's a litlle unfair. Isn't it? "I'm lost." my voice squeaks.

"Travis and his best friend Liam, are juniors here I think. Travis plays Football and Liam plays soccer. They are inseparable. Despite the fact, that they like to pick on other people. Theyr'e fucking eye candies. They usually skip classes all the time which give them less credit hours, they used to always go to class but now they just don't care." Christina explains, wow she did research. I sorta got caught up on what she's saying, Travis and Liam are cute guys that have some flaws, I guess they don't seem so bad.

"Speaking of the devil" Isabelle says looking down the hall. Christina whips her head to look, from what Isabelle said, I am predicting that Travis and Liam showed up down the hall. I also look at their direction and see two figures emerging from the blur of my terrible eyesight. As they get closer, the more clearer I could see them. I actually wanted to see their faces to see if staring like an idiot was really worth it. Two bodies started to clear up. A slight smile forms onto my face, as they gradually come out of the blurr. Their faces are now in my vision range, and I could clearly see them. My smile suddenly was shattered into a million pieces and replaced with a poker face.

"Is that Travis?" I ask.

"Yeah, the buff one" Isabelle points out.

So thats what his name was...

I cover my face with my hair, trying to avoid eye contact. Hopefully he wouldn't notice me. That's when two figures stopped right in front of us.



Heres the second chapter of the book, it's really long, which I hope isn't a bad thing. I also hope, you guys like the story so far. Although, I keep thinking this was a boring one to write. It took me a long time to write this. Chapter 3 will be coming up really soon. So, please leave a comment of what you think. I hit like 100 reads recently, so please share. The more likes I get, the more chapters there will be :)

Please Favorite, leave a comment, and follow me :D

- Mike

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