The New Girl

By ih8thenewgirl

417K 5.9K 1.3K

Amanda Steel moves to London with her family from New York and meets a handsome lad with serious issues as a... More

The New Girl
Chapter 1-Goodbye New York
Chapter 2-Hello London!!
Chapter 3-School
Chapter 4-Threats and Gossip
Chapter 5-Silent
Chapter 6-Friends?
Chapter 7-Secrets
Chapter 8-Unexpected Visitors
Chapter 9-Same Old Shhhh But A Different Day
It Gets Worse
Chapter 11-Bullied
Chapter 12-Ambushed!
Chapter 13-A Confession....Well,Not Quite
Chapter 14-Riley!!!!
Chapter 15-Well,well,well
Chapter 16-I Confess My Heart
Chapter 17-She's Awake!
Author's Note
Chapter 18-I Can't Take It Anymore!
Author's Note
Chapter 19-You're Not Sorry
Author's Note
Chapter 20-Romantic Harry
Author's Note
Chapter 21-Kiss And Make Up
Chapter 22-More Bad Things
Chapter 23-Holmes Chapel
Author's Note
Chapter 24-Hello,Mother
Chapter 25-Long Way Home
Chapter 26-Looking For Amanda
Author's Note
Chapter 28-Explain
Author's Note
A New Story!!!!
Another New Story!
New Cover!!!

Chapter 27-Eric

5.4K 103 10
By ih8thenewgirl

(Harry's POV)

One of the medics came and put a blanket around me."I'm so sorry,Mr Styles."He said.I sat still,silent,not uttering a single word.She's gone.

Elsa and Rose were stupid enough to try starting the car,so the police caught them.The forensics team were examining her...body.The police called Amanda's family and they're coming down here.I called Riley,Niall and everyone else who actually cared.

A police officer stood in front of me."Alright,young man,I'd like to ask you a few questions.Is that okay?"He asked me.

"I suppose."I shrugged.

"Alright,why were you in Holmes Chapel with the girl in the first place?"

"She was going to find her real mother and I couldn't let her go alone so I went along with her."

"Next question...did you ever wonder how someone allegedly with brain cancer could survive 16 years without being partially brain damaged?"

"Yes,I have.I think that when I said it,I might have...sparked some curiousity in her,which led her to go to the house this morning."Which also means,you're the reason she died.

His eyes were accusing me."Look,I know it's my fault she was there.And I will never get over the fact that I said something to lead to her death.I accept that.But just...lay off me."I pushed past him and walked to the bakery.

I ordered a caramel latte macchiato with Jammy Dodgers as the biscuits.I dipped them in the latte.It did almost nothing to sooth the fact that I killed my girlfriend indirectly.

I sat there for an hour and a half,scrolling through my photo gallery.I had some pictures of Amanda which I took without her knowing,and a few selfies.There's one picture of her,snuggled against my chest in the train.She looked so peaceful when she sleeps.

Amanda's family,Riley,Niall,Louis,Eleanor,Liam,Chelsea,Zayn,Perrie and even Kate and Barbara entered the bakery.They spotted me immediately and rushed towards my table."Harry!"Riley yelled.Her eyes were red from crying.Niall,Louis,Zayn and Liam hugged me.Amanda's father squeezed my shoulder.

"I'm sorry."I mumbled quietly.

"It's not yer fault."Niall said.

"You let her leave your sight!You stupid boy!"Amanda's mother shouted at me.Mr Steel held her from hitting me.

"Darling,he just lost his girlfriend.Let him be."

"Harry.I'm really sorry."Kate said softly.She looked genuinely sad,as if she lost her friend.

"Why do you even care?"I snarled.

She looked taken aback."Harry,I-"

"Save it."I spat.I don't know why I'm being so mean to her.

"Harry,listen to what she has to say."Eleanor spoke.

"I received a phone call from her."

"Hah!You're lying!Attention seeking-"

"It was an hour ago.Here,"She handed me her phone."Call that number."A number popped on the screen.

I pressed 'Call' and it rang."Hello?"I put it on loudspeaker.

"Yeah,um hello,Harry is it?This is where it gets complicated."The voice was male.

"Who is this?"I asked.Everyone strained to hear the conversation.

"Meet me at the house.Quickly."And he ended the call.

"Well,what are we waiting for?Allons-y!"I said,bursting out of the door.The others followed behind me.


(Harry's POV)

I arrived at the 'crime scene'.The body was taken and the police were still investigating.The crowd had dispersed but there's still a few straining to see what's the fuss about.A man in a long coat was arguing with the police officer I talked to earlier.

"Please,I need to see-"He started but the officer said no.

"Hey,officer?"I called out.

"Ah,Harry Styles,right?Pleasure to meet you.I'm...oh forget it.I'm Eric.Amanda's father."He shook my hand."And this must be family and friends!"He shook hands with each of us in turn.

"I'm sure you have questions,and I'll try my best to answer them truthfully!Allons-y!"

"When you say the father,you mean-"

"Yes,I'm Eric.I said so a minute ago."

 "Just now,when you said that it's going to get complicated on the phone...what did you mean?"I asked.

"Glad you asked!C'mon!"Everyone made a move to follow him,but he turned and said,"Sorry.Harry only,I'm afraid."

"What?!"Riley exclaimed.

"I'm her MOTHER!"Amanda's mum yelled.

"I'm sorry but I can't-"And she slapped him hard.Eric staggered a few steps."Oi!"He yelled.

"You're the cause of her death!You killed my daughter!"

"Actually I'm her father,remember?"Mrs Steel started to speak but Eric spoke over her voice."I'm so sorry.I know you want to get a bit of closure of this whole...situation,but I can only tell Harry."Eric looked genuinely sad.

"Okay,Eric.I'll follow you.In one condition."

"And what is that?"

"I can bring Riley and Eleanor."

"Fat chance!"Eric exclaimed.


"Well,bye then!"He waved and walked off.I sighed and ran up to him,catching up."Alright,alright.Let's go then."


I woke up with my head throbbing painfully.I was in a bedroom,with purple walls and ceiling-high bookshelves,filled with books.I scanned the titles.John Green.Cassandra Clare.Most of them were Young Adult fiction.I went out of the room.In the hallway,I saw pictures.I stepped a bit closer.They were pictures of me.And Harry.And Riley and Eleanor and Niall and Louis.A picture of me getting out of Starbucks.One of me kissing Luke.I blushed at the thought of that night.I entered the study.More books and a laptop on the table.Someone was watching Supernatural on Netflix.

I heard scuffling of footsteps near the window.I cautiously peeked outside.Oh my god.I saw Harry and a man with sticky-uppy hair and a long coat outside.They were coming inside.


(Harry's POV)

"Where are we?"I asked as we approached a small cottage,a little way far from the road.The garden was well kept,roses and daisies dotting the garden.

"We're home."Eric said as he unlocked the door to the house."It's not much,but-"His words died on his lips as he opened the door to find Amanda standing at the hallway.

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