If I could tell you anything.

By JustJo

271 12 5

HI, im Johanna, preferably called JOJO, or Jo by Colten, not only my best friend but also my boyfriend. I liv... More

If I could tell you anything.
How it all went down.
this is real.
The white room
The end of The beginning.
You again?
The begining again
Thinking fast.
Um.. Hi?
Lost and hopless

o shit.

16 2 1
By JustJo

chapter 3

"babe... babe... Jo.... babe wake up.." I hear Coltens voice coming from beside me while he slightly shakes me.

"meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh." I let out.

"Its 11 o'clock. get up." he says sternly.

"no. NEVER!" I scream. There is no way this guy is getting me up. I dont care if he has to dump water on my head to get my out of bed. I am not leaving.

"fine." he says. Then I feel arms wrap around my waist. O no he wouldnt.

"COLTEN! PUT ME DOWN!" I say play fully. In a matter of seconds I was over Colten's shoulder screaming and kicking while he walks down the staires, me slung over his shoulder.

"here we are!" He says beaming, Like he was proud of being able to lift up a 115 pound girl. It wasn' much of a struggle for him though. He works out at the gym almost every day.

"Im not happy. You should know never to make me get out of bed before I am able to get up myself." I snarl.

"whoa whoa whoa now. Calm down Jo " he says jokingly. He knew that I wasnt joking, but he took it as such. 

Before I knew it, there was a plate of bacon,eggs, and pancakes infront of me. My favorite breakfast. I loved when he cooked for me. He was such a good cook, and He knew that I LOVE to eat. So whenever he got the chance, he would cook for me. That made me happy. 

"So what are we doing today?" I manage to say inbetween mouthfulls of pancake.

"WELL! I was planning we could do something together. You know, because we havent had a "us" day recently. So after breakfast get dressed and I am going to take us somewhere special. Okay?" he says. 

"okay, but will you tell me where we are going?" I say.

"Nope." he says popping the P.

"Why not? I deserve to know where we are going don't I?"

"yes you do, but im not telling you because it is a surprise." he says walking out of the kitchen.

"COLTEN!" I yell at him. He starts laughing and running around the house like a little child. It was cute. Untill i cought up to him, he stubbled down the staires to the basement and ran to the couch in front of their tv. He flipped over the top of the couch and landed perfectly on the center part of the couch. He looked at me like I was supposed to do something. So I did, With a smile and a evil grinn, I copied Colten, and landed right on top of him.

"thats what you get for not telling me where we are going today." I say smiling, he just smiled back and put me beside him. Wrapping a arm around me, and cuddling me, he turns on the TV to our favorite show, Ghost Hunters International. I think we sat down there for at least a good 2 hours watching GHI. It was a marthon on OLN, before he told me I should probably get dressed and ready to go. So I headed up staires to his room. I looked in my bag for a suitable outit for today, but all I found was a pair of skinny jeans and a hoodie. Great. I guess I was in such a rush yesterday I forgot all about a top. So Compromising, I though on the skinny jeans, and walk over to Coltens closet. I pull out one of my tops from the back, I have always had a little space for my clothes in his closet because I continously forget things. I have a space for him to in mine. 

After I was ready, I walked downstaires in Dark wash skinny hollister jeans, a navy blue lace top, my hair just as straight as it was yesterday, and my dark grey keds with black laces. Colten heard me coming down staires, and when I reached him he was al ready by the door waiting. 

"No matter how simple that outfit is, you look fantastic Jo." he said smiling

"thanks you  look great too." I say studying his outfit. He always look great.

"all right, lets go. Shall we?" he says holding out his hand for me to take it. 

"we shall" i say smiling and grabing his hand. We skipped out of his house and walked out of his yard.

"we are walking?" I say questioning him.

"yes we are. Besides, you need the excercise you lazy ass." He says putting his hand on my ass for that matter.

"yah, but we ALL know you love my ass" i say putting an emphasis on the "all" because sometimes, he just looks at my ass all the time. But thats rarely, he isnt perverted.

"haha who wouldnt, its perfect babe." he said moving his hand back up to meet mine beside me, he grabbed my hand and intertwind it with his. Then we kept walking haveing the best conversations, like always. 


As we reached the main street, I was amazed by what I saw, It was so perfect I couldnt imagine. I couldnt believe my eyes, I just stood there while Colten laughed at my expression. 

"omg! Colten! I LOVE YOU! you didnt have too!" I say kissing him

"O but i had too" he says winking.

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