Its Okay to Love ((I Promise)...

By kiansredball

222K 3.2K 1.4K

Imagine Kian Lawley & Sam Pottorff becoming your best friends. Maybe one of them even more. More

Its Okay to Love ((I Promise)) - Kian Lawley
chaptaaa 3.
chapter 4
chapter FIVE.
ah chapter 6.
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10 mah bbes
Chapter 12
Chapter 13???/?
Chapter 14
little interruption
chapter 15

Chapter 7

12.4K 175 130
By kiansredball

You cannot imagine how awful the last two weeks have been. After the Sam kiss, Kian has totally refrained from talking to me. Acacia has shockingly invited me to her baby shower, that sadly, I must attend. Its scheduled for Friday after school, which means I have 4 days to prepare to see Kian. Sam and I have been hanging out a lot more than we used to. In fact, I've been helping him with some of his vlogging challenges.

I hate to admit it but everytime I see Sam, I do feel butterflies. Even if we are just friends.

I looked at my outfit in my full body mirror. Black skinnies with my favorite The Wanted tee. (A/N- i'm a fan of the wanted & one direction, judge me asfdgkj ok bye)) I slipped on some light blue vans and ran downstairs.

"I'm going for a little walk, I'll call you when I'm on my way back." I called at my dad and Hank, who were sitting on the couch snuggling. Surprisingly, when I had arrived home the day of Acacia's announcement, I was greeted warmly. Hank decided to only grounded me for a week because my dad and him felt extremely awful about making me cry so much in my birthday week.

"Alright, please be careful." They said in unison, not even looking up at me. I assumed they were watching The Notebook, considering that's their usual Tuesday night movie.

I grabbed my dark blue shoulder bag and walked out. I decided I would visit Cody, since I hadn't seen much of him this week.

I exited my neighboorhood and crossed the road over to Cody's. It's such a small world.

As I started down his street, a huge thought hit me like a brick.

Today is his 20th birthday.

"Holy shit.." I muttered as I started jogging towards his house. It was early, so I was hoping I could sneak in and make him breakfast or something.

I walked up to his door and grabbed the key from the top of the door frame. He sucks at hiding things.

I unlocked the door and strolled inside. Everything was quiet so I figured he must still be asleep. I walked into the kitchen, and placed my bag on the table.

"Time to make some magic!" I said to myself as I pulled the eggs out of the fridge.


"Cody! Wake up!" I pushed him off is bed and ran downstairs, hoping I could still surprise him.

"Who..what..holy shit what did I land on!" I heard him yell. I poured his orange juice faster than you can say SURPRISE BREAKFAST and added a flower to his empty vase on the kitchen table.

I looked at my magnificent creation- scrambled eggs, toast, 3 pancakes, orange juice, and some apple slices to the side.

Am I the best friend ever or what.

"'d you..." He stopped in his tracks when he saw all the breakfast. He started smiling like crazy and looked back at me. The next thing I knew he was hurdling towards me with open arms.

"CODY, DOWN, NO, BAD DOG!" I yelled, as he tackled me to floor, giving me a huge hug. He was luaghing like crazy and finally got up.

He held out his hand and pulled me up. "Thanks Allison. This is great." He pulled me in for a more sweet and simple hug. I squeezed him back and finally let go so he could eat.

"Any party ideas?" I dreaded asking that because I knew if he was having a party, Kian would be there. Appearently they've gotten super close.

"Yep, going to the beach tonight with Kian. Sam might be there. You wanna come?" He mumbled, pnacake pieces flying across the table.

I grabbed a napkin and sighed as I wiped it up. "I don't know. And please swallow before you speak, I'm not your mother." I threw the napkin away and grabbed an apple slice off his plate.

"So why are you here so early?" He said, after chugging his juice and wiping his mouth with his sleeve. He picked up a pancake and shoved into his mouth.

He must not cook very often.

"It's your birthday. And I haven't seen you in like a week.." I picked up another apple slice and plopped it into my mouth. "So tell me, are you Acacia official yet?" I leaned on one elbow, trying to look intrugued.

Two days after the Acacia drama, Sam had tweeted "Team single you guys!" and had tagged me in the tweet. So now I have about 5 thousand lawlorff's following me and tweeting me things like "I SHIP SALLISON OMFG" or "NO MORE ACACIA!? I CHOOSE YOU ALLISON, to be our leader!"

Some tweets are just not meant to be read. Like someone tweeted me "Sallison" picture-porn.

Never in my life have I screamed so loud at the graphicness of a simple picture.

Cody picked up his fork and started wolfing down the eggs. "Well, she's been coming over daily. I'm helping her with her pregnancy exciersies. Plus, I've already gotten to second base." He snorted, giving me a proud smirk.

"You're such a pig.." I slid out of my seat and opened the fridge, noticing something I hadn't before. "CODY, why the fuck are there condoms in here? Right next to the milk formula?!" I whipped around, ready to strangle his neck.

"Chill, they're not mine. I have to hold on to them for Kian." He said, while taking a drink. Suddenly he spat it back out. "Shit, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone." He stared at me, expecting a "oh I won't say anything", but he had no idea.

"Kian? Who's his girlfriend now?" I slammed the door and crossed my arms. My eyes started stinging and I knew the tears were about to come. Surely he doesn't already have a girlfriend. Even though we weren't dating, I thought we had something special..

"Jenn. They've been dating like a week maybe." His voice was nervous and uneasy. I grabbed my bag and stomped to the door.

"He's such a whore!" I yelled, throwing open the door. I was about to step out when I lost it. The tears flooded down my face uncontrollably. "I hate him.." I whispered to no one in particular.

Cody came jogging down the hallway and threw his arms around me. "I knew you had feelings for him, that's why I never said anything.." He said, into my neck.

"Fuck my life.." I sobbed into his chest.

I heard my heart crack into two. Even if Cody hadn't heard it, I know he must've felt it.


KIAN'S P.O.V ((changing it up, hollaaa))

I got out of bed and walked into my bathroom. God my hair is a mess. I quickly combed it and slid my clothes off.

I jumped into the shower and thought about this Friday. Seeing Allison gave me butterflies. I missed her and everytime I would type a text out to her, I'd end up earasing it because I know she's mad with me.

She's probably already gotten to third base with Sam. That's the whole reason I'm dating Jenn, just to see if anyone will ever compare to Allison.

But Jenn doesn't. She doesn't have the same bright blue and green eyes. Her hair isn't even close to Allison's. Her now long blonce hair has me weak every time I see her. But her lips... I wish I could just feel what Sam felt two weeks ago.

I wish i could kiss Allison. Everyday. Every hour.

But it's not that simple when your best friend is banging her in his freetime.

"KIAN! GET YOUR ASS OUT NOW!" What? Why is Cody up so early? I turned off the water and put a towel around my waist. I opened the door and Cody barged in.

"You've done it this time Kian. You've officially broken her heart, for good. She probably won't ever recover, you little asswipe. You know what? I don't want you coming to my party if you're bringing Jenn. Jenn's a whore that deserves to be given STD on this planet!" Cody paced back and fourth, even though my bathroom isn't much bigger than a walk in closet.

"Who the fuck are you talking about?!" I grabbed his shoulders. What has got him so mad? Surely it's Acacia, he couldn't possibly be talking about..

"ALLISON." He spat out. I wiped his spit off my face and gave him a confused look. "Oh don't play stupid. You knew she'd find out about Jenn eventually. And you wanna know what she did when she found out? CRIED KIAN. FUCKING BAWLED HER EYES OUT." He opened my bedroom door and stormed out.

I slumped on my bed. I didn't think Allison even cared about me anymore. Why would the fact I was dating Jenn make her cry? I know she got jealous that one time, but that was so long ago...

I grabbed my phone off my dresser and knew exactly what to do. I opened up my texts and began typing.

To Jenn-

Hey, lets not go to the party tonight, i'm not feeling it. Meet me at the PizzaPlace t 1 am ;)

To Allison :D-

We need to talk. Be my date for the party?

I locked my phone after sending those risky texts. I stood up and started getting my clothes on.

ALLISON'S P.O.V   =) -

I had just walked up to Sam's house. I knocked on the door and a very welcoming Janet, their maid, welcomed me.

"Haven't seen you for quite some time, love!" She said, in her English accent. Janet was only 24 and we had become pretty close in the past two weeks.

I gave her a hug. "I miss seeing you everyday." I gave her a smile and ran up to Sam's room. He was about to have the worst lecture of his life.

I stormed through the door, scaring Sam so bad he flung off his bed. "God, don't do that, I didn't even hear you come up!" He stood up and started walking towards me, arms open.

I crossed my arms. "I don't hug assholes." I sternly said. His usually happy, pink face flushed white.

"What'd I do?" He stopped in his tracks, about two feet away from me. "Wh-why are you mad?" He started fiddling with his hands.

"You never told me about Kian and Jenn." I said, walking past him and sat on his bed. "You know how close I was to him, Sam. You can't just not tell me these kind of things.. I know you two still talk, even if all Kian did was comfort Acacia." I laid on my back and stared at the pictures he had taped to his cieling.

Ok to catch you up- Sam ran out the out Cody's house during the baby drama because Kian had said "It's alright, babe, it'll all blow over in a couple months." Sam had taken that one setence so hard, he had to leave.

As I looked at the pictures, I noticed most of them were Kian and Sam. A few of just me taking awkward selfies with his polaroid, and about a fourth was just me and him. I noticed a very tiny one in the top left corner of him and Acacia the first time they met.

Poor guy still hasn't fully let it go.

"Allison, were you listening at all? I just kind of spilled my feelings out.." Sam said, sitting next to me. "You should really learn to focus more often." He slowly laid back, admiring the celing. "It's amazing at how many memories we already have together, just me and you. It's also kinda said that I wasted so many memories with Acacia and Kian..." I knew exactly what piture he was looking at while he said that.

I rolled a over a little so I could face him. "You didn't waste your time, Sam. You all had a good relationship." I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Allison, can I tell you something?" He said still facing the ceiling. I mumbled a yes and watched him intently. "That night, after the little creep had attacked you, Kian had stayed at my place. He wouldn't shut up about you. He said all these nice things about you, and to be honest, I couldn't help but start to like you. But I knew I couldn't like you, because I had Acacia and Kian had you. I felt like I was falling for someone that would never fall for me. And I was right, wasn't I? Because you fell for Kian. You fell hard, didn't you?" He finally rolled over, and made eye contact with me.

At this exact moment, Sam seemed so innocent. Like a simple toddler not getting to play his favorite game because his mom already bought him another one.

"Sam, you're amazing, I swear. I'm glad you fought through those feelings and stayed with Acacia." I gave him a smile, but he still had the same sad look on his face. "What's wrong?" I sat back up, and he followed.

He cupped my face in his hands. "Remember when I kissed you, in front of everyone?" He was whispering now, giving me butterflies.

"Yes.." Kian popped into my head. His facial expression when Sam had kissed me. His face had been full of hurt and hatred, and for some reason that face haunted me.

"I had been wanting to do that for so long, and when I finally did, it had felt perfect to me." He let go of my face, obviously embarassed.

And I'm not really surely what came over me, but the fact Sam had been through so much, made me kiss him. I don't know how it happened, I just went in.

Even with zero tongue involved, it was a great kiss. My hands were starting to get in his hair when I heard my phone ring. He pulled back and blushed.

I sighed and hopped off the bed to look at my phone. It was a text from Kian.

My heart immeditatly stopped and I felt guilty for what had just happened. Even if we weren't a couple.

I read the text and quickly jumped up. I walked over to Sam and gave him a hug. "I'll see you at the party tonight. You're still my date right?" I gave him a smile and saw him nod.

I felt good knowing I could give Kian a simple "I already have a date." Maybe then he'd realize he had hurt me.

I gave Sam a small peck in the lips and headed out. "Bye Janet!" I gave her a small hug.

"Will you be coming over tonight, love? You usually do after parties." She gave me a smile and finished wiping the kitchen counter.

I thought for a second before saying "Probably not. I've got other plans tonight..." I gave her one last smile and walked out.

I wonder what Kian wants to talk about.

AHA OK sorry its a cliffhanger, i just wanted to publish this thing. the next chapter won't be up for a while, sorry :( I have school and practice and a kings island trip coming up.

please comment and vote and share and just whatever.

i might post something early if i get enough votes and comments :)

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