My New Boss

By Mahogany_Rain

890K 25.8K 2.7K

Zara has always been headstrong and determined to do exactly what she wants. What happens when she meets a ma... More

Chapter 1- Meet Cute
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - New Beginnings
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's Note.
Chapter 17- Endgame
Author's Note

Chapter 2

73.5K 1.7K 218
By Mahogany_Rain


I hate this alarm. Thank goodness it's friday. After taking my shower I grabbed some orange juice and bagel and put on the news. I have to watch the news before I leave for work. Finally deciding to get dressed I put on a black high waist pencil skirt, my white blouse with ruffles at the chest and my black Christian Louboutins. Im not one of those high maintenance girls but I love my red bottoms and I saved for the few pair I have. I put my hair into a high bun, grabbed my keys and bag and headed out to my car. I drive a 2015 dark cherry honda pilot.

When I got to work Vincent was already in a meeting with some department heads. The day went by rather quickly and I was grateful for that. Around 1:30 I was headed out to lunch when Sharon Mills stopped by my office. Oh great what does Ms. I cant get my work done want, I thought to myself.

"Yea Sharon what can I help you with"? I asked her walking towards the elevator.

"I wanted to see if you want to have lunch together, you know so we could catch up."

"We have never hung out so there's nothing to catch up on. What do you really want?"

"Well since you asked, how is the new boss, I caught a glimpse of him he's so cute, what do you know about his situation? Is he single?

Since when has wether a man is single or not ever stopped you I thought to myself. Sharon would sleep with a guy if he had the right amount of coin in his pocket. "He's coming this way why dont you ask him yourself?"

As soon as he was in spitting distance she stepped right in front of him to introduce herself.

"Hi you must be Vincent. Im Sharon Mills, I work in accounting. If there is ever anything I can do for you please dont hesitate to let me know."

Could she be any more obvious I thought.

"Okay, thanks Ms. Mills. Zara are you headed out for lunch? he asked totally dismissing Sharon.

"Yea, why did you need something?

"Actually I wanted to join you, there some things I wanted to discuss with you but i've been in meetings all morning and didn't have the time.

"Okay, have you ever been to Mahogany's?"

"Yea I've been there a few times, they have great food."


When we pulled up to the restaurant I handed my keys to the valet and went inside.

"Ah Ms. Zara, I haven't seen you in a while. Shall I get your usual table?"

"Hey carl, that would be great, so how have you been?"

"Doing just fine"

"By the way this is my boss Mr. Covelli, Vincent this is Carl.'

They exchanged greetings while we were shown to our table.

"It's good to see you again Zara and nice to meet you too Mr. Covelli, your waiter should be here shortly.

"So usual table huh?

"I know the owners"

"Good afternoon, my name is Robert and I"ll be your waiter today. Can I start you off with something to drink?"

"I'll have a sweet tea"

"And for you sir"

"I'll take a coke"

"Okay, i'll give you time to look over you menus and i'll be back with your drinks."

"So what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

"Well im going to be changing a few positions, and there are going to be some layoffs. I already have a list of names. I want you to schedule the appointments becuse I want everyone on the list notified by the end of next week."

"Okay, as long as im not on the list." I say laughing

"I thought about it" he said in all seriousness and then started laughing

"Not funny. Do you have the list with you?'"

"While we were dicussing the names on the list the waiter brought our drinks and took our food orders.

"Hey princess" I looked up to see my father approaching the table.

"Hey daddy, how are you?" I said giving him a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Since when does my baby girl come here and not come to see me and on a date too." my dad says looking at Vincent.

"Sorry daddy, i'm having a lunch meeting with my new boss. This is Vincent and he is taking over for his father. Vincent this is my dad, he and my mom own the place.

"Nice to meet you son. So your Toni's youngest boy."

"Yes sir, It's nice to meet you too."

"Il'll let you get back your meeting, stop by and see me before you leave."

"Okay and daddy tell carl to stop being so nosey I know he told you I was here and tell mom that Gianna is supposed to be stopping tomorrow."

"What are you smiling about?" I ask Vincent once my father leaves.

"You act all sweet and innocent when your father is around, but yesterday you were ready to take my head off."

"Yea well yesterday you were being a jerk, so there you go"

"It was jet lag."

When lunch was over we headed back to the office and I called my sister about our plans for later on.

"Yo chick, it's about time you answered the phone" I said when my sister finally picked up.

"what's up?

"Are you coming by my place to get ready for tonight or do you want me to get you on the way?"

"Just get me on the way."

"Okay i'll see you around 10:30." I had to run some errands before I got ready for the night.


"Around 9:00 I hopped in the shower. After I washed and lotioned myself down I put on my burgundy body con dress with the back cut out. I put on my nude heels and let my curls out. I opted for just mascara and my nuede matte lip gloss. I like make up but I dont always like to put on a full face of it on especially since I was going to be dancing. I checked to make sure everything was okay, I grabbed my clutch and keys and headed to pick up my sister, Lisa was pulling up as I was leaving out.

"Hey girl,your right on time. Looking good too, where are your clothes at though?" I said about her mini dress.

"Girl please, im doing me tonight." she said laughing

After we picked up Tasha we got to the club around 11:00. As soon as we got inside we headed straight to the bar.

"What can I get for you ladies tonight?" Lisa got a long island ice tea and Tasha got a remy and cranberry. As the designated driver I was relegated to a coke.

"Ya'll know ya'll aint right. I was the dd the last two times."

" You'll always be a double d but next time i'll be the designated driver." Lisa said

Tasha started laughing and I couldn't help but join in, they always had something to say about my chest.

"Yeah you can count on that chick.

"Zara you finally made it, how do you invite me out then show up late?"

"Im fashionably late so technically I'm right on time. By the way this is my sister Tasha, and my friend Lisa. Girls this is Nick, the pain in my butt."

"Pleasure to meet you ladies. I have a table follow me and don't mind anything she says."

"Girl he is sexy, Is he single? Tasha whispered.

"The last I knew he was but i'll find out."

******Vincent's P.O.V*****

I was ordering another drink when I saw Nick walking back to table with Zara and two other girls. I couldn't help but check Zara out. Her dress fit her like a second skin. It stoppped mid-thigh and showed off her long brown legs, ample chest and round butt. When they reached the table I could tell that she was surprised to see me there. Introductions were made and we ordered another round of drinks.

"So this is the infamous Vincent that you wanted to punch in the throat."her friend Lisa said.

"Really Lisa?!"

"Oh that was a secret, oops sorry."

I couldn't help but laugh at her face expression. "So you wanted to punch me in the throat huh? Not a good way to treat your boss."

" Dont mind her she's drinking she doesnt know what she's talking about."

"Ooooh, I loved this song" She got up at the sound of Beyonce's partition. The way she moved was sexy as hell. I watched her while she danced and all sorts of thoughts ran through my head. Some guy came and started to grind up on her and she moved out the way, but he kept trying. Seeing how fustrated she was getting I decided to go over to them.

****Zara's P.O.V*****

"Dude you wanna back up off me?"

"I just want to dance with you girl"

" Not interested"

"Come on girl don't be like that."

"Look, I done already told you i'm not interested."

"Is there a problem here, if the lady doesn't want to dance I suggest you listen."

The guy just looked at Vincent and walked away.

"Thanks, I thought I was going to have to get physical for a minute."

"You're a little pistol"

"Yea, but only when I need to be."

"If i ask you to dance are you going to fight me off too? he asked with a smile on his lips.

"Nope as long as you can keep up"

"Just try me"

"Oh so you can move huh" I said after about three songs.

"I have more moves than you know dolcezza."

By the end of the night everyone was lit. I was the only sober one so I had to drive everyone.

"Look people my feet hurt and i'm tired i'm not about to be driving all over town tonight to drop you guys off so you guys can crash at my place."

When I made it home I was able to get Tasha and Lisa in the house. Nick stumbled with Adam into the house.

"Nick you have to help with your brother, he's to heavy for me to get in by myself."

"Sure thing libble shish, i'll be right there"

Libble shish, he's drunker than I thought. "Hey Vincent, can you wake up? VINCENT!!!! GET YOUR HEAVY SELF UP!!!" "It was a struggle to get him out the car. "Here come on, lean on me but not too much your a big dude." I was able to get him to the sofa before he fell forward, pinning me under him.

I tried pushing him off me but he was too heavy and I was too tired.

"Hey what's goinng on here"

"Stop gawking and come help. "

Nick disappeared and came back with a pitcher of water and poured it on Vincent causing me to get soaked too. At least that got him up. I laughed at the way Vincent looked with his hair plastered to his face.

"What's so funny?"

"You. Aren't you going to move now?"

"I don't know, i like it here i'm kind of comfortable."

"Too bad buddy, get up."

When Vincent got up I got him a towel so he could dry his hair. I have wo extra bedrooms upstairs if you guys can make it Tasha and Lisa are going to stay in my room.

When I woke up it was 9:30 and everyone was still sleep. "Ain't this some crap. Not only do I have to be designated driver but I'm the first one up and have to cook breakfast."

I fried up some bacon, scrambled some eggs and made toast.

"Hey people, I made breakfast. Everybody get up." I was purposely being loud when I went upstairs.

"Why are you so loud, just give me coffee, ooohhh I have a headache." I heard everybody saying.

When they finally got up ate and left, I cleaned up and went by my parent's house for the rest of the weekend.


So how is it so far. Comment and let me know what you think.

© 2014 Mahogany Rain All rights rreserved.

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