Bound to leave

Da mumtoNY

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A 25 years old girl in Mumbai, Anisha, gets dragged into a messy murder investigation involving her boyfriend... Altro

Chapter 1: The weekend
Chapter 2: The call
Chapter 3: The first meeting...
Chapter 4: The cookie crumbles
Chapter 5: A double whammy
Chapter 6: Troubled waters
Chapter 7: It begins...
Chapter 8: Kiss of love
Chapter 9: Midnight car rides
Chapter 10: Peeling the layers
Chapter 11: Milestones
Chapter 13: Vision of Love
Chapter 14: Mislaid
Chapter 15: Gone Gone Gone
Chapter 16: Ahoy, Abhir!
Chapter 17: Slumdog Mystery
Chapter 18: Buddy project
Chapter 19: Wedding bells!
Chapter 20: You, me and the truth
Chapter 21: Breaking the facades
Chapter 22: Siddharth Concedes
Chapter 22b Hostage crisis
Chapter 23: The Confession
Chapter 23b Unity is Strength
Chapter 24: Second chances
Chapter 24b Is it bye forever?
Chapter 25: The trap is set
Chapter 25b: Battle mode on
Chapter 26: Revelations
Chapter 27: Knock, Knock! Who's there?
Chapter 28: As he lays lifeless
Chapter 29: Fighting for him

Chapter 12: Promises (Sid's POV)

52 16 23
Da mumtoNY

"Any plans about popping the question?" Sahil whispered on the call.

"Anisha and I are taking things slow," Sid replied talking through his car's bluetooth. The traffic was crazy, it took him 20 minutes more than usual to reach Anisha's apartment.

"It's been over 6 months since the first time you guys met. Slow is an understatement." Sahil teased.

"Don't compare our timeline to yours. You guys went to Thailand for your first month anniversary!" Siddharth dismissed his friend's jabs. "We've never really spent that kind of time with each other...alone. This trip is going to be the first," Sid added sheepishly.

"Well, that's true brother. You're on the speaker by the way," Sahil warned Siddharth when he heard Charmi yelling in the background. Sahil gasped at her remarks.

"Charmi is forcing me to say this...Quote, Anisha needs some boom boom time before I have kids...End Quote," Sahil repeated his fiance's words under duress.

"Wait...what? Is Charmi asking me to have sex?" Sid gasped. "Hello? Did I lose you guys?... Hello?"

"Ya, I'm here," Charmi took over.

"Siddy, for everyone sake both of you need to get laid. Like seriously. Anisha is just going to dismiss the conversation but you guys have been together so long. What's the delay?"

"Did Anisha say something to you?"

"Oh Gosh, No! She is too shy, that's why I'm telling you. Don't hold your breath if you're waiting on some approval. Go get her tig..." Charmi's voice went blank for a second. He suspected Sahil had something to do with that.

"Ouch, why no? You're mean," Sid overheard Charmi grumbling at Sahil. "Sorry, bye Siddy."

"Sorry about my nosy fiancé here," Sahil apologized.

"It's cool man. She means well," Sid chuckled. "Anyway, how's the wedding preparations going on?" Sid recalled that their wedding date was set for early February which was less than two months away.

"Good good, we have a wedding planner taking care of most of the stuff!"

Sahil had planned for weeks for a perfect marriage proposal. He had arranged a party on Sid's yacht and invited all of their close friends and family to be a part of their special day. Anisha's birthday on the yacht was the first time they had declared their love for each other hence Sahil believed proposing on the boat would make the moment even more precious.

"Ok guys, let's talk later. I have asked Priya to book the van for you guys. Again, you're sure you don't want to ride a bike?"

"Yes, Charmi isn't so thrilled about tanning before the wedding. Will call you later... bye." Sahil confirmed.

"Bye." Siddharth smiled disconnecting the call.

Siddharth was in a perfect space, his new project was doing extremely well in India. Danish and dad were certainly impressed by the progress. He had made new friends that were wonderfully entertaining and had the most amazing girlfriend.

Sid, however, had not anticipated falling in love with the city of Mumbai especially as it held painful memories from his past. For the longest time, he struggled to visit the city because he'd associate it to his mom's death. Since he met Anisha, he only felt deep love and appreciation for the city because that is where he met her.

Anisha was a sweet girl and he felt like he didn't deserve her. Sid was growing and learning so much as a person being with her. Anisha even got him to organize a fundraiser for an old age home. They spent so much time around the city, exploring places and each other.

Dharam wasn't particularly thrilled about their escapades because he was primarily sent there to watch over Siddharth's security detail. Anisha had no clue that Dharam was not just his chauffeur but also his personal bodyguard. Being in the exports business, his family had made plenty of enemies over time. Moreover, after the assassination attempt on his dad a few years ago during his trip to India, had put everyone on edge.

Sid parked the car at his usual spot and texted her that he was there. Within minutes she was walking towards his car. Anu was wearing an ethnic dress that fit every curve of her body perfectly. Their eyes momentarily meeting through the windshield, making her swoon. As much as he wanted to get out of the car and kiss her, he was given strict instructions about staying hidden.

Something about nosy neighbors.

Anu got into the passenger seat looking divine and smelling amazing like a jasmine.

"Hello Love, you're looking beautiful as ever," Sid leaned in for a kiss.

"Thank you. Did you have to wait long?" She kissed him back and took out earrings from her bag as Sid started to drive.

They were headed to a restaurant to meet with his baby sister Shanaya and her mysterious boyfriend. She was in town to spend part of her Winter break with Siddharth or that was what he thought. She landed last week but barely spent two hours with him.

Sid got more anxious when he called Shreya to find out about that new friend and she had no clue, whatsoever. Not telling him seemed okay but not informing her older sister about her new boyfriend seemed very fishy to Siddharth.

Anisha suggested that he should invite the boyfriend over for dinner but Sid went one step further and planned a double date which would give Anisha and  Shanaya an opportunity to bond as well.

"I got her a gift," she interrupted his thoughts.

"Gift, for what?"

"I am meeting her for the first time, the least I could do was buy her something. I hope she likes it though."

"She will love it," he reassured her with a smile.

"How did she agree to this? I honestly felt with all the secrecy she would avoid this double date," Anisha snorted.

"I don't know either but she seemed excited when I brought it up. Well, we're just going to have to see how it goes."

Anisha peered at him lovingly and held his free hand. When they reached Tap House, they went straight to the host as they had a reservation.

"Welcome sir, your guests have already arrived. We have taken them to the table," the host announced while leading the two to the table.

Sid caught how Shanaya giggled at the suited man whispering into her ears as they approached.

"Anisha, meet..." he didn't need to finish the sentence because Anisha completed it for him.

"Shanaya, so happy to meet you. Sid tells me so much about you. It's like I already know you," Anisha babbled.

"Oh Gosh, I can imagine. By the way, this is my boyfriend-Neil," Shanaya declared. Neil stepped forward to take Siddharth's hand.

"Good morning sir, this is so huge... meeting you." Sir?

"Hi...Neil," Sid tried to be polite wondering why he was being so uptight.

Siddharth stepped back as Anisha and Neil shared pleasantries. The server came by and took their individual orders after which they got time to talk about more important things like- Neil.

"So Neil, I wish I could say I've heard a lot about you but my sister has chosen to keep you under wraps. Tell me more about your family."

"Yes, Sir. I am currently pursuing my master's degree at the University of Antwerp with a dual degree in Business and Economics. My family runs a shipping business in Delhi. I will be graduating next semester and plan to get into the same industry as my family." Sid noticed how he placed his hand over Shanaya's after finishing his little speech.

"Bhai, Neil is one of the top-ranking students in his class and he was also awarded the most likely to succeed title in his fraternity," they beamed at each other.

Sid glanced at Anisha who was gawking at them in awe. Jesus!

"So y'all met at Uni." Siddharth smirked, wondering why the conversation felt like an interview.

"You mentioned shipping business, what company does your family own?" Anisha inquired. Smart girl.

"Uh... Ahluwalia corp. It's a small Delhi based company," he dismissed.

"Wait, isn't that Siddhesh Alluwalia's business? Are you related to him?" Sid quickly glanced at Anisha who was also slowly nodding in agreement.

"He's my dad," Neil hesitated almost like he was ashamed to be associated with the infamous businessman turned politician.

Siddharth knew all about Siddhesh Ahluwalia. The family-owned business started out small but they expanded so quickly, it was widely spoken about in the Indian exports industry. Later, there were many rumors of illegal activities, corruption, fraud and malpractice cases against him. Siddesh Ahluwalia also campaigned for elections a few years ago, winning a seat in the lower house.

Sid was the last person to judge a son by their father's actions but something didn't sit right with Neil Ahluwalia.

"Oh, I almost forgot. I got this little present for you," Anisha chimed passing the little paper bag over to his sister who excitedly grabbed the gift like it was Christmas.

"That's so sweet of you. I'm sorry I didn't get you anything. Sid Bhai is a bit late on updates," his little sister apologized.

She opened the box that was inside the paper bag and pulled out a silver bracelet. Sid knew she loved it because she was beaming with joy.

"Thank you so much, I am going to wear it right now if that's okay."

"Please do. I'm glad you liked it," Anisha smiled back.

"It's beautiful just like you, Ms. Anisha," Neil commented out of nowhere.

Siddharth noticed Anisha awkwardly giggle while turning to look at him. "She is, isn't she?" Feeling the irritation build up inside him.

Sid reached out and held Anisha's hand on the table. She squeezed his hand back. It was one thing dating his sister but flirting with his girlfriend was not cool at all.

"Shanaya, where do you plan to go after you graduate? Are you planning to get a master's degree as well?" Anisha directed the attention to Siddharth's sister.

"That's what I wanted to talk to Bhai about." The server interrupted them and started to place plates in front of everyone.

"After graduating, I want to come live in Delhi till we figure out where we want to settle. So, masters will have to wait," Shanaya declared after the server walked away.

"You're giving up your PG plans? What are you going to do in Delhi?" Sid snapped.

"We want to be together and that seems like the best option right now," Shanaya shrugged dismissively.

"There's a lot of time for this, we can talk about it a few years later. Does dad know about your decision?" He hissed at her, not understanding how she changed her mind about her future within 5 months!

"No, I was hoping you'd handle him for me. Bhai, please, this is something I really want to do. Explore new places, live alone, enjoy my life and be independent," she pleaded.

"So be independent while pursuing your masters! You know dad's never going to agree to this. And you probably had better chances going through Shreya than me for this," he relinquished.

"He let you move to India, why won't he let me? Is it because I am a girl?"

"Shanaya, this has nothing to do with you being a girl. I am not 18 and have an MBA. Moreover, I moved here to handle business, not for leisure. You know very well that dad wants you to join us in Dubai."

"I will consider that if Neil is given an offer too. So he can move with me to Dubai." She raised an eyebrow, "It's not like you're going to be here permanently. Would you not offer Anisha a position in the company so she could be with you when you move back?"

Siddharth gathered what she was up to. Shanaya was using Anisha to manipulate him into agreeing to that ploy. He had planned to eventually return to Dubai but there wasn't a fixed timeline. Additionally, Anisha and he had not discussed that situation yet.

"Let's talk about this when we get back home, this isn't the time or place," Sid insisted.

Luckily, on cue the food arrived and they silently ate their meal occasionally talking about other things. Siddharth noticed Anisha barely touching her food so he asked her if she was okay.

"Yup... I am fine," she smiled.

After their meal was completed, Shanaya headed to the lady's room.

"Siddharth sir, she adores and loves you. I think this will be very important for her that I get her brother's approval. I am going to ask her to marry me...end of this...year," Neil stammered at the end.

If they weren't in a public place, Siddharth would have punched that dimwit right there!

"You do realize she is only 18, right?" Sid leaned forward. "How can you think about marriage when you don't have a job yet! Are you going to take care of her with the pocket money your dad gives you?"

Anisha put her hand on Siddharth's arm, "Sid, lower your voice, please," she mumbled under her breath.

"Are you listening to him?" Sid screeched, loud enough for their neighboring tables to look at them.

"It's going to happen whether you like it or not!" Neil retorted boldly, leaning back against his chair.

Siddharth wasn't going to listen to this any further, he waved at the server to get their check. Sid took care of the entire tab before Shanaya returned to the table.

"What happened?" She grilled, sensing the change in mood.

"We are leaving and you're coming with me!" He dictated as Neil didn't argue and neither did Sid's sister.

Shanaya got into the passenger seat of his BMW, while Anisha got in behind as Sid drove off.

"Is anyone going to tell me what happened?" Shanaya pleaded.

"Homeboy needs to get his life together. Look at his audacity to ask me for my permission--" he yelled at Shanaya.

"Sid, I think Shanaya should hear that from Neil and not you," Anisha interrupted him.

"I don't like him. And I don't like his family. You need to stay away from him." Siddharth heard Anisha sigh loudly in the backseat in response.

"Sid Bhai, you're being unreasonable. I'm an adult and I can decide who I want to be with or not. I chose Neil and I love him," she proclaimed.

"You met him 6 months ago, that's not fucking love! He is using you to get a job in Dubai, can't you see that?"

"You're a jerk Bhai! I don't want to talk to you anymore."Great! The silent treatment

After that they drove to Anisha's place in pin drop silence, in fact, even Anisha muttered a bye in haste while she stepped out of the car. Sid waited till she got into her building safely but not once did she look back to wave goodbye like she normally did.

Is she mad at me?

The silence between Shanaya and Siddharth continued the entire drive back to his apartment, it gave him some more time to surmise. At a traffic stop, Sid quickly typed a text- 'Neil Ahluwalia, I need everything you can find on him and his family asap' and clicked send.

The message was read by his Private Investigator as soon as it was delivered. Perfect.

He also noticed there was a message from Anisha that read- 'Thanks for lunch. Yes, you were being a jerk.'

WTF! Did I do? He exhaled sharply.

When Shanaya and he stepped into his loft, she went straight to the bathroom ignoring him completely. It was going to take some time and effort but he needed to get Neil Ahluwalia out of her life.

Siddharth had promised his mom that he'd protect his little sister and keep her from harm's way.

Sid was determined to keep that promise...

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