Love For A Sister

By docsangel317

40K 826 30

Someone from Happy's past comes back. Can she forgive him for his past transgressions or will they forever lo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11

Chapter 10

2.5K 62 0
By docsangel317

Chapter 10

***Twenty Weeks Pregnant***

Happy and I are sitting in the doctor's office and she has already taken our vitals. "Everything looks good. Now let's see if the little one will let us see what he or she is." she says. "What are your guesses?" she asks. I say girl and Happy says boy. She moves the wand around and we hear the heartbeat. She moves it again and shows us the baby's head, legs, spine, hands, legs and toes. "Now for the big reveal." she says and moves the wand one more time. "Looks like Daddy is right. It's a boy." she says and he smiles wide.

After the doctor, we head to the clubhouse and as soon as we walk inside Rane walks up next to us. "Well?" he asks. "Your nephew is doing just fine." Happy says and they all cheer. Rane pulls me into a hug and asks "You okay?" I smile at him and say "Yeah. I am." I tell him before Happy pulls me close. "I love you both so fucking much." he whispers in my ear. I look up at him and there are tears in my eyes. "Hormones." I tell him when he looks at me concerned.

After we spend some time with our family, we head home. "You thought of names?" I ask. "Long as you don't name him after me, I'm okay." he says and I start laughing. "How about Deacon Ryder Lowman." I say and he looks at me and says "I like that." I look at him and ask "Not too pussy?" I ask laughing. "Hell no. Good badass name." he says. He leans down to my stomach and says "Ain't that right Deacon." as he feels a kick. This is the first time that he has felt the baby kick. "See even he likes it." Happy tells me and I start laughing.

That night, we head to bed and I am laying with my back to him. His arms are around me and his hand on my stomach like he does every night and Deacon is kicking up a storm. "Holy shit. You feel this all the time?" He asks. "Pretty much. Why do you think I don't sleep?" I ask. "Wow." he says. He moves down to my stomach and says "Be easy on your mom kid. You gotta let her rest." Happy says and like a light switch was flipped, he stops. "How the hell?" I ask and he says "Must be a daddy's boy." I look at him and say "Hell no. He has to be a momma's boy. Nope. Not happening." I say and Happy starts laughing. Moving to lay next to me, he puts his hand on my stomach and starts rubbing it again.

The next morning, I wake up to an empty bed. The bedroom door opens and in walks Happy with a tray of food. "You cooked?" I ask confused. "Nah. Went to the diner and picked something up." he says. I look at the tray and see there is enough food for both of us and then some. We start eating and talking about the baby and what all we need to get still before we have to get ready for our day.

We get ready and head to the clubhouse and he clocks in to work. I move to the picnic table and sit and Lyla walks over and sits next to me. "Hey Rhea." she says. "Hey Ly." I say. "How are you feeling?" she asks. "Tired but good. Little dude likes to kick me all night." I tell her. "When I was pregnant with Piper, someone told me that as long as I was awake to poke my stomach and keep him awake and when I went to sleep he would sleep. I did it and he was born sleeping through the night." she tells me. "I might have to try that. Little dude has been keeping me up most of the night. Happy finally got to feel him kick last night." I tell her. "How'd he like that?" she asks. "He loved it. Started telling him to take it easy on me and let me rest and the kid actually listened." I say. "Must be a daddy's boy." she says. "That's what Happy says." I say. I look down at my belly and when he starts kicking, I grab Lyla's hand and see her smile feeling her nephew kicking her hand.

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