The Dueling Professor | Gelle...

By DarkGuardian_15

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{An alternative universe based in present day. All Harry Potter characters are in this au as well} Sapphire... More

An Ilvermorny Girl In A Hogwarts World
Feathers and Claws
Relationship Advice
Taken By Surprise
Homework In The Hospital Wing
The Dueling Professor's Offer
A Lion's Thanks
Hogsmead Visit
Gryffindor Versus Hufflepuff
Whispers In The Dark
Birthday Surprises
The Patronus Charm
Winter Dance
Grindelwald, Dumbledore, and Severus Snape
Breakfast At Gellert's
The Pensieve
A Christmas Tragedy
Saving Grace
Letter From The Ministry
Reconciled Friendships
Summer Break
Quality Time With Grindelwald
Snape's Lessons
Potion Ingredients
Gellert's Love
The Order of the Phoenix
Snake Man
Cornelius Fudge
New School Year
Classes and Assistant Duties
A Suspicious Package
Twin Cores
Chocolate Frogs and Sugar Quills
For The Greater Good
The Burrow
Christmas With The Weasley's
Snape's Secret
Back To Hogwarts
Piles of Homework
Black and Grindelwald

The Malfoy Family Scandal

1.3K 71 13
By DarkGuardian_15

Sapphire's POV:

I woke up with a pair of arms wrapped around me, and the events of last night came rushing back to me. Thinking about what Gellert and I did was enough to make my whole body blush. I snuggled into his chest and he tightened his arms around me. "Good morning sweetheart. Did you sleep good?" He said in a raspy morning voice, which made my insides melt. "I slept great. What about you?" I replied. "I slept great too." He said before kissing the top of my head. We cuddled for a while before getting up and washing off. As soon as we were finished he made the two of us breakfast. "I heard about your friend Mr. Malfoy being in the hospital wing. I really hope he gets better soon." Gellert said as we ate. I hate to admit it, but I completely forgot about Draco being in the hospital wing. It made me feel like a garbage friend. Although anyone would forget a thing like that if they were in my position, no pun intended. "I hope so too." I replied as Gellert opened today's copy of the Daily Prophet. My blood ran cold when I read the front page. The headline read 'The Malfoy Family Scandal' below was a large article about Draco's parents being involved with He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named and how they attempted to murder a Hogwarts student. Thankfully Gellert was holding the paper at a decent angle so I was able to read it. The article also mentioned the attack on professor Kreizler. 'I wonder how the Daily Prophet got a hold of that story?' I wondered inside of my head. Maybe the Ministry sold them the story, but why would they wanna expose one of their own employees? I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind and tried enjoying the wonderful breakfast Gellert had made for me. "I better get going before people realize I didn't sleep in my dorm last night." I said after he used his wand to clean the dishes. "Come here first." He said with a smile on his face. I walked over to him and we wrapped our arms around each other. I snuggled into his chest and breathed in his wonderful scent. After we broke the hug he captured my lips with his and kissed him back. "I'll see you later. Hopefully we'll be able spend some time together and not jus make love, even though I really enjoyed last night." He said which made me blush slightly. "I hope so too. I enjoyed last night as well." I replied with a little giggle that made him smile. We hugged again and he kissed my forehead before I left his private quarters. I made sure no one was near Gellert's classroom before I went out into the hallway. Instead of going to the common room I went to the hospital wing to visit Draco. As I walked in I saw Madam Pomfrey attending to my friend. "How are you doing?" I asked him curiously as I sat down in a chair next to his bed. "Alright I guess. Madam Pomfrey is taking good care of me even though the medicine tastes like dargon dung." He replied, with a scrunched up nose. I was glad the nurse was in her office, because she's be appalled to hear what Draco said. I noticed the get well cards and various different treats Nick, the Gryffindors, Luna, and I have left for him. It didn't look like he touched any of the candy besides the chocolate, and I figured Madam Pomfrey has a hand in that. "Hey, I figured I find you here." Nick said once he came up beside of me. "I should warn you that Pansy noticed you didn't come to the common room last night." Nick added in a hushed tone. "You didn't go to the common room? Where were you?" Draco said with furrowed brows. "She was with him all night." Nick replied with a smirk on his face. A sly grin spread across Draco's face and rolled my eyes even though I felt myself blush. I changed the subject to the article I read in today's issue of the Daily Prophet, and Draco's face fell. It made me feel bad, but it had to be talked about. "I understand you probably don't even wanna talk about this, but I thought you ought to know. They're blaming them for the attempted murder of a student and the attack on professor Kreizler." I said. "They didn't mention your name did they?" Nick asked me with furrowed brows. "No, they didn't mention my name. But... I don't think Draco's parents would wanna kill their son's friend." I said, which caught Draco's attention. I told them that I had a feeling that someone stole the Malfoy family owl and attached the cursed package to it. Then the same people snuck into the school and attacked professor Kreizler. "Why would the same people who tried to kill you wanna kill professor Kreizler?" Draco asked with a thoughtful look in his eyes. A long moment of silence passed between us before I spoke up. "They wouldn't unless they thought I was with Kreizler. I mean... he has been asking me to go for a walk a lot recently." I replied, shrugging my shoulders. "Unless... unless professor Kreizler was in on it. I mean why would he wanna go on a walk with you all of a sudden? And then bam! He gets attacked and sent off to St. Mungo's." Nick said. There was a chilly energy in the air that caused goose bumps break out on my arms. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end and a rush of adrenaline filled my stomach. As I looked at my friends I seen that their eyes were wide and I'm sure mine were too. The three of us agreed to tell Dumbledore, but only two of us could leave the hospital wing. Nick and I went towards Dumbledore's office and knocked heavily on his office door. "Come in!" He said. Nick was the first one to enter the room and he didn't waste time in telling him what we had just talked about. From the look on Dumbledore's face let me know that he already knew, and I wondered why he let the Daily Prophet smear the Malfoy family. "Relax, I've already taken actions to prevent Mr. Malfoy's parents from facing trials and prosecution. However, I should tell you that professor Kreizler will not be returning to Hogwarts. He succumbed to his injuries last night around midnight." He said as he put his hands in his pockets. Nick and I stood there in the middle of his office probably looking dumbstruck at what Dumbledore just told us. "Why did you let the Daily Prophet publish that horrible article on the Malfoy family? Couldn't you have stopped them?" I said. "I have very little authority over the press, especially when the Ministry of Magic are the ones asking them to publish the article." He replied with a small smile on his face and a sparkle in his blue eyes. I felt stupid, but it was valid question. Especially when Cornelius Fudge constantly looked to Dumbledore for help in tight situations. At least that's what professor Snape had told me during our summer lessons. Dumbledore offered us some tea, and we accepted his offer. After the three of us talked about our classes and assistant duties we left his office and walked the halls. Lunch time came quickly, so we found ourselves in the Great Hall way before anyone else. The two of us talked before anyone else came in to eat. But as soon as more and more students filled the room we went to our separate house tables. I filled my plate with food and started eating. I hoped that Draco would get better soon, because I was sick and tired of eating alone. Once I was finished with my lunch I left the Great Hall and met up with my large group of friends in the astronomy tower. Nick and I told them about the Daily Prophet article as well as what Dumbledore had told us. "I had a feeling professor Kreizler was in on it. Besides, he always gave me the creeps." Ron said. "Yeah, me too." Ginny agreed. "Well, at least we have a better teacher taking his place. Professor Lupin is really smart and he makes every lesson fun no matter how boring the subject." Hermione said. All of us talked and spent the rest of the day cheering Draco up in the hospital wing. The day seemed to pass quickly just every weekend does, especially since tomorrow is Monday. After dinner I walked with Nick towards through the halls as most students went back to their common rooms. "I have to go see professor Snape. I'll catch up with you later." I said as we reached the Entrance Hall. "Okay, I'll be in the hospital wing visiting Draco. I'll see you later then." He said. "Alright, be careful though. I don't want you getting hurt." I said, and he promised he'd be careful. After we said our goodbyes I went towards the dungeons and entered the vacant potions classroom. I needed to make professor Lupin's wolfsbane potion, because the full moon was fast approaching. That meant that he's be out of commission for a few days and Snape would have to fill in for him. That meant that I'd have to teach Snape's classes all by myself. It was a little nerve wracking being in a classroom with other students alone, but I've done it before. When it comes to Draco's year almost everyone except for Pansy was pleased when Snape wasn't around. Especially when I have the power to take house points away and hand put detentions. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind as I grabbed the ingredients I needed. Then I lot a fire underneath my cauldron before getting started. I didn't even have to look at my potions book, because I had the potion memorized by heart. But I opened my book anyway just to make sure, especially since someone was going to be drinking it. After I was finished I poured the potion into a pewter goblet and sat it aside as I cleaned up everything else. As soon as I put everything away I took the goblet to professor Lupin's office. I made sure to knock on the door. "Come in." I heard him say from inside of the room. I opened the door and made sure to close it behind me. "Here's your potion professor." I said as I sat the goblet down on his desk. "Thank you very much, Sapphire. Please sit down. I'd love to have a little chat with you." He said with a small smile on his face. He looked pale, weak, and extremely thin. I knew those were the side effects of having to turn into a werewolf, but at least the wolfsbane potion helps. It prevents him from being a danger to himself and others. I took a seat just like he told me to and waited for him to say something. We talked about the most recent events such as the package, the attack and death of professor Kreizler, and the Malfoy family scandal. But he didn't dwell on it long; I'm sure he figured I didn't wanna hear a lot about what I already knew. So he switched the conversation to classes and my friends. "Oh, I almost forgot. Sirius told me to tell you he said hi." Remus said. "That's nice. Tell him I said hi too when you get the chance." I replied. Ever since I met the Order of the Phoenix members I've been getting letters from Sirius like crazy. Gellert thinks Sirius is trying to make me fall for him, but I honestly think he just wants a friend. Then I expressed how worried I was about one of my friends or someone else getting hurt. "Sapphire, I want you to know that Hogwarts is under heavy security after what happened. You and your friends will be safe." He said with a sympathetic look in his eyes. I thanked him for marking me feel a bit better. At least it made me a little less worried about anyone getting attacked. He offered me tea, and I accepted his offer. After the two of us talked for a little while longer before we said goodnight to each other. I went to the hospital wing to visit Draco and I noticed that everyone else had left for the night. Since he was sleeping I didn't stay long. I didn't wanna risk waking him up or making Madam Pomfrey mad, so I went to the Slytherin common room. It took me a while to go to sleep as I tried figuring out who was trying to kill me.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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