This Is How We End It

By AdamLovesAndrea

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A group of teens come together, along with a group of adults to try and survive the apocalypse. Using actual... More

This Is How We End It
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen (SEASON FINALE)
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six (SEASON FINALE FARM)
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three - (Season Three Finale Part ONE)
Chapter Fifty Four (Season Three Finale Part TWO)
Chapter Fifty Six

Chapter Thirty Nine

88 2 0
By AdamLovesAndrea

The sun began to shine faintly through the windows as it rose, illuminating the old brick house. It was warm, or somewhat warm. At least there wasn't frost, everyone thought. Everyone was glad that the frost was gone. It'd been a while since it had visited the group, as the heat was turning up again. Everything felt better again, but Rick had noticed that walkers were more active. They were becoming more alive again, and more of a threat again. For most of the winter, the cold threat was not walkers; it was the grim realization that people could die from lack of food, water, and heat.

In the morning, it was quiet as always. Everyone keeping to themselves, staying silent. That is, until T-Dog had woken up, seeing the others still half asleep. Outside, there were walkers closing in on the  house. He made quick action of waking everyone up, and everyone quickly packed their belongings up, marching out the door. 

It was now necessary to check the windows for walkers. Natural instinct, Brittany thought. Soon enough, everything was packed into the cars, and like that, they were gone. 

On the road, it was time to map out the plans that would set their fate. The green hyundai was pulled over, and everyone filed out of the cars. Carol stood on watch, looking around for walkers. Lori stayed inside of the car, just in case. She was too tired to move. The baby had grown in her stomach; finding new clothes for her was an average.

Rick laid out the map on the hood of the car, putting rocks on the edges. Maggie stood behind him, Adam behind him. Taylor stood with Carol on watch, tilting her hat so she could block out the glare of the sun. Ethan held the axe he'd found months ago, in his hands. He was ready for anything. 

Heather stood by Rick, looking at the map as Ellen stood behind her. Scott was next to Brittany, ready to hear the plans. Rick looked over the map, finding their place. Adam got out of the car after checking on Lori, making sure she was alright.

"We've been going in circles," Maggie said, tracing her finger over the map.

Rick nodded, "I know," he said, running a hand over his beard to scratch it. "We can shoot down 95, swing back by Greenville."

"When this herd meets up with this one, we'll be blocked off," Ellen noted as she traced her finger where the herds would be. 

"Then we'll go down 96.. and turn toward Senoia." Rick said, looking at the map.

"We can't keep moving much more," Hershel noted, looking at Rick. Over the winter, Hershel had grown a beard too. "She's gonna need a place to stop. The baby's getting near," Hershel said, glancing back at Lori who sat in the car.

Rick nodded slowly. He barely talked to Lori anymore, nor even bothered her. Their marriage was destroyed when the bullet flew into Shane's skull.

"You mind if we fill up the canteens?" T-Dog asked, looking at Rick.

Rick nodded. "Yeah. I'll take Adam and Ethan with me to hunt for something we can cook later,"

Everyone nodded, knowing their positions.

In the forest, Rick and the two boys walked down the path. Rick and Adam hardly ever got along anymore, seeing as Rick killed his father. If Shane would've gotten lost, maybe he would've been alive, but Adam learned that Shane stuck up for Nick. What really happened.. it devastated Adam.

The three walked down train tracks, seeing an opening ahead where the faint sun shone through. The tracks were rusted, and covered in last year's leaves that'd fallen in the fall. The grass was still dead, but it'd return soon enough.

Adam kept his knife close to him at all times. Ethan carried the axe, ready to swing it whenever it was necessary. It was hard to not carry a weapon anymore; it was in everyone's instinct. The three were silent, going down the tracks, reaching the opening as Rick glanced over to his right. On the tracks, there was a path leading down to a prison. 

The prison had watchtowers, a double gate, and lots of walkers in the tall-grass fields. It was old, and it looked like there was a fire, seeing the burn stains on the windows. Rick looked at Ethan, giving him a nod. This was their new home.

The streets were quiet, as Michonne looked down them. She remained hidden, not being too obvious to the walkers. She had learned that skill; blending in. It was still early morning, and she was glad that they'd have a day to stay around and hunt for supplies. But right now, she needed to find medicine.

She made her way to the drug store that'd hopefully not been robbed of drugs yet. Every building in the area had seemed barren. Michonne had her sword in hand, opening the doors to the pharmacy. She quickly made her way to the back, hoping that she could avoid any walkers that would be inside. She heard the footsteps, and she knew she wasn't alone. 

She turned around, swinging her sword, which ended the walker's life. She swung again, slicing another head off of one. She quickly bent over, hearing nothing else as she picked up a small packet of advil for Andrea, who'd been drastically sick. She quickly rushed out of the store, needing to get back to Andrea. 

Inside of the meat locker, Andrea lay on the floor, next to Mikaela as Ariel was still asleep. 

"Wake up," Michonne said as she looked at the two girls. 

Andrea slowly opened her eyes, looking around. Ariel did the same, yawning. Andrea let out a harsh cough, startling Mikaela who sat beside her.

"Jesus," Mikaela said, looking at the blonde. "Michonne you found medicine, right?"

Michonne nodded, tearing the package, taking the water that'd been beside Andrea. The meat locker was cold, for sure. Michonne gave the pill to Andrea, putting the bottle of water to her lips, tipping up. Andrea swallowed, choking a bit. After she recovered, she smirked at Michonne a bit.

"I won't have you dying for me," Andrea said, glancing to Mikaela. "Good soldier won't leave her post.."

"You need to rest.. we'll leave in an hour or so." Michonne said, sighing.

Mikaela stood up, stretching. The walkers on chains moved a bit, as their chains could be heard from the other room.

"Anything for breakfast?" Ariel asked, unsure if there was any food.

Michonne sighed. "I think we have a few Cheez-its in the bag."

Ariel nodded, walking over. Ariel's hair had grown, down past her shoulders. It was something new, she thought. Nothing bad, but she did prefer it to be short.

Andrea looked at Mikaela with a faint smile. "You gotta convince her to leave me here."

"You're gonna have to convince me too, because I'm not leaving you behind." Mikaela said defensively, looking at her.

Andrea sighed. "I'm no good, and I'm just gonna get worse."

"You'll get better, just like you did in December." Mikaela said, as she sighed, packing her stuff up.

Andrea was silent, closing her eyes after before laying down on the cold cement, groaning.

The group ran to the fences, needing to get inside the prison's barrier before walkers surrounded them. The area seemed pretty clear of walkers, but the fields had been swarmed, and the inside was even worse. The group was desperately low on ammo, so hand-to-hand combat was the only solution that was viable. Taylor had found a set of pistols, calling dibs on them as she found the holster to hold them. She just needed the ammo for them, however.

Glenn used pliers to chop the fence, making a hole for everyone to get inside, and stay safe, away from the walkers. Once everyone had gone through the hole in the fence, Adam quickly got out some wire, banding together the fence just like before.

Everyone ran to the main gate, getting ready to attack the field.

"Everyone make their way to the towers," Rick said, pointing to the watch towers that were set on the edges of the field. "I'll go for the gate up there,"

Rick then pointed to the gate that would cut off the prison from the field. They would just have to make the field safe before going inside. Then they'd be set.

"It's a risky move," Lori said, looking at Rick.

Rick nodded, silent. He didn't talk, just nodded. "Everyone go to your positions; Adam and Ethan to that tower, Brittany and Carol to the other, T-Dog and Taylor to the next, and the rest, distract the walkers."

Everyone gave Rick a nod before running to their stations. 

Lori looked at Rick, hand on the gate, ready to open in for him. Rick had the wire in his hand, ready to make the fence above tied.

"You ready?" Lori asked, looking at Rick.

Rick gave her a nod, before seeing the fence fly open. She backed away, as Rick made quick work of running ahead, running to the fence. He took out his gun, shooting  a walker that'd gotten too close. He continued to run to the gate, hearing gun shots fire at the walkers.

He saw a bullet hit the ground in front of him, which made him give a glare up to Carol, as she reloaded her gun.

"Sorry!" She called down, as Brittany chuckled beside her.

Rick continued to run, eventually reaching the gate. Walkers had begun to notice him, and began walking toward him. Although, he was fast enough to get to the gate. He quickly secured the fence, turning around, and shooting a walker that'd been on his trail.

The shots continued to be fired, as Rick looked around, seeing walkers drop in the field. He smiled a bit, happy to see that they did it. They were safe inside of the prison's field.

Hours later, it was noon. The sun was directly above Michonne as she opened the back of the meat locker. Andrea walked behind her, eyes adjusting to the new light, as Ariel was right behind her with the walkers on chains, along with Mikaela at her side. Now, was the time to go. Michonne led the way into the back forest, sighing as she walked. Another day of walking in circles, it seemed like. 

Walking out into a field, Andrea squinted her eyes when she could see something in the distance. It was.. smoke. Mikaela looked at Andrea, then to Michonne as Ariel did the same.

"Check it out?" Ariel asked, looking at her sister.

Michonne gave a silent nod, before beginning to walk into the field. The grass was still dead, but soon it'd be green again. The pale, yellow color really was a sign that spring was over. Andrea and the others followed Michonne, trudging through the grass.

About an hour before that, Woodbury was having a normal, average day. Over the winter, there hadn't been much that happened. The town had grew, now having four streets, rather than just one. Stores had opened, and supplies was plentiful. A few of the elderly people had passed over the winter, but only one person died from a bite, and that was after saving him from the wilderness.

The streets of Woodbury were raked and well kept, as workers had raked the last of the leaves out, just as Anthony walked out of the infirmary. He glanced over to see a few white trucks, and a van being loaded up. Today was run day, so it was necessary that they get ready for a supply run.

"Need any help?" Anthony asked, approaching the trucks.

The Governor stuck his head up, smiling a bit at Anthony, shaking his head. "Not with this."

Anthony nodded. "I'm going with you."

The Governor grabbed a gun from the back, walking over and handing it to Anthony. "Of course. Already planned that."

Anthony nodded, looking down the street to see Lizzie, Kyra, Adri, and Mika, along with a few other kids, playing tag. More children had inhabited Woodbury, or adolescents. Adri, Kyra, and Lizzie were older than the others. Mika was just short of Kyra's age, but they were still close. 

"Almost ready to roll out?" Anthony asked, checking the ammo.

The Governor nodded. "Just need to get Shumpert and Martinez out here."

Anthony gave him another nod.

"Can you tell Doctor Stevens to ready the infirmary, just in case? Jese should be in there too." The Governor said, moving more weapons into the back.

Anthony gave him a quick nod, setting his gun in the truck, closing the door, and doing a quick run down to the infirmary.

Approaching the scene, Mikaela looked at the smoke rising quickly. It was a dark smoke, as pieces of metal lay everywhere. Andrea covered her mouth, trying not to cough as the air hadn't agreed with her gentle lungs. Ariel pulled the walkers, tying them to a tree. Michonne took out her sword, seeing a heliopter in pieces, with bodies laying around it, dead and severed. They were all fresh, and not walkers. 

Suddenly, Michonne could hear a faint engine of a car coming. She quickly ran back to the bushes, signaling for Andrea, Mikaela, and Ariel to sit down. The incoming vehicle was a truck; more than one. It was a few. Andrea held in her cough, not wanting to make it evident that they were behind the bushes. Mikaela stared at the trucks.

Minutes passed, as people looked around the scene. The walkers in chains were getting more rowdy, as the people had started to notice. Michonne quickly took her sword and swung it powerfully, slicing off the two walkers' heads.

Ariel had a look of shock on her face as she did, but it did make the strangers in front of them stop looking around. Andrea breathed slowly, until Michonne quickly turned around with her sword ready, only to be stopped.

"I don't think so," a familiar voice to Andrea and Mikaela said. "Drop it."

Michonne dropped the sword, as they waited for more instructions.

"Turn around. Let me see your faces." The voice commanded.

Andrea, Mikaela, and Ariel all slowly turned around.

"Holy fuck.." Anthony said in shock as he looked at Andrea and Mikaela.

Mikaela and Andrea's eyes were wide as they looked at Anthony. They never expected this. Not ready for anything, Andrea fainted right before Mikaela.

It was dark. Andrea couldn't see.. she just saw blurs. She could tell someone was sitting beside her. She wasn't sure who, though.

"Michonne.. Mikaela.." Andrea whispered out softly, trying to feel her way around. Had she gone blind?

Suddenly, she saw someone. She couldn't make out the features, but they had told her to shush with their finger. She closed her eyes again, quickly falling back under a sleep.

In the prison yard, a fire was created in the center. Ethan sat next to Lori, making sure she ate enough, as Rick was too invested in making sure that the gates were safe. Adam and Taylor sat beside each other, as Brittany sat next to Taylor on the other side. Scott and Heather sat to their own, as Ellen sat back a bit, feeling hot next to the flames. 

Carol sat next to Lori, as T-Dog sat beside Glenn and Maggie, who were cuddling. Hershel didn't mind, as he knew Glenn was a good guy.

"Just to think that in another day, we're gonna be sleepin' on our own beds." Brittany said, trying to lift the mood.

Today was a good win for the group, and everyone knew that. 

"I haven't slept in a bed since we left our home." Adam said, staring into a rising flame. 

Taylor nodded. "I'm tired of sleeping on the ground."

Ethan spooned the corn to his mouth. "I'm going to have back problems at thirty."

Glenn snapped his back, cracking it. "I think I already do."

Rick walked back to the group, dull look on his face. He leaned down, picking up a bowl with some corn in it. He motioned it toward Lori, knowing she needed to eat for two. She shook her head, feeling full as is. Rick nodded, looking back to the group.

"Alright, everyone, listen." Rick said, settng the bowl down. "We've got a tough day tomorrow. We need to take on that courtyard full of walkers,"

"With what? We're dangerously low on ammo. We'll run out before we make a dent." Hershel said, looking at Rick.

"We're going hand to hand." Rick said, giving Herhsel a nod.

Hershel nodded, not really liking the idea, but it had to be done.

"It's important we go in there. This place could be a gold mine; food, water, medicine.." Rick said, glancing at the prison.

Silence followed.

"We don't know of course. There's only one way to find out," Rick said, looking back at the group. "We have to go in there. Get some sleep. We've got a lot to do tomorrow."

He said, finally concluding the speech, before standing up and walking away. Adam let out a groan, falling back and sighing. He was tired and didn't have anything left in him. Lori saw that, seeing everyone else's tired looks. This was exhaustion. She got up, following her husband, and calling his name, seeing him turn around.

"What?" Rick asked, looking at her.

"Look, everything you've been doing is great.." Lori said, looking into Rick's eyes. "But it's been a death march and we're all exhausted. Can we just enjoy this for a few days?" She asked softly. "The baby's gonna be here in a few days.."

Rick shook his head. "There's no time for a picnic."

"No, but it's time to get the house in order.."

"What do you think I'm doing?" Rick retorted, looking at Lori.

Lori smiled a bit. "Your absolute best.."

"Don't patronize me." Rick said, cutting through the bullshit that'd piled up.

He began to walk again, Lori following.

"I'm not," Lori said, grabbing her husband's shoulder. "It's just.. the baby's about to be here. We need to talk about things we've been avoiding.."

"You want to talk, talk to Hershel." Rick retorted, looking coldly at his wife. "I'm doing stuff Lori; things." Rick said, before turning around, not looking at his wife. "Isn't that enough? I'm still here."

"You're right." Lori said, sighing, looking down. "I'm sorry."

Lori and Rick parted, as Lori went back to the fire and Rick went back to checking the fences.

The white trucks pulled into Woodbury, parking in front of the infirmary. Mikaela had fallen asleep, Andrea had been asleep, and Ariel had stayed quiet. Michonne was alert, Anthony got out of the truck, looking around. The centers of the street had fire pits in them, lighting the streets. Fire was more efficient than electricity, even then, in Woodbury.

Anthony opened the back, still having his gun, in case anything had happened. Michonne climbed out, followed by Ariel.

"I didn't catch your name," Anthony said as he looked at the two.

Michonne was silent. 

"Ariel," Ariel introduced herself softly, looking around. She was amazed.

Michonne stayed silent as Anthony looked at her.

"Alright, I'll just call you samurai. Quite a sword you got there," Anthony said before climbing in the truck, and looking at the two sleeping girls. "Governor, we need to--"

"I'm awake, I'm awake." Mikaela said, quickly waking up at his voice. She'd learned to sleep lightly.

Anthony nodded. "Andrea's not. She's still sleeping."

"What are you doing with us?" Mikaela asked, stepping out.

Anthony hopped out after, sighing. "Taking care of you. You guys must've been out there a long time."

The Governor walked out of the infirmary, giving Anthony a simple nod. Anthony nodded back.

"Come this way," Anthony said, signaling for the three girls to follow. He led them into the infirmary, as the infirmary was air conditioned, and lighted with electricity.

Mikaela smiled at it, seeing what kind of place this actually was.

"This is.. nice.." Mikaela said, taking a large inhale of cool air.

Michonne was still unpleased, but Ariel was happy none the less. Mikaela walked over, seeing the doctor's gestures to sit on the table. Mikaela did so, Ariel sitting beside her. Michonne stood near them, but would not sit. She stayed silent. The Governor walked in with Martinez, carrying Andrea, who was still in a deep sleep. Much needed rest, everyone thought.

"I'm going to need all of your names, please," Doctor Stevens asked, getting a pen ready.

Jese quickly opened the door to the infirmary, rushing in. "I'm sorry I'm late, I was just--"

"It's fine, Jese," Doctor Stevens said as she looked at the form on the clipboard.

"Names," Doctor Stevens glanced at the four.



Michonne was quiet, looking at the doctor. "Michonne." She said, in a voice that was lighter than a feather itself.

Anthony looked around, then back to the Governor and Martinez exiting the infirmary. He looked down, then hearing a loud coughing. Andrea had sprung awake, sitting up with a wild cough. It was normal for her.

"Where are we?" Andrea asked, looking around quickly.

Mikaela walked over to Andrea's table, after hopping off her own. "It's okay,"

Andrea looked at Mikaela with somewhat of a scared look. Doctor Stevens looked at her with a small smile. "You're safe."

Jese had brought back medications for everyone. Andrea would need an IV, possibly, but the best they could do was put vitamins in her. Only by needle, however. Mikaela held Andrea's hand, as Michonne looked around, seeing guards at the doors. She sighed, glancing at Ariel who sat patiently, as Doctor Stevens did a quick check-up on everyone.

Doctor Stevens took the vitamin from Jese, holding up Andrea's arm. She injected the vitamin B12 into her, hoping it'd give her energy and strength.

"Hold that," Doctor Stevens said, wanting Andrea to hold the needle. Jese brought over a thermometer, sticking it inside of Andrea's mouth. Andrea looked to be the worst out of them all.

After a few minutes, Jese took it back, as Andrea swallowed.

"Why are we being held here? We wanna leave." Andrea said sternly, still not trusting of this new place.

"You know well enough," Doctor Stevens said as she walked over to Mikaela, handing her an ibuprofen. "It's late. You should stay the night."

"Where are we?" Mikaela asked, needing to know.

Doctor Stevens looked at the guards who were keeping a close eye. "That's not for me to say," She said, walking back over to the counter, and setting the clipboard down. "He'll talk to you."

"Who?" Ariel questioned, but was interrupted by Anthony walking in.

"Go check on Ms. McLeoud, Doc." Anthony said, walking in and sitting down on a chair, looking at the four.

She commanded Anthony's demand, walking to the other room, past the guards.

"I bet you thought I was dead," Anthony said, looking at the women. Mostly Andrea and Mikaela. "Here I am."

Andrea and Mikaela nodded, looking at him. Anthony's hair was grown out more, and his clothing was equipped with storage space for weapons.

"The world gets smaller towards then end, doesn't it?" He said, looking at all four now. "I was glad they found me. He helped me a lot,"

"Who?" Ariel asked, curious.

Anthony smiled a bit. "He's a good guy. Not to be messed with."


"When he found me, it was after that highway incident." Anthony explained, looking at the women. "I was tired.. thirsty.. hungry. I had nothing left in me. I pretty much was dead already." He said, going on and on. "I looked back and didn't see Adam. He left me to die. Then you pricks left me,"

"We didn't leave you." Mikaela spoke soflty, looking at Anthony. "We were out looking for you. I got shot."

"Got rushed onto a farm.. met some nice people there. They helped us. But we continued to look for you.. but things happened." Andrea explained.

"Like what?"

"We had people die.. Dale, some of the farm people.. it was really bad." Mikaela looked at him with a small sigh. "I almost died. Andrea saved me."

Anthony looked down. "I'm sorry to hear. I went back for you guys," 

"When?" Andrea asked, looking at him with a raised eyebrow, before coughing a bit.

Anthony sighed. "It was a few days after. You guys were already gone. I thought you all died."

There was a small pause. 

"My dad.. Adam.. are they dead?" Anthony asked, looking at the two for answers.

Mikaela looked to Andrea, who had just shrugged. 

"I don't know. Me and Mikaela were separated when we found these two," Andrea said, glancing over to Michonne and Ariel.

"How long's it been since you last saw them?" Anthony questioned.

"Not for a long time." Andrea said quietly, looking down, missing Shane. 

Anthony nodded slowly. He rose an ear as The Governor walked into the room, eyeing Andrea with a small, charismatic smile. 

"Hello," He said softly, looking into her eyes.

Things were looking up, for once, everyone thought.

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