The Rest of Eternity (EreMika)

Por ReuahcsKire

173K 2K 1.5K

After Eren and Mikasa get in a fight, Eren disappears for two years. Once he gets back, he's changed, and he... Más

Chapter 1 (Before overhaul)
Chapter 2 (Before Overhaul)
Chapter 3 (Before overhaul)
Chapter 4 (Before overhaul)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
The End
New story!

Chapter 17

4.2K 47 49
Por ReuahcsKire

Armin, Eren, and Mikasa left the beach. Armin and Eren we're both laughing, and Mikasa was smiling, while listening.

Mikasa stepped in closer to Eren, resting her head on his shoulder as they walked.

They were passing by a store, when Eren stopped.

"Wait, I'll be right back. You two, stay right here"

He rushed into the little store, and stayed in there for about five minutes, before coming out with another red scarf, looking at Mikasa.

She smiled, and took a step towards Eren, bending her head as Eren wrapped the new scarf around her.

She straightened herself, then wrapped her arms around Eren, who returned the hug, as well as planting a kiss on her forehead, causing her cheeks to start to heat up.

"Hey, where's my present?" Armin asked, raising an eyebrow.

Eren rolled his eyes, and left. Coming back about two minutes later, and threw a pair of socks at Armin.

"Awh, thanks Eren." Armin said, making Eren roll his eyes again.


Mikasa grabbed Erens hand, and held it tightly, thanking Eren for the scarf.

They then set off again back to their camp.

A few hours later

The entire survey corps is in a big open field, and Erwin is upfront yelling.

"We've just gathered information about the holders of the Colossal, and Armored titans are near the walls! This is our chance to end the centuries of terror the titans have brought upon the human race by destroying these two threats! Now to be clear, most of you will die, but I assure you, it won't be i vain. I swear, on my very life that this final exposition will end the rule of the titans!"

Eren, Armin, and Mikasa all looked at each other, then back up at Erwin.

"Eren Yeager will use his titan abilities to take down the Armored titan, once he's down, we'll cut out the holder, and execute him on the spot, no questions asked. The colossal will be harder, but we will take them down too. Then all that's left, will be the regulars. If we keep our heads level, we can end this once and for all! The exposition will start in three hours. Get some rest! you are dismissed."

Everyone stood up, and filed out. Eren looked at Mikasa,

"Eren, are you sure you can do this?" She asked him, grabbing his hand.

"Yes, I have the entire corps, and most importantly you supporting me. I know I can do this."

Mikasa nodded, and pulled Eren in for a hug.

"I can't believe we'll finally be free.. We can go outside the walls, build a home, start a family.. I've always wanted to.."

Eren nods, "I know Mikasa. Trust me, I know. We'll do all those things, I swear."

Mikasa nodded, burying her face in Erens neck.

"I should go to sleep, if I want to be at my best," He said, looking down at her. "And you're going to join me."

Mikasa nodded, and followed him to his room.

Eren slid in the bed, Mikasa following him. She wrapped herself up in his arms, and looked up at Eren, who smiled down at her.

"I.. I love you Eren" She whispered, moving her head back down.

"I love you too Mikasa" He smiled planting a kiss on the top of her head. Before laying his head down himself.

They both fell asleep on each others arms.
Eren woke up with Mikasa till wedged between his arms. He smiled, before whispering

"Hey Mikasa, we need to get going"

She groaned, turning, "Just a little longer.."

"Mikasa.. we need to go"

She sighed, "Fine.." She said, rolling out of the bed.

Eren got up as well, and grabbed his uniform, and ran to the bathroom
to change.

He knocked on the door again, and when Mikasa gave the go-ahead he walked in.

"Are you ready?" He asked her,

She nodded, "let's take back our world.."

He nodded, and they rushed out of the room, and to the horses stables.

Everyone else was already there, and they began getting their horses, and they lined up.

"The final expedition of the survey corps begins now! Soldiers, Advance!"

With the final scream, everyone took off, out of the safety of the walls, and into the outside world.

The thunder of the hooves hitting the ground echoed, as they made their way into the forest.

Suddenly, a loud explosion sounded, and steam flowed through the trees. A few thunderous thuds, then the Armored titan appeared from the forest.


There we go, another chapter done. We've got one more chapter   to go, and this book will be done. I'll see you then.

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