Not you, your body. ( Jastin...

By jaztynbae

13.1K 1K 476

Jastin version, Sequel & Zustin version in the same book! English/French versions Justin Bieber was head over... More

01. Does he ever kiss you? - est-ce qu'il t'embrasse jamais?
02. What made you cry?
03. I made myself a fuck toy
04. Try something new
05. Smile, baby..
06. Wolves
07. Spicy stuff...
08. Sugary but Spicy
09. Mr Malik..
10. He's not a slut and we're not going to fuck
Thank you so much!!
12. Mood swings like a pregnant woman's
13. Embryo
14. Call me daddy
15. I have you
16. Friends
17. History repeats
18. Not our fault
19. mommy, I'm pregnant.
20. One more chance
21. Love has no gender..
22. Hospital visit..
23. I hate you
Few edits
24. Stubborn but I love you..
25. You're not a burden to me
26. Bathtub sex
27. And we made love..
28. I'm right here baby..
29. Flat line
30. Let it go..
31. They're our babies..
32. A lullaby
33. First date?..
34. I'm sorry..
Thank you!!
35. Through the tears and laughter..
36. Tom and Jerry..
Very important please read!!
37. Champagne and red wine..
39. Diamond...
40. You and your body.. ( the end)
Important please read!
Zustin version
01. Does he ever kiss you?
02. What made you cry?
Sequel : You And Your Body
01. Troubles are a part of living
02. Little Angels
New book!

11. He has cancer

404 33 31
By jaztynbae

( His eyes is the definition of innocence. Who's with me?👀)

Please leave inline comments!!

" He has cancer"

In a long time, McCann felt the pain. A cruel monster that cursed pain upon an innocent bunny felt the pain. He felt his heartbeat and he felt it clench. He felt the tears in his eyes, he felt his legs give up as he slid down the wall in the hospital room that Justin stayed, laying on a bed and looking up at the ceiling as if he was dead. His eyes were open, They just didn't show any emotions. McCann expected Justin to cry, throw a tantrum, at least a tear to slip down his face. But to his horror, Justin was emotionless. As if a corpse.

Justin was dying, he was going to leave the world before five months. The cancer had spread in his stomach, that's what the doctor said. There's no way to cure him.

Justin kept throwing up in the bathroom as Jason sobbed in his room. He sobbed until his eyes were blood red and he still kept crying. He cried like he didn't do in five years. He had never cried like this other than the day he lost the most important person in his life. They were gone, and even when they weren't, Jason gave them love, the care they expected from the man. But Justin, he was going to die without having any of that. He was going to die as some billionaire's fuck toy. For the first time in years, Jason actually felt guilty, he felt angry at himself for not giving the love and attention Justin wanted and deserved from his husband.

He was going to give what Justin deserves and he was dying that he wouldn't feel the love over the fear of death.

" Jason " Justin called from the bathroom after throwing up for at least thirty five minutes. Jason wiped his face swiftly, getting up and off the floor and walking into Justin's bathroom. " Yes baby"

" Justin's heart clenched at the name he called him. Never in his life has McCann called Justin such a name that was filled with love and affection. McCann always wanted sex but this change didn't make Justin feel content. It just broke him all over .

He was happy until the moment Jason called him 'baby' because he was going to die and McCann wouldn't even care and will move on. But now Jason had started to accept the love he has for the 25 year old man and Justin didn't want to leave him and leave him in the pain.

" Can you help me to go back to bed? My body's sore. " Justin's small voice spoke.

Jason smiled, nodding and picking up the man. Jason took Justin back to bed and placed him on the bed carefully. He pulled the covers over Justin's body and leaned down, placing his lips on Justin's cheek and lingering there for a second, before pulling away.

Justin's heart was beating fast and his eyes got watery. How long has he been waiting to feel this affection from his man? But now he was not allowed to be happy about it.

" Why would you kiss me?" Bieber spoke softly.

" Because.. I wanted you to know that I love you" Jason mumbled, looking into Justin's eyes and waiting to see a happiness in his eyes for once but he found nothing. It looked pained than before.

" Please don't" Bieber mumbled, looking away from his husband.

" Justin, I thought you wanted me to love you-"

" Not anymore" Bieber mumbled emotionlessly.

" Why? What's going on Justin?" Jason pleaded.

" Because I don't feel the same about you anymore"

And Bieber turned away from Jason and pulled the covers over his neck.

" Do you want to cuddle?" Jason asked, trying to hold back tears because it was harder to hold back the tears when you try the most. A tear or two slipped from his eyelids but he didn't care anymore.

" Can you leave please?" Bieber sighed, closing his eyes tight.

And Jason felt the pain he'd been causing on Justin for three complete years in one moment.


Fifteen votes and ten comments please!!

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