Alpha's Little Luna

By reddenedroses

5.2M 129K 28.2K

"Tell me girl, why did you and your worthless self waltz into my territory?" An unfamiliar voice booms just b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77

Chapter 45

48.5K 1.4K 208
By reddenedroses

Sitting on the edge of the bathtub I rush as I hear Greyson's steps come back into the room. He's been waiting on me to finish getting ready.

We're a bit late.

I'll just say he wasn't very happy to catch me sleeping when he came back upstairs with my breakfast. The good news is that I feel much better now that I've slept a bit more.

"Willa, are you almost done?" He asks standing outside the bathroom. His head is turned away from me as he puts on his watch.

"Yeah, I just have to put on my other shoe," I grunt trying to buckle the clasp on my heel.

We both sigh in unison-him at me, me at the clasp. "Well if you wouldn't of fallen asleep again," he mumbles under his breath.

Finally I get the buckle fastened rolling my eyes behind his back. I mock his words under my breath before glancing at the mirror.

Nodding, I pad over to Grey.

I slide my finger tips from one shoulder to the other catching his attention. My dress flowing behind me as I peek around his shoulder before standing in front of him.

"Wow," he mumbles looking at me. I blush lightly hearing the words tumble from his mouth. Sometimes it's strange thinking that someone like him, is the one I'll be spending my life with.

Greyson Hudson, you kill me.

"You're stunning," he whispers striding towards me. His arms wraps around my waist pulling me into him.

I set my hands on his chest, "You're not too shabby yourself."

More like sexy as hell.

My eyes flicker at his outfit momentarily smirking to myself. His tight white button up is tucked into his fitted dress pants, the buttons half way undone exposing his chest.

He smiles grabbing my hand, quickly he spins me in a circle. Laughing I pivot around, my white dress flaring with my motion.

It only takes him a second to pull me back to him swaying us softly. There's no music playing, but there doesn't need to be. This is perfect just as it is.

"I love you," Grey tells me his blue irises staring down at me.

His look only makes me smile wider planting a kiss on his lips. It's not like I could resist.

If I get a chance to kiss him, I will without a doubt do it each time.

My hand drag down his neck onto his exposed chest. My eyes linger on the "x" shaped scar on his collarbone before I feel how rapidly his heart is beating.

Looking back up to his eyes, I don't linger on the thought of how that scar was inflicted.

Flints not here anymore, we don't need to worry about him.

"I love you too," I tell him truthfully. A wide grin spreads across his face to my words.

They never get old.

Grey grabs my hand once again leading me out of the room.

I feel a sense of confidence as I feel my dress flow behind me gracefully. My heels clicking nicely letting everyone know I'm coming.

It's a new feeling, honestly.

Gripping Greyson's arm while walking down the stairs, he chuckles quietly at my cautiousness. I better hold onto something just in case. Heels are hard to walk in.

Once we reach the bottom, we're instantly met with the two guards. The two that were there last night.

They glance at each other momentarily before pulling items from behind their backs. 

Slowly I unhook my arm from around Greyson's reaching out.

The guard in front of me holds a white mask. It's small and would only cover around my eyes. Intricate designs scatter the material making it sparkle under the light.

I pinch the material between my fingertips afraid I may ruin it if I grip it normally. "Thank you," I tell him. "But what is this for?"

"Everyone will be wearing a mask Luna," he smiles softly. "Kind of like a masquerade."

I nod looking over to Greyson. He raises his eyebrow, thanking the guard quickly.

I notice his is much different from mine. His has silver details, creating a reflection almost. The shape is similar to mine which surrounds the eyes, but one side stretches all the way down to his jaw.

He puts his on before me, tying the ribbon behind his head.

Watching him, his jaw clenches before he readjusts his shirt.

He looks perfect, perfect.

"Put yours on," he smirks.

It's the smirk that would make any one melt. My knees feel weak even though I've seen his signature smirk countless times. Each time leaving me dazed.

Feeling the mask slip from my fingertips I realize I was staring off into space.

He steps behind me, tying the pale gray ribbon around the back of my head.

Once he's done he slides his fingers past my neck to my shoulders.

I look to the side noticing the guards have left.

When did they leave?

"Ready?" Grey asks squeezing my shoulders slightly. I jump to his voice since I was lost in my thoughts.

My eyes snap up to his, nodding slightly.

I was never told how many packs would be showing up today. Though I can guess that it's a lot considering all of the preparation.

So many new faces, new personalities, and voices. I don't know what to expect and how to act really.

Crowds aren't really my forte.

Greyson steps out from behind me until he's standing to my side. It only takes a second before he wings his arms, offering for me to loop my own around it.

Taking a deep breath, I hold onto his bicep.

Looking dead ahead at the door, we don't move. I stand there waiting for Greyson to take the first step, yet he doesn't.

That's until I feel him lean down as he puts his lips to my ear, "Don't worry. Everyone will love you."

My eyes widen, turning my head to him.

I go to look at his face, but instead when I turn he catches my lips to his.

Reaching up I'm looking to hold his jaw in place.

I retract my hand quickly due to my hand not hitting his skin. Instead it hits the hard material of his mask making me flinch back from the kiss.

"I forgot that was there," I say.

He smiles widely kissing my forehead. The dimples I love making an appearance.

His eyes flicker up once music starts playing on the other side of the door.

I guess it's time to go outside.

Once his eyes meet mine again, he motions his head to the door. He silently instructs is to start making our way there. I follow his motion taking his arm in my grasp once again.

I take a deep breath as he takes the first step, and then another until I watch his hand reach to the door knob opening it.

I can't help but smile slightly when I see the sight in front of me.

Soft fairy lights string from tree to tree casting a low soft light on the people surrounding.

People of all ages dancing, their white clothing pleasing my eyes.

"Wow," I mumble under my breath as we wonder around the crowd. I can't even tell who's from our pack and who's from another. It's almost like we're all one, we're all the same.

Greyson's hand touches my own that resides on his arm. This makes me draw my attention to him, seeing a smile on his lips as well.

A breeze picks up my hair brushing it back. My skin pricks with goosebumps as I close my eyes letting Greyson guide me.

Everything is so beautiful. All of the nerves I felt just a little ago has washed away.

I open my eyes when I feel Greyson's steps slow.

"You know, I was going to grab you since your eyes were closed," Seb's sudden voice appears. "But Greyson wouldn't let me," he crosses his arms pouting slightly.

Scoffing I let go of Greyson just to push Seb back slightly.

His eyes pop with mischievous behind his black mask. My eyes flicker to his outfit and I almost have to keep my eyes from rolling because it screams Seb.

I don't even know if I should call it an outfit at all.

I mean, he has no shirt on to start.

At least he has white shorts on, he's got that going for him.

"You put little to no effort in your outfit," I motion my finger up and down his body. This only makes him step back giving Grey and I a turn.

"You know my motto," he huffs a breath. "The fun doesn't start until I'm wearing barely anything."

Putting my hand up to stop his speaking, I chuckle under my breath. I can only take this man in small doses before I regret talking to him in the first place.

"Go find someone else to annoy," I tease him lightly. I can't h a smirk from him before grabbing Grey's hand to drag him along.

We quickly get swallowed in the crowd, Seb doing the same in the opposite direction.

I try not to push anybody, but it's kind of hard when everyone is standing in close knitted groups. I keep apologizing, one after another.

Cringing again I really bump into a man. It takes just a second for Grey to yank my hand back twirling me in the process. "Oh my bad, I spun her to far," he tells the person I ran into. He lies right through his teeth to save my ass.

He holds me close hiding my smile.

"It's alright Alpha Hudson," he nods and glances to me. "No worries Luna," he smiles.

I smile nodding to him before turning around. It only takes a second for Greyson  and I's eyes to meet. As soon as they do, we burst out laughing, running away.

Now he's the one dragging me along. It's probably for the best. He's been to the Festival before, he knows where to go and where we shouldn't.

I'm completely oblivious when it comes to this.

He stops abruptly making me crash into his back. "Greyson?" I ask with a thud.

I peek around his shoulder seeing his confused expression. What's wrong with him?

"Are you okay?" I ask him even though he's clearly completely shocked by something.

Looking over to his line of vision I try to figure out what exactly he's staring at. All I see is people, large and small, old and young. There's really nothing that's standing out to me.

"The Lightwood pack," he sighs taking a step forward. "They're not supposed to be here. The Lunar pack could be anywhere here." He grounds the last sentence between his teeth before he storms forward.

I watch with wide eyes as he stands in front of someone who's the same height as him. But if I were being completely honest, this other guy has more muscles than Grey.

He's completely ripped, his chocolate skin written with scars. Some new, some have been there a while.

His hair curled only rising from his head by an inch or so. His light brown eyes flicking between Grey and I quickly. "Alpha Lightwood, you're not suppose to be here," Grey warns quietly.

He licks his lips before smiling. I find myself smiling as well finding it contagious.

You know those people where you just want to smile because they're smiling? Well he's one of those people.

"You know, I thought about it." His eyes narrow, "But then I remembered that this would be so much more fun."

Greyson's eyes go wide as he lowers his head threatening.

But Alpha Lightwood quickly laughs making Grey's on guard position lesson. "Come on Alpha Hudson," he laughs. "Don't worry, I'm not here to cause trouble with them. We just came to enjoy the party."

"You're not the one I'm worried about Eli," Greyson says in a hushed tone looking around making sure no ears are listening it.

My eyes widen slightly when Greyson uses his first name. But when I see the Alpha smirk, I figure out that he doesn't mind.

"I'll be on my best behavior Greyson," he jokes patting him on the shoulder. But then his light brown eyes snap to me, "Introduce me to your Luna, good friend."

"I'm Willa, it's nice to meet you Alpha," I tell him offering a hand to shake.

He smiles widely taking ahold of my hand, but what I don't expect is for him to pull me forward. He envelopes me in a tight hug. His large body enveloping mine. "Call me Eli, I hate titles." He chuckles pulling me back.

I can't help but smile glancing to Greyson who's just smirking.

"We're going to go look at everything else," Grey nods starting to step away. "Don't get into trouble while I'm gone."


I grab onto Grey's hand as he starts walking away, but a voice quickly stops him. "Greyson!" I hear Faye call from behind us. We both freeze our steps looking back to her.

She opens her mouth to say something, but snaps it closed quickly. Her eyes travel from my eyes, up and to something behind us. Her jaw slacks, eyes glazing over.

"Mate," a deep voice says behind Grey and I.

Our heads swing to Eli, eyes wide.

"Mate," another voice then says.

Our heads then turn to Faye.

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