Dead Eye

Por shachiseth

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What happens when you wake up some day and find out that there is no resemblance to yourself in your own head... Más

Chapter 1 Beginning Or Semicolon
Chapter 2 Clues Or Puzzles
Chapter 3 Mistaken Identity
Chapter 4 Puzzles And Troubles
Chapter 5 Gratitude And Attack
Chapter 6 Merry Christmas
Chapter 7 Dream Or Memory Relapse
Chapter 8 Shocks n Surprises
Chapter 9 Messing Present
Chapter 10 To Believe Or Not To Believe
Chapter 11 First Mission
Chapter 12 Skeptical Decisions
Chapter 14 Jealousy And Spying
Chapter 15 Betrayal?
Chapter 16 Fight For Freedom
Chapter 17 Fast N Furious or Speed
Chapter 18 Help From Friends?
Chapter 19 Funeral
Chapter 20 Alive And Breathing
Chapter 21 Wrong Side Of Bed
Chapter 22 Who Are You?
Chapter 23 Open Up
Chapter 24 Shelter Home
Chapter 25 Troubled Memories
Chapter 26 Plan To Avenge
Chapter 27 Being Played!
Chapter 28 Fighting Rink
Chapter 29 Eiffel Tower Attack
Chapter 30 Different Person
Chapter 31 Friends With Benefits
Chapter 32 I Am Married
Chapter 33 Evidences in Bag
Chapter 34 Badass Cynthia!
Chapter 35 Tattoo And Its Mystery
Chapter 36 Peru Again!
Chapter 37 Dead or Alive?
Chapter 38 Get Set For Some Ass kicking
Chapter 39 The Big Attack
Chapter 40 Terrorist Attack
Chapter 41 Messenger Of Death
Chapter 42
Untitled Part 43 Not THE END

Chapter 13 Big Bad Day

31 6 5
Por shachiseth

Chapter 13

Big Bad Day

John entered the arvard institute in an uniform, he even managed to get the print out of his identity card of the security staff that was already deployed at the venue.

He had studied minutely, spent three continuous nights planning every single detail of the event.

Its not that he didn't have seconds thoughts on joining the team, which Cynthia had proposed.

But when he read in the papers that the person to be killed was mastermind behind many blasts and terrorist activities.

Assassinating him lead to greater peace and crimpling of the terror group.

He reconsidered and then started studying the entire schedule.

It was a three-day event.

On first two days there would be only students form different colleges, faculties, ex-students, young volunteers and international exchange students where they will jointly preparing projects and demonstrations for the event. They will be preparing about the speeches and few regional performances were also scheduled for the guest of honor.

The student or the targeted person John was picked to assassinate was one who'd be handing a file wrapped in yellow ribbon the minister.

He was an exchange student and he was secretly carrying explosives that could blast the whole building.

Thousands might die.

All John had to do was shoot him and the team would take care of the rest.

John was concerned about young students who would be future of the country.

He was raged that the terrorist were not only planning to kill the defense minister but there would be hundreds of innocent fatalities.

He had firmly decided to fight against them at the moment.

He chalked out a plan.

Through maps from the net that he could use while Danny was fast asleep in his room. John made sure of that.

He'd train Danny half in the morning and the rest mostly endurance they'd do in the evening.

So by the time of dawn Danny was exhausted and slept like a child.

John had managed buying loads of coffee packets to keep him awake at night and would make up to his sleep in the morning and during lunch hours.

He had managed blueprints of each and every corner of the college and its nearby surrounding.

He felt both sorry and gratitude that todays world was an open book.

If he could get through the secured premises of the college other terror groups could too.

But there was no fighting the technology now.

It had been deeply embedded in our lives that extracting it now was next to impossible.

John chuckled at the memory when Cynthia commented that the words difficult and impossible were missing in his dictionary.

He himself was surprised at his efficiency.

The moment he decided to work on the project he was blank, clueless and under confident. He was trying but he expected failure in the task.

But now as he stands all dressed up in the entrance of the college building, his identity already checked and the annoyed bouncer who had been doing this since morning almost pushed him in.

John noticed that the youngsters were excited about the event.

Few were busy given last minute prep to their models, some practicing their speech, few making sure that the arrangements were finely done, few were simply chatting away with their friends laughing and giggling unaware of the danger looming over them.

John next target was to look for the security lounge where he'd find other security officers and locate the gun each security officer is entitled to have.

He made sure that he copied the identity card of the gun bearer so he stood in line with others.

"When did you join? I di not see you earlier." One of the guards asked John.

"He must be one of the new recruitment David was talking about specially for the event." Another security guard answered for John patting on his friend's shoulder.

John who had used a whip load of tanning cream, something he'd noticed in the local grocery and nodded in acceptance.

"Shit goes crazy here" said the guard whose name John read as Samuel "these teenagers think they rule the world. They are all so loud and crazy."

He said, "don't seem to understand when a guard tell them to keep away."

"Youngsters are meant to be energetic and enthusiastic" John commented "good for the country

"Hell the" f##kers are going to do for the country" other guy Harry stated, "these rich brats are not here to learn and flourish. They are only wasting their parents hard earned money." He whisper laughed "the other day I notice three guys watching porn videos while their professor was explaining some shit"

'They say the future of our country is in their hands' Samuel said 'all I see in their hands is their dick every time they masturbate in the toilet and don't even flush their filth." He cursed "bloody rich arseholes"

"Why are you so angry at them?" John couldn't help asking "you don't even know them'

'I was supposed to be promoted to guard higher officials, my first promotion in five years and then this Science and Space show happens they send the entire staff to babysit these f##kers."

John realized that the head and official were aware of the supposedly attack. Hence so much security.

"This will take only three days than you can be promoted" John tried to console him.

"Bull shit! You all of people should know how competitive this field his." He looked around surveying and John realized he was a nice guard and deserved his due promotion "some son of a b!tch turns up with huge recommendation and gets the post I was supposed to get."

John nodded patting him again as if his assurance would help.

After getting the gun and the counted bullets John headed toward the huge banquet where the event was suppose to take place.

Actually this was the second stage of the event.

The minister would be visiting all the tables where the projects were displayed and then head towards this huge auditorium to address the students.

John had learnt that this is when they were planning the assassination.

He secured himself a place where he'd be directly facing the minister and any threat to him from the designation terrorist who was posing as an exchange student he'll shoot him right on spot.

John had utilized the small demographic shooting range of Danny's showroom to practice his aim.

He knew that he could aim well with the knowledge of arms and gun that was still fresh in head even if he'd forgotten everything else.

"What are you doing here?' one of the sturdy tall and broad built guard asked John. "you aren't assigned here."

He stated.

"Hey man" John tried to be friendly "of course I was in your squad you don't remember?" he showed his tag "Jim hardly. I am Jim you forgot"

"No" he denied immediately "I remember each and every staff member I have trained. Now you" he pointed angrily at John "go to your designated area."

John knew he was in deep shit

All the warning bell and mysterious music was now running in his head

He feared being caught and then his entire planning would be a waste.

More than that he might get arrested to...

"This is where.." john tried to argue.

"Show me your id." The sturdy guard asked 'If you were allotted here" he showed his own card turning it upside down and it was metallic blue laminated from behind giving reflection of rainbow colors.

John bit his lips, he was caught. He never realized that he had to be specific about both the sides of tehid card.


When the guard tried to turn John's id cad to check.

John pretended to have dropped something on the floor and bent to pick it.

When he stood up he made it a point to give sudden jerk to the neck of the guard.

He felt sorry for hurting an honest employee

But it was for better good he consoled himself and concentrated on task in hand.

Instinctively he knew that his blow to the guard would only make him unconscious for several hours and then he'll be fine.

He was surprised at this own knowledge and thought apprehensively Cynthia was right he was actually an agent and meant to do it all his life.

Once the officer was about to fall on the floor John held him from his shoulders "yes sir" he shouted in a very attentive tone like talking to his senior guard "take me to the zone I was allotted to. Please help me" he pretended to talk to unconscious Guard who was now wearing a dark shaded ladies goggle that John had managed to sneak from one of the student who had it hanging on the belt of her purse.

John learnt that he was a smooth stealer too not a trait that he was very proud of.

He managed to sneak him into a very dirty and dusty empty old classroom, which was more of a store.

The cheers and loud noises that he heard made him realize that the minister was here and soon he had to do the doing.

Now John was on full on active mode.

He eyed each and every student carefully, the organizers and the event managers who were taking care of every precise thing and were proud of the smooth functioning of the event.

Now the auditorium was pin drop silent, the minister was about to give his speech and John was so focused that he could hear his own heart beats.

The minister spoke for a while congratulating the participants, appreciating the organizers and giving his view on the youth and future of the country.

Now was the time when few of the representatives of student council were about to give the reports of their project to the minister who with his team was going to go through them and send the result or announce the winner.

The winner was supposed to get a contact with some huge prize money.

John was informed that one of the representative was a human bomb.

He had seen his picture.

Every time a student arrived the stage the other student cheered and wolf whistled for their teammate.

Now when John noticed his target entering the stage.

John fidgeted on his toes, his heartbeat quickening and he wasn't sure if he wanted to do it.

He extended his hand to aim the gun at the student when a girl shouted "look he is the Wiesley, the famous Wiesley who designed a nuclear weapon at the age of 17 and refused to sell it to any country'

"He vowed never to sell it."

"He is a straight A student and had contributed his skill in the betterment of his country's army."

His country is planning ties with ours."

"They say it's huge."

All the students were talking to each other and John couldn't help but eaves drop in their conversation.

The student who was human bomb suspect didn't seem like one according to his peers.

John did not aim at him.

But another gun shot was heard and John quickly leapt on the stage.

Someone else had tried to fire at the Weisley guy, the minister was safe, his body guards had taken care of it

John saw the shooter running and he quickly pulled the knife hidden under the sole of his shoe and attack the person on his leg.

He fell down and was immediately held by other security officers.

John now went to Weisley and hit him slightly on his jaw making him unconscious.

He now picked the folders he was holding and took him to one of the janitors that John had managed to find out was under renovation and not in use.

He checked Weisley and made sure that he wasn't wearing any explosives.

He sent a silent prayer upwards for not killing the innocent

He then noticed the documents that contained some important description regarding defense policies of the country.

He was here to help the defense minister in a discreet way without giving his name and the information was pretty vital.

John did not know what to do.

He couldn't wake the kid up and send him to the minister to hand him the documents..

It was risky and the kid's life was in danger

He couldn't personally hand over the papers to the minister.

Staying in the college too was dangerous.

If there was one sniper for the kid, he himself being the other one, there might be more.

But why did Cynthia send him to shoot the innocent kid?

He dismissed the important question, his priority being ensuring the safety of the young lad.

He managed the uniform of another security officer whom again he'd hit unconscious.

He was doing it often and he sure as hell wasn't very proud of it.

Desperate times!

He changed Wiesley into the guard's outfit

He sprinkled some water over Wiesley and shushed him by blocking his mouth with his hand

"Who are you? Why are you killing me." The intelligent boy scared as hell muttered as John lifted his hand "please let me go." He begged.

"Look kid" John said pressing his mouth again "Don't worry. I am here to help but you have to cooperate." Wiesley looked back at John with fear filled eyes "there are people out there who want to kill you" simply nod if you understand and Wiesley blinked "then you were supposed to deliver this file to the minister" John paused and Wiesley winked again "now I will lift my hand and you will not shout" He winked again in acceptance 'I promise I will take you back safe, just don't shout" Wiesley nodded again eager this time.

John removed his hand cautiously and ready to put it back if he shouted again.

"You were supposed to hand over these papers to the minister?" John asked "but you couldn't did you have any back up plan incase you failed?"

"What papers? What documents?" Wiesley became ignorant "what are you talking about?'

Authors note:

Too intense?

If you are silently reading this book please be a sweetheart and press the star button, it will really help my confidence issues

Love n luck


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