Harry Potter and the Year of...

By TravelThroughTime

44.2K 927 33

Harry, Hermione and Ron are going to Hogwarts for their 7th year. During the year Harry gets close to people... More

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotter
Surprise Number 1
Diagon Alley
Three more Surprises (and Fred and George's)
The Kiss
Harry and Ron's agreement
The Talks
Trouble at the Station
First Night Surprise
Getting Ready
The Head Boy and Girl
The Ball
The New Quarters
The Hideaway
The Bet
What Ginny Found
Ginny's Surprise
A Surprise for Erin
The Bets part two
Harry's Glow
Dumbledore's Surprise
The Invisible Surprise
Stealing From Severus
Talking with the Big Guy
Catching Up
Just Five Hours
The Lockets
Building Up To It
A Great Match
You Are Harry Potter
Hermione's Rebellious Streak
The Party - part one
The Party - part two
A Million Galleons?
Three Mini Tests
Athletic Ability
More Athletic Ability
Girls Are Still Better
Baby Talk
Christmas Is Coming
A Rather Eventful Morning
Okay, I'll give you ten minutes
Just Thinking
The Meeting
The Death Eaters
Weasley? Why do I know that name?
Malfoy's Fan Club
April Fool's Day
Letters From Above
Change It's Name
The Last Match
Draco's First Night
Auror Forms
The Dark Mark
A Father's Plea
Telling The Story
Getting Packed
They Dissapeared
Number One
Into College

The Fallout

349 7 0
By TravelThroughTime

Not mine!!!!!


The next morning, Hedwig swooped into Harry and Ron's room at about 6am. She pecked at Harry to get up. He finally forced himself to get up and take the letter she had for him. He put on his glasses, opened the letter and read.

‘Dear Harry.

How are the babies? Have Remus and Tonks chosen names yet? Hope everyone is well. I am just writing to say that I will not be coming to Grimmauld Place for Christmas. I have too much work to do. I am taking my OWLs on the first week back after the holidays so I'm staying so that I can get in as much revision as possible. Parvati and Lavender are staying as well so at least I won't be lonely. Please do not get me a Christmas present as I have not had any time to get you anything. I apologise a thousand times for this much I really haven’t stopped working all year. 

Dumbledore told me to tell you to inform Molly that he would love to attend Christmas dinner and will arrive on Christmas Eve morning.

Write back please.



Harry gave a sigh of relief. He had totally forgotten to get Petunia a present and although he felt guilty, he was quite glad she told him not to.

He wrote a quick reply. 

‘Dear Petunia. 

Are you sure about the present?

The babies are fine. The girl is called Rhiannon Hermione and the boy is called Sirius Harry James. After Sirius, me and my dad! The girl is called after Hermione because she delivered the babies. Ron and Hermione are Sirius’ godparents and me and Ginny are Rhiannon’s! I know! Isn’t it crazy, but I am so pleased.

I really hope you do well in these OWLs because you’ve definitely worked for them!

See you soon, then.



Now that he was up, Harry knew he wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep so he got up and showered. Coming out of the shower at about seven o’clock, Harry met Ron on the staircase. 

‘On your way to wake Hermione with some roses?’ he teased. 

Ron scoffed. ‘No! I stopped that, ages ago! I'm up because I'm so nervous!’

‘About what?’

‘The christening! I don’t know what to do or what to wear or anything!’

Harry had completely forgotten. ‘Oh shit! I forgot about that! Ron, what am I supposed to do? I'm really nervous as well! Do we even have to say anything?’

‘I don’t know. I was just going to ask mum because she’s been a godmother loads of times.’

‘I’ll come with you then. Go on!’ Harry poked him downstairs and followed him into the kitchen, still dressed in his towel.

They walked into the kitchen to the familiar site of Molly standing at the oven.

‘Morning boys!’ she said, briskly. ‘Harry, you really should put some clothes on. There’s not much heat in this house.’

‘Yeah I was just going. We were just wondering about the christening later. What do we have to do?’

‘Oh, nothing really. Just stand there and say yes a lot.’

‘And that’s it?’

‘Yes. The priest will ask you if you will protect the child and stuff like that. Nothing big.’

‘Good good.’ Ron said. ‘Is breakfast nearly ready?’

‘No, now get up and get showered, you dirty beast!’ Molly said and started hitting him around the legs with a drying cloth. 

‘Harry dear, will you wake Ginny and Hermione for me. We are leaving here at nine o’clock and I want everyone showered and looking their best. Especially you four.’

‘Yes, Molly.’

‘Tell them that breakfast will be ready for them when they are ready to leave.’

‘Yes, Molly.’

‘And if Ginny won't get up tell her that she can't go to the christening.’

‘Yes, Molly.’

‘Now go and put some clothes on!’

‘Yes, Molly.’ Harry laughed and went out into the hall. There he saw,


‘Ah, Harry! It’s Professor Dumbledore!’

‘Sorry Professor.’

Molly came rushing out of the kitchen. ‘Oh hello Albus! Harry look at you with no clothes on and Dumbledore arriving! Honestly!’

‘Don’t worry, Molly. It's not the first time I have seen his torso!’ he chuckled to himself.

Molly looked bemused and Harry quickly made his excuses and raced upstairs, hoping Molly wouldn’t question him later on.

Harry went into Hermione and Ginny's room to wake them. He tried Hermione first, knowing that it would be a lot easier to wake her than Ginny.

‘Hermione. Hermione. You’ve got to get up now. We’re leaving for the christening soon and you need to get washed.’ he said, rather loudly.

She got up straight away, without a word and walked to the bathroom. 

Harry turned to Ginny, ready for a challenge. He tried the soft approach first.

‘Ginny. Ginny. Wake up. It's almost time for the christening.’

‘It can wait.’ she mumbled.

‘No it can't. You’re not allowed to be godmother if you don’t come now.’

She opened her eyes fully and shot Harry an awfully dirty look. ‘You know what, Harry,’ she said. ‘If it was any other morning, you’d be lying on your back with bat bogeys all around you, no matter what the law says.’

Harry tried not to smile she got up and stalked out of the room.

Now, to get changed, he thought as he headed up the stairs. He looked in his trunk to see what he had but he didn’t know what was appropriate.

He decided to wait for Ron to come out of the shower. When Ron appeared fifteen minutes later, Harry was waiting to ask him his opinion.

‘What should I wear, Ron?’ he asked as soon as Ron walked into the room.

‘Er, I don’t know. I've been thinking about that myself. I haven’t got a clue though.’

‘Will I wear my dress robes, or just a pair of jeans?’

‘I don’t know. Ask mum.’

Harry sprinted downstairs to see Molly and found that Dumbledore was still there.

‘Oh, hi Professor. I didn’t know you were still here.’ he said, feeling rather embarrassed about the torso comment the headmaster had made earlier.

‘Harry! My dear boy. Do call me Albus when we are not at school. After all those years together, I feel that we are more like acquaintances than headmaster and pupil.’

‘Er, sure, Albus. Molly, Ron and I were wondering what to wear. Dress robes or what?’

‘Good heavens, no! There shall be no robes. I think just your bet muggle attire will do. I mean nice jeans and a nice shirt or t shirt. You know.’

‘Yeah, thanks Molly.’ he ran back up the stairs to tell Ron.

He walked into the room, not looking directly at Ron, unfortunately and said, ‘just a pair of jeans and-’

Then he heard a tiny squeaking noise and looked around to see Ron and Hermione tangled up in each other.

‘For God’s sake, Ron! And you Hermione! I did NOT want to see that!’

‘Sorry Harry…’ Hermione mumbled and rushed out, pulling her towel around her.

Harry turned to his trunk to fetch his clothes. He could hear Ron taking a deep breath.

‘Look, Harry. There was no need to shout like that. I mean, we are going out and I think that if Hermione and I want to, then-’

‘Yeah, well in future don’t do it in front of me!’

‘Harry we were just-’

‘I know what you were doing and it is not something that I want to see my best friend and my sister at…together!’

Ron felt a surge of anger. ‘Well it's not like she’s your real sister or anything. You want to know how I feel when I see you and Gin-’

‘Levicorpus!’ Harry yelled and Ron was suddenly hanging in the air upside down. ‘Now, you just listen to me, Ron! I am a fucking orphan with no loving family! I should think that when I finally do get someone who would want to love me like a sister, you’d be happy!’

‘Harry! Please put me down!’

Harry flicked his wand and Ron landed in a naked heap on the floor. Either of the boys had realised Ron was naked while upside down.

‘What I'm saying, Harry is that you can't possibly feel the way I feel about Ginny because we have a blood connection.’

Harry snorted. ‘You’re starting to sound like Voldemort! What does blood matter? Huh?’

‘It…it…it doesn’t but…you just don’t understand.’

‘I fucking well understand that I don’t want to see you and Hermione stuck to each other like two wart plasters, whatever the hell blood relation we are!’

Ginny and Hermione came bursting into the room, panting.

‘What's all the screaming for?’ Ginny gasped.

Ron mumbled. ‘You wouldn’t get it.’

Harry nodded in agreement. ‘It's a guy thing.’

Hermione sighed loudly. ‘Look, if it's about what you just saw, Harry, then, I'm sorry. And so is Ron.’

‘No he isn’t!’ Harry shouted.

‘No I'm not!’ Ron retorted, at the same time.

‘Why not?’

‘Because I should be allowed to do whatever I want with my own bloody girlfriend in my own bloody room!’

‘Yeah, Ron, but it is Harry's room too.’ Hermione whispered.

‘And my house!’ Harry said, waving his arms about, as if he had just realised.

Ron, too, had also just realised. He quickly closed his mouth, which was open to say something rather abusive to Harry.

‘Yeah, I thought you would shut up after that!’ Harry grunted.

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