Warframe:lost cause(Finished)

By iohawa

9.1K 209 45

This story follows an ash and how everything changes in his world from his friends his surroundings and his d... More

Chapter 1 Ash's last mission
Chapter 2 reawakened to the new world
Chapter 3 enter arbiters of hexis
Chapter 4 the new world
Chapter 5 a raid?!
Chapter 6 abducted
Chapter 7 Crashed into the Syndicate
Chapter 8 heading to cephalon
Chapter 9 introducing the creators of destruction
Chapter 10 stranded on ceres
Chapter 11 alone and cold
Chapter 12 saving a friend
Chapter 13 waking up in an aftermath
Chapter 14 the upbringing on europa
Chapter 15 Plan to destroy snao
Chapter 16 war on Europa
Chapter 17 war on europa p2
Chapter 18 war on europa p3
Chapter 19 the uncharted planet
Chapter 20 Tough planet
Chapter 21 is he gone?
Chapter 22 on our way!
Chapter 23 the pit
chapter 24 Saryn
Chapter 25 these cages
Chapter 26 judgement
Chapter 27 Hell on earth
Chapter 28 Ghost tera
Chapter 29 the zephyr
Chapter 30 the simulacrum
Chapter 31 all gone to hell
Chapter 32 the simulacrum p2
Chapter 33 the war
Chapter 34 Ash the lost
Chapter 35 onlookers
Chapter 36 no more shells
Chapter 37 leave
Chapter 38 back into society
Chapter 39 Goals
Chapter 40 off to see nasd
Chapter 41 flushed out
Chapter 42 Revenge
Chapter 43 after report
Chapter 44 Lost in a dream
Chapter 45 the lost hero in the same era
Chapter 46 the arbiters bane
Chapter 47 aftershock
Chapter 48 odd ones
Chapter 49 Into the void
Chapter 50 Split mind
Chapter 51 seige
Chapter 52 the red veils rage
Chapter 53 Red veil miserys true intentions!
Chapter 54 unexpected alliance
Chapter 55 intrigued
Chapter 56 45 minutes of misery
Chapter 57 Ashs to ashs
Chapter 58 the trials ahead.
Chapter 59 weaponry!
Chapter 60 Basic steps.
Chapter 61 the orginal husk
Chapter 62 plans in motion
63 glitch in the system
Chapter 64 strike the heart
Chapter 65 Unspeakable terror/Chapter 66 Peace
Chapter 67 outpost
Chapter 68 Time to deal some vengence
Chapter 69 broken heart
Chapter 70 the strange man
Chapter 71 Marked
Chapyer 72 No lives are special
Chapter 73 Let me explain myself
Chapter 74 Reunions
Chapter 75 Beliefs
Chapter 76 Rathuum
chapter 77 the spoils
Chapter 78 Eternal
Chapter 79 the new world
Chapter 80 Operation Takeover
Chapter 81 Redemption
Chapter 82 the sattelite
Chapter 83 reawakened
Chapter 84 Hunters
Chapter 85 intial
Chapter 86 Drifter
Chapter 87 Apocalypse
Chapter 88 A warning
Chapter 89 A terror to all rogues
Chapter 90 The infested planet
Chapter 91 Father
Chapter 92 The shell janus
Chapter 93 rested up
Chapter 94 the mutants evolved
Chapter 95 The hybrid type
Chapter 96 the second raid
chapter 97 defection
chapter 98 awake again
Chapter 99 a fellow exile
Chapter 100 The genocide of a nation
Chapter 101 the neo
Chapter 102 rerisen
Chapter 103 Ctrl
Chapter 104 Lio virgo
Chapter 105 overlord
Chapter 106 answers
chapter 107 Where?
Chapter 108 The shaken universe p1
Chapter 109 The shaken universe p2
Chapter 109-2 imperfection
Chapter 110 the shaken universe p3
Chapter 111 the shaken universe p4
Chapter 112 there entitlement
chapter 113 Heirarchy.
Chapter 114 endebted
Chapter 115 end goal
Chapter 116 Nightime menace
a quick note
Chapter 117 death means no more betrayal
Chapter 118 a rescue mission for centuries
Chapter 119 another
chapter 120 fortress sent down
Chapter 121 The others
Chapter 112 Plan annhilation
123 the ashs of dera
Chapter 125 the raid to come
Chapter 126 the means to and end
Chapter 127 the means to an end p2
Chapter 128 the means to an end p3
Chapter 129 the means to an end p4
the means to an end p5
Chapter 131 the time after.
Chapter 132 the time after p2.
Chapter 133 time after p3
Chapter 134 The new world we started
Chapter 135 the new world we started p2
Chapter 136 the new world we started p3
Chapter 137 the world we started p4
Chapter 138 Epilogue

Chapter 124 The army of many.

9 0 0
By iohawa


I awake and see an infested above me.

???:ah yo..


I punch it in the face and slowly back up.

Ash:An infested...? Here?

I notice the rooms full of people looking at me.


???:Ow.....ow ow ow...


I look and see its tyst face infected.

Ash:Ah my bad...I forgot!

I help her up.

Tyst:Hi ash...

Ash:How did this happen?

Tyst:We reunite and you ask..

Ash:Its important please.

Tyst:My friend got infested and I sorta killed him and took it from him.

Ash:What why?! Thats life threating!

Tyst:I can control it..its fine.

Ash:No your not!

Tyst:How would you even now?!

Ash:Because I was a damn infested for a bit! Give it time they will take you whole body!

Seoul:Easy friend..

Seoul walks up to us.

Seoul:I had the same thoughts but there nothing we can do to turn back the clock. She also seems to have this under control for now. We can solve it later.

Ash:...Lylat..? Wheres lylat?

Seoul:The mesa? Shes over there.

They point to my right and they have her on some sort of bed thing.

Ash:good....I was really scared.

???:Is he awake?

I see the ash who looks like me.

???:piece o shit.

Ash:I dont have time for you right now. I gotta explain this about the she..


Garuda:You two take your fued outside!

Ash:This is what I wake up too huh..

I see rins and she sees me.

Rins:Hey ash! Knock em dead!

Garuda:Yes please he wont be missed.

I dont even know why we are fighting.

Ash:Ooookay...this clearly means more to me then you.

We walk out to a wide open room.

???:My names harbinger!

He shoots flames out his face.


Ash:Simple minded arent you?


He starts firing in my direction I teleport behind him.


Ash:Im gonna have to knock you out!


He readies a hidden blade to stab me I catch his hand.

Ash:ah your based off the old me when the grineer caught me eh?


He goes to shoot fire at me but I uppercut him making him shoot it upwards.


He pulls out a tiny mirelok and goes to fire it at me I teleport.

Harbinger:Wont stand still!?

Ash:I gotta tell my frineds something so Ill end this as fast as I can without killing you.

Harbinger:Really?!  Haha BLADESTORM!

I see him start teleporting around me I let him get a few slashes in



I put wind behind my fist and punch his gut


He flies into a wall.

Harbinger:The fuck....?! You arent this strong...

He slowly stands up.

Ash:Its been about year since the grineer kidnapped me. You stand no chance.

Harbinger:You puke you lie!

He aims the mirelok at me again and I go into ironskin.



He keeps firing and I stand there taking the shots.

Ash:Normal grineer are weak. And here you are using there weapons.

Harbinger:I DONT EVEN NEED E..

I suddenly use air to dash towards him and punch him and knock him into the wall.



I knee his face 3 times and kick him.


He goes to his fire and I stomp on his face.

Ash:I coulda cracked your head open with a rhino stomp but I didnt. Dont kill yourself with your own attack...If I leave my foot here your head will explode.


He keeps trying to burn my foot.


I actually do start to feel it. Its very hot actually!


Ash:persistant arent you...

I move my foot and dodge so he shoots into the air and I then rhino stomp his chest.


I lift him up with one arm.


I use my new arm to flurry him with punchs to the face I then throw him on the ground behind me and drop a grenade with him. I see him slowly get up.

Harbinger:Tha...Thats not enough to sto..

He seems to notice the grenade and I wave.

Harbinger:You bitc...

It explodes and he flies into the wall and goes limp.

Garuda:My hero...

She seems to have followed us.

Ash:Who are you?

Garuda:Namia. Ive been sick of this fool. He blathers on and on.

He readies her claws.

Garuda:Between you and me he died from the wall.

She goes to stab through his chest but I catch her hand.

Ash:No stop. I made sure not to kill him.

Namia:Psht! Whats up with you guys! Let me kill him!

Ash:You got five seconds.

Namia:Or what? Huh?

I form an exergis

Ash:Do you want to find out?

She pauses. Seems she didnt expect me to do that.


She backs off.

Namia:Cmon back then.


I pick up the dude and follow her back to seoul and them.

Seoul:That didnt take long.

Rins:Damn lookit his stomach!

Ash:I thought he stopped already. Seemed to be stronger then I thought. But all of you gather around we can do meetings afterwords.

Everyone gathers and I tell them about what I found.

Rins:hey atleast you found a weakness! We know where to hit!

Osira:This is different...I bet you were there on that first raid hmm?

Ash and seoul:Yeah.

Osira:Should be even better now. Theres more of us.

Locke:Woah woah. So we are landing directly on earth?

Ash:Yes. Anyone not willing to die to save the universe leave.

It gets silent.

Tyst:C....calm down ash we are with you.

Ash:Sorry...Im just so ready to get this over with.

Arch:So whatever. We know where to hit we even partially now how to kill them.

Osira:I do have a method. Same thing you saw on valkyr.

Seoul:Valkyr!...where is she!

Ash:she would be very helpf..

We hear a sudden burst of noise to our right.


The door opens and we all had our guns ready.

Valkyr prime:Hey guys...Thought I was takin too long so I came back.

Locke:Well thats...guess your on time.

Valkyr prime:Nah Im lyin I found an item that let me see you guys so I waited for you guys to mention me.

Ash:Wait what?

Valkyr prime:I heard your convo...Dont worry about informing me.

Ash:Did you bring the thing you saw us with.

Valkyr prime:Yeah.

She pulls out a void looking eye.

Ash:anything else you got.

She pulls out a horn.


Namia:Whats that?

Locke:what animals horn is that?


Valkyr prime:Fathers horn yep.


Poc:The leader of the voids horn?!

Ash:Did you.....Kill hi...him...?

Valkyr prime:No. He managed to escape. To be fair he almost killed me too. Just dont be surprised when you go back if a few walls are caved in. But go back to your lesson.


???:Hold it..

Someone walks from behind a corner.

Ash:Is everybody eves dropping....?

Stalker:I want in as well. They must pay.

Ash:Okay...so we have to split up.

Arch:I really didnt want you to say that...

Poc:It would be the only effective way to get to all of them seeing as there pretty far apart.

Ash:Valkyr, rins and stalker I want you with me.

Valkyr prime:all of us? Which point are you going for?

Ash:The middle one. The one under her base.

Valkyr prime:...understood.


Ash:Lets see...you arch locke namia and tyst. Go for the right one then atlas, harbinger, poc and seoul go for the left one.

Lylat:Ahem...What about me!

Ash:oh you heard that? Well you can join whoever you like.

Lylat:Could I join you?

Ash:We just met and you want to do the most dangerous part?

Lylat:Yeah sure! Why not! You know how much scrap I got from the fortress?! I could get even more there.

Ash:When did you have time t...not important..you two sure your not going?

Osira:...Ill go.

I actually look surprised.


Osira:I can only hide for so long. And pagnma has been begging me to go.

Ash:You can go with whoever you want.

Osira:Ill go with seoul.

Titania:...Ill go...with namia and them. I do owe you my life for saving me from those corrupted ash and for saving osira with me.

Ash:Hehe...we head out tomorrow okay? Everyone get ready and stocked up because this is going to be rough. Anyone you want to say goodbye too now would be the time.

Lylat:I could help with that!

Ash:Well actually can I go first.


Everyone scatters to do there own things.

Ash:Call the steel meridan.

Lylat:What like the whole ship?

Ash:Just there leader he should call who I need.


She calls them and I see clems face show up

Clem x:Ash? How are you contacting me right now?

Ash:Long story. But anyways this war the shells is about to end. We are coming down as a strike team and are about to destroy there main bases!

Clem x:Really?! Thats great! Anyway we could support this effort?!

Ash:Any forces you want to send. Send them tomorrow to these locations.

We show him the map.

Clemx:Understood. Thank you.

He hangs up.

Lylat:Anyone else?

Ash:Hnh...the arbiters.

She calls the arbiters and I tell them the same thing.

Jevos:Your a strange one arent you...somehow still alive in this world we live in. I could send support.

I show him the locations.


He hangs up.

Ash:......Oh boy.


Ash:this is gonna be rough.

I walk away from lylat to wander and she follows me.

Lylat:Think we can win?

Ash:Almost positive.

Lylat:Your pretty amazing.


Lylat:Here you are. A nobody who formed a league with THE STALKER! And a primed warframe which no one has seen since the primes where takin out.


As we walk we see a lone waterfall and stalkers kneeling.



He turns slightly I feel inclined to say something.

Ash:What are you doing stalker?



Stalker:I know who my next target is. The ones who made...hunters. they killed aegis and raga.

He balls up his fist


I slowly back out of the room.

Lylat:Who were they?

Ash:His right and left hand men. I guess the hunters killed them.

Lylat:Oh...I didnt know he had friends.

Ash:Yeah. Hard to believe.

We wander around more and I see seoul and rins talking.

Rins:Oh hey ash.

Seoul:How you feelin..You did kind of just wake up.

Ash:im good. But actually rins. Have you fought shells at all since earth?

Rins:Nah not really. I think like one because he came after me for something I dont remember doing.


Rins:Something I broke on earth. I dunno man. Apparently it was important though.

Seoul:Ash your friend here sounds like a trip.

Rins:I get that alot.

Ash:Seoul where did you even go?

Seoul:I went out to kill someone. Apparently he just faked and escaped but I didnt want to waste time im just happy I got hurt him.

Ash:Hmmm...revenge. I forgot about my personal vendetta.


Seoul:You hated someone other then the shells?

Ash:A corpus. But if the shells kill everyone it would be irrelevant. But to be honest...I think I might just be over it.

Rins:Over it? You dont want revenge in the first place unless it was something bad.

Ash:It was...but I dont think I would have grown as a person without it. It wont get them any sympathy but...Im not going out of my way to find it.

Rins:Whatever you say. Wouldnt be me though.

Ash:Oh and have you seen valk?

Rins:What prime? Not really. She walked past us but we dunno where she wandered too.

We wonder around looking for valkyr.

Ash:Where could she be?

Lylat:Maybe she warped or somethin with her prime stuff.

Ash:I dont think she would leave now.


We wander aroumd more and more and I see namia.


She seems to be holding harbingers knocked out body and mumbling to herself.


She jumps almost out of her skin as she drops the body.

Ash:Stop trying to kill him.

Lylat:Yeah whats your problem?

Namia:Everytime...I want to deal with this ape one of you has to come along.

Ash:We need him you idiot! What do you mean?!

Namia:Are you calling me, namia a fool?


Namia:Shut your mouth cow girl!

Lylat:Oh ho really?

Namia:This whole group is full of morons! Just kill HIM!

Harbinger:Actually love..Ive been awake.


He goes to burn her neck but she throws his body.

Harbinger:So youve been trying to kill me this whole time yeah?


Harbinger:You confiscated my guns too huh?


She points an opticor at him.

Namia:Not a move scum.



Something tackles the both of them as he teleported.

Namia and harbinger:What was that?

We all look to see its tyst but she has a mouth that is opened on her face and shes drooling.

Namia:"I can control it" she said.

Ash:This is a long day...so can she tirn back.

Namia:If she eats something I believe.


As harbingers about to stab namia I lift him by his neck.

Ash:We work together for now. If I got too Ill kill both of you later okay?

He seems a bit shaken by this statement.

Harbinger:Your too much of a goodie...


I throw harbinger into a wall and punch tyst.

Tyst:Hunger....Hungry..! Food!

Ash:sorry friend...

She slowly gets up and I form to grakatas and blast her into the room behind her until she bumps into a wall.


I the run up and punch her head so hard the wall crumbles in where her head is.


I grab the top and bottom halfs of her mouth and pry it open for the rocks to fall in.


I let go and her mouth closes so hard it makes a noise.

Tyst:Ghn..food bad!

She seems busy coughing.

Ash:I belief infested can eat anything.


She suddenly springs at me with her mouth open I form a bo.



I shove the whole bo in her mouth she seems to gag for a bit before I see her fully swallow it while squirming on the ground. Her mouth seems to close.


She slowly gets up.

Ash:Have the same curse I did...pitiful.


Ash:You should have never resorted to that. There is no going back.

Tyst:Thanks for helping me...but I disagree.


Tyst:I fail to believe that if shells got all there data before...they couldnt have not made a thing to turn people back.

Ash:Foolish. But I cannot stop you now.

Namia:Wait...you used to be one of those maggot full idiots?

Ash:Not by choice. Misery caught me in his grasp.


I look around

Ash:Where did other me go?

Namia:Ugh..I dunno and I dont care to look for him either. Im going to just enjoy the peace.

She walks away and we start walking again.

Lylat:You think they wont kill each other?

Ash:Hopefully not.

We keep walking and run into poc in a lone room with a journal or something.

Ash:What are you doing.

Poc:Ah hello. I didnt see you there. Im just taking notes and doing sketches as I usaully dont have peace like this.

I see atlas in the corner doing some training but suprisingly its really quiet. Hes medatating.

Poc:Im not sure about the others but...I know tomorrow will be a day. Where either we are marked as historys bad guys or...we save the universe.

Ash:Bad guys?

Poc:Yeah...if we dont stop. Theres nothing stopping them from firing that canon. And decimating more planets till theres no one left but them.

Lylat:What do you think the factions would do.

Poc:If we were to make a situation where we lost and all died...they would probably all band together and it would cause a war. But at that point they would have lost so many and the shells woulda gained so much there would be no end to them.

Ash:Damn shame...

Lylat:we will have support from some factions on this mission

Poc:Good good.....lets just hope not too many die...No point of saving the world if theres no one left if you know what I mean.

Ash:Yeah. Would be sad.

I notice atlas is looking at us while in meditation.

Atlas:Im with you ash. I did call in some support as well.


Atlas:A group of grineer I helped. They agreed to support. Ex marines.

Ash:I see...thank you.

Atlas:No problem.

A rumbler appears from under him and then another one. Both medatating.


Ash:See you guys.

Poc:Same to you.

I leave the room



I see valk in the distance.

Ash:Valk come here.

Valkyr prime:What? Me?

Ash:Yeah come on. Lylat can you stay here?


I pass seoul.

Ash:Seoul come ere.


We walk into the room for stalker and close the door. He slowly gets up and turns.

Stalker:What do you want?

Ash:Im gonna get right to the point okay. If I am to die...

Seoul:no your not pulling a lio on me!

Ash:Im not. I dont plan on dying on that planet. But if I do and cannot finish off the shells. I trust all of you to finish our work and cause.

Seoul:I promise that to you.

Valkyr prime:Yeah I got you.

Stalker:Hnh...Ash I have something for you.

He pulls out the thing that was on janus chest.

Stalker:I agree with you but this...I cannot use it. You might as well.

Ash:The key? Where is it?


He pulls out one.

Stalker:Put it in when you need it.

I stash it

Ash:I thank you.

I salute them.

Ash:You guys....are the best.

Seoul:you dont gotta get emotional on us.

Valkyr prime:Yeah its okay.

Ash:if only they could see me now...Hmm...that gives me an idea.


Ash:All of are dead comrades...in my fight with leten I summoned my friends or atleast replicas of them.

Valkyr prime:Point being?

Ash:What if I summoned all of my friends and just left them here till tomorrow.

Seoul:It is possible...maybe.

Valkyr prime:But just mantaining them...a risk we cannot take. Could drain your energy just by holding it.

Ash:But...they would be helpful.

Stalker:Ash we are going to fight dera. If leten was able to stop them. She could decimate them.

Seoul:And she could possibly take over there could and turn them against you.


Valkyr prime:Thats a last resort. At best.

Ash:...right right...hmm...there gotta be something else we can do to get an edge...having armys is nice but...Like I want more..you know?

Valkyr prime:teh..

Her arm sparks with electricity.

Valkyr prime:We got extra. I managed to tap into my...potential.

Ash:Really? Any other surprises.


His mask flashes.

Stalker/hunhow:Most sentients vanished...on the planet..they left a very important sentient deep in the earth.

Ash:No no..

Stalker/hunhow:Eidlons...A huge threat to them. Could most likely take alot out with them.


Seoul:Im just a dude...so...I dont really have much...sorry...

Ash:Its okay...

Seoul:Cept this.

Seoul whips out a gauntlet.

Ash:That is?

Seoul:Kuva gauntlets. Im more of a sword guy but I could only make them compact. Void and kuva energy are similar meaning I could probably erase a few.

Ash:guess you all had back up plans huh?

Valkyr prime:Wouldnt dare come unprepared.

Ash:Ha...You guys are great.

I step out the room feeling way better about the upcoming day.

Ash:....We will save this new future. One step at a time. But tomorrow...Will be one huge leap.

I walk into a room alone and sit down in it. A fine corner.

Ash:As much as I talked about titania..she seemed to had really taken out those marked men. They are barely existent anymore....wonder if I can make the shells the same...

As I sit and ponder I decide I should make a recording. Of what I want to do after all this is over. If we end in peace...what I would love to do afterwards in sometime during that I must have drifted into sleep.


I notice im in some kind of white room.

Ash:Oh boy is this gonna be another one of those dreams?

I walk around in it for a bit and then I find another me.

Ash:Oh boy...

He turns around and runs at me. But not with malice but more fear.

Ash2:Have you seen janus?

Seems to be me from the past.

Ash:Uh..no cant say I have.

Ash2:Who are you? Can you help me find her?

I notice im looking down towards him. Seems turning to a shell made me taller somehow.

Ash:No im busy.

Ash2:Busy? With what?

Ash:Nothing you should concern yourself with.

Ash2:Okay then. See you later other ash!

He waves then disappears. I then suddenly see another me infront of me.


Ash2:Where janus! Where is she!

He looks back at me but this time even more frantically.

Ash2:You seen janus?! She was a valkyr! Standard colors! About my size! She has to be alive! I know it! She couldnt have just le..

Ash:Shhhh...the sooner you accept your situation the better.

Ash2:Huh?! What do you mean what would you even know?!

Ash:more then you would think.

Ash2:So you took her!

Ash:Shouldnt you be more worried about finding her then beating up a random warframe?


He runs past me then another one shows up


I see its me when I got infected.

Ash2:Help...I hear these voices....misery....wont leave me alone.

Ash:Was I that miserable?

Ash2:I could turn at....any second..I dont wanna hurt anyone...

Ash:trust me...things get better eventually.

Ash2:How could you know....?


I put my hand on his forehead.

Ash2:What...what are you.


I burn the mutant molt off of him.


Ash:Should be.

Ash2:Ah thank you! Thank you!

He runs past me excited


He disappears and another appears infront of me this from when a I was under dera control.

Ash2:You...Your janus..

Ash:Do I look like a valkyr to you?

Ash2:Your...just like her.

He gets on all fours.

Ash:So thats what happened huh? Cant say I remember it my memory of that time is foggy.

Ash2:What that time before we were frozen...Ill unite us.

He pounces like he wants to land ontop of me but I catch him with one hand.

Ash2:join me...

Tendrils come out of his back.

Ash:Watch this...


I let him go and then block catching his tendrils.

Ash2:No matter.

He tries to shoot a tendril out his stomach but I go into iron skin and he cant penetrate it.


I do roar that makes his tendrils go in.



I start hitting him with a flurry of punches so many he cant even block a regain his footing.


I form a sword and ram it into his head. He falls to the ground and slowly looks up at me. I then rhino stomp his head and throw him behind me. He disappears another ash appears.



Ash2:Have you seen zephyr?

I notice the other me is now a shell.

Ash:What a time jump....How long was I infected for?


Ash:Ah sorry no. I havent.

Ash2:We were just in the simulacrum.

Ash:Ah....I know what happens next.

Ash2:Well thanks anyways.

He waves and leaves. Another appears.


He tries to tackle me but I dodge and he looks back at me.

Ash:You dont want to do this do you?

Ash2:No..im sorry.

Ash:Being used again huh?

He swings at me five times I block them all.

Ash:Seems to happen alot more then we would like to admit huh.

He form a sword i use iron skin only one my arm and catch it.

Ash2:What...are you?

Ash:Dont worry.

I wind my other arm back. With air around it.

Ash:Ill send you back to your master.

TCCCHHT!!! I big blast of air comes out the punch and blasts into his stomach.


He falls onto his back looking weakened.

Ash:that enough?


He suddenly stands up and shoots air out of a sudden punch he does.


I block it and it had a suprising amount of force behind it. I look back and see hes gone.

Ash:If I know me....HURA!

I cover my head in iron skin and ram my head backwards.



I grab behind me with both arm and flip him infront of me and then stab his neck.


He laughs until he disappears anr then I see me. Its me how I am now infront of me.

Ash:Well what happens now?

Ash2:I think im the best thing your gonna get right now.

Ash:You seem more aware then the others. I know im dreaming but do you know why?

Ash2:Dont think it matters. We both know whats about to happen. You game?

I brace myself.

Ash:Hehe Fuck yeah im ready.

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