• danganronpa xreader oneshot...

By Vulcriptic

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"join the danganronpa fandom they said... whos your favorite they said... DONT GET ATTACHED THEY SAID..." aa... More

• welcome + request list! •
• fuyuhiko x reader [sweets] •
• ryoma x reader [freetime] •
• toko x male!reader [library] •
• nagito x fem!reader [coffee shop] •
• teruteru x reader [early morning in the resturaunt] •
• bunny!teruteru x male!reader [moonlight love] •
• nekomaru nidai x reader [locker room kiss] •
• teruteru x fem!reader [a thousand dollars] •
• mondo x fragile!reader [flowers for you] •
fritz's day at louisiana comic con pt.1
fritz's day at louisiana comic con pt. 2
• jataro x yandere!fem!reader [bully] •
• kyoko x depressed!suicidal!reader [you give me hope] •
• ishimaru x male!reader [paper] •
• gonta x reader [butterflies for you] •
• makoto x short!childhood!fem!reader [breakfast] •
• gonta x trans!male!reader [the question sheet] •
• update on the schedule •
• korekiyo x fem!reader [his lipstick] •

• kazuichi x reader [built up anger] •

1.6K 45 73
By Vulcriptic

Notes from your lovely author; i hate writing stories on a phone. jfhsbshs but ill deal with it. This was a request from my lovely friend Snowflakesparklegore !! Ive been wanting to write a Kazuichi x reader soon, so it feels pretty good owo. Hope you all enjoy~!

Warnings; aaaaa cussing and the reader uses lots of not good words!!!




"jeez (y/n)! I'm... I'm so tired of you! Will you just go away already? No one here likes you, get it through your thick head!"

Those words rung through your head constantly. Toxicity always filled your thoughts, even when you didn't want to. You had a tendacy to recall the bullying and sadness that you were forced to deal with in middle school, even though you were always up for positive vibes.

Resting your head on your desk, you silently awaited for the bell to ring. Small tears began to welp in the corners of your eyes, even though you tried your best to stop it. You never wanted to cry, especially since you had to stay happy for him.

When you say him, you mean your best friend, ever since 6th grade, Kazuichi Souda. He was a quirky guy, yes, but you trusted him with your whole life. he's been there for you through thick and thin, even if it meant helping him to the point where it hurt you. there was another thing sadly, which was your blatant excuse of a crush on the magenta haired man. he was love struck for the ultimate princess, who you had to admit was a bit rude and ungrateful, even going to the point of unacknowledged the existence of kazuichi for that hot topic obsessed gargoyle named gundam. it made you mad, but never the less you shouldn't interfere and hurt kazuichi even more than sonia was. your thoughts were constantly jumbled up. 

a small tap on your shoulder made you jump from your resting position. the weird hot feeling of your skin coming off the desk made you feel a bit nice as you looked up, seeing no one in the room. "pssh, hey (y/n), finally decided to wake up?" the soothing voice comforted your mind, filling it with total bliss. 

"yea yea whatever, did the class just dismiss?" you asked groggily, standing up with a sudden rush of pain reaching your head, recognizing the feeling as the blood flowing. the busy black grains softly dimmed, making you rub your temples.

kazuichi sighed, almost sounding like he was just about to break bad news. "man... i don't know what to tell ya, school is almost over. teach told me to let you sleep in, i think in about ten minutes the last bell is gonna ring." he rubbed the back of his head in a apologetic gesture. "but hey, atleast you got to sleep most of the day!"

your eyes were wide with surprise. "y-your kidding me, right?"

"sorry, its the truth..."

"god damnit! you idiot i had a test to take today! why the hell would you do that? do you realize that i might get a F on that te-"

"geez (y/n)! stop yelling!!" kazuichi covered your mouth with his hands after you started yelling, especially after you said a few cuss words. "it was a joke calm down!! you might actually get us in trouble! class just let out!" he managed to say from your straggling arms.

with a huff and a scrunched up face, you give him a hard punch in the chest. "damn you kazuichi! you can't do those types of things! i hate you so much." you grabbed your booksack, suddenly feeling quite refreshed. rushing over to the door, you saw that a few students were still rushing to get to there class. "come on, we might still make it." 

kazuichi came up behind you and sighed, shoving you into the hall. "come on then, we better hurry. geez your pushy..." he growled.

"so? i have the right to be after the stupid ass joke you pulled."

"yea, okay. point made."

and so you and kazuichi scrambled to your next class, arguing like a bunch of 5 year olds who couldn't decide who should get the last piece of candy. luckily, you weren't to late to your next class, but it was a small bit embarrassing to be the last person in class. kazuichi didn't seem to mind. 


after surviving the test that you thought you missed, it was time for lunch! lunch was probably one of your most favorite and most least part of the day. on one side, you were able to hang out with kazuichi and a few more of your friends without being interrupted by the teachers. the bad side? s o n i a... that girl constantly got on your nerves. although kazuichi never saw it, you could tell sonia only ever interacted with kazuichi to manipulate him into doing stuff she didn't want to do. you hated her, but doing anything that required calling her out or confronting her would result in her telling kazuichi and you losing his friendship forever. yea. 

your heads swirling with thoughts, you finally got your lunch and sat down with your friends. you were the last one there, and everyone looked at your with friendly eyes. there sat leon kuwata, one of kazuichi's best friends, rantaro amami, a chill but interesting dude, and kaede akamatsu, who just so happened to have a crush on rantaro (even though it seemed like rantaro would be the opposite of 'interesting' for kaede). your little friend group was... odd, but you liked it that way. 

"so, (y/n), care to tell us why you and kazuichi were late for math?" kaede asked, laughing while doing so. kazuichi pulled the grey beanie over his eyes, mumbling. you scoffed and pushed him softly in the stomach.

"well, if you really wanna know, this retard let me sleep through the whole class, and told me that school was almost over. so yea, blame him." you said while taking a sip of bottled water. "yall are lucky, you dont have to deal with his stupidness the whole day. i was unlucky to get all classes with him." 

leon just took a long sip of his energy drink, which was actually illegal on school grounds, but hey, he didnt care. "yep, thats kazuichi for you." he chuckled, flashing off his bright smile. you smiled back, but it was almost obvious it was fake.

about 5 minutes passed, and everyone was chatting happily. you inputted your thoughts every couple words, but really, it was to just distract you from the returning hatred. at the most random points of the day, something someone said would end up triggering the words. it almost felt real, hearing them seep into your head as if someone was whispering them to you. 

"your nothing. your useless. you do nothing to contribute to society. your a fake. you-"


you shook your head, clearing your mind. it was odd that the word 'souda' was the thing to stop the thoughts. you laughed softly, thinking about your crush on the mechanic. turning your head, your day went from decent to horrible. and there she was, the ultimate princess, sonia nevermind. you watched from the corner of your eye, hatred building up in your chest. this would be the day you would call that... that... horrible manipulative thing. 

"oh! yes miss sonia~?" kazuichi responded sweetly. a weird feeling in your stomach aroused, and you knew what it was. with a groan, you turned your head away to see rantaro and kaede looking at you with the same annoyed face. they knew of your crush on kazuichi and they also both hated the way sonia treated their friend, everyone seemed uncomfortable now.

"kazuichi, could you help me with my math homework? i'm quite busy, and your really good at math!' sonia slurred her words happily, the sweetness in her voice was sickening. you hated this woman. the hearts in kazuichi's eyes were large and sparkling, 

kazuichi's arm lifted up to grab the paper that sonia held out, but with a swift movement you pressed his arm back down on the table to where he wasn't able to grab the paper. you weren't sure what you were doing yourself, but you liked how your body was reacting to it. kazuichi gave you a confused look, and reached out his other free arm. you also grabbed that one and pushed it onto the table, nails slightly digging into his skin. anger built up in your chest, a small bead of sweat seeping into your hair. "(y-y/n)? come on, let go..." he mumbled, a bit annoyed.

"no souda, god damnit i'm just.... so done with this." you got up, glaring at sonia. a wave of confidence flushed over you, she looked a bit worried, letting the math paper flutter to the floor. you loosened your grip on  his arm, letting it rest on his hand for a few seconds as you traveled closer to sonia. your hand glided on his skin, leaving kazuichi is a confused state. "okay, 'miss sonia'... i'm tired of your bullshit. every day you come over to our table and ask kazuichi to do you stuff." the look on her face was priceless, but you weren't done yet.

"you might be a fuckin' princess, but that gives you NO right to boss him around with you sickly sweet stupid voice." you began to raise your voice, to the point where everyone was looking your way. "this man loves you with all his heart and you treat him like shit, the only times you ever talk to him is when you want him to do your fucking work! man, fuck you sonia! go and get gundham to do your damn work! kazuichi deserves better than you, slut! he could have chosen to like anyone else, atleast he could of chosen someone who actually loved him, like me! think about that, idiot!" by this point you were shouting, in tears. you didn't notice it until now, but you were holding the collar of sonia's shirt, inches from her face. 

taking a breather, you shoved sonia off, although she stayed on her feet. you turned, silently sobbing to see kazuichi's red face. you gave him a nervous smile, as you slammed your fist on the table before rushing off, tired of the bullshit. you could hear kazuichi yelling after you, you could only imagine what everyone else was thinking. a wave of realization rolling over you. "what would everyone think after this...?" you mumbled to yourself. 

there was about 10 minutes left of lunch, and you were just sitting by your locker, just waiting for a teacher to come out and pull you to the office. you didn't care anymore. you didn't care. there was no reason to care. kazuichi probably hated you now. everyone probably hated you now. 

"you ruined it now, good job dumbass." the voices filled your head again. "your one chance at love was destroyed, you disaster of a human being." you put your head on your knees and softly began crying. you began mumbling to yourself, thoughts filled with toxic words and what might happen when you faced the teachers and students again. 

breathing heavily, you clenched your fist just to release a bit of stress. but you didn't expect to feel a warmth right beside you. with a small jump, you looked to your side with a blurry, tear filled vision. you could make out the familiar vibrant colors of kazuichi's magenta hair. you wiped your tears away and just looked at him. there was no words that were needed to be said.

and so you and kazuichi just sat there for a good 2 minutes. the silence was broken by kazuichi. "did you really mean what you said back there?" the softness in his voice was odd, since it was usually raspy and full of playfulness. 

"what do you mean...?" you mumbled, trying not to begin crying again. you could feel kazuichi's breathing hitch as you laid your head on his shoulder. "hgn, you would probably hate me after what i did anyway..." 

a few seconds passed by before you could feel his muscles shift slightly to your direction. "what...? why would i hate you?" he began to chuckle a bit. "actually, you saved me a bit of a stress there. ive been meaning to call out sonia like that, she began to get on my damn nerves." 

you gave him a slightly confused look, trying your best to not show the tired redness in your eyes. you gave him a soft laugh, nuzzling up on his shoulder. "i only wanted to do the best for you kazuichi, i really like you, you know that?" you sniffed, looking down at the ground. your hand softly glided onto his, holding it slightly. "that bitch doesn't deserve a man like you..." you growled quietly.

"woah, (y/n)! words~!" he shoved you playfully, trying to lighten the mood. "come on, i hate when your sad. i'd do anything to make you happy you know...?" kazuichi pulled you up to match his face, even though you went limp and slumped a bit. "pleeeeeeeeease?" 

you smiled softly, suddenly pulling him into a hug. you weren't even sure if he was fine with it, but you didn't care. he was the only one you cared for right now, he let those toxic thoughts fly away to be never seen again. "yea, okay. whatever, you big dork..." you mumbled, trying to be cheery. 

"dork?! uh, excuse me that matches no wh-" you were cut off by the soft kiss that kazuichi gave you on the cheek. "what the..." you gave him a curious look, cocking your head.

"well i mean, if what you said back there was right, that means you like me, huh~?" the mechanic soothed, trying to sound cool.

you punched him in the shoulder. "yeaaaaa sureeeeee." with a smile, you softly kissed his lips back for a few seconds. "god i hate you."

"yeaaaaa su r e eeeeee." he mocked what you just said, rubbing his hands through your hair. "you might hate me but i looooove you~!" kazuichi cooed, cupping your cheek with your hand and you pressed into the warmth. 


you and him sat like that for about a minutes or so, enjoying each other's warmth. it only took you about a minute to jolt up in realization. kazuichi looked to you a bit worried, "whats the matter?"

"damn it, i just realized."

"realized what?" 

"dude me and you are both gonna get detention, we are so fucked..." you chuckled, pressing closer to kazuichi. 

"yea, whatever, as long as i'm with you~" he leaned in for another kiss but you pushed him away playfully, laughing as you did.





fr though i hope yall enjoyed, i really hoped i stayed on topic request, im usually not the best with depressing things aaaaa


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