Rogue Ghostbird

By mmacdonald22

117K 4.8K 556

What if Sang was kidnapped once more by Volto? By the time that the boys find her, Volto has beaten Sang int... More

Warning / Description
Chapter 1 - Amnesia
Chapter 2 - Memory
Chapter 3 - Too Many
Chapter 4 - Germany
Chapter 5 - Russia
Chapter 6 - Kidnapping
Chapter 7 - Raven
Chapter 8 - Hospital
Chapter 9 - Truth
Chapter 10 - Fathers
Chapter 11 - Morning
Chapter 12 - Gone
Chapter 13 - Sang
Chapter 14 - Healing
Chapter 15 - Mama Bear
Chapter 16 - Chicago
Chapter 17 - Rocky
Chapter 18 - Ace
Chapter 19 - Information
Chapter 21 - Saving
Chapter 22 - Blackbourne Team
Chapter 23 - L.A.
Chapter 24 - Ryder
Chapter 25 - Found
Chapter 26 - Volto
Chapter 27 - Debunked
Chapter 28 - Charleston
Chapter 29 - Academy Council
Chapter 30 - Lunch
Chapter 31 - Wait
Chapter 32 - Us
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Chapter 20 - Kids

2.7K 126 10
By mmacdonald22

This starts from the children's kidnapping, it's their point of vue during the last few chapters.

Also, I have finished changing the kids' age. They are all ten instead of seven years old now.


"Melody, Melody, Mel . . ."

The constant sound of my name slowly wakes me from the darkness that consumed me. I attempt to rub my eyes with my hands, but find them chained. That woke me.

"What the fuck is this?" I yell, opening my eyes wide.

My nine brothers stare at me. Some seem to be in rougher shape than others. They must have put up a bigger  fight when captured. Everything just seems kind of fuzzy in my mind right now. That in itself was strange. I was usually on top of everything all the time. 

"Melody!" yelled out a voice.

Wait, I know that voice. It's Noah! 

I say, "Noah?"

"Thank fuck you are awake! We were scared the bastards did something extra to go. Everyone was fucking awake hours ago," Gale told me.

Oliver explained, "It was not hours ago Gale, only one I believe."

I inform them, "I got knocked out first, but you guys took such a long time to get captured, it wore off. I was able to get the drop on a couple of them, but they drugged me again."

Sebastian spoke up, "It makes sense. You are smaller than us and they all hit us with the same amount. You got hit twice. Medically speaking it is impressive you are even already awake. They must you one of the drugs Alexei uses for training."

I nod, "That must be it. You guys good?"

A groan comes from Leif, "They beat me up when they caught me and some more when I was unconscious. I am in rough shape. At least one broken rib."

Samuel added, "I think I have a concussion."

Gale cursed, "Fuck, do you think Mom is close to here? I am going off the fucking assumption that it was the bastard Volto who got us."

I replied, "I heard them refer to their Boss as Volto. So Mom might be here, but I hope she has escaped already. Our fathers will freak."

"Shh! I hear someone!" shushed Neal.

Everyone shut up and turned towards the door. I winced as the movement jarred my ribs. I guess Leif is not the only one with a broken rib. That shit takes forever to heal. I see a face appear in the tiny window in the door. A second later, the door is open and five men walk in.

Guy 1 told the group, "As I said, they are all awake."

Guy 2 added, "We now have ten of them instead of just one."

Guy 5 who appears to be the leader and who stuck to the shadows growled out, "You shouldn't have lost the mother in the first place."

Gale interrupted, "Fucking A! Mom escaped, she is going to come for us."

Guy 3 chuckled, "That's exactly what we are hoping for. And next time shut up!"

Guy 4 moved forward and gave Gale a punch in the gut, "Not so talkative now, huh?"

Immediately, I tried to defend my brother, "Hey bastards! Leave my brother alone!"

Guy 1 walked up to me and caressed my face, "What a beautiful little girl, you should learn to be quiet."

I flinch back away from his slimy hands, "Hey, pervert! Leave me alone."

I promptly kicked him in the balls. I was chained with my arms to the wall, but my feet were free and I do not take well to pedos.

Guy 1 growled, "You will pay for that, Blake take care of her."

Guy 2 tried to get close to me, but Noah called out, "Fuckers, leave her alone."

Everyone started to yelling, their voices overlapping and no one could understand anything. It is a good distraction. There are ten kids screaming different things at the same time.  I am pretty sure some of us were yelling in a different language.

Guy 5 eventually burst into the conversation, "SILENCE!"

That shocked us enough for us to shut up and he took control of the conversation, "Two of ou stay behind to teach them a lesson. Make sure they don't pass out!"

With that, he stormed. I scoffed, dramatic ass bitch! Guy 2and 4 stayed behind while Guy 1 and Guy 3 left. I was worried about them. If we were beat up, escaping would be more difficult. The two men set to work, methodically beating us up like it was their job. I mean each hit was strategically placed to cause the most pain possible. They seemed to enjoy too! They were sick, sick bastards.

As quickly as they arrived, the two last men left, but not before leaving us several new bruises each. I took a quick inventory of everyone's injuries. I new basic medicine to take care of my own injuries. It was Sebastian who was more interested in the details like detecting internal bleeding.

Speak of the devil, he spoke up, "Injuries?"

One by one we informed him of our symptoms, I was last, "Seb, I have bruises around my abdomen, at least one broken rib, light headedness and stars in my vision."

"Shit," said Seb quietly, "Okay, Mel. I need you to stay awake for me."

I tried, I honestly did, but it was so hard, "Sorry," were my last words before I succumbed to the darkness.


Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!

I was frozen as I stared at the limp form of my sister. With her injuries, it was highly probable she had a concussion and perhaps some internal bleeding. Now, that she was passed out, there was a chance that she might never wake up again. 

I shake my head, trying to rid my mind of these morbid thoughts. Instead, I take a look at my other brothers. Each are handling the fact that Melody is seriously injured differently. Leif is stuck in one of his daydreams. Noah is yelling. Dallas is counting quietly. Gale is muttering something under his breath. Neal is trying to break his chains. Oliver seems more serious than usual. Samuel is trying to calm Noah and Neal. 

Mel is the glue that holds us all together. We have such different personalities and way of handling our life. She can't be gone! I won't allow it. Eventually, silence overwhelms the room. We need more information before escaping, so we had to wait until the men came back. 

We didn't have to wait too long. Not even two hours later, Man 1 and Man 2 show up. I hated Man 2 because before he had been staring at my sister. If my brothers and I were not restrained, he would kill him, but we could not right now. I helplessly observe the action that takes place next.

Man 1 approaches Leif who is stuck in a daydream. He pulls back his fist to hit Leif, but Noah steps it. He yells, "Motherfucker, come here!"

Man 1 only paying attention to the insult approaches Noah and punches him instead of Leif, "Shut up, you stupid boy!"

I hear a whine from Melody and I stare at her. It is clear that the commotion woke her up. This is good, we want her awake. It is safer. Only then do I notice Man 2's leering gaze. I strain at my restraints, attempting to get to him. Sick fucker! I might not be prone to violence, but I can make an exception for him.

Man 2 was getting too close to Melody. Oliver was right next to our sister. Only our arms were chained to the wall and Oliver chose to take advantage of that. Leveraging himself with his chains, he manages to kick Man 2 in the balls. Good for him! Man 2 turns all of his attention unto my brother, just like we wanted, but begins violently beating him.

Oh shit!

Man 1 notices what is happening and pulls Man 2 off Oliver. Ollie doesn't seem to be in a good shape. Just what we needed right now! I raise my head to look at the door and I see something,



I do my best to keep my grin off my face. If she has found us, it won't be long until she rescues us. I knew we could count on her. Man 1 and Man 2 leave the room once more and begin talking right outside the door. Their words made me sick, talking about aggressing my sister.

Over my dead body!

I wait several minutes to assure they are really gone before turning my attention to my family. Oliver's glasses are broken beyond repair. Noah's rib appears to be bruised, and perhaps fractured. Leif is attempting to keep Mel awake while Kota is talking to Oliver. I think Oliver mots likely has a concussion too. 

I whisper quietly, "ママに会っ!" (I saw Mom) in Japanese just in case they have cameras too.

Everyone's head stares at me and Oliver speaks, "Really?"

I nod, "私は100パーセント私はドアの窓でお母さんを見たことを確信しています。彼女は私達を救います." (I am 100 percent sure I saw Mom in the window of the door. She will save us.)

Mel smiles, "Good. Now, we just have to wait."

Mom will come for us and we will all be saved. 


Word Count: 1564

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