My Very Own Barry

De TheAIWriter

39.9K 991 296

What if Barry was wrong, what if there was a version of himself living on Earth 38. How would Kara react when... Mai multe

Author's Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 14

1.1K 34 16
De TheAIWriter

Kara's Apartment

I can't tell what she is thinking. She looks mad, yet at the same time she doesn't. Should I speak? Nah she'll probably just tell me to shut up. Will she through? It seems out of character for her, but yet again I traveled to a different universe and stole a friction proof suit, which is out of character for me. I'm just going to stay quiet, hopefully she'll say something first.

"You want to be The Flash?" She repeated my last words. Probably wanted to make sure I was serious.

"I do." I am going to tell her everything, "I saw him out there Kara. I saw how awesome and cool he was fighting crime. He used his speed in ways I never imagine I could do, his reflexes, and basically everything about him was so... incredible. I want to be that Kara, I want to be able to help people, use my powers to serve something greater than myself, inspire hope, and basically be as confident as my Earth 1 doppelganger. I know it sounds ridiculous, especially since National City already has a hero, but I wish to one day be The Flash and fight at your side."

I looked at her for a reaction. She stared back at me but she didn't say anything. Her eyes were burning into my head and the look that she was giving me was really uncomfortable. I want to look away, but I'm not. I need to show her that I am serious about what I said, that I'm serious about being a hero.

"Alright fine." Kara said finally releasing me of her deadly stare.

"Really? Just like that?" I was shocked, "You're not going to give me a long speech about how 'I don't know what I'm doing' or 'The hero life is dangerous' or 'Being a hero is more than just having powers and a costume'?"

Kara folded up the suit nicely and placed it back in the backpack. She zipped it back up and looked at me, "Barry I've been given those speeches my entire life. The same goes for the other Barry. They are what held me back from being Supergirl for most of my life, and could have for much longer if I didn't decide to save my sister that one night. I don't want to do the same to you Barry. You have so much potential and I want to help you reach that, I want you to stop questioning yourself, and if doing this is going to help accomplish that, then I'm going to support you all the way. You want to be a hero, I'll help you, because I believe in you."

I was touched, she actually wanted to help me with my crazy idea. I looked at her and I know for a fact that she isn't playing around with me, she meant every word she said to me. She was going to help me accomplish my ridiculous goal,... but at what cost, "What are your conditions?"

Kara gave me a smile, "You already know me so well Barry.... One, you are going to train with me everyday. It's going to be hard, and it's going to be painful. Two, you won't be going out into the field until I think you are ready. No stopping robberies, putting out fires, saving cats from trees, or anything until I give you the go ahead signal. And three,... You'll be my sidekick."

"No way." I tried not to laugh, but I did. There was no way I was going to be her sidekick, "That is not going to happen."

Kara laughed at me, "I'm just kidding. Just the first two conditions, not the third one."

I thought over those requests in my head. It was best offer I was going to get, so, "Deal!"

We smiled and shook hands. It wasn't long before a question came across my mind, "So, um. Are you going to have me return that suit back to the owner?"

Kara looked at the backpack and thought for a moment before she answered, "Um. You know I was,... but then I thought about how much of a waste it will seem like to see such a great suit sit in storage for the rest of time. I think it deserves to be worn by someone worthy of it."

"Really you're letting me keep it? Thank you Kara." I smiled and reached over across the table to grab the backpack, but she pulled it way at the last second.

"No. I said it deserves to be worn by someone who is worthy. I'm sorry Barry, but you're not ready yet." She kept it close to her body, "Until you prove to me that you are worthy, I'll be holding on to this in the meanwhile."

I couldn't help, but smile, "Alright. I'll prove myself to you. I promise Kara."

"I'm sure you will." She laughed, "Now how about we put hero business aside and we travel over to the couch and watch some Netflix for the rest of night."

"That sounds like the perfect way to end the night." I quickly use my superspeed to clear the table, "Shall we."

Kara gave me a giggle, "Wow, you're such a gentleman for cleaning. Having you around seems to be just getting better and better."

I couldn't help but feel happy to hear that. We spent the rest of the night watching TV and then Kara ended up passing out on the couch again. It wasn't like last night though, we were on opposite sides of the couch with our legs meeting in the middle, so there was little contact between us. I looked up to ceiling and thought about what had happened in the last two days. I was freed from my imprisonment, met her, now we were best friends, I got a job, I got a new identity, traveled to another Earth, and now I was to start my super hero training. Wow.

I lifted myself up a little so that I could see Kara. She was dead asleep. Like she had no care in the world. I couldn't help but noticed how she let out a little cute snore when ever she breathed out. It wasn't bothering at all, actually it was quite the opposite, I liked it. It had some sort of calming effect to it, like it was some sort of lullaby melody. I had to admit I've never seen someone sleep so peaceful, so relaxed, so beautifully... Wow what was that? I need some sleep. I laid back down and drifted to sleep to the sound of Kara's snore, thinking one last time how things were going to change a crap ton from now on.

Earth 1 - S.T.A.R Labs - Cortex Room (Barry POV)

"Guys I'm a day time hero, if you need a night time hero call Oliver." I say as I walk into the Cortex at one in the morning. I was in my PJ's, since when I run no one can even see me.

"Sorry to wake you up Barry, but Cisco found something strange." Caitlin said to me as she pointed to what assumed to be a very pissed off Cisco in the corner.

"What happened man?" I was starting to get worried that something horrible had happened judging by Cisco's attitude. He rarely ever got mad.

"So one stole my suit." He said through his gripped teeth. He opened up the Mark 1 briefcase to reveal nothing was there.

"Really?" That's what is so important you had to wake me up in the middle of the night, "You sure you just didn't misplace it."

"Oh I'm sure." Cisco assured me, "Someone broke into S.T.A.R Labs and stole my suit! Come on man!"

"It's just my first suit, I don't even wear it anymore."

"That's not the point, I love my suits. All of them. Plus this was the OG suit. My first." Cisco said as he released a tear.

I rolled my eyes, "Can't you just reply back the security footage and see who did it?"

"All the footage was erased starting from the middle of the day." Caitlin explained to me.

"So someone came in here, erased all the camera footage, and ran off with my suit?" I started to get worried. If someone tried this hard to get away with stealing my suit, it must be for some important reason, "Do we have leads?"

"Three actually." Cisco began to explain, "I noticed that the camera footage was erased from 5 pm and on."


"Around 5 pm, Cisco got an alert of a breach that opened up in the breach room, but when he got down there; there was nothing." Caitlin explained.

"Ok. So this thief is from another Earth."

"Yes. And what else is strange is that I found trails of tachyon particles."

"Yeah? They are probably from me?" I told Cisco.

"Yes they could be, but these are fresh from today and I found them all over the breach and storage room." Cisco pointed out.

"Wait, but I wasn't anywhere near the breach or storage room today? Could this be another speedster?" Now things are more serious. What if it's Savitar?

"It is a speedster. The last thing we found was fingerprints left on the case. I was able to pull them off and do a DNA test from them." Caitlin explained.

"Who is it then?"

Caitlin looked at Cisco and then at me, "The finger prints Barry, they belong to you."

Oh! Barry tried to be slick but he failed! Ha-Ha. Anyway that is chapter 14, hope you guys enjoyed it. Nothing really eventful happened in this chapter, but it is mostly because I am setting up for a time jump. Possibly next chapter or the next one after that. Not sure. Anyway, tell me what you guys think and I'll see you guys tomorrow.

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