By His_Girl2000

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He wasn't always a bad boy, he didn't always used to kill, he was a good innocent boy who's purity was just t... More

Chapter 1: Brother from another mother
Chapter 2: Great Betrayal
Chapter 3: Alone
Chapter 4: Quiet
Chapter 5: Back to School
Chapter 6: First day
Chapter 7: Blast from the past
Chapter 8: Flashback
Chapter 9: Not that worried
Chapter 10: The Party
Chapter 11: What to do
Chapter 12: Shopping trip
Chapter 13: Opening up
Chapter 14: 10 Million
Chapter 15: Agreement
Chapter 16: Bitter Sweet
Chapter 17: So Close yet So Far
Chapter 18: Betraying Each Other
Chapter 19: Duo
Chapter 20: Trusting the wrong people
Chapter 21: Seoul
Chapter 22: Lost Hope
Chapter 23: Everything Has Changed
Chapter 24: Rescue me
Chapter 25: Confusion
Chapter 26: Used to it
Chapter 27: Bitch
Chapter 28: Fight for myself
Chapter 30: Eye to eye
Chapter 31: Me, Myself and I
Chapter 32: Not the same
Chapter 33: Pissed
Chapter 34: The Fangz
Chapter 35: Declaring War
Chapter 36: Break up
Chapter 37: Taking Charge
Chapter 38: My Own
Chapter 39: Boss
Chapter 40: Puppet
Chapter 41: Fugitive
Chapter 42: Running
Chapter 43: Right or Left
Chapter 44: Gone
Chapter 45: New days
Chapter 46: You again
Chapter 47: Its You
Chapter 48: Mr. Romano
Chapter 49: Rooftop
Chapter 50: My Bad
Chapter 51: Rooftop
chapter 52: Apologies
Chapter 53: Me
Chapter 54: Back Together
Chapter 55: Team Up
chapter 56: The last battle

Chapter 29: Sibling Rivalry

1K 58 17
By His_Girl2000

Maze POV:

I stand still and glare at the tall angry woman who has her hands in a firm tight fist, clenched jaw and breathing heavily. She doesn't say a word and neither do I, I just glare at her wondering what games she's trying to play this time. Shes wicked and vindictive has no heart and kills anything that doesn't please her, I'm surprised I'm still alive. But what does she mean by I'm a disappointing sister? Maybe she doesn't mean literal sister but those sisters that have to stick together because we both black because last time I checked I only had a brother and he is a dickhead himself.

"You're such a fucking disappointment that I just want to kill you right now" she spits as she clenches her jaw even tighter glaring at me with her eyes narrowed and eyebrows furrowed trying her best to contain her anger. I'd be lying to you if I said she didn't frighten me but I've learnt to not look weak in front of her.

"Then why don't you?" I question her as I fold my arms across my chest trying to look unphased by her words even though I am shaking inside. I too am confused to why she hasn't killed me yet, whatever doesn't suit her she gets rid of including humans. So why am I still alive?

"You're my sister, I can't fucking kill you makes me feel bad" she states as she sighs and throws her arms in the air out of frustration. I cringe at her calling me sister, I don't want to her as a 'sister' just because we are both black doesn't mean anything to me right now. If she wants to be my sister she has to respect me.

"So you hit me instead?" I ask her as I scoff then begin to shake my head at the thought of her thinking it's ok to abuse someone just because they don't wanna feel guilty.

"Yeah I feel less guilty that way" she casually answers as she shrugs her shoulders and looks down at me. Frankly I'm surprised that an evil person like her even knows how to feel guilt with the amount of people she's killed. I think she's killed more people than JB and the gang and they love to go on killing sprees.

"Listen I know we black girls need to stick together but don't ever call me your sister because we are not on the same wavelength" I tell her straight with no expression on my face despite the fact I'm shitting myself on the inside. She looks at me then lightly chuckles leaving me confused. Did I say something funny?

"Someone grew balls" she comments as she looks down at her nails with a look of distaste on her face. She always has that look when I'm around anyways.

"You bullied me into growing balls" I inform her making her chuckle at me again not even looking at me. I roll my eyes at her wishing I could make her feel the pain she brought upon me.

"Your welcome lil sis" she comments calling me her sis again making cringe at the word. I guess she wasn't listening to me the first time when I told her I don't like her.

"I'm not your sister" I firmly respond with my hands in a tight fist. The last thing I want is to be linked to this she devil.

"Oh but you are, I'm not surprised mum and dad never mentioned me I mean who would want to talk about the 'bastard' daughter when they have the perfect one to replace it" she explains as she takes out a cigarette and lights it up before inhaling and blowing out the white toxic cloud, I step back from her not liking the smell of the smoke, it doesn't smell like a regular cigarette. I look at her confused not knowing what she is waffling on about now.

"What are you talking about?" I ask her throwing my arms in the air out of frustration. She's always playing games with me and now she's not making any sense remotely. She kicks Dan's body aside before pulling out a stool and sitting on it with her leg crossed over the other.

"I'm the original Moore daughter the first born" she states catching me off guard. I stumble back a bit feeling a bit dizzy, she must be joking or trying to get into my head but how did she know my surname? Not even Ahjumma knows my surname.

"What? no how? Mum would've told me, I don't have a sister!" I exclaim as I begin to sweat thinking about whether there is a possibility that she is my sister but there isn't. Mum and dad always say children are a gift from God so they wouldn't hide this from me.

"Mum and dad are pussies! Hypocrites! They had me out of wedlock, can you imagine how embarrassed grandma must've been when she found out her daughter was pregnant but not married? They had to take mum out of town so she could give birth-"

"They have you up for adoption?" I cut her off and exclaim. She inhales her cigarette again and blows out rings of smoke this time before giving me a little smirk.

"I wish, they fucking hide me for 4 years then claimed that I was an orphan that they took in. My parents the great Samaritans" she sarcastically remarks as she begins to clap her hands vigorously and hysterically laugh to herself but I say nothing. I mean what can I say? "When they did get married they had our dickhead brother Jonathan, once they had the real deal they made me stay at grandma's I'd visit weekends as the cousin" she scoffs then inhales her cigarette again. I sigh looking down at her, I feel bad but she has been abusing me so.

"Wait how come I never saw you?" I ask her thinking that if she's our supposed cousin then she would've seen me too right?

"That's because sweet perfect Amaze, once they had you they didn't need the bastard daughter no more, I was 14 when they decided to dispose me because of you!" She exclaims as she fiercely points her finger at me with pure hate and anger in her eyes. I step back away from her worried about what she might do next, she won't kill me right? She's my supposed sister.

"I'm sorry about what they did but you can't torture me-"

"Can't I? I watched you over the years grow waiting to see why they preferred you over me but nothing, your just a weak, boring, gullible little girl" she scoffs as she throws her arms up in the air before shaking her head in pure disappointment. So she knew all these years about me but didn't bother to make an effort, how is this my fault?

"My bad" is all I say at her pissed that she is blaming me when she is the one who had the opportunity to start a relationship with me, that's what I would've done.

"My bad? Is that all you can say? I suffered! Grandma kicked me out at 15, I lived in the streets and all you can say is my bad?" She shouts making me jump. I don't want to hate my grandma but what she did was wrong what they all did was wrong but the way she went about it is even worse. They created a monster.

"What else is there to say?" I ask as I shrug my shoulders telling her honestly.

"I guess your bitchy side is starting to show" she smirks looking down at her shoes. She gets up from the stool and kicks it backwards before slowly walking up towards me with a evil grin on her face. "I've fought guys bigger than Dan so imagine what'll I'd do to you lil sis" she threatens making me gulp. I can't lie and say I'm not scared, I know she can hurt me and I know that I'm not strong nor skilful enough to take her on.

"I get it you're jealous, everyone wants me and the only person who wants you actually wants me and is blind so I understand why you're so pressed" I confidently remark with my arms folded across my chest. I don't know what I'm doing but every muscle in my body is telling me to run but my brain is telling me to provoke her, to hit her where it hurts. I might not be able to hurt her physically but I can hurt her mentally.

"Do you have a fucking death wish?" She threatens as she steps closer to me with her eyes narrowed glaring into my soul.

"I'm not scared of you" I respond as I feel all my muscles begin to shake. What the hell am I saying? Why am I acting like she won't hit me any second? She turns around and faces away from me then begins to laugh to herself leaving me confused then she quickly turns around and right hooks me on my face causing me to fall onto the ground. She rushes over to me prepared to kick me but I grab her leg before it touches me and pull her down onto the floor then jump on top of her. She grabs my neck then flips me over her before turning me around and using my hair.

"Don't you ever fucking think that you're ass is better than me" she whispers in my ear as she pulls my head up using my hair making me bang in the floor. I can feel the blood from my nose trickling down my lips. I hate her for abusing me, I hate her for not being a good sister, I hate her for not protecting me, I hate her for killing Dan and I hate her for always looking down at me like I'm nothing!

"Oh but my ass is bigger" I exclaim before kicking my back leg up and hitting her on the head making her fall off me allowing me to wrap my legs around her neck and putting her in a headlock. She taps her hand on the floor repeatedly but I'm too focused on my hate for her, she did this to me, she made me angry.

"Maze, Maze, Amaze!" I hear Ahjumma shout causing me to quickly let go of Shanell and get up from the floor shocked at what has just happened. I almost killed her. I look at her on the floor violently coughing grasping for air. "Come, let me get you cleaned up" she instructs and I follow her towards the kitchen. She pulls out and chair and I sit on it silently as she begins to clean my bleeding nose. All I can do is sit there and stare at my bruised face through the mirror.

I almost killed her.

Does that make me as bad as her? Of course it does, I'm just like the rest of them evil hiding within me. But I don't want to be evil, I don't want to kill anyone I don't want to fight or hide because that's just not me. That's not how Maze Moore was brought up.

"I almost killed her" I say as I stare into space not moving a single inch. My heart is still pounding from all the adrenaline, it feels like it's gonna jump outta my chest any second.

"Key word almost don't beat yourself up" she rubs my shoulder trying to comfort me but it doesn't work because I know that I wanted to kill her.

"I need to get out of here" I state biting on my top lip.

"Don't do anything stupid" she looks down at me with her serious face on. But I can't listen to her, she makes me weak, I can't afford to be weak.

"Don't worry, Maze won't do anything" I tell her with a cheeky grin on my face.

"Why are you talking about yourself in the third person?" She questions but I ignore her because I don't want to answer her, it'll give too much away and I don't want her knowing I have a plan. "Maze! Amaze!" She shouts but I'm already walking out of the kitchen ready to get my ass outta here.

Bambam POV:

This is so fucking ridiculous. I hate this, but I need to remember I like Maze not the same way those two pedophiles do but like a little sister. I've knocked on 25 doors and they all look at me like I'm some stupid fucking wanker who has nothing better to do in his life. I swear the things I do for JB.

"I really fucking hope we find Maze so we can go back to normal" Joon sighs as we walk towards the 26th house we bout to knock on, we've all split up in teams and are knocking in different areas.

"I can't wait till she turns 18 so I'll stop thinking about how nasty JB is being" I comment still disgusted about the thought of JB and Maze, like he is 10 years older than her man, at least Taehyung is only 6 years older.

"She ain't gonna be 18 for ages" Joon laughs making me cringe, JB is in love with a minor and he won't even admit it. I wonder when his feeling started, what if they started when she was born? We get to the 26th house of the day and Joon knocks, a tall black woman with a long black weave opens the door looking pissed. She hot though .

"Hi, we are the scout rangers and we are going around knocking on doors checking people's houses" Joon informs her with a smile on his face but she doesn't smile. I notice the dark bruises around her neck and on her arms.

"Why are checking-" we barge into her house and begin to look around searching for any sign that Maze might be here and looking for Jackson.

"Wow what a lovely boring house you have" I comment as I look at all her white plain furniture, like I would decorate this house good.

"Can you get the fuck outta my house?" She complains as she tries to stop both me and Joon but fails.

"You've got a lot of security why?" Joon asks her as he notices all the cameras in the house.

"None of your business" she firmly responds still trying to stop us both. I enter the second living room.

"Some guy is sleeping on your floor by the way" I inform her after seeing the big bald guy lying on the floor. He sleeping like he's dead on that floor.

"Can you get the fuck out!" She shrieks but I just ignore her and enter the kitchen catching the cook off guard. I return to the living room where the poor girl is trying to get rid of me and Joon. This is so ridiculous it's obvious Maze ain't here it's looking like Maze ain't anywhere.

"Shanell who is it?" A familiar voice questions from the top of the stairs. Me and Joon both turn around and look at the top of the stairs but only for us to see the one and only GD.

"Ah fuck"

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