Burning up ☞︎ A Jesse st. Jam...

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The Power of Madonna
Bad Reputation
Dream on
Journey to Regionals
Still Friends
Britney/ Brittnay
Grilled Cheesus
Never Been kissed
Special Education
A Very Glee Christmas
The Sue Sylvester Shuffle
Original song
Prom Queen
New York
I Am a Unicorn
Pot o' Gold
Mash Up
I Kissed a Girl
Hold Onto Sixteen
Extraordinary Merry Christmas
On My Way
Dance With Somebody
Summer Lovin'
The New Rachel/ Britney 2.0
The Break-up
Swan Song
I Do
Girls (and boys) on Film
Guilty Pleasures
Love, Love, Love
Tina in the Sky with Diamonds
The Quarterback
The End of Twerk
New directions
Opening Night
The Back-up Plan
Goin' To the Chapel
Loser Like Me
Jagged Little Tapestry
The Hurt Locker: Pt.1
The Hurt Locker: Pt. 2
What the World Needs Now
A Wedding
We Built This Glee Club
Dreams Come True
Danielle Morgan
Almost one year anniversary!

New New York

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Av whats_a_fictionfan

Kurt, Blaine, Artie, Sam and I meet up as they're now in New York. We continue walking and wave as we see Rachel riding over in a town-car. The car stops and she runs over to us. We ask her about it and she starts explaining.

"I can call him any time of day, he's amazing. He doesn't say a word. It's like living in a high-end coffee commercial every day." Rachel finishes explaining.

"Unbelievable." Kurt says.

"So, where are we going for lunch?" Artie asks smiling.

"Someplace cheap or free?" Sam asks awkwardly.

"No, it is my treat and my ride. You guys have been so great and emotionally supportive of me during the entire out of town Funny Girl run." Rachel corrects and I smirk.

"And for your move back to the loft, which you never carried your own cloths or furniture." Kurt added. I sighed.

"Oh, how quiet it was." I say dreamily.

"It's heavy. Come on, we're going. We're gonna go to the Odeon. Feel like I've been really good lately." Rachel starts talking to Blaine as Kurt and I lock our arms, walking towards her car.

"Can we pop the trunk?" Rachel's asks her driver.

"The trunk is full." The driver says.

"Can I sit in the front then?" Rachel asks.

"Full, too." He says.

"Well..." Rachel trails off as we all stop.

"Oh, it's okay. Sam and I can just meet you there. Right, Sam?" Artie says.

"Are you sure?" Rachel asks. Artie says yes and we all agree as the rest of us get in the car.

The next day Kurt and I were in a miming class, you know, for fun... We watched as the guy did something with a ball.

"Every art has its instrument. The violinist has his violin. The sculpture... has his stone. And the mime... has his body. Let us begin our work today with the mimes most heartbreaking expression of his accursed, silent ennui: the pulling of the invisible rope attached to something heavy." The teacher explains. I watch as Kurt tries to mime during his explanation. Everyone soon tries the rope thing and I bite my tongue to keep myself from laughing.

"Psst. Psst." I hear faintly. I look over and somehow see Blaine on the other side of the room. I turn around and look at Kurt weirdly.

"What?" He whispers. I point to Blaine.

"What are you doing here? This is a winter master class taught by marcel Marceau's illegitimate son Alain. You're-you're a freshman." Kurt asks incredulously.

"I got special permission from madame Tibideaux. Turns out I'm in six out of eight of your classes." Blaine informs him.

"How is that even possible?" Kurt asks shocked.

"Stop talking! And now we will move on to the mimes most tragic expression of the pointless of mans existence. We are walking down the street, without a worry or care in the world, and suddenly we begin to notice that we are walking in place but we are not going anywhere." The teacher explains our next move. I do it and jump when Blaine is suddenly behind me and Kurt. Kurt eventually jumps too.

"Have you asked Sam to move out yet? We haven't had a moment to ourselves." Kurt complains.

"And now, we will stop to pick a flower. And in front of your eyes, the flower dies." The teacher continues.

"Hey. Are you sure it's not me who's crowding you?" Blaine asks. I nod subtly with a smirk. I look to see Kurt's eyes wide in alarm.

"No, why would you say that?" Kurt says monotonous. Blaine sighs.

"Good. I was really worried I was suffocating you [i stifle a laugh]. So maybe after this we can get lunch? 'Cause then we have theatre history class together and auditioning for the camera class together..." Blaine trails off, explaining their whole day. Kurt looks completely checked out.

"And now, you are trapped with the person next to you in a box. At first, the box seems big enough for the two of you. But then, the box begins to shrink. The box where you live because that is all a mime can afford. Getting smaller and smaller... and smaller and smaller..." The teacher goes through the play by play and I can't help it as I burst out in short laughter as the teacher yells at me.

"Mimes don't laugh out loud!" He screeches and I place a hand over my mouth.

After school we find out Arties computer had been stolen and Kurt was trying to help him. I lay back on the couch and quietly text Jesse who I miss like crazy.. speaking of crazy, that's what our apartment is, and by our I mean Kurt, Rachel, and mines. Not Arties, or Sams, or even Blaine's! I loved having Santana here and it sucks she left even if it did create more space but we do not have the room for so many people.

"Yeah, that computer cost over 1,000 bucks. My-my credit card was in there, my phone..." Artie explains on the phone with someone.

"Tell him that he was on crutches." Kurt points out.

"Probably using them to grab the bag from a distance so it's harder for someone to run after them... that's what I would do." I half mumble, my focus not really on whatever's going on.

"And... yeah. Thanks so much for your help." Artie says sarcastically.

"That's it? Any leads?" Kurt asks. Blaine's machine makes some weird and loud noise.

"Blaine, do you have to use the sodastream machine right now? Arties in a very fragile state." Kurt asks annoyed.

"Sorry." Blaine says quietly.

"I'm sorry about him. He just needs his bubbles." Kurt explains.

"Hey, guys." Rachel says, walking in.

"Hey, Rachel. Do you want homemade sparkling, sugar-free soda?" Blaine asks walking to her.

"Oh, no thanks. The carbonations bad for my vocal cords. But you know what I will take? Just some, like, hot water with like, a little lemon... thank you so much." Rachel says to Blaine as he nods and actually gets it for her.

"Rachel... your demon-diva monsters showing." I say in a sing-song voice.

"Rachel, you missed it. Artie was mugged in the subway, and now it's like an episode of SVU over here." Kurt rants.

"What?" Rachel asks shocked.

"Except for not at all. I wasn't touched, I was robbed." Artie corrects.

"Oh, my god. Are you okay?" She asks worried.

"No. Not really. I don't know what I'm gonna do about replacing that computer, I need a new school I.D., and to be honest, I don't know if I'm gonna feel safe going in the subway anymore. I just felt so vulnerable, and I don't... I don't know... alone." Artie rants and for the first time, I look up at him through my phone. I get up and move to the other end of the couch to put a comforting hand on Arties shoulder. Blaine's machine hisses again.

"Blaine, I'm gonna throw that machine out the window." Kurt yells.

"Ooh, pre-marital problems." I smirk.

"I am so sorry, but I know exactly how you feel, okay? When I first moved to New York, I gave this homeless person ten dollars when I just meant to give him one, and then when I asked for it back, everyone hissed and they booed at me, and I felt so violated and vulnerable." Rachel sympathized.

"Oh my god." I ground my teeth together and moved to the end of the couch, clenching my fists.

"Oh, wait. So you were out nine dollars?" Artie asked with a 'really?' Look on his face.

"But look, the next day I just got right back on the subway, because overcoming experiences like that is what makes you a real New Yorker." Rachel finishes and we both look at her like she's crazy.

"You're beverage, milady." Blaine says handing to to her.

"Don't feed her ego." I grumble.

"Oh, are those Meyer lemons? No, I can't have that." Rachel says walking to her room. I go off.

"Why I outta." I ground out, storming over to her when Kurt holds me back into the dining room.

"You know what, Rachel? Don't lecture me about being a real New Yorker with your lemon water and your chauffeured limousine. You're not even a real person anymore. Now, if you'll just excuse me, I have to figure out how to put my life back together." Artie yells as he rolls out of our apartment.

"It's a town car, not a limousine. It's a town car, right?" Rachel asks while Blaine's machine hisses again and Kurt and I are on the verge of a panick attack.

Later that evening Kurt and I get back from some much needed time to just the two of us, as we're the most people feeling crowded. We walk into the apartment and our eyes widen in shock.

"Hey! Oh, did you hear that Sam just got a job?" Blaine asks as he walks away from some work space type of thing.

"What are you doing?" Kurt asks.

"And why the hell is it like right in front of my room?" I ask trying to keep my bubbling rage, calm.

"Uh, this is something I thought would make a really great office area." Blaine says as he tries to clean a lamp.

"Back away from the lamp, Okay?! When someone enters their sanctuary, they don't want their eyes immediately drawn to a hideous workspace!" Kurt yells.

"I'm not done yet." Blaine reasons.

"This isn't McKinley. You can't just barge in here and do whatever you want, whenever you want, all right? You could've at least consulted me before making design decisions in my home!" Kurt yells and I gasp. I purse my lips and step back.

"I thought this was supposed to be our home Kurt." Blaine starts and I walk out, happy to have the keys to Jesses New York apartment that I've been using quite a lot recently... Turns out vocal adrenaline pays a lot and doing some acting on the side helps too.

Then two days later and Sam had moved back in and told us how crazy the modeling place was and Kurt, Blaine, and I sat at the dining room table to study when Rachel and Artie walk in laughing.

"Oh, my god, you guys are not gonna believe what happened to me and Artie today. Sam?" Rachel says walking up to the table, calling Sam to come over.

"Sam, come here. Listen to this. I know this is going to sound like one of those crazy New York stories, and I wouldn't believe it myself if it hadn't just happened but I swear..." Artie rambles.

"Just tell us." Kurt interrupts.

"Okay, right. So Rachel and I were riding the L-Train." Artie starts as he continues to say how they saw the guy who mugged him. We all gasped.

"Okay, So then, we see this guy, and he's like, inching towards this super sweet, elegant, elderly-looking lady, who'd obviously, like had a little bit of work done, but it was very tasteful. Just, like, right around her eyes. And this guy was eyeing her gorgeous hermés Birkin bag. And then..." Rachel trials off.

"I cut him off and sprayed him with pepper spray right in the eye. God, I felt so vindicated." Artie finishes.

"It was amazing. And when we got off the subway, we found out that this guy got arrested, and it turns out he's, like, a mugger, slash, hoarder, so all this stuff was just at his apartment." Rachel explains and our of our jaws are hanging.

"Yeah, and the cops found my laptop!" Artie says and we kinda cheer.

"Wow, you're like a real-life professor X." Sam says and we all talk over each other.

"Well, Kurt and I have had a bit of a big day ourselves, actually." Blaine admits. I tense up thinking about their fight.

"Well it wasn't as dramatic as that." Kurt says.

"Well, it-it was... it was pretty dramatic. Um, we decided that I'm going to move out." Blaine announces.

"Don't worry. We're not breaking up." Kurt says after our shocked words.

"Oh, no, no, no. Far from it. We actually think this is going to strengthen our relationship." Blaine adds.

"Yeah, I said he needs to discover the city the same way I got to. You know, find his favorite neighborhood, find his favorite pizza place. You know, have some time and space to explore and grow and find out who he is here." Kurt further explains.

"And to that end, my first thought is that I'm a guy that wouldn't mind crashing on Sams couch in his new apartment." Blaine hints.

"I actually... I actually don't have a new apartment anymore. Um, I moved out. That place- it wasn't for me. I'm not saying I'm giving up my dream of being a model. I still want that more the ever I just... I want to do it the right way with you know, no puking, pilling and eating Cotten balls." Sam explains. We all nod in agreement.

"Well, that's good. Maybe we can find a place together." Blaine suggests and we all agree. We look as the door opens.

"Guess who's taking over New York?" Mercedes asks walking in. We gasp.

"What?!" Kurt says.

"I mean, this day couldn't get any better. It could not get any better." Rachel says. She walks in and starts hugging us.

"What are you doing here?" Artie asks.

"Oh, I miss you guys." Mercedes gushes.

"Okay, that's it. You're never leaving now." Rachel says smiling wide.

The next day we help Mercedes move her stuff into her new apartment. Rachel and i stand as Kurt and Blaine try and fit her couch in the door.

"Just bring it a little big to the right. Oh my gosh, this apartment is so cute. I'm so happy Mercedes is here." Rachel gushes.

"Come on, boys. Pivot!" I yell out, laughing at my reference.

"Well, technically she's not here, which is why we're doing all the work. Where is she?" Kurt asks Artie.

"She's inside. With sam... alone." Blaine says.

"Oh, dear god." Artie says bluntly making me look down at him with a suppressed amusement filled smile. They keep trying to move the couch in with little luck.

"I really wish I could be helping you guys." Artie says sadly.

"Don't worry about it, Artie. We know you would help. Rachel and Dani, on the other hand- I don't know." Blaine says and they both look over at us.

"What? I'm texting my publicist." Rachel says.

"No I would not help." I say simply. Kurts still look at Rachel annoyed.

"That was a joke, but I do have to go! We're doing sound and mic checks now at the theatre. Are we still on for dinner tonight for our annual Monday night because- it's-my-only-night-off dinner?" Rachel asks us as she walks down the steps.

"Lets do a potluck, because I'm not cooking for everybody." Kurt says. I nod.

"Okay. I'm so excited. This is going to be a great new tradition! I'm gonna go and get pies now for everyone. Taxi! Taxi! Hey!" Rachel says smiling and proceeds so screech at a taxi.

"God, I love her style." Blaine says in admiration.

"God, I love when she doesn't talk." I add fondly.

"God, I need a break." Kurt says and Blaine and I chuckle.

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