The Hollow Grove: The Compani...

By matthewbrownstories

31.1K 6.3K 899

Haygen, the soft-hearted Barbarian, is on a quest to find his Druid mother. His three companions wouldn't da... More

Whispering Woods Recap. The World.
[1] The Shady Lady
[2] Captain Zahdu
[3] Attacked! [Part 1]
[4] Attacked [Part 2]
Kayla's Journal ⚫️
[5] The Blind Baviin (Part 1)
[6] The Blind Baviin (Part 2)
[7] The Blind Baviin (Part 3)
[8] Dark Water
[9] Sand, Wind and Fire (Part 1)
[10] Sand, Wind and Fire (Part 2)
[11] Sailing Through the Savage Isles
[12] The East Coast
[13] Solid Ground and a Cave
[14] The Mysterious Cave
[15] The Problem With Bogu
[16] Stories Around The Campfire
[17] The Dying Vale
[18] Here There Be Giants
[19] I Don't Care What You Smell
[20] Death and Dust
[21] The Terror Below
[22] Crashing The Goblin (Hunting) Party
[23] The Tahvodan Forest Outpost
[24] Healing Up And Gearing Up
[25] On The Move
[26] Sweetwater
[27] The Revenant Dwarves
[28] Brawlin'
[29] Tracks
Kayla's Journal ⚫️⚫️
[30] Slate
[31] Silversteel
[32] A New Suit
[33] The Sacred Home for Wayward Sons
[34] Happenings At The Scar
[35] Cloak and Dagger
[36] Ambush!
[37] A Ranger Returns
[38] Help from the Order
[39] The Druid Grove
[40] Dark Plans | Infiltration
[41] Reunion
[42] Two Approach The Tall Stones (Autumn Fest Part 1)
[43] Blood Trail (Autumn Fest Part 2)
[44] Knife Fight (Autumn Fest Part 3)
[45] War Council
[46] Guardian at the Stones | Wizard Study
[48] Dragonflight
[49] Meet the Parents
[50] Lord Vöhl | The Tomb of Valor
[51] Overwatch
[52] Path of the Willows
[53] Battle! (Part 1)
[54] Battle (Part 2)
[55] Battle (Part 3)
[56] Aftermath (Part 1) - The Journey Home
[57] Aftermath (Part 2) - Tamberlain
[58] Aftermath (Part 3) - The Order of Kalimas
Alternate Covers

[47] Darkstalker

402 84 1
By matthewbrownstories

Pteramax, the Elder god, sat on his throne dubbed Yalimdahl, (Timebender to the mortal tongue), contemplating the very existence of his creation below.

Such a small blue dot, he thought. Perhaps I should just wipe it clean and start over?

The mere idea of that drained him. It took him eons to muster up this world and it may take longer to recreate a new one.

He stood and gazed outward. The light of distant stars sparkled around them. Swirls of red, blue, and green nebula made a backdrop for limitless far-off galaxies. He examined a few of them, moving even closer to one far-off planet. The planet-wide storm he amassed still raged through the barren, pocketed landscape. He relished in its beauty for a time, then his focus fell on his duties at hand.

Before him knelt the first of his Arameth, though they preferred to be called his 'children' when not in his presence.

Pteramax spoke. "Long has it been since you walked among the Mindful. With your time back among them, I hope you are reminded of your creations and your responsibilities."

The eyes of the fiery haired Dwarf dared not meet his creator. His voice waited in silence.

The Eldergod moved to a silver two-tray scale, each step a crack of thunder. "I see the world is not quite balanced. They tip in their favor."

"Dakadihm's ploys are no match for the light, my lord," said Panadahe.

Pteramax grew amused with the on-going sibling rivalry. "Your brother's 'ploys,' as you call them, are fair play. You grew complacent."

Panadahe agreed. "I did, my lord. Though it shall not happen again."

"Let us hope not."

The god of creation held his breath as he thought.

"I release you from your imprisonment," said the Eldergod, "do not make me regret it."


Anyu caught Wess outside the Kudaki pen feeding Dawn slices of Sabu fruit.

"How is she?" asked the Ranger?

"I think she's hungry," said Wess, his voice a bit hoarse. "Nearly taking off my fingertips." They shared a laugh.

"I'll make sure the stable tenders up their food," Anyu said. The Tushkar Bears might get rough if they did not get their morning and mid afternoon meals. "Remind me to introduce you to Softy"

"Would love to meet him," said the Faeling.

She stepped closer. "We're going up to investigate the tracks. You look like you could use a walk."

Wess rubbed Dawn's nose in farewell. "Think I could."

Haygen, Selene, and Anyu followed behind Otis and Wess. They let Wess take the lead and they passed through the northgate finding themselves at the scene of Wesley's injuries. The Druids picked up the Hobgoblin bodies and stripped their gear the morning of the attack. He stood at the pressed down grass with a blank stare.

Haygen took his mother by the hand and they walked over to the road so they could look at investigate sign still found in the dirt of the road.

"I should be out there tracking them too," said Haygen.

Anyu smiled. She watched as Selene placed an arm over her son's shoulder. "The Laquarrin are the best I've seen. Much better than me that's for sure."

"I've picked up a few things," said Haygen. "It would be fun to track with you again. Just an animal...not a killer, or Hobgoblin. Like before." They shared a smile.

Wess mumbled a string of words that ran together, his voice sounded gravel and forced. He coughed then clutched at his chest.

"Are you alright, Wesley?" asked Otis. He let his small companion lean on him.

"I said...they won't find him," Wess stated. "You'll just have to trust me on that."

Anyu caught up to Haygen and Selene who moved up the road a ways. She looked down at the tracks noting each of them. They followed the scene well enough.

"Timberwolves got at the Vargur carcasses," said Selene. Her nose crinkled as she leaned in to verify the bite marks.

Haygen pointed up the road. "Worse still."

They approached the half-eaten remains of a fallen horse and noted two more in the distance. Not much left of them but skin and bones.

"The Timberwolves made a mess," said Anyu. "It's like a feeding frenzy. And these footmarks have no heel, nor outline."

"Are those footmarks?" asked Haygen. "I didn't even see them."

"Nor I," said Selene.

"Yes," said the Ranger. "They are weak impressions, but they wore some kind of padded foot wrapping instead of a boot like you, or I." She leaned down and put her ear near the ground to get a sense of the track's depth. "The impression is so light they must not weigh much more than Wesley."

"She's right," said Wess. He caught up to them with Otis at his side. He hobbled on. Stick, step, step, wince. Stick, step, step, wince. "However, he'll change his foot wrapping on his journey to leave false track and trail. He'll cover them with local greenery. He'll walk and swim in the creeks no matter how treacherous. He'll circle many trees to throw dogs off, which is why I told them to not bother with any hounds."

Wess winced at something in his back and straightened. He took a deep painful breath, then continued.

"He'll leave Man-traps to slow them down. He'll drop a hint...a clear and obvious sign. They'll think they have him. They'll think he's made a mistake" He shook his head. "And that's when it'll be too late. That's when they'll find out he's circled 'round. Soon as they latch on to the bait he'll slit their throats." Wesley's face grimaced. "The Laquarrin Elves will not return. I told them not to track him." He looked to Otis. "I told them to just let him go, but no one would listen."

His friends stood silent, allowing the chirps of Mudhopper bugs fill the air.

"We had to do something, Wesley," Otis said. "Clay said—"

"Clay Niven knew better," Wess said. "He listened. He saw this." Wess pointed to the Vargur corpses. "He sees the big picture. That's why he's not out here."

Anyu thought that both she and Clay could in fact track the Spy, but it would take both of them and a week's time. This thing will be over in a week, she thought.

Otis said, "We had to try something."

The Faeling smiled and put a hand on his friend's shoulder. "I know." He turned and started his walk back to the northgate. "Help me with my exercises back at camp will you? I'm a little feeling better...and I want to see Kayla."


"I know it's an unusual request," Kayla said, "but I really do need it."

"Well, they did burn the Hobgoblin corpses in the southern pyre," said Selene. "I'm sure there is one or two in the ashes."

Kayla nodded her head. "That will work perfectly. No need for the lower mandible, mind."

Selene departed from the group leaving the Wizard with Otis, Haygen, and Anyu staggered around the cold fire pit under the candlewood trees looking perplexed.

The ringing of clashed weapons clanged in the background. Training began early in the morning and kept on for most the day under the direction of the Last Kitherean. Near the Standing Stones, Wess went through a series of stretches and balancing routines. Currently, he stood with one foot on a log stool with the other sticking out. He moved his hands and arms in waves and twists.

"Anything I can find?" asked Anyu.

"Certainly," said Kayla. "Do you know of the Green Adder? It's a—"

"Snake, yes I know of this one. They have a strong taste," said the Ranger with and eager smile.

Kayla rested a hand on her shoulder. "Perfect. Get me the venom of an adult no less than five sole, ya?"

"I shall not rest until I do," said Anyu. With a turn, she kissed Haygen on the cheek and sped off.

The Wizard turned to her Half-orc friend. "Haygen, I need a branch of Sandalwood. And, well, I have no idea what it looks like."

The Half-orc smiled. "You can count on me."

"And would you happen to know of Yarrow?" she asked.

Haygen nodded. "Sure. I saw some around the outskirts of Green Haven."

"Fine," she said dismissively. "A handful of the white flowers will do."

"Otis." Kayla garnered the attention of her Dwarf companion. "Do you know of..." she scanned her list on the scrap of Chaga bark. "...Monkshood, Stinging Nettle, Rosemary, and Sage?"

The Dwarf shook his head. "No, but I bet Wayland would know. He is a Druid after—"

"Fine, good. Talk to Wayland and place them in my cabin...a big handful of the leaves from each. Separated and cataloged of course."

Otis nodded. "Of course. Off I go then."

Kayla stomped her foot. "Drat, I forgot to tell them..."

"Tell them what?" Wess chimed in. He went into a handstand, his long brown hair, unbraided and blowing wild in the wind.

"Wesley, are you feeling alright?" asked Kayla.

"Better by the moment," said the Faeling. "I think it's the Druid tea. I'm healing faster than normal."

From the looks of him it didn't appear that way. Training shirtless to keep his tunic clean, his poor battered body lay covered with scars of old on top of new. White bandages littered his chest and back. Kayla knew in her heart that his Faerie tattoos saved him from certain death. She wondered if the ominous Seeking Stones played a factor.

"Good, I was hoping you could...acquire a few of those beeswax candles."


"And a stone mortar and pestle."


"And a wooden bucket. And an iron pot, you know, with a handle to hang over a hearth and such."

Wess cartwheeled to his feet in a smooth motion. He adjusted Ravenwing on his belt.

"If you could place everything in my cabin that would help wonders." Then she raised a finger. "Except the bucket. Fill that with water from the creek and leave it outside the cabin out of the way so no one kicks it over."

"What's that for?" asked Wess.

"Moonwater, silly." She laughed at his innocence. "And I'll be leaving for a while."

"Leaving?" asked Wess. "Leaving where?"

Kayla shook her head. "I cannot say, but know it is of vital importance to my Darkstalker spell."

"Darkstalker." Wess his small hand to his pointy chin. "Aonghus' sword?"

"Your mind is as sharp as your wit." She shooed him off. "Now go."

The Faeling moved off at a steady pace leaving behind his walking stick.

As soon as the Wizard stood alone, Alden Sal-Moon approached. His brow and forearms dripping with sweat from swinging his glaive in training with the sell-swords.

"We can leave whenever you are ready," said Arataas.

Kayla tried to smile. She blinked her sagging eyes, trying to keep them open.

"You'll need food first," said Arataas, "and water. The journey will be many hours. Even as the Dragon flies."

Even as the Dragon flies, she thought.

A/N - Bonus chapter! ⭐️

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