His Little Witch

By LindaIngles

13.8K 369 5

What happens when Tommy Flanagan rents a house next door to a little Witch of a woman just before filming Sea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Untitled Part 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 30

265 6 0
By LindaIngles

It was Thanksgiving morning, her and Tommy had many talks about his schedule and decided that after Thanksgiving they would set hers with his. His mom Elizabeth arrived yesterday and Tommy has been spoiling her with so much attention, Leigha just loves her and loves sitting and talking to her and watching him and her talk.

Leigha started a new tradition this year after talking to Julie. All years past her, Jason and Julie had a dinner at Julie's and Jason's. With their family growing as it has, the two decided they'd take turns, Leigha's, Julies, Sharon's and one day Ella would host as well. They all loved the idea.

Leigha had set the table perfect with the dishes, silver, candles, centerpieces and had a buffet set up on the counters and island. It looked beautiful in all the autumn colors and decorations. She loved Elizabeth's assistance in arranging, it all so perfect and her help in the kitchen.

The food was all on the warmers, everyone arrived, Ella bought Charlie with her. The wine was poured and everyone had sat at the table awaiting on Leigha or Tommy to assign grace to someone so they could dive in. Leigha had set her at one end of the table and Tommy at the other end as this was them hosting this year. Leigha then stood up,

"Ok, I've never hosted a Thanksgiving before, but my new tradition today is that I want to tell you all something"

She turned to Jason who was sitting next to her on her right, "Jason, my brother, I am so thankful that we met the first day of college, that we became who we are with each other and that you never gave up hope of finding your biological parents who now are our parents" "Life with you in it at my side has been a hell of a ride and I thank God for it"

"Julie, for being my best friend and the one who loves my brother to the ends of the earth, I am so thankful that I set you and him up on a blind date and that you are my sister now to the end of time"

"Next to her was Ethan, "Ethan, my little brother, I am forever thankful that I have you in my life, and whatever you do in your life, always keep Ella as your best friend as I have Jason, be there for her as she will be for you, and always know Jason and I are there for you both as well, I am thankful that you have accepted us"

Next to him was Elizabeth, Tommy's mom, she skipped her and Tommy and went to Ella who was across from Elizabeth, next to Tommy, "Ella, my little sister, I am thankful that you too are in our lives, you too, stay close to Ethan and know we are always here for you no matter what, and be who you are, as a woman grow strong and sturdy as a woman should be" "And always be honest and talk to that man next to you, it'll be your strength"

Next to Ella was Charlie, "Charlie, my new friend, I am thankful that you and Tommy are great friends, thankful that you treat my sister with respect and that I am able to call you my friend, help her follow her dreams, make it your mission to always see her smile and hold her tight when she's not, I am thankful that she has you treating her as a woman should be, and her at your side"

Then next to him was her mom and then her dad, she looked at them, a tear about fell and she was starting to choke out works, "Mom & Dad, I've got 5 things I am thankful for, 1 that you were seeking us as Jason was seeking you. 2 that you wanted to meet us. 3 that you gave us 2 wonderful siblings. 4 that we have become family and 5" smiling now "that the two of you had sex at age 16 and had us" everyone laughed then.

She then looked at Tommy, "Tommy, I am so thankful that you moved in next door and decided to come over on the day that was kicking the crap out of my mower and that you came again that evening, my life changed that day, I've not regretted one minute of it and you have been my sunshine everyday since then, I am thankful that you can withstand my life with me and you are my blessing everyday" "I love you so much"

She then turned to Elizabeth, "Elizabeth, I am so thankful that you raised this great man, his gentleness, his fun nature, his humor, his knowing how to treat a lady and how he is such a comfort to have in my life, when we have children" she looked at Tommy, "and we will" then back to Elizabeth, I want you as my guide in raising our sons as you have created a beautiful son and I am thankful that you are here with us today."

Jason raised his glass and all followed, "Couldn't have said it better, Cheers to us all"

She then sat down. All of the women were about in tears as the emotions of Leigha's toast hit them.

Tommy stood up and Jason looked over at him, "More"? Jason said.

Tommy looked at him, "Now is the perfect time" "I'll be right back" he left the room and was back in a second. He walked up behind Leigha and turned her chair sideways and knelt down to her.

"Leigha, my love my witch" Everyone was smiling and looking at each other they all knew what was coming, everyone but Leigha "I may be your sunshine but sometimes I can bring a storm about just the same, you are my sunshine each day and you too can bring storms, and I don't care if it's sunshine or storms, no matter what I love you more than you will ever know and I always want you at my side, I have never felt a love that I have with you and I'll never let you go, I was going to ask your dad, Ethan and Jason for your hand in marriage, that didn't happen, well I asked Ethan, he gave me his love to ask you, Your dad and Jason, when I seen them I was in a hell of a state with one of your storms and told them I was marrying you with or without their approval, that you were mine no matter what they thought at the time, they did give me their blessings of approval" Leigha was shedding tears now, as were Julie, Sharon, Elizabeth and Ella, Tommy took the ring from his pocket, "Leigha I want you as my wife, my partner, my guide, my best half, and to have my heart forever and always, will you marry me"?

Leigha was crying so hard now, Tommy stood, picked her up and sat in her chair with her on his lap and her face buried in his neck, nodding up and down and he heard her say "yes"

"She said yes" Tommy smiling holding her tight.

Cheers went around! Glasses clinked again as a toast to their engagement!

Jason finally stood patted Tommy on the back, "Can we eat now"? "And geez Tommy you got all the women crying now" "I'm hungry"

Steven stood, "Grace first" and all stood and held hands with Tommy next to Leigha

Steven gave grace, "Our Father, Your Son and Holy Ghost, Leigha and Tommy have said it best, we are all thankful to be here, our families together and welcoming new members to our family as well, Thank you for this family, all this love we share, and all of our blessings and keep us all safe as we enjoy the bounties we are about to enjoy, Amen" and an 'Amen' from all around the table.

They all then went for plates of food, Jason first in line, as the women of course stopped to see the ring, cry more and hug Leigha. Tommy went down to his end of the table and assisted his mom with all that she needed, she leaned over to him, "Tommy, my son, you have made me proud of who you have chosen, I am pleased, one of my very best Thanksgivings I've ever had"

"Love you mama"

"Love you son"

That night laying in bed with Tommy, "My Scott, that was a perfect Thanksgiving, and you made it even more perfect" staring at her ring. "When are we going to do this, I want your mom and family there too, and where"? "We will need to let your mom know with plenty of notice"

"When and where do you want to make me the happiest man on earth"

She laughed, "Me the happiest woman on earth you mean, and I'd marry you anywhere at anytime" "Today, tomorrow, in a week or year, as long as we are always together" "I love you"

They snuggled and slept the night away, both so happy.

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