Chapter 6

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The next morning she ran at her usual time and she ran her whole 10 miles again this morning as she needed to burn off the thoughts of touching Tommy last night. When she returned he was sitting on her porch. Ok.

He got up as she walked up, "My lass, I don't know what you did to me last night but I've never had a migraine that bad before and slept so perfect and woke with no pain" "I do owe you for that" "What was your secret"?

"Ah, Jason calls me his little witchy woman, it's a small spell I casted and I'm glad it worked" she winked at him.

"Unlock your patio door and I'll bring you breakfast while you shower" "I do owe you one my lass"

"Oh, done deal, follow me" and she went in, grabbed her water, unlocked the door and he went his way and she went for the shower.

Once out of the shower and dressed in a pair of shorts and tank top as she had planned on working today she went out to the patio. Fresh fruit, orange juice and oatmeal. "Damn, breakfast looks great" She sat down and started in.

"So really, I've had migraines for sometime now, I've never felt that kind of relief, what did you do"?

"Easy to do, I mixed up special oils, darkened your room, then massaged you and used hot packs to open your veins for the blood flow to ease it, a few of the oils promote a great sleep."

"Oils and massage, and I've been using prescription drugs that don't work like that did".

"If I know sooner or the routine they come to you in, most can be prevented."


"Yes, seriously, keep a journal, what you do each day, time of day, weather, what you eat, when you eat, when you feel the pain come on, then it's easy to track and eliminate" "Science my dear, science" "And I can adjust the oils to accommodate"

"Doctor Leigha" "I'll start my journal"

"I'd be pleased to assist" smiling at him.

After breakfast she invited him into her office, he looked around and she made up a spreadsheet of all he was to keep track of and printed a sheet for 30 days. "Here you go, now it's back to work for both of us today"

He walked over to her, took the papers, gave her a gentle kiss and left.

Leigha stood there thinking, 'One day I'm gonna tear into his mouth with one of my own kisses I swear, how many little lip touches can a horney woman take?' She sat down and refocused on her case.

A few days later she was working on her case and she called Jason, "Jason, are you busy, I think I've got something and I need to go talk to someone, need an escort"

"Not busy, on my way to pick you up" and he hung up.

Jason arrived, she was ready and out the door, she told him where, who, what and why. They were off and she was right, she had a name now, and now needed the reason and facts from her inmate. Jason took her by the prison, they both got in and she now had more answers. This was finally moving along.

"Jason, now we need to find her"

"Yeah, I see that, you take a break and let me go into the office and see if I can locate her, I'll call you when I do"

"I'm up for that idea"

He dropped her off at home, she still had a few hours of daylight so she threw her sheets in the washer and hung them on her back line. Fresh crisp sheets tonight, she did love old school, it seemed so fresh and clean. As she was hanging them out she seen Tommy come out back for a cigarette break. "Time or a break"? She shouted up to him.

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