Chapter 13

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Tommy left for work and Leigha to the beach. She enjoyed her day of silence and her mind on this new relationship with Tommy. Finally getting him into bed and how amazing that was and that she wanted a whole lot more of that. Where would this relationship go? She with her career and he with his? He traveled quite a bit, she did some. How would this all fit once he was done filming here and would he be back for a season 3? She let her mind rest as to what will be will be, and go from there, she also thought how she didn't think she could live without seeing him or seeing him with another woman. She thought all day and then let her mind rest finally.

She was driving home and had a sharp pain in her lower right side, it took her by surprise and she swerved the jeep. She gained control and then another sharp pain, she couldn't drive with this pain, she pulled over to call someone when it hit her again and stayed with her, she couldn't even reach her phone from the intensity of the pain, she seen a police car heading her way, she turned on her flashers and laid her head on her steering wheel as the pain was mounting on her.

The officer, a new Police Chief whom had just transfer in to their town pulled over and seen her slumped down in the car. Was calling an ambulance as he got to her, she had fainted with the pain and was unconscious. The ambulance arrived within 5 minutes, the officer seen her bag and grabbed it out for id, he also shut off her jeep, locked it and took her keys.

The ambulance was on the way to the hospital, the officer looked in her bag, her ID, my God this is Jason's partner, this is Legha, and seen her FBI badge. He put a personal call out to Jason on his own cell to let him know, he had to leave voicemail to call him asap without leaving details of any sort, he didn't want to panic him. 

The officer also noticed she had another emergency contact, Tommy Flanagan and his phone number. Was this the same one as the actor? He'd call and find out. He rang his number, voicemail too, and again he left a brief message to call him as he got the message. He followed the ambulance to the hospital and an allpoints went out that one of their own was on her way in. Many radio'd in and giving their current location as the hospital. They all gathered for one of their own. Many knew her from the shooting range, her time spent at the department and helping her out on her cases, she was loved by the department.

When officer David arrived at the hospital and found out quickly that she was headed into surgery he called the officer close to where they were shooting Sons of Anarchy to see if this was the right Tommy Flanagan. He got a call 15 minutes later that it was and that they were bringing him in and wanted an update. The only update was that she was just taken back into surgery for her appendix, it appeared to have ruptured so it was an emergency surgery.

Tommy about lost his shit when the officer arrived and Kurt pulled him aside to talk to him and sent him on his way with the officer. Tommy demanded updates while he rode in front seat with the cop. Tommy called Jason, he had his number and also reached voicemail, he did leave a message for him to meet him at the hospital that Leigha was in surgery for her appendix and he was coming in with the police who notified him as well. All Tommy could say was "How can this happen, not to her" and he begged God to let her be ok.

The officer had him at the hospital in half an hour with lights and sirens. Tommy rushed in and an army of police, EMTs and firemen were there all waiting in the halls and waiting room. Officer David seen him come in, he was still in his sons clothing with the kutte on, easily recognized. He went over and introduced himself and took him to the nurse in charge. Tommy demanded answers and all she could tell him was it appeared to be her appendix ruptured and the surgery would be another hour and a half, the surgeon was with her and working on her right now, she'd keep him updated approximately every 15 to 20 minutes as she could talk to the nurse in surgery via phone..

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