Chapter 27

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It was 5 am and Leigha out of bed, she'd rattle Tommy's cage at 6. She was getting the breakfast casseroles ready to hit the oven, Mike had gotten up and Callie too, coffee was being consumed. She got Tommy up finally at 6:30, he's her beast to wake in the mornings unless she lets him sleep his mornings away, today was race day, and her morning would be full of people, she had to get him moving along.

Charlie, Ella and Ethan arrived at 6:45 as did Jason, Julie, Joe and Marcus. Her parents arrived at 7.

They had to be at the course at 11:00, so after breakfast Leigha and Ella decided to talk to the parents. The plans were made. Tommy had taken Steven out to the garage to show him his bike, Jason, Charlie, and Ethan followed them out there, knowing why.

Leigha took her mom into the bedroom and Ella and Julie followed, knowing why.

Leigha left the others in the kitchen cleaning up the mess and they knew why.

As the men were in the garage and Steve looking over Tommy's bike Charlie walked over to him, "Steve, if I may I'd like to talk to you" As Tommy sat up on the counter and Ethan and Jason doing the same.

"You want to tell me your dating my little baby girl right"?

Jason laughed, Tommy snickered and Ethan confused, 'how'd he know already' he thought they were being sneaky and careful with this.

Charlie replied, "Yes sir and as an honorable man I will and do treat her with respect, honesty and loyalty"

"Taken her to bed yet"?

"No, yes, well, I have slept with her but we've not had sex yet if that's what your asking, I want to make sure it will work for us first, I will not disrespect her in that way, sir" he stumbled the words out, looking over at Tommy like he needed help, but Tommy just sat there with a smile and a nod.

"Those are the words I wanted to hear, if I hear otherwise, my oldest son will have first shot at you, my youngest will have the second and I'll clean up your mess, you understand this"?

"Yes sir I do, they have already warned me" "I got it" relieved

"Good" "No one hurts my girls, Tommy you know this too right"?

"Yes sir I do" Tommy replied, smiling at how well that actually went for Charlie.

Steve looked over at Ethan, "Son take this as a lesson, this is how and good words to use when you meet the right girl, understand"?

"Yeah, but dad, how'd you know they were already seeing each other" Ethan questioned

"Dads know, one day you'll find out"

In the bedroom Ella sat on the bed, her mom beside her and Leigha sat next to Ella and put her arm around her and laid her hand on her shoulder. Julie leaned up against the dresser. "Mama" Ella started, "Charlie and I have been seeing each other"

"My little princess, you father already expected this and mentioned it to me"

"So dad knows"?

"Yes he does"

"Mom, Charlie is telling dad now, how bad is that going to go"?

"Depends on how and what he says"

"Oh" she hung her head worried for Charlie

"Ella, is this what you want"?

"Mama, yes it is, he's a gentle man, we've not had sex even though I've spent the night with him, he want me to pursue my dreams, he says if it is all what we want, then it'll happen the way it should" "Mama, I've never felt this way about anyone before this, it's different, and it's not that he's a hot actor, he's different in real life than on tv."

"Yes, I've seen the difference with him the few times we've been around and I've seen it with Tommy too" "If this is what you want, I'll not interfere nor will your father, but if that man hurts you an interference will be in play"

"I know mama"

"You've talked to your sister and Julie about this already"?

Ella smiled, "Yes I have"

"Good" and looking at them "They had better have given you good advice or I'll go bad mama on them and they won't like that"

Both Leigha and Julie smiled and nodded they understood.

"Good, now let's go see how well Charlie made out"

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