Chapter 24

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Tommy, Leigha, Jason and Julie were in the car on their way to meet their parents. Leigha was staring out her window and Jason out his when Tommy looked in the back at him. "You two act like your going to a funeral rather than to meet your birth parents" "Cheer up"!

Leigha looked over at him, "What if they don't like us"?



"You need to get out of your head, I've not met one person who has met either one of you that don't like you both"

Jason piped up laughing, "Perps don't"

They all laughed.

Leigha looked at the GPS Tommy had on, 2 minutes away, she reached over for Tommy's hand, Jason seen it too, her reached up and put his hand on her shoulder, a way of calming her, and himself and said, ""Leigha, our whole lives we've had each other, no matter what, that won't ever change and now we got these two on board with us now, it'll all be ok, no matter what" Leigha nodded her head and patted Jason's hand, she just couldn't talk right now.

When Tommy pulled up into their driveway, their front door opened and Steve and Sharon walked out, Sharon had tears running and her hands over her mouth and Steve holding onto her shoulders. Leigha opened her door as Jason did and tears fell like a waterfall from her too. Jason put his arm around her shoulders and walked over there with her. Sharon's arms then outstretched and Leigha went right into them, then the 4 of them were in a huge hug all crying.

Tommy then got out of the car with Julie, they leaned back on the car, they each had a few tears too, it was very emotional for all of them.

Steve then spoke up, waved Tommy and Julie over, "Please come in, please" and they all followed them inside.

Once inside Steve hugged both Jason and Leigha, shook hands with Tommy and hugged Julie.

Sharon put a hand on each Jason and Leigha's cheeks, "I hope you both don't mind but we have another surprise for you"

"Sure" Jason replied, curious

They walked them into the dining room and a young man and young lady sat at the table, about early college age. Sharon with her arm around both Jason and Leigha, "Your brother and sister"

Leigha's hand went to her mouth and then walked over to them as Jason followed, her arms out to them with them smiling at her, more hugs, more tears. When she pulled back she looked at Sharon and Steve, Sharon was nodding her head, "They are twins too"

  When she pulled back she looked at Sharon and Steve,  Sharon was nodding her head, "They are twins too"

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Leigha trying to talk, "Jason, there are more of us" "And they look like us"

Jason, "It's good to meet you, I sure hope your a nicer sister than Leigha is here"

Leigha slapped his shoulder and then the laughter began.

"See" laughing.

They all sat at the table and began catching up. It amazed them that Jason and Leigha met in college and had the same likes, dislikes, studied the same things and remained best friends and stayed so close. Then their brother and sister were the same as they were, same kind of studies were on the same path. Sharon said no matter what they couldn't be seperated. They also had high IQ's and were both on the National Honor Society List. Both Ethan and Ella were gifted children also.

They talked about how they were forced to give up them up at birth, their parents had money and their fathers were both Surgeons, they couldn't shame the family they were told. And once they both turned 18 they ran off, got married and started looking for them with no success. How they were outcasted from the family and taken off their wills. Steve took a mechanics position putting Sharon through college first, she studied accounting and is now a CPA with a large firm, then she put Steve through school and he studied law and became the county Sheriff. They raised Ethan and Ella to follow their dreams and to let no one discourage that, Leigha started crying again then and told them that was how she was raised, it was in the cards. Jason had then remembered having talked to Steve on the phone several times working on cases. Their connections were always so close but yet so far away.

Julie and Tommy went out for pizza to bring back for lunch, Julie had ordered 4 large all different varieties for them, Tommy drove and paid, when they got back and set them on the table Jason was telling them that he and Leigha always tried all the new varieties out there and votes yes or no's on them. Ethan spoke up, "No shit, Ella and I do that" laughing.

Steve looked at Ethan, smiled, "language son"

Tommy and Jason laughed and both looked at Steve and both point at Leigha.

"Oh no you two are both throwing me under the bus, Julie help me out"

"Nope, can't save you on this one girlfriend" laughing

"Fine, then I'm taking Ethan's side" and smiled at him and winked.

After lunch Ella took Leigha into her room to show it off to her, they sat on the bed.

"Leigha, mom and dad always told us we had a brother and sister and one day they'd find you both, they love you both even not knowing you" "Ethan and I have always felt like you were out there" "They always went to this spot by ocean on your birthdays at night and looked into the sky and said 'They knew you both seen the same sky and hoped you were looking at it to then'."

Leigha had a tears and hugged her, "I sure hope you and Ethan don't mind having an older brother and sister"

"Heck no, this can be awesome"! "I love hearing your stories and can't wait to hear more, we should have shopping days and things" They both hugged.

"Definitely agreed, let's go schedule some"

They went back in and got calendars out and scheduled a few dinners at each other's houses, shopping dates, and spa dates. Jason told them about the Judgement Day Obstacle Course that he, Leigha and their FBI team were running the following month and invited them to attend and they accepted without hesitation.

Tommy had Leigha set a date for them to come with her one day to visit the set of the Sons and meet the other actors as they talked to him also about how they all watched it each week and Ella was over the moon thinking she'd meet Charlie, Tommy assured her he'd be there just for her.

It was getting late and they were now leaving, Leigha and Sharon cried as they hugged and they all parted ways, Jason took Leigha in his arms walking back to the car. "And now we know where you get your crying spells from" and laughed at her.

They talked all the way home what a perfect visit it was and how Leigha and Julie were going to get the pics developed off their phones and hang them up. Tommy told them he'd invite Charlie over for one of the dinners to surprise Ella.

"Jason, we are family and have a family, just wait until Christmas, Thanksgiving and all the holidays now" "Our lives are changin

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