Chapter 17

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A few weeks had passed, Leigha had her stitches out and all was back to normal, Tommy was staying at her house and his was just next door, he didn't hardly ever use it, she loved him and felt good with this. He had come home and told her he had to fly to New York for 3 to 4 days for a meeting on another movie he may be doing during the hiatus of Sons. He also told her that when he got back home he would invite a few of his co-workers over to meet her, she agreed.

He had been gone three days and she was wrapped up working on a case, she needed a break and decided that Tommy's house over there needed a little attention. She went over, opened the windows, vacuumed, dusted, washed and hung out his sheets, freshening up the place. She was wore out and after making his bed decided on a shower over there since she was there, she grabbed one of his shirts out of the drawer and tossed it on the bed, hers were a bit sweaty from cleaning in the heat of the day with the windows open. She hopped into the shower.

She had just gotten out of the shower and was grabbing a towel when a strange man walked in, she screamed, grabbed a can of his deodorant he had laying there and blasted him, then he screamed louder.

Tommy came running in, "What the Christ Hell"? He shouted. Leigha was about to deck the strange man with the can as Tommy grabbed her arm.

She shouted back at him, "What the fuck are you doing home and who in the double fuck is this crazy man"?

Tommy handed her a towel and took Kim out to Mark who was coming down the hall to see what was wrong, Kim had his hands on his eyes, Tommy told Mark, "Go wash his eyes out, my wench almost killed him"

He turned back to her, "What the hell"? She shouted to him.

"I came home early to surprise you and brought a few friends with me for you to meet, more are on the back deck, I was on my way over to get you"! He returned her tone of voice shouting back

"Well, I wasn't there, I was here"! She got louder

"Aye, know that now"! He took her out to the bedroom, she put on the shirt she had laid out

"What was your friend doing in your bath"! she grumbled at him

"He had to pee, the other bath was busy with Charlie who had to pee"! "Men pee you know"!! He said hastily

"Well, women share the bath, for fucks sake he scared the hell out of me Scotty"!

"I can see that and you gave him a memorable introduction"!

She continued shouting not caring who heard, "Then you should have called or sent a wee text damn it!

"Then it would not have been a surprise! "And why are we shouting, your one foot from me"!?

"Damn it" then laughed, he picked her up and carried her to the kitchen and sat her on the counter.

"Calm down now my love" and he opened a bottle of wine, lit a joint and handed both to her, he leaned into her with her legs wrapped around his waist, "I'll take you out to meet them once you calm down"

She wrapped her arms around him with a joint in one hand and bottle in the other as Kim walked back in, "I came to apologize"

Leigha looked up at him over Tommy's shoulder, "Can I get your name and bio after sex if you don't mind" and smiled at him still in Tommy's arms.

Kim turned and went back out, "ok" smiling

Tommy dropped his head into her neck, "You really didn't just say that did you"


"Memorable impressions your giving"

"Duh, you kept coming back"

"True, now let's take you out to meet them and see how this goes, be nice"

She laughed, got off the counter and followed him.

She in her t-shirt and wet hair met Ryan, Mark, Kim, Charlie and Kurt. Kim apologized to surprising her. She apologized for about decking him with the bottom of a can.

Tommy asked why she was showering at his place when they don't even use his place.

"I came over to open your windows, vacuum, dust, tidy up, freshened up and shit, and you know by now when I clean house I sweat under my boobs real bad, so I took a shower here. Duh"

He laughed as everyone did with her bold statement, "Ok, my little lass, got it"

"You weren't supposed to be home this soon" "This is all on you you know right"

"It is and I'll apologize later" laughing at her

"Yes you will" "Now let me refill your beers and go get a few munchies ready" "Be right back"

And as she walked off, Tommy said to them, "And that's my life off set" They laughed, they like her and liked her a lot. And damn did Tommy find a hot minx!

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