Chapter 21

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Tommy and Julie arrived at the same time and both came storming into the room, Julie grabbed onto Jason and Tommy onto Leigha.

"You two are a mess" Julie said with a tear in her eye, thanking God they were alive. Jason reassuring her they were ok.

"You two can't play nice together huh" Tommy said partly in frustration, his nerves on edge, seeing all the white bandages over them and their casts, they were both now in scrubs as the nurses helped change them due to all the blood on their clothes. He had Leigha in his arms holding her tight looking at Jason in his wheelchair.

"We didn't do it, the bad guy did it" Leigha responded

"Doesn't matter, as long as you are both alive" Tommy said about ready to shed a tear with relief

"We are and we are ok, and we wanna go home now, I feel like a nap is in order now" Leigh said

"Yeah, I gave you orders for that this morning and this is what you did instead, now you are grounded"

Officer David came in and met with them, "I'll need both of your statements, I'll just come by later and get them from your homes, no need to come into the station"

"I can live with that" Jason added.

"Me too" Leigha agred

"I'll also need your keys Tommy and Julie, I need to bring your cars to a secure exit to avoid the press, they are like hounds at the exit doors, we need to get you out quietly and safely, I have officers who will follow you both home and put press security at your homes until this dies down and you both need to write statements Jason and Leigha, that'll help too, Tommy, you may need to write one too, the press knows you now live with our little tornado here. And they seen you come in, that confirmed it for them." "I told the press I'd give a brief statement in half an hour and a full statement in 2 hours, that gives you a window" "And neither of you will be at the press briefing, your statements will do just fine" "I've called Quantico, they know the details already and will wait your calls of confirmation that your both really ok" "Are we good"?

"Yes sir and thank you so much"

"You both did good out there today, thank you" he stated as he left

"Wonder if we can get a raise"? Leigh said and her and Jason laughed

They finally got home, Tommy called his publicist, she was coming right over to their place and would also do Leigha's statement as well, Tommy told her he wanted to add Leigha to his contract with him.

"Tommy, you don't need to do that, the FBI has those guys who can do that for us"

"Leigha my lass, it's done, she will coordinate with them, you are a part of me and I am doing this and that ends the discussion, now let's get you to bed, I'll let you know when they all arrive" "You need sleep and I need to relax and take this all in, woman you again scared the fuck out of me"

He kissed her, tucked her into bed, gave her another pain pill and bottle of water, she was asleep before her head hit the pillow. She had no fight left in her, exhaustion had finally set in.

Tommy went out to the kitchen, poured himself a glass of vodka straight up and sat at the table making phone calls. He wanted to lay in bed and hold her but he knew this was a big one so he did what he needed done now.

Tommy decided he was taking this bull by the horns now. Officer David showed up, they talked and he would have Leigha write her police report up tomorrow and let her sleep the day away, he woke her up at 4 hours and gave her another pain pill, he knew she didn't even know she took it, she was so tired, but he wanted to be sure she didn't have a concussion, so he let her fall back to the bed and out again.

He and Officer David met with both publicist and worked out the statements for her and him. She'd have to live with that he said to himself. She was his woman and he was taking some charge right now, she used to do this alone or with Jason, but now she had him and he wasn't going anywhere, she'd need to learn this.

They still had officers outside their home and the officers would not let the press on their street to give them more privacy, Tommy was thankful for that. He had finally sat down and watched the replay on TV. He had no idea this was an over an hour chase they made and the overhead chopper was videoing it. Tommy about had a stroke seeing how it happened and how they could have lost their lives today. He had another glass of vodka to chase that thought down his throat.

He also called Julie to check on Jason, he was sleeping the day away too. Tommy found Leigha's phone and also called Quanico and talked to Mike, he let him know she was sleeping and she was ok, and that he'd have her call him tomorrow.

Finally after most had calmed down and he had made all his calls, to friends, family, and her list of people, he went in and laid down with her. As he laid down next to her it was as if her body knew he was there, she turned in her sleep and curled up into his arms with her face tucked into his chest still asleep. He felt warmed, his heart warm, that she subconsciencly knew he was there and went to him. He loved her and relaxed now with her right there snuggled into him. His tiny little piece of heaven on earth was a tornado, he has to learn to work through this.

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