Memory of the Sun

By Zombiegirl777

54.6K 1.2K 260

A young healer is captured by Frieza and his men before they destroy her home planet. What will her life be l... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: A Traumatic Past
Chapter 2: A Timeskip & A Jump
Chapter 3: Sassy Bois Don't Get Candy
Chapter 4: Decision Made
Chapter 5: Gotta Go Fast
Chapter 6: Vengeance & Vendettas
Chapter 7: Meeting Bulma
Chapter 8: Help From New Friends
Chapter 9: Elder Guru's Blessing
Chapter 10: Dragonballs & A Hostage
Chapter 11: Saiyan Temper Tantrum
Chapter 12: Maybe We Could Get Along
Chapter 13: Or Not
Chapter 14: The Ginyu Force
Chapter 15: Fight To Survive
Chapter 16: A New Technique
Chapter 17: Reinforcements To The Rescue
Chapter 18: It's Goku!
Chapter 19: Like Musical Chairs But With Souls
Chapter 20: Summoning Porunga & Piccolo
Chapter 21: A Gruesome Battle
Chapter 22: A Gruesome Battle (Part 2)
Chapter 23: A New Start
Chapter 24: Fluff & Fun Times
Chapter 25: Incoming Nightmare
Chapter 26: Frieza's Return
Chapter 27: Another Super Saiyan
Chapter 28: The Waiting Game
Chapter 29: Another Challenge On The Horizon
Chapter 30: Driving School
Chapter 31: Visiting The Briefs
Chapter 32: Visiting The Briefs (Part 2)
Chapter 33: I Care About You
Chapter 34: Training & Togetherness
Chapter 35: Z Fighters vs. The Androids
Chapter 36: Z Fighters vs. The Andriods (Part 2)
Chapter 37: Z Fighters vs. The Androids (Part 3)
Chapter 38: Z Fighters vs. The Androids (Part 4)
Chapter 39: Z Fighters vs. The Androids (Part 5)
Chapter 40: Z Fighters vs. The Androids (Part 6)
Chapter 41: False Threat
Chapter 42: Race to Dr. Gero's Lab
Chapter 43: Another Android & An Angry Saiyan
Chapter 44: Vegeta vs. 18
Chapter 45: A Defeat & New Options
Chapter 47: Goku's Nightmare
Chapter 48: Kami's Hesitation & Another Great Evil
Chapter 49: Reunions & Goodbyes
Chapter 50: A Disturbance
Chapter 51: It's Going Down In Ginger Town
Chapter 52: Making Moves
Chapter 53: Tragic Tales & Family Ties
Chapter 54: The Hyperbolic Time Chamber
Chapter 55: Piccolo vs. 17
Chapter 56: Luna vs. Cell
Chapter 57: Luna vs. Cell 2: Transformation Boogaloo

Chapter 46: A Long Lost Friend

405 13 2
By Zombiegirl777

"Seriously, can we speed this up? It's cold as tits up here..." 18 asked in frustration, glaring at her brother as all of them flew through the snow covered mountains towards where their information told them the Son house would be.

16 flew behind them, enjoying the scenery below as 17 narrowed his eyes at his twin sister.

"You know maybe if you stopped whining and helped me look we'd... Oh! Oh, look! There's one! There's..." 17 trailed off, a frown appearing on his face as he got a better look at the tiny pink truck below them. "Actually... Second thought... We don't have to steal the first one we see..."

"Oh, I'm sorry... I can't hear you over your welching." 18 commented sarcastically, crossing her arms in front of her as the dark haired boy sighed in defeat.

"Ugh, whatever..." 17 mumbled, landing next to the small truck as 16 and 18 followed suit. "Huh... 'Lucky Foods'..." 17 read out loud, noticing the name of the company printed on the side of the vehicle. "Kind of ironic... Alright guys, we're taking the van..."

Before anyone could do anything else, 16 stepped forward, picking the truck up easily as he emptied it's contents on the road. 17 tilted his head at the red haired man, sighing as he prepared to explain what he meant.

"No buddy... We're gonna drive it."

"Oh." 16 replied mechanically, setting the van down once again before apologizing. "Sorry."

"It's cool, now you have a place to sit." 17 said calmly, the employees of the Lucky Food company watching with wide eyes from inside the rest stop as the androids continued on without care.

"Affirmative." 16 said with a slight smirk, getting into the back of the van before shutting the door behind him. "Shotgun."

"Not quite what that means, but hey, keep tryin' man..." 17 said in amusement as 18 jumped into the passenger seat.

"Bitchin'." The dark haired fighter said happily, jumping into the driver's seat himself before starting up the engine. "Next stop, casa de Goku..."

"How 'bout no." 18 commented, pointing at her ruined top while looking over at her brother seriously. "New clothes first, Goku's casa second."

"Heh, women..." 17 chuckled, making his blonde sister roll her eyes as he sighed. "Am I right 16?"

"Confirmed. She is female." 16 responded robotically, making the younger boy actually laugh out loud.

"Haha... She is..."


Meanwhile, with Luna, Krillin and Trunks...


All three of them landed in the front yard of the Son house, walking up to the door before Krillin stopped suddenly.

"H-hey... Trunks?" He spoke up, making both him and Luna pause for a moment as they waited for him to continue. "Are you positive these androids are... As cruel and heartless as you say they are?"

Trunks looked at him in surprise for a split second before a dark frown swept across his face. "Yes Krillin! They're both monsters..." He growled, unsure of how anyone could think otherwise. "After everything I've told you... Why would you even ask me that?"

"S-sorry!" Krillin said quickly, waving his hands in front of himself defensively. "I... I just thought maybe since they were different than the ones in your time... Maybe... Nevermind!" He mumbled, clearing his throat nervously as Luna and Trunks watched him in confusion. "Come on!" The bald fighter said quickly, stepping forward before raising his hand to knock on the door as it swung open before he could touch it.

"Gohan!" Chi Chi shouted, smiling brightly as she looked around, noticing instantly that he wasn't with them.

"Hey guys! You're back! So... What happened?" Yamcha asked curiously, noticing none of them looked too happy. "Did Vegeta clean up the androids?"

"Not quite..." Krillin said quietly, letting out a sigh as he prepared to give Chi Chi and Yamcha the recap. "Turns out there were three more, Vegeta got his arms broken, they beat everyone up, Piccolo flipped out and I got kissed by the cute one." Krillin finished, grinning as he remembered his brief interaction with Android 18...

"T-the clown?" Yamcha mumbled, unsure of what the hell his friend was talking about.

"No, no, no, there's a girl now."

"I don't believe you." Yamcha answered quickly, Luna snickering in the background as Krillin shot her a glare.

"You know we should probably continue this conversation after we've moved Goku..." Trunks pointed out, very aware of what little time they all had to make their escape.

"Move Goku? But he finally stopped screaming..." Yamcha said in confusion, glancing over his shoulder as a muffled whining could be heard from upstairs. "Okay, well he's petering out..."

"We'll take him to Kame House!" Krillin suggested, knowing it was one place that was a bit off the beaten path. "They'll never look for him there!"

"That is literally the second place they'll look." Yamcha answered seriously, raising one eyebrow as Luna decided to take charge of the situation.

"We're short on time and options..." Luna explained, walking past the orange clad fighter as she turned to face Chi Chi. "Get everything you guys will need for a while... Gohan should be here soon and when he gets here, we can all leave..." Luna trailed off, her body freezing up as she suddenly noticed there was one extra person in the room.

She had been so preoccupied with everything going on that she didn't even sense the power level that was currently standing a few feet away from her as Trunks and Krillin watched curiously, wondering who this stranger was.

"K-Kaito?" Luna mumbled, completely shocked as the white haired man in front of her sent her a crooked smile before closing the distance between them. He scooped her off the ground, hugging her tightly as he remembered hearing the rumors of what happened to Frieza and figured all was lost... But here she was. His long lost childhood friend, seemingly returned from the dead. It's good to have her back...

"I... I thought..." Luna sniffed, tears welling up in her eyes as she leaned her head against her friends shoulder, hoping this all wasn't a dream. "I'm so glad you're alright!"

Kaito's blue eyes snapped open as he grimaced, setting her back on her feet quickly while remembering he didn't just come here with the intentions of catching up with her. He had a mission to complete. He figured he should start explaining himself soon, noticing the confused stares all of the people around them were sending his way...

"Forgive me Princess..." Kaito said quickly, getting down on one knee in front of her as he bowed his head. "That was rude of me... I'm just so relieved to see that you're alive and well-"

"Get up Kaito!" Luna laughed happily, interrupting him as she knelt down, grabbing his hands in her own while helping him stand. "What are you doing here? How... How did you know where to find me?" She asked excitedly, wondering how any of this was possible. "I thought... I thought everything was lost..."

"We thought we'd lost you..." Kaito said seriously, knowing he had much to tell her but was unable to contain the happiness he felt now that he knew their last hope was safe. "The Princess of Acaii has returned!" He cheered, causing Luna to frown as Chi Chi watched her expression darken.

"Luna... You're a Princess?" Krillin asked in confusion, wondering why she had never told any of them about it before...

"Enough of that Kaito..." Luna said seriously, ignoring the chatter around her as he looked at her in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean our planet is gone..." Luna went on, somewhat annoyed that she had to relive this again after she spent so much time trying to put everything that had happened behind her. "I've tried so hard to erase those painful memories..." Luna paused, looking at him apologetically before continuing. "Everything we both loved is still gone forever..."

"I survived." Kaito replied matter of factly, "And so did the others-"

"Wait... There are others? More survivors?!" Luna gasped, cutting him off before urging him to continue. "How many?! Who?! Where are they? And how?!"

The white haired man in front of her nodded, happy to see that she finally had a bit of hope back in her eyes. "Yes Princess... But one question at a time..." He winked, happy to tell her of their escape while they all waited for Gohan to arrive...

"The elders knew that Acaii was destined to fall to an evil power in the near future... So they prepared to pass on our planet's wisdom. They gathered some supplies, important texts, relics of our people and set them aside in an extra ship for when that day would come..." Kaito explained, noticing that everyone was listening intently to his words. "Their prophecy came true the day Frieza and his men attacked, killing everyone but myself, Akari, Elder Ryuuto and Hisashi..."

"Akari...?" Luna mumbled, tears of happiness forming in her eyes as she couldn't help but shout with joy. "Akari's alive?!"

Kaito nodded, placing a hand on her shoulder as he went on. "Akari and I were at the temple the day they attacked... Elder Ryuuto grabbed us both, along with Hisashi and we made our escape."

"Akari... I can't believe it..." Luna cried, wiping her eyes as she laughed. "Where is she? Does she know I'm here?"

"She's on one of the Kai's planets right now with Ryuuto-"


"She's gotten a lot stronger spiritually since you've been gone Luna." Kaito explained, smirking down at her before realizing his mistake.

"Ah! I mean, Pri-"

"Kaito." Luna interrupted him, glaring up at him dangerously before continuing, "If you call me 'Princess' one more damn time..." She growled, stopping mid sentence as she suddenly got an idea. "I have a request..." She said, grinning up at him as his silver brow twitched, not sure what his childhood friend was up to. "I request that you never refer to me by any official titles, and instead, use the nickname you gave me when we were little..."

"Y-you want me to call you dirt toes?!" He choked, knowing she couldn't be serious as Yamcha, Chi Chi, Trunks and Krillin all fell to the floor comically.

"Well, it's either that or Luna."

"Luna it is!" He cheered, making everyone laugh as said girl smiled, happy to have her old friend back.


Meanwhile, with everybody's favorite Saiyan Prince...


Vegeta stood on a large cliff, overlooking the deserted wasteland as he thought back on his defeat. Suddenly, small pebbles around him began to lift into the air as he growled, powering up with a yell before going Super Saiyan. Pushing his powers even farther, Vegeta's golden aura began to grow more intense as the rock underneath him began to disintegrate.

Rrgh... Wait until I get my hands on those androids... Vegeta thought wickedly, imagining what he would do to them to make them pay for the embarrassment he had suffered at their hands. I will prove once and for all that I'm the strongest warrior in the universe! It is my destiny! He promised himself, unwilling to accept any other outcome.

They will be sorry they left me alive...


Back at Goku's house...


"Be careful with him!" Chi Chi said worriedly, hoping this move wouldn't make her husband's condition worse.

Luna talked with Kaito near the entrance to the house, their voices hushed as Trunks and Yamcha carried Goku onto the ship. Krillin set up a temporary bed for his friend, covering him with his blanket once more as they all prepared to head towards Kame House.

"Look! Gohan's here!" Chi Chi shouted, setting her bags of supplies down while watching in excitement as her son got closer. Luna looked over as well, smiling as she saw her younger friend touch down before running up to his mother.

"Hey, what's going on?!" He asked worriedly, seeing everyone packing up and getting ready to leave.

"Gohan you've come home! Oh, my baby... I'm so happy to see you!" Chi Chi shouted, wrapping her arms around the tiny Saiyan as he looked rather uncomfortable.

"Uh, hey! What are you guys doing?!" Gohan asked again, concerned about not knowing what was happening.

"No time to talk! On the plane Gohan!" Krillin ordered, pointing behind him as Trunks sent the smaller boy a friendly wave.

"Come on Gohan..." Chi Chi agreed, standing up as she grabbed her bags and stepped on board. "We've got to get your father somewhere safer..."

"R-right..." Gohan said, a bit confused but happy everyone was alright. "Luna! Let's go!" He shouted, finally noticing her standing a ways away, talking to someone he didn't recognize...

She walked over to all them, Kaito right behind her as she smiled down at Gohan before speaking. "I can't come with you guys right now... I have something important I have to take care of first."

"W-what?! You're not going to help us fight the androids?!" Gohan stammered, his tone desperate as he realized they would need all the help they could get with his father is this kind of condition. "But... We're going to need your help!"

"Don't worry." Luna said quickly, kneeling down and giving him a quick hug while feeling genuinely sorry that she had to leave the people she cared about so much for the time being. "I'll be back before you can miss me... And in plently of time to deal with the androids..." She said with a smile, standing up again before looking at Chi Chi, Trunks, Yamcha and Krillin one last time.

"Stay safe until we all meet again..." Luna said seriously, sending them all one last wave before taking off as Kaito nodded at them all respectfully before following her lead.

"Who was that?" Gohan asked in confusion, his mother tugging him onto the plane as the doors closed behind them all.

"I'll explain on the way..." Krillin sighed, wondering why all this had to be happening right now. I know one person who won't be very happy about these recent developments anyway... Krillin thought, frowning as he wondered what the future would hold for all of them...

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