His Little Witch

By LindaIngles

13.8K 369 5

What happens when Tommy Flanagan rents a house next door to a little Witch of a woman just before filming Sea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Untitled Part 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 18

354 9 0
By LindaIngles

She had things already prepared incase a night like this ever happened. She had made items and stored them in the freezer, now to get them out and microwave them warm, she'd be in business.

She had meatballs barbequed, little weiners, wings, three different kinds, and nacho cheese with some chips all ready now and had changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with a bra on this time and had her hair tossed up with a ball hat on.

She called over to Tommy to bring them over to her porch as she set the food out, lit a few candles, got a few more ashtrays and a couple more chairs by the time they got there. She ran back in the house to stock the lower fridge with beer, Tommy had a few cases down there, he seemed to buy bulk there. He followed her in and helped her stock it putting some in the freezer to cool off faster.

Back out on the porch Leigha was thanked for the munchies she had laid out and Tommy instructed where the beer was. Leigha asked, "Some of y'all are married and or have girlfriends, are they not with you?"

They all talked about them, Mark however just asked her if she had a sister

"Nope, I'm a one of a kind sir" And they laughed.

Ryan asked, "Have seen any of the show"

Tommy broke in, "Oh here goes" and she just looked at him like 'what'?

She replied, "Yes I have, all of season 1, very interesting I might say"

Kurt, "So you do like it"?

"I do, it has a good story line to it, the bikes and bad boys bring in a huge audience, and them having guns and being real bad boys, definitely brings in the audience. You're women on the show are the plus side" "It's a fantasy that many have that is brought to the screen."

Kurt listened, "So you break it down by bikes, bad boys, guns and women"?

Tommy, "And hold on tight, here she goes" laughing and everyone wondering what he is referring to.

"Yes, as 19% of Americans own bikes, 9.24% of women own a bike. Over 60% of Americans have ridden with someone or wish they had of. While 48% own guns, 60% if you count illegal. 100% of american women have had a fantasy of a bad boy in their life whether they admit it or not, I've personally had many of those. 100% of men have had a fantasy of a hot woman sucking their dicks, admit it or not. Gay or not because they were all age 12 at one time when the fantasies really begin. And 100% have had an issue with someone they like to knock the shit out of or kill, I've really had those and even fulfilled some of those. So yes, you have a large percent of Americans watching your show for that." "And the kuttes are awesome"

Kurt, "Well ok" "So how's the dialog"?

Tommy is shaking his head, "Don't ask that Kurt"

Kurt, "oh please, you know I love feedback"

Tommy said in a low voice,"You'll wish you hadn't asked" laughing

"Well" and she then proceeded with episode 1, gave him word for word verbatim of a scene and then her opinion then to episode 2 and 3.

Everyone was sitting amazed at how she knew the exact words they each used and which episode and in perfect content.

Kurt stopped her, "How do you know all of this just off the top of your head"

She looked at Tommy, "You never told them"?


"What do you guys talk about at work, work"?

"Other things too"

"Like who got laid last night, nothing of importance"

Kim stepped in, "Getting laid is important"

"Oh Good Lord, men!" "I have an eidetic memory"

Tommy also spoke up then, "And she is also gifted, as in education, yeah bedroom too, and an expert on the gun range, won awards for that one too"

"Expert huh" Ryan mentioned

"Yeah, I got a target that shows how perfectly I can put 8 shots into Tommy's dick and 8 between his eyes if he ever pisses me off again, it's hanging in the bedroom closet." "A daily reminder for him each morning"

"It's true, I pissed her off once and that was my warning"

"No shit" Kurt laughed. "I knew you were FBI but had no idea" "You don't even look big enough to hold a gun, I thought you were a paper pusher"

"No, I run 10 miles per day, going to start 15 here next week, run marathons, obstacle challenges, mud runs and whatever comes up" "I stay fit"

"She doesn't slow down, even after surgery, energizer bunny just keeps on going" Tommy added

"God love you, Tommy you live a scary life brother" Charlie finally spoke up after listening to all of this.

"Ok boys, I'm sure you didn't come here to talk shop so what else you all got"?

Ryan asked her "What time do you get up in the morning"?


"Good grief" he replied

"So how many of you sleep till noon"

They all raised their hands

"Good God, Tommy that just got you off the hook, must be a man thing" "I don't waist daylight, sorry guys"

Tommy just laughed at her. "Told you" and she laughed at him.

As the evening wound down and they were all toasted Leigh took each one of them to a spare bedroom between her house and Tommy's they had enough space to spread them all out with noone sleeping on a sofa. The snoring began. After Leigha had them all tucked in she went to check on Tommy, and just as she thought, he was face down on the bed snoring himself. She pulled down one side of the sheets, undressed him then rolled him to the side pulled down and covered him up.

She went down to her spare kitchen and made breakfast casseroles, 4 of them to be sure and have enough for morning, or noon as they would say. It was an easy breakfast, it was late making them but she'd thank herself in the morning for popping them in the oven and not frying a ton of bacon.

She had a second wind and decided to go into her office and look a few things over. Jason sent her an email that stated: When you get this call me, no matter what time of day or night, we need to talk. Love Jason

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