The Black Bear 》Robb Stark

By unknownnavajo

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"A fighter that's all I ever wanted to be." A warrior is a brave or experienced fighter. That's what Jaidy... More

Act One
Winter is Coming
An Answer
A Dire Moment
One Heart, One Flesh, One Soul
A Lingering Question
Every Step Of The Way
Keeping Enemies Close
The News of the Bears
A Royal Pardon
Declaration of War
Dark Wings Dark Words
New Power In The North
Act Two
Learning To Deal
An Attack?
Lost The Advantage
Looks Can Be Deceiving
Ulterior Motive
Respect Is Taken
New Course Of Action
Seperate Paths
Mama Bears And Bear Cubs
A New Companion
Forces From Across The Sea
Challenge Accepted
A New Era
Book Two

Her Chance

6.1K 219 11
By unknownnavajo

Jaidyn had paced around the castle since Ser Rodrik had left. An odd feeling in her bones set her on edge. Something was happening and she felt very ill prepared.

Her suspicions were only confirmed true, not long after. A rather small boy came running into the courtyard panicked and frightened.

"Help. Someone has to help. Please." He expressed crying out to anyone around.

She made her way over and crouched beside him hoping to calm him down. She needed to get answers

"What is it? What happened?" She asked soothingly as he took deep breaths.

"Raiders. In my village. You have to help my family." He stated quickly.

"Which village?" She ask think whoever attacked Torrhen's Square had abandon that stronghold and were making their way there.

"Torringwood." He stated giving her all she needed.

It was a small village laying in the middle of Winterfell and Hornwood. But the Lord of Hornwood oversees the villages in close proximity and Torringwood lies right on that border. He would be the one to send out a party to defend that village, but like most houses in the North, he is marching beside Robb. And Jaidyn being Queen of the North, had to defend it.

That's where Maester Luwin found her after hearing about another village attack. He entered the room where the people would request assistance and looking ready to fight. Her dress had been replaced by her armored clothes she had made. Her hair slicked back and out of her way. And a sword attached at her hip with a bow and quiver laying on the table.

"You cannot do this. This is madness." He tried to reason.

"Ser Rodrik left with 200 men in the opposite direction, if no one defenses this village and those people die, then what does that tell the people of the North. That you have to be behind walls to be safe. That they should abandon their livelihoods in order to be safe." She stated fully intent on going through with her plan. "How can I be the Queen of the North if I allow innocents to die?"

"I am only looking out for your safety." Maester Luwin pointed out his standing.

She didn't stay anything to him but went over to where a map was laid out. She knew he would mention something about her safety.

"The village he speaks about lies under a ridge with a vantage point. If I can get there quickly enough I wouldn't have to do any close combat. I can help these people using my bow and arrow." She explained her plan thoroughly to him.

As much as he didn't want to admit it and keep her safe in Winterfell, she had a solid plan of attack. Whoever these raiders were, would not expect a counterattack, especially since the news of Torrhen's Square attack. He knew this was what she had been trained to do and had been an excellent marksman since she was little. If anyone could do this, it was Jaidyn.

"Okay." Maester Luwin said with a nod. "But I advise you, Jaidyn, to proceed with caution."

"I will." Jaidyn spoke grateful that he wasn't going to talk her out of her plan.

She didn't waste anymore time as she gathered her belongings and left to the stables. Her plan was well adapted to her own abilities.

Imagine her surprise when she began her ride out only to be stopped before she left the gates. A group of boys stood there all holding various weapons of their own. They all seemed around her she and looked to have never seen a fight in their lives.

"Your Grace, we've heard of these raiders in the village and would be honored to follow you in defending it." One spoke his hand gripping a spear.

"We would've followed King Robb into battle if our fathers hadn't insisted we tend to our lands and left with him." Another stated, a sword strapped to his waist. "We are children of the North and will protect our home. We will follow the crowned Bear into battle."

As much Jaidyn didn't want them to go for their safety, she knew what they were feeling. Their only intentions were to protect their home but any means. How could she tell them no?

"Do you know how to use those weapons?" She asked wanting to be certain before she did anything.

"Yes. We were trained but were passed over when the bannerman were called in." One insisted a quiver laid over his shoulders.

"We if are to get to the village in time, we need to leave now. Grab a horse any horse and the castle will deal with the matter later." She instructed getting them to nod before going their separate ways.

While she waited for them to assemble again, her mind was running over the plan in her head. In order for it to suit more parties than her, she needed to find a better way. One that would suit the rest, she could only hope that their skills were decent enough. Once they had gathered on top of horses, they set out.

Theon and his group had secure a position for viewing waiting for anyone to leave in the direction of the village. His plan counted on whatever fighters left to defend the village. But he's thinking did count of the fact that Jaidyn would still be there, not leading the group.

In order for him to secure the castle, he needed Jaidyn to relinquish her power to him. Holding the Stark brothers would only strengthen his hold. But his main goal was the Queen and the unborn heir to the North.

《Somewhere in the North》

Stryder had ride as hard as he could to get to his destination in time. But when he arrived the siege had already gone underway.

He pulled his sword before sneaking in from behind with full intent of fighting his way to Jaidyn. He would get her out and to safety if it mean his life.

When he made the deal with Jorah, it was only being a messenger for a friend. Until he got to know Jaidyn a bit more. From what he could tell, she was a caring leader who also displayed fierceness. But what had really caught his attention was how she wielded a weapon. The only woman he knew that held weapons were thoughts of stories. Jaidyn was defying the viewpoint that a lady were not meant to be on battlefield.

The ranger stuck to the shadows as he made his way inside. His presence was undetected as whoever attacked were not focused on expecting fighting. He stayed hidden when he noticed people gathered in the castle courtyard. But what caught his attention was the Kraken sigil that could be spotted on their armour.

He did a quick lookover of the people and couldn't spot Jaidyn among them. It would be a foolish decision in a take over to kill the one holding power especially if it were a Queen carrying the next heir. But if she wasn't there then were would she be?

A rattle to his right caught his attention. Carefully, he approached the door and opened it. A person charged at him which he deflected with ease. He used the butt of his sword to his the person back and held them against the wall with his blade at their throat.

It was a boy a mere child, his weapon of choice a pan. In the corner was huddled a smaller girl with a scared expression.

"What happened here? Where is the Queen?" He asked holstering his sword. He needed to find answers and find Jaidyn.

"The Ironborn attacked after the Queen led a defense party to the village of Torringwood." He explained unsure who he was but not wanting his sister to come into danger. "Please don't hurt my sister."

"I am not the enemy. I am an emissary for the Queen." He stated not sure how to state his position. "I can get you and your sister out of here and to the next village if you wish." He offered before he was going to leave.

The boy looked at his sister but shook his head. Winterfell was their home and they had no other place to go. Their father and brother were off fighting a war and their mother had died long ago to illness. They would stay till their family returned.

Stryder asked again before he set out to find the raid group. If Wintefell had been taken over, then there wouldn't be anywhere safe for Jaidyn to go. He would have to protect her until they found safety.


Jaidyn and her small hand of fighters had approached the ridge that overlooked the village. They had begun to hear the cries and screams of the village people below.

She had explained the  revised plan she had conjured on the way over. Those with bows would stay above and use their arrows. The ones with swords would enter the village and use whatever skill they possess.

Jaidyn had a hard time placing herself in any scenarios. Her orginal plan had her above using her bow. But now she had kids who she wasn't sure could handle themselves. So against her advisement from Maester Luwin, she would go with the group entering the village.

Their defensive attack was short-lived. The raiders that were present weren't a large force, in fact, it was a mere ten men. The men of the village could have overtaken them if they hadn't been included in the war. This left the village full of women, children and those too old to fight.

Jaidyn and her fighters went around the village for any straggler that might've been left. But it as nothing but overthrown items outside homes and the people crying full of relief that the event was over. But to Jaidyn it wasn't over.

She had ordered the bodies toward the village square where she could look them over. They held no banners but a sigil could be seen on their armour. She looked at it closely and couldn't believe what she saw.

A Kraken. The sigil of an northern house that hadn't been much support since its rebellion. But it was also the house of person that she had known since she first came to Winterfell.

She couldn't believe it. She didn't want to. She didn't think that Theon might betray them. And Balon Greyjoy would not attack them unless he had some knowledge of the defense of Winterfell.

"We have to get back." She called out to those she was with. If the Ironborn were attacking this far North, then they would stage an attack worth more than a village.

"You cannot go back." A voice shouted as they made their appearance.

The boys gripped their weapons in case this person would attack until Jaidyn spoke up. It had been awhile since she had seen Stryder and now he was there telling them not to return.

"Stryder, what is it? What happened?" She questioned concerned for the two Stark boys she left in Winterfell.

"Winterfell has been taken over. Ironborn have sieged the castle. You are not safe there any longer." He stated standing before her.

Jaidyn took a moment to process the information she had been given. These attacks were set to draw out the forces left. Her home that she had known since she was little had been taken. But more importantly, the two that she considered brothers were still there.

"And what do we suggest we do?" She asked unsure herself at what action to take. The small force she had couldn't retake Winterfell.

"Right now, your safety is the most important. We need to take you somewhere safe. We need to get word to your king husband." Stryder recommended thinking she'd know of a house to take her.

"Robb, of course, we need to get to Robb." Jaidyn answered but Stryder wasn t convinced. "Look the North is under attack. We can't tell who we can trust. We need to get to those who swore an alliance to their king."

Stryder wanted to argue but he saw some reasoning to her comment. What better place for her to be protected them in a camp sworn to defend her.

"Go to you homes. I'll escort the Queen." Stryder told the boys present.

"If it pleasures, Your Grace, I would like to help escort her to the war camp." A boy had spoke up and the others agreed.

He and as well as the rest of the boys had been in awe at her skills when they approached the village. If they were to one day swear fealty, then why not to the Queen bear who helped their people in need.

Stryder looked them over and nodded his head. These boys were young but were willing to fight alongside him to keep Jaidyn safe.

So the Queen of the North set out into the country alongside her father's messenger and a group of boys who had fought at her side. What more could go wrong in the war for Westeros?

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