His Little Witch

By LindaIngles

13.8K 369 5

What happens when Tommy Flanagan rents a house next door to a little Witch of a woman just before filming Sea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Untitled Part 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 11

493 17 0
By LindaIngles

Leigha was home preparing for her dinner tonight on the town, she was thinking, 'tonight best be the night, and she would dress to provoke it, poor man will lose his mind if he doesn't follow through tonight, damn'

She showered, pampered herself, put her hair up with leaving a little to fall, spent time on her makeup, and then dressed, it was near 8:00 and she was looking in the mirror, admiring the work she put herself through to look this sharp tonight. She added a jacket to hide the provocative parts at this time, she'd uncover it at just the right time, she had her own plan. Then her doorbell rang, goofball, she left it open for him.

She opened the door, he was there, nice black pants, black shirt and a white jacket, damn he was hot!

She was standing before him, in a little red dress with a cover-up jacket with red high pumps on and her hair up, she was beautiful, he loved her hair down, he'd take care of that later as she looked hot with it up. He handed her a bouquet of mixed flowers. "For you my love" "And you look delicious tonight"

"Thank you and you clean up well too I'd say" smiling at him. She took the flowers into the kitchen and put them in water then walked them back to her bedroom and put them on her bedside table. She then met him back in the living room. "Ready when you are"

He opened the door, his Lincoln was in her driveway, he walked over and opened her door and then to his side. He got in and before he started it he leaned over and turned her to face him, cupped her chin in his hand and kissed her, he then started the car and drove off.

"Where are we headed may I ask"

"You may ask, but you shall wait to see"

"I do like surprises" "I can wait"

He looked over and smiled at her.

They small talked on the way. And arriving at the Hotel with the valet opening her door, she knew where he was taking her, this ought to be so fun she now knew, he was in for the surprise now, she was glad he knew of the best place in town to eat though. She was finding her humor in her thoughts.

She took his arm as he guided her in and to the elevator, pushing the top floor button, he kept looking at her smiling and she smiling back, so relaxed they were. She couldn't wait to see how this played out.

As the elevator door opened Tommy guided her out, and the fun began, the maitre 'd seen her and about ran over to her, "My Leigha, my beautiful love" "May I" asking Tommy to hug her, Tommy took his arm from her and smiled at him.

"Samuel, my knight in shining armour" "How are you"? Samuel was an out of the closet gay man and that was obvious, him and Leigha had known each other for several years.

"I am perfect now that I see you looking so perfect and beautiful" "And you"? "With Mr Flanagan, let me seat you my dears" and he guided them over to the table as Leigha now had her hand on Samuel's arm walking with him and Tommy following. The table was in a corner with a screen blocking others from seeing them with beautiful greenery surrounding it and them still being able to see the city lights, it was a perfect spot.

After seating Leigha and Tommy sitting, "Mr Flanagan, shall I pour your drinks"? He had the champagne already in a bucket of ice on the table.

"Yes please" His eyes never leaving Leigha's. He knew she had him on this one. Samuel served them their glasses and then disappeared.

"OK my lass, talk" smiling at her.

"I asked you where, you didn't tell me, this one is on you" laughing "I've known him and Steven for years, we have even been to each others house having game nights, like board games, trivia and stuff and drinking and having fun, even Jason and Julie know them and go too, you should have told me you were bringing me here" laughing.

"I came here last year when I was filming and thought it a perfect place to bring you, who knew you frequented here"? Laughing with her, he still had much to learn of her and planned a lifetime to do just that.

Samuel returned, "Mr Flanagan, you didn't pre order, would you like to order now?"

"We shall, Leigha"?

"Samuel, go with my usual if you would, Steven is here too right?"

"He is and he will prepare specially for you both and will see you before you go"

"Yes then my usual, Tommy"? Smiling away as he had no idea what she just ordered.

"I'm unsure of her order so I'll add a prime rib dinner to that" smiling back at her.

"Shall we allow Chef Steven to chose your sides" speaking to Tommy

"You shall"

And Samuel vanished again.

Small talk resumed, salads were delivered and vanished, their meal was brought, Tommy of course the prime rib dinner and Leigha had lobster. Tommy was impressed that that be her usual. Just before they started eating a visitor to the table appeared.

"Tommy" this beautiful woman asked, "I thought that was you who walked in, I haven't seen you since you've returned for season 2, how are you"

Leigha noticed he didn't much like her visit, must have been an old girlfriend, let the games begin.

So Leigha slipped off her jacket, and under it was very low cut, he couldn't see how low cut it was at the time, her chest and shoulders enhanced it and she was very well endowed and on the perky side.

She leaned forward, took her lobster bites in between her fingers, dipped them in butter and twirled them between her lips sucking on them before eating them and licking her fingers softly and slowly. She knew as Tommy talk to her he was getting hard as his eyes never left her chest and seeing her eat the lobster, and suck on it. She stared him down, smiling as she ate.

Tommy dismissed the woman politely and before she left she looked at Leigha, "Tommy, call me soon, you could use some sophistication for dinner dates" turned and left before Tommy could respond. Leigha sat there eating her lobster with her fingers smiling away. Oh she loved this!

"You are an evil witch, and pack quite a hard punch without lifting a finger."

"And you are not pleased"?

"Oh from where I'm sitting, I'm very pleased, eat, we have more on our agenda"

"And that is"?


They finished their meal, Samuel brought Chef Steven out to see her, she stood as Tommy did, more hugs, Steven was assured they loved his meal and would be back soon.

Chef Steven shook Tommy's hand and told Leigha to bring him along next game night and they agreed to text each other good times to do this.

Samuel when he brought back the receipt for Tommy to sign told Tommy he had his car ready when they reached the lower level. Tommy thanked him, tipped him big and took Leigha's arm as he walked out, he wanted her now, she left her jacket off and tossed across her other arm.

As they entered the elevator and the doors shut they were alone, Tommy turned to her, took her shoulders and braced her hard against the back wall and laid the hardest kiss he ever has given to any woman on her, her knees got weak and she forgot how to breath. He explored her mouth very roughly, damn this woman for bringing out his beast he thought as he continued bearing down on her mouth. And damn did she respond, with her mouth, her hands never raised to touch him, this was all him with her well wished response of her mouth and tongue.

When the elevator door opened he leaned back, looked her in the eyes, she seen nothing but lust, demand and desire in his eyes. He never spoke but took her arm and guided her to the car, the valet had her door open and his, he let her go and let the valet set her inside as he went to the other side, started the car and drove into the parking lot and into a dark spot, he reached over to her and grabbed her head, brought it to himself and took more of her mouth. His hand went to her hair and he released it to let it flow down, he wanted all of her, but took what he could right there, her mouth and her hair, he then leaned back and put the car in reverse, backed up then in forward, he then drove as she sat there getting her breath, he drove home straight into his garage, he had looked over at her from time to time, she was silent, nothing to say, "Little wench, you will get your wish tonight" he could only growl at her and she smiled. She thinks he broke the speed limit on the highway but didn't care, she wanted him alone and now.

He managed, barely, to turn off the ignition before he reached for her. Dragging her across his lap, he found her mouth with his again. And let his hands do as they pleased. She could not and would not stop the beast in him tonight.

She wanted him, she needed him, she only grew hotter by the minute, she tugged at his jacket, arched against his hands. And pleasured at the first scrape of callus over her bare skin.

"Inside. " as he fought to open the car door. "We have to get inside."

XXX Mature XXX

He whipped her out, his breathing already ragged as they continued to fight with each other's clothes. They stumbled, as she ripped open his shirt sending buttons flying. As he half carried her toward the house, he could feel her legs going weaker and her breathing was ragged as his.

"Oh! I love your hands! I want them all over me. "

"I'll take care of that. Mother of Christ, what's wrong with this door?" In full Scot's accent as he vented his frustration by rapping his hip hard against it, it flew open.

They ended up in a heap on the floor, half in, half out.

"Right here. Right now. " She begged while her fingers worked busily at his belt.

"Wait. Just a-let me close the-" He managed to roll, scoot, and kick the door shut.

The room was all moonlight and shadows. The wooden floor was hard and cold. Neither of them noticed as they tore at clothes, rolled and tugged. He caught glimpses, beautiful, erotic images of her skin, soft curves, delicate lines.

He wanted to look. He wanted to wallow. He wanted to go slow and gentle with her.

But no, he had to take. He'd never felt so beast like in his life. He'd have her now or die.

He ripped her vest open and lowered his mouth to her breast.

She vibrated beneath him, a volcano on the brink of erupting. Heat ripped through her, her desire for him all raced through her system and she was raw, hot, wet and ready.

She arched under him, more demand than offer, her nails biting restlessly into his back. The world was spinning, faster and faster, as if she'd leaped upon some mad carousel and all that kept her earthbound was the glorious weight of his body on hers.

"Right now. " She gripped his hips, opened for him. "Right now!"

He plunged, letting his body take over, letting his mind go. There was nothing but the relentless fury to mate. She closed around him, a hot, tight wet fist, and he felt her tighten more, stretching like a bow beneath him before she let out a cry that rang with triumph.

Her climax ripped through him like madness. She called out his name, and called it in a voice he had never heard before but knew it was him she called for.

Pleasure geysered through her, flooding senses, swamping reason. Flying free, she wrapped herself around him, clinging tight to take him with her.

And with her sheer joy, drove him over the edge.

He collapsed on top of her, finally rolling off, they both laid there until breathing came back to somewhat normal.

"That wasn't how I had that planned my lass".

"Lust, desire, adrenaline, they all trump planning on your part my Scot"! "Damn I needed you and still do, how long is your recuperation time frame"?

"Let me learn to breathe again first, then much more you shall have" "What kind of spell did you put on me anyway"

"One of eternity that favors me, but it took a while to kick in, thank God it finally did take hold"

He rolled over to her and cushioned her up against him to soften where they laid for the moment, "You didn't get banged up did you?"

"No, you broke my fall and saved me, but I've fallen harder and survived" "Thank you though"

"Aye" He leaned over her and began taking off the rest of their clothes giving her small kisses as he did.

He then guided her up and wrapped his arms around her bare body, enjoying the warmth she brought to him, he picked her up and took her to the bedroom and laid her on the bed, bent to kiss her with a warm delightful kiss then walked away leaving her lay there.

She never moved as he returned with a bottle of wine and one wine glass, he poured and they shared the glass.

He then proceeded with taking her at his will this time, exploring every inch of her, with his hands, fingers and mouth, no place was untouched by his mouth and fingers. He savored her deliciousness. He was in control of her this time as he slowly led her to quake with him, moaning and begging for more which he so readily gave at his will.

She slept in his arms this night, bare body against bare body, curled into one body, with no worries or cares in the world.

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