Charming's Worst Kept Secret

By your_problematic_fav

25.2K 487 62

When Taylor's mom decides to move to charming, her "perfect life" gets even more complicated. Being the niece... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Author's Note!!

Chapter Ten

1.2K 29 8
By your_problematic_fav

A/N Two updates in one night!! Go me, right?! I've been hella sick and just finally found my laptop charger. So I figured, I might as well use this time I have off work and update this story as much as I possibly can before I have to go back to the hell I call grown up life... 

Anywho... back to the story! Things might be getting steamy with Jax and Taylor here pretty soon! Who knows?! It might be getting hella steamy up in this bitch. Keep reading to find out! ;)

After I finish getting all the stuff for the party prepared, I head out to hunt down Gemma. I figured I'd tell her the good news about Jax saying I can stay for the party. Also, to find out what her stance on it is. 

I finally find her in the office. 

"Hey Gem, guess what?" I say excitedly. She glances up at me, mirroring my excitement.

"You and Jax are finally together! I heard. Tig can't keep his mouth shut." She says leaving me with my mouth open in shock.

"Um, no that's not what I was going to tell you. But I mean, yes. We're together. Well, not really. I mean we kissed, but I'm not going to read too much into that, because well. You know your son more than any of us do." I say rambling. 

"Baby, what were you so excited to tell me?" She says laughing under her breath a little.

"OH! Right! Jax said it'd be okay if I came to the party tonight, seeing as its a big one and all. And my birthday only being a week away. What do you think about that?" I ask timidly. 

"I'm all for it! I've been wanting you to come for a while now! I didn't see why it was such a big deal in the first place. It's not illegal for you to be here! What are you going to wear?" She asks, and honestly. I hadn't even thought of that. 

"Uh, I was just gonna wear this." I say referring to my jean shorts and black tank top.

"Oh honey, that's cute and all. But that's not something you wear to these parties. Let's get you fixed up. I know just the girl to help us." She says pulling out her phone. She calls her friend Luann, and tells her all about how it's my first club party and how they have to "slutty" me up, at which she receives a pointed look from me. 

Luann shows up with bags galore of slutty clothes and hair and makeup boxes. 

"Taylor this is Luann, Otto's ole lady, LeAnn this is Taylor, Jax's ole lady." She says introducing us. 

"Oh, i'm not Jax's old lady. " I say shaking her extended hand. 

"After tonight, baby. You will be." Gemma says and they get to work.

Seeing as how I hate high heels and was opposed to wearing a dress, I was stuck in a black, low cut crop top, and skin tight leather shorts, with of course my black and white converse. They curled my hair in loose beachy curls and put on a full face of makeup. Consisting of a black smokey eye, and bright red lipstick, accessorized with my first pair of false lashes. I have to say, I look like a damn hot biker chick. 

After it's all finished, Gemma, Luann and I all walk back to the clubhouse to find the party in full swing. Gemma and Luann go off and find their significant others, leaving me standing there feeling every pair of eyes in the clubhouse on me, and feeling very uncomfortable. I scan the room looking for Jax, but he's no where to be found. So I decide to go stand next to Opie and Donna who seems to feel as out of place as I do.

"Hey guys." I greet them both with a shy smile.

"Hey Taylor! You look hot!" Donna greets me back. While Opie gives me a nod. 

"Thanks! Gemma and Luann decided to take me under their wing and play dress up with me!" I say and we all laugh.

"I figured as much when you all walked in together, they seemed to be showing you off." She says with a lighthearted tone of voice.

I stand there and talk to Donna for awhile, even though I hardly know her. It's nice to talk to someone like me, who didn't grow up in the life. I'm standing there talking to Donna about what Florida was like when I feel someone wrap their arms around my waist, and put their head on my shoulder. Just as I was turning to see who it was, I see Opie lead Donna away, out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey Darlin'. I almost didn't recognize you." I hear lowly in my ear. And I smile bashfully as I turn around and lock eyes with none other than the prince of Charming himself. 

"Hey you. Like the new getup?" I ask with a smirk. 

"I do, very much like. I'm guessing my mom got ahold of you?" He asks. 

"Of course, her and Luann jumped at the idea of giving me a biker chick makeover." I say and give a shy laugh, still feeling quite uncomfortable with my new look. 

"Well, I love it. How's about we head back to my room and finish what we started earlier?" He says lowly giving me light kisses on my neck, and I give him a sultry chuckle. 

"Orrrr, we could hold off on that, and find me a drink and introduce me to some new members." I say and he looks at me like I just killed his puppy. "Don't look at me like that, you've waited several weeks, whats a couple more hours gonna hurt?" I laugh and turn around, still in his arms towards the bar. 

"Fine, but I want you. Tonight." He says lowly. 

"Trust me, you'll have me, sooner rather than later." I say and give him a small peck on the lips. 

Because I'm not eighteen just yet, Jax has limited me to 1 beer an hour.  So I'm halfway through my first one and I have already been introduced to all the new guys and their old ladies, or the sweetbutt's they're with. We end up staying and talking to Chibs and Happy for most of my first beer. The whole time, Happy is looking at me with a seriously hard stare. 

"Hap, you okay man?" Jax asks him, noticing his staring. 

"I think I've met your girl before, man. I just can't put my finger on it." He says straight up. He looks at me and then back at Happy after I shrug my shoulders and shake my head. 

"Have you?" He asks confused. 

"What's your name again?" He asks, looking at me this time. 

"Taylor Hale." I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"Hale? Any relation to Bailey Hale?" He asks.

"She's my mom, how do you know her?" I ask pointedly. 

"She used to be my ole lady." He said looking worried.

"WHAT?!" I exclaim. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME? After all this time of trying to keep me away from the club I found out she used to be part of it?!" I say again.  I storm off to get some air. I feel Jax and Happy following me. 

"Babe, calm down. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." 

"Nothing to worry about? She was Hap's ole lady, and you're gonna tell me there's nothing to worry about? My mother is a hypocrite. Who knows what else she lied about? Next thing I know, I'm gonna find out my father was the president of the United States!" I all but scream at Jax.

"You don't know who your father is?" Happy asks me.

"No, all my mom told me was that he was a deadbeat and left us before I was born." I say, huffing.

"How old are you?" He asks.

"I'll be eighteen next week. Why does that matter right now?"

"Because your mom left me about eighteen and a half years ago." He tells me, and gives me a look as if I could read his mind. When he could tell I was still lost, he says, "I think I might be your dad, Taylor."

"What?" I ask him, incredulously. I look between Jax and Happy, and they both give me a worried look. I look at the ground and sit down on the picnic table behind me. 

"Well, fuck me." I say.


Okay, so nothing steamy happed in this chapter between Jax and Taylor but I think I like where this is going. Is Happy Taylor's father? 

How is Taylor gonna confront her mom about this? What's gonna happen with Taylor possibly being a daughter of a Son? 

I'll update as soon as possible so you guys can find out! So stay tuned!!! 

xo, Tay

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