The Last Paladin

By muhakka_17

894 2 1

Juniper Calloway-Griffin... A girl who formally was on Earth, she got relocated onto a Galra Ship at the age... More

Some Assembly Required
Return of the Gladiator
Taking Flight
Crystal Venom
Collection and Extraction
The Black Paladin
Across the Universe
Shiro's Escape
The Blade of Marmora
Broken Pieces
Best Laid Plans
Changing of the Guard
Red Paladdin
Tailing a Comet
Code of Honor
Black Site

The Rise of Voltron:

182 1 0
By muhakka_17

(before I begin, above is the picture of Juniper... I drew her and I'm proud of the drawing... sorry if it looks bad for you.)

Character Name Juniper Calloway -Griffin

Age: 19

Heritage: 100% human

Home Planet: Earth

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Green

Height: A lot shorter than Keith

Known Family: James Griffin (twin)

Enjoy this new fan fiction!!!

I knew I was tired, however Kolivan told me to run. Kolivan was practically a father figure to me. He bailed me out of the Galra prison and trained me. I may not have had any Galra heritage, but he said I was one of the best agent that has ever walked into the Blade of Marmora. I wore an entire black suit that was Galran made. It had purple stitching which was very luminescent.

I held onto my sword that was custom made for me since I wasn't able to use a blade since I have mentioned that I wasn't Galran heritage. I turned around and saw a few fighter pilots from the Galra shooting at me. They were clearly new. They didn't have good aim. You could tell if they were newbies. I threw my sword like it was a boomerang at the fighter jets which wiped all of them out.

When the sword came back in my direction, I grabbed it out of the air, and kept running into a cave. Something was telling me to go in the cave. It was some sort of energy within me that I felt. I saw the Galran fights from the jets run after me.

"Crap." I muttered. I ran even faster. Until I hit a point where it had two paths. I felt like I should go right... something was calling out to me. I booked it to the right cave path. I sprinted until something started to light up around me at the end of the cave. It was either way a dead end. Three Galran soldiers were shooting at me. They still kept missing. I grabbed my sword, and fought them one on one. Until I killed all three. I heard people running from the beginning of the cave. I was kind of in a pickle.

"She went this way!" I heard more say.


I looked over at a purple, mechanical lion. the shield went down and bent over and opened its jaw.

"Thanks for the ride!" I stated as I jumped into the lion. I didn't know what it was, but I needed to escape. It was very convenient when I needed it. I got to the pilots seat and started the controls. The lion flew on its own.

"Geez, whoever created you is smart." I gasped. I just watched the lion bust out of the cave and flew past the cruiser before it could shoot. I grabbed the handles that controlled the lion and made it go even faster. It was amazing.

"Suckers!" I yelled in excitement. Before I knew it, I was in space. I realized I wasn't controlling the lion. "Okay, where the hell are you taking me?" I tried to control it but I couldn't. I sat there wondering where I was being taken. I decided to take a nap since I knew I was in for a long flight. I kind of figured out how to sleep whether I was in an upright position or not.

I looked at The Kerberos mission rocket. Shiro said he was going on the flight. He was the biggest reason why I joined the Garrison. I couldn't bare to see him leave. I still have so much to learn. I decided to sneak onto the ship and hide in the cargo section. He said one day I would be able to see what's out beyond space, and now was my chance.

After a few hours, I heard Shiro, Commander Holt, and Matt Holt board the ship. As I felt the ship lift off of the ground, I realized he was far enough that he couldn't turn around and tell me I couldn't come.

"Hey, Shiro!" I surprised him.

"Cadet! How did you get on here?" He stood there in shock.

"It's called me sneaking on." I pointed out.

"Okay, Juniper, you know that you are not allowed to be on here especially since you are 15... If the Garrison knows you are on here, they will expel you." Shiro points out.

"Which is why they will never know." I grinned.

"This is crazy." He sighs. "Fine, just this once." He nodded.

"Wow, it's so crazy to see what space looks like when you actually looking at it... it's so much more different then the pictures." I said in shock.

"Yeah, well, there is so much more out there. We just don't know what is out there, yet." He answered.

We stood on Kerberos in our space suits. Commander Holt and Matt we're taking samples. I helped Shiro Carey things.

Then, a shadow came upon us. It was a ship of some sort. Not human made. It shook the earth.

Shiro started yelling, "Run!!" Before we knew it, we were all captured. We were all kneeling their in front of the leader.

"Please! We come from a peaceful planet! We come unarmed!" Shiro tried to negotiate.

"Take then to the cells."

After a few weeks, Matt, Shiro, and Commander Holt were taken away by the soldiers. Matt was the last to leave. He was telling me about his sister, Katie. As annoying as he was, It was nice to have his company. Him talking about his sister, made me realize that I had left my older brother, Anthony, on Earth.

Now I was completely in a cell alone. I needed to get out of here. Seconds turned into minutes. Minutes turned into hours. Hours turned into days. Days turned into weeks. Nobody to talk to. No way to get out. I was trapped. I felt helpless. Why was I stupid for leaving the safety of Earth?

Eventually, I saw the doors open. A guy with an odd mask appeared. This was different from the exec

"Leave me, please!" I whined.

"If you want to live, follow me." He commanded. I really did want to live. I got up and followed the guy onto a different ship as the one shop exploded. "Where are you from?" He asks as I followed him.

"Earth." I stuttered to get it out.

"We need more people on our side of this war. I'm recruiting you to the Blade of Marmora." He states. I knew my life was about to change.

I snapped awake as soon as I felt the lion land. I grabbed my sword. It was some castle from the looks of it.

"You went home." I figured out. I saw other a blue lion sitting next to where my lion parked. I crept out of it. Then, I saw a women with white hair and weird ears sprint out of this room along with an older guy with orange hair and a mustache with the same ears. I saw a few humans follow them. I hid myself. One of the last people was a boy who had medium brown hair. He was much taller, but he looks much easier to take down. I quickly pinned him to the ground having him whine. He was much louder. Bad move. Then, everyone turned around. Luckily, I was wearing a mask to conceal my identity.

"Let him go!" I heard a very familiar voice. I turned around. Shiro.

"Shiro," I muttered. I let go of the boy and stood there.

"How do you know me?" He asked. I took off my mask and hood revealing my long blonde hair and my bright green eyes.

"Cadet Calloway-Griffin? Is that really you?" His facial expression was in shock. I ran up and hugged him. "I thought we had lost you." He adds.

"Shiro, who is your friend?" The lady asked.

"Juniper Calloway-Griffin." I introduced myself.

"You also found one of our lions." The older man pointed out.

"Okay, technically, I was in a tight situation. The lion technically saved me." I pointed out. "I didn't mean to steal your lion, I just needed to get off of the mission cite." I answered. "It happened to be there, so I used it to get out of the cave, and next thing, I know, It brought me here."

"Looks like it has selected its paladin." The lady looked over at the man.

"A what now?" I questioned.

"Let me fill you in." Shiro patted my shoulder.

I was led into the main room where the Princess began to explain what Voltron is. "The Black Lion looks like it's in the same location as the Blue Lion."

"Look at your primitive synapses firing away in their little brain cage." The shorter 'boy', Pidge, comments. I knew I recognized him from somewhere.

"Very observant." Coran responded. "That's because the Black Lion is in the castle. To keep the Black Lion out of Zarkon's hands, King Alfor locked it in the castle. It can only be freed if the other four lions are present. As you have found, the lions choose their pilots. It is a mystical bond and cannot be forced. The quintessence of the pilot is mirrored in his lion. Together, they form something greater than science can explain." Allura comments. "The Black Lion is the decisive head of Voltron.
It will take a pilot who is a born leader and in control at all times, someone whose men will follow without hesitation." She explained. "That is why, Shiro, you will pilot the Black Lion. The Green Lion has an inquisitive personality and needs a pilot of intellect and daring. Pidge, you will pilot the Green Lion." Allura added. "The Blue Lion..." She got cut off by Lance.

"Hold up, let me guess. Takes the most handsome slash best pilot of the bunch?" He was probably wrong. Allura just rolled her eyes.

"The Yellow Lion is caring and kind. Its pilot is one who puts the needs of others above his own. His heart must be mighty. As the leg of Voltron, you will lift the team up and hold them together." Allura paused... "The Purple Lion is much more wise on the field than the others. It is more based off of experience, and the pilot needs to be a quick at thinker and has the heart to do good. This is why Juniper will pilot the purple lion as the wings of Voltron." She put the hologram near me. "Finally, The Red Lion is temperamental and the most difficult to master. It's faster and more agile than the others, but also more unstable. Its pilot needs to be someone who relies more on instincts than skill alone. Keith, you will fly the Red Lion."

"What? This guy?" Lance asked in shockZ

"Unfortunately, I cannot locate the Red Lion's coordinates yet. There must be something wrong with the castle." Allura sighs. "After 10,000 years, it might need some work." She looked over at Coran.

"Don't worry, we'll find it soon. They don't call me "The Coranic" for nothing." Coran responded. "It's because it sounds like "mechanic."

" So Coranic, mechanic." Pidge gave him an odd look.

"It's not-- It doesn't sound exactly like it. It's similar." Coran pointed out.

"Once all the lions are united, you will form Voltron, the most powerful warrior ever known, the Defender of the Universe." Allura smiles.

"Awesome!" Hunk chirps.

"Oh Wait." Pidge responds.

"Okay, we're going to be in there and flying lions. Got that part. How do lions turn into legs? Is this going to be a long trip? I have to pee." Hunk interrupts.

"Do you people pee?" Allura grumbles.

"We don't have much time. Pidge and I will go after the Green Lion." Shiro interjects. "Lance, you take Hunk and get the yellow one." He paused and looked over at the rest of us. "Keith, you stay here with Allura, Coran, and Juniper. If you locate that Red Lion, go get it." Shiro added.

"In the meantime, I'll get this castle's defenses ready. They'll be sorely needed." Allura let out a heavy sigh.

"I'll ready a pod and load the coordinates so that you can reach the Green Lion." Coran stated with excitement.

After they all left, I began to wander the castle. It's been two years since I last saw my brother. Two years since I last saw Shiro. I mean at least I got to see Shiro again. However, I left when I was 15. Now I am 19. The answer is because of the part of space I was in. Meaning it was four years for me.

I went to find a quiet space. Somewhere where I could hack to get back to the Blade of Marmora to update them on the mission. I went into this library space with some sort of key pads. I walked in and turned them on. It was pretty much a communicator.

"What do you think your doing?" I heard Keith's voice.

"Mind your own business, mullet." I muttered. "This doesn't concern you." I grumbled.

"It concerns me that you show up out of nowhere after everyone thinks you vanished from the Garrison. You show up after Shiro thinking your dead. Who knows what you could be hiding." Keith folded his arms.

"Like I said, I have some business to take care of." I argued. "This doesn't concern you or your attitude."

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what you are doing on this computer." He groaned.

"Never mind." I growled as I got up and walked back into the main space. Keith followed. Everybody had returned by then.

"Did we find the Red Lion yet?" Shiro asked.

"Allura just located it." Coran just paused. "There's a bit of good news and bad news. The good news is, the Red Lion's nearby. The bad news is, it's on board that Galra ship now orbiting Arus. But wait, good news again. We're here!" Coran explained.

"They're here already?" I stood their in shock.

"Yes. Guess my calculations were a bit off. Finger counting...It's more of an art than a science." Coran tried to defend himself.

"Hmm?" We all looked up at the video screen.

"Princess Allura, this is Commander Sendak of the Galra Empire. I come on behalf of Emperor Zarkon, Lord of the Known Universe. I am here to confiscate the lions. Turn them over to me, or I will destroy your planet." The commander responded.

"Just when I thought he was dead." I accidentally stated out loud.

"What was that?" Shiro asked.

"Nothing," I replied.

"All right, let's not panic." Shiro reassured.

"Not panic? The scary purple alien thing is driving his battleship toward us. We only have four lions." Hunk began.

"Technically, only three working lions." Pidge points out.

"That's right. Thank you, Pidge. Three working lions and a castle that's, like, 10,000 years old." Hunk corrected himself.

"Actually, it's 10,600 years old. You see, it was built by my grandfather..." Coran was interrupted by Hunk.

"Thanks, Coran. Thank you for that. See? Now is the perfect time to panic!" Hunk exclaimed.

"Wait! This castle has a particle barrier we can activate." Allura smiles.

"Girl, you've already activated my par..." we all interrupted Lance.

"Lance!" We said simultaneously.

"The particle barrier won't hold Sendak's ion cannon forever. The Galra technology must have advanced since we fought them last." Coran added.

"Panic now?" Hunk asks.

"No. We've just got to figure out our plan of action, and figure it out quickly." I point out before Shiro could say anything.

"I say we pop through a wormhole and live to fight another day." Lance suggested.

"I second that." Hunk votes. "Yes. We tried to find all the lions, right? We gave it the old college try. Couldn't do it. We only have three. We can't form Voltron. I guess we could form a snake. Or a worm! To go through that hole, Lance, that you were talking about."

"Then, it's settled. Allura, you ride with me. One of you take the old guy." Lance grinned.

"We can't just abandon Arus. The Galra will keep destroying planets and capturing prisoners until we stop them." Pidge chimed in.

"Okay. If we run, then maybe Sendak will follow us and leave this planet alone, like when we left Earth. We form the snake-worm thingamajig and we-- hissss out of here." Hunk pointed out.

"Sendak could destroy the planet then come after us anyway." Keith chimed in. "Staying is our only option."

"Here's an option: shut your quiznak." Lance argued with him.

"I don't think you're using that word correctly." Keith snapped.

"What do you know, Mullet?" Lance and Keith were head to head.

"We're staying." Keith commented..

"Leaving!" Lance responded.

"Staying!" Pidge replied.

"Snake!" Hunk randomly adds.

"Guys, just shut up!" I yelled. "I forgot that Earthlings were just as annoying as they were before I left!"

"Princess Allura, these are your lions. You've dealt with the Galra Empire before. You know what we're facing better than any of us. What do you think is the best course of action?" Shiro asked.

"I... I don't know." Allura said in shock.

"Perhaps your father can help." Coran suggested.

"My father?" She gave him an odd look. "Coran, what is this?" They walked into a room.

"King Alfor knew there was a chance he might never see you again. So, his memories, his very being, were stored in this computer for you." Coran answered. She went in. I sat in the back looking out at the sky.

"So what happened? The last I remember you were this fifteen year old girl. It's been a little over a year and a half since I last saw you." Shiro walks over to me.

"Let's just say, for me, it's been four years whereas for you it's been a year and a half." I folded my arms.

"What's with the suit?" He questioned.

"Listen, it's great to see you and all, however I need you to just mind your own business." I said in frustration. "For all you know, there is the war that's been going on for 10,000 or so years. Zarkon won't stop until he gets these lions!" I said rather loudly.

"What are you talking about?" Lance asked.

"Just— Never mind!" I rolled my eyes. Shiro knows me too well. I was hiding something. He can't know about the resistance, yet. I knew more than they did. They couldn't know some of the intel I know.

"I swear she is a spitting image of Keith, however in a female form." Lance whispered over to hunk.

"You six paladins were brought here for a reason. The Voltron Lions are meant to be piloted by you and you alone. We must fight and keep fighting until we defeat Zarkon. It is our destiny. Voltron is the universe's only hope. We are the universe's only hope." Allura came out with a more confident look.

"We're with you, Princess." Shiro states.

"Your suits of armor." Allura walks us into a more private room with 6 suits.

"Cool!" Lance dances.

"Outstanding." Shiro mutters.

"Nice." Pidge included. I said nothing. I needed to somehow get back to Kolivan. He has been wanting Voltron to form for the longest time. He needs to know the truth.

"Hmm Mmm hmm." Hunk was trying to figure out what sizing.

"Princess, are you sure about this? They aren't exactly the best and brightest the universe has to offer." Coran whispered.

"No, but they're all we've got." The princess stood up.

"Boys, it's time to suit up!" Shiro grinned. We all put on the suits.

"The bayard is the traditional weapon of the Paladins of Voltron. It takes a distinct shape for each paladin." Allura adds. When I grabbed mine, it formed a small blade. It was kind of cute, but I loved it.

"Shiro, I'm afraid your bayard was lost with its paladin."

"I guess I'll just have to make do." Shiro shrugs.

"You'll need to retrieve the Red Lion from Sendak's ship." Allura grinned.

"That's a pretty big ship." Shiro comments.

"How are we gonna know where the Red Lion is?" Keith questioned.

"It's not a matter of 'we.' It's a matter of 'you.'" Pidge stayed.

"Pidge is right." Hunk agreed.

"Once we get you in, you'll be able to feel its presence and track it down." I stated.

"Yeah. You know how you felt that crazy energy while we were in the desert?" Lance asked.

"Yeah. You made fun of me for that." Keith grumbled at the memory.

"And I'm proud of that, but turns out it's exactly like that mumbo-jumbo." Lance told him.

"Keith, remember, the Red Lion is extremely temperamental. You'll have to earn its respect. All right." Allura reminded him.

"Here's our plan of attack. The Galra Empire knows about the Blue and Yellow Lion, but they don't know we have the Green and Purple Lion, too." Shiro starts.

"Actually, long story short, they do." I pointed out. "Well, wait no, actually the ones that knew, are dead."

"Um, okay, then?" Shiro gave me an odd look just like everyone else. "Hunk, Lance, you'll act as a decoy by pretending to give yourselves up. While Sendak is distracted, Keith, Pidge, Juniper, and I will sneak onto the ship in the Green and Purple Lion. Keith, Juniper, and I will find the Red Lion while Pidge guards our exit. Hunk, Lance, find some way to take down that ion cannon." Shiro finished.

Shiro and I were in my lion as Pidge and Keith were in the other lion.

"Sorry I snapped at you earlier." I apologized. "It's been a while." I sighed as I flew the lion.

"I'm not sure what happened for the time you were out here for, but if you ever need to talk, I'm here." Shiro smiles.

"Thanks," I grinned. We flew the two lions in, unnoticed. All of us got in the ship quietly. Pidge and Shiro were hoping to go to the prisoners. Meaning I was left with Keith.

"I have to go do something. You'll be fine to finding your lion." I waved.

"Where do you think your going?" Keith questioned in frustration.

"Trust me. Go get your lion. I have to go do something." I yelled as I ran off. I knew where to go. I needed to somehow get a hold of the Blade of Marmora. I went into an empty computer room. I quickly sent a message. I needed to delete this ever happened. Then, a galra soldier came and attacked me. I grabbed my Bayard and sliced the robot in half. I quickly set up this computer to erase everything on it, and then ran off in time to leave. We all went back to the castle of lions afterwards.

Let's just say, we defeated Sendak. We formed Voltron and what not, and got rid of the cruisers. I stood in the library looking at the books they had.

"So now will you tell me what you did back at the Galra ship?" Keith startled me.

"Why do you want to know what I'm doing 24/7?" I asked in irritation.

"Because I know you either were working with Sendak or Zarkon." He suggested. "Meaning we have a traitor amongst us."

"Wow, you are just as stupid as Lance." I pointed out. "Besides if I did, I would have turned in the lions already, but I didn't." I pointed out

"Am I right?" He folded his arms.

"Okay, you want to know why? Because I needed to get in contact with someone who wanted to Voltron to be found and created to defeat Zarkon." I stood up and got in his face. "Now if you excuse me, I'm going back to the training deck."

Hello Readers, I hope you enjoyed chapter one! I'm really proud of it!

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