Death's Middle Name {boyxboy}

By FKNichols17

373K 19.3K 3.2K

"When you walk to the edge of all the light you have and take that first step into the darkness of the unknow... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Nine

7.1K 404 40
By FKNichols17

~Sunday 31st December 2017~

"Did you sleep well?" Vant inquired, hearing Alwynn shuffle into the kitchen. He kept his eyes on the pancakes he was cooking, not wanting to burn them, Alwynn needed to be taken good care of that day after the night before.

"No," Alwynn grumbled, draping his arms around Vant's waist from behind and resting his head on his back, "didn't help that you weren't there, did you come to bed at all last night?" Vant smiled sympathetically, lifting Alwynn's hand and brushing his lips over the knuckles.

"No, I was on the phone to your parents and the police all night. I kept checking in on you though, I managed to nap around three in my office," Vant's smile grew as Alwynn slid under his arm and hugged him from the front instead, "how about you have some breakfast and then we go sleep for a little while? Your parents are gonna come over when their flight gets in, I can have Ev wake us up when they get here."

"Mmm, sounds good, I'm not hungry though. Can't we just-"

"No, you're eating, Ali," Vant interrupted firmly, "I let it slide that you didn't have any dinner last night because you were in shock. You're having breakfast," Vant sighed when Alwynn stepped away from him, scowling like a sulking toddler.

"Just because you make me call you daddy doesn't mean you have to act like my real father," Vant cocked an eyebrow, just about catching Alwynn's grumble as he slumped to the other end of the kitchen.

"Make you? Ali, I've never made you call me that, in fact, you called me it all on your own if you remember correctly. If you have a problem with it then please, voice it," Vant knew his voice was a little too harsh, with irritation laced into it when he shouldn't have been so offended by what Alwynn had said.

"I don't have a problem with that, although the whole never having a second of private thought is really starting to get on my nerves," Alwynn snapped, crossing his arms over his chest. Vant rolled his eyes, collecting a plate from one of the cupboards.

"You live in a house of vampires, Ali, we can't just switch off our senses, that's not how it works," Vant placed the plate of pancakes next to Alwynn on the counter, "eat."

"I told you, I'm not hungry," Alwynn was just acting like a child by that point, then again, that's what Vant deserved for dating one. He couldn't have Alwynn without putting up with the immaturity that came with a teenager.

"You're not gonna eat? Fine. We're not gonna fuck and I'm not drinking from you at all until you do. I'm not gonna have you pass out and have that on my conscience," Vant muttered almost venomously, slinging a coat over his shoulders, "I have to go clean out the horses, you should rest, or you really will pass out," Vant didn't wait to see if Alwynn had any sort of apology, with him being more than stubborn enough to hold a grudge for longer than required. He stalked up to the stables, deciding to take Prosper out for a ride instead. He knew he could be unreasonable when he lost his temper and didn't want to argue anymore with Alwynn if happened to follow him up to the stables.

Prosper seemed to notice that Vant was in a foul mood, being more than compliant when the saddle was strapped onto him. Usually, he would whinny and fidget, wanting more attention from Vant but he simply stood still that day, allowing the man to attach everything he needed to in little time.

Settling himself onto Prosper, Vant opted to go along one of the shorter trails, even though the horse could have really done with a longer ride that day. It would only be around a fifteen-minute ride, which was enough time for Vant to calm down, he shouldn't really leave Alwynn any longer, not with his parents getting there at some point.

Maybe he had been too harsh with Alwynn, Vant thought as Prosper trotted down the path, he didn't know everything about that boy, he could have had a problem with food in the past. It wasn't really very fair for Vant to push him so much, not when he didn't know the full story.

Then again, Vant didn't have cruel intentions, he simply didn't want Alwynn passing out because he was malnourished. The boy was already petite enough, he didn't need to get any slimmer. Lack of food plus rough sex and blood loss just didn't add up correctly. Vant had had his lovers pass out with him over the years, it wasn't a pleasant experience for either party and he didn't want Alwynn to go through that.

As Vant guided Prosper back to the stable and hung up the saddle, he realised he did need to apologise for his behaviour. Lack of sleep was weighing on both him and Alwynn, heightening emotions and causing the two of them to be snappy. Alwynn needed comfort that day, needed security and love. Vant would simply have to put aside his own views until a later date.

"Good boy," Vant praised his horse, feeding him an apple whilst he brushed the raven mane quickly. Petting Prosper's nose, Vant left the stables and strolled back down to the house, in a much brighter mood thankfully. Alwynn was no longer in the kitchen but Vant could hear his breathing somewhere in the house, it wasn't as peaceful as he would have liked, he may have even been crying.

Leaving his coat on the hook in the kitchen, Vant also noticed the plate of pancakes was gone. Either Alwynn had taken them elsewhere to eat or had merely thrown them away, although Vant doubted he would be that petty. Vant ventured upstairs, following the sounds of his boyfriend's breathing, finding him laid in his bed facing away from the door with the covers bunched tightly around him.

Vant couldn't help the little smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth when he saw the plate of pancakes almost completely gone on the floor by the foot of the bed. Slipping into the bed next to Alwynn, Vant snaked his arms around the boy, shushing him when he flinched.

"Hey, it's just me, sweet boy," Vant whispered, shifting onto his back so Alwynn could lay completely on top of him as he so often preferred. It wasn't the comfiest for Vant but Alwynn slept best in that position so he allowed it wherever possible.

"Sorry," Alwynn whispered once he had settled again, his forearms resting under Vant's head and his face pressed in the crook of the man's neck.

"I know, me too," Vant pressed a kiss to the top of Alwynn's head, tugging the covers up further so they covered his shoulders more, "thank you for eating though, I worry. That's all. I don't want you getting sick or anything," Vant slid his hands under Alwynn's shirt, splaying them out over his back and trailing disorganized patterns on his bare flesh, smiling at the low hum of appreciation.

"I don't have a big appetite. I know you want me to eat more but I can't drastically change the size of my stomach in a few days," Alwynn murmured sleepily, "I don't like leaving food, it makes me feel like I'm being ungrateful when I just can't eat anymore."

"Ali, I don't care if you leave food, I'm not going to yell at you about it. Your body will start needing more food if I'm drinking from you, there's higher chance of you getting anaemia if you don't."

"I know," Alwynn pressed a gentle kiss to Vant's skin, "you're not really gonna stop fucking me, are you?" Vant chuckled, his cock twitching at the sole thought of screwing Alwynn.

"No, sweet boy, that would just be a punishment for the both of us," Vant brushed a few loose strands of Alwynn's hair back out of his face, "let's just sleep for now though, I don't think either of us has the energy for anything else," Alwynn nodded, peppering a few more slow kisses to Vant's skin before the man felt him drift off to sleep slowly, joining him not too long after.

Vant didn't feel like he had slept at all when he heard Everest's distant voice growing closer, feeling her shaking his shoulder gently. He let out a soft groan, lifting one hand to his face and rubbing his eyes, not wanting to awaken fully even though he knew it was imperative.

"Lyanna and Clark just pulled up, Eternity can stall them for a few minutes but they're probably gonna really want to see Alwynn," Everest whispered in a soft tone, her hand still resting gently on Vant's bicep.

"Mhmm, we'll be down in a few," Vant mumbled drowsily, waiting until Everest had left the room to wake Alwynn.

"No," Alwynn whined under his breath, clutching onto Vant's shirt, "don't want to get up."

"We have to, sweet boy, your parents are here," Alwynn opened one eye, a miserable expression suddenly sitting upon his previously slackened features.

"Please don't let them take me home."

"What?" Vant didn't like the fear in Alwynn's tone, it was too guttural to be ignored or looked over.

"I can't go back home," Vant followed Alwynn's movements when the boy sat up, resting his hands gently on his boyfriend's thighs, "I can't go back to my room, not when I know he's been in there, when he's touched everything. I just can't, Vant, please, convince them to let me stay here. Please," Vant hushed Alwynn with a tender kiss, whispering a thousand promises against the boy's lips.

Alwynn's fear of his bedroom was completely valid. Brodie had been in there, he had malicious intentions, that Vant had yet to divulge to the boy, and it was entirely understandable that Alwynn would be apprehensive about sleeping in the same room that had been torn apart by his stalker only the night before.

"I'll try my best, sweet boy, but they are your parents and they could get suspicious if I get too insistent," Alwynn nodded, pecking Vant's lips before he rose to his feet, "you go first."

"OK," Vant said with a brief chuckle, running a hand through his hair before leading Alwynn downstairs. Lyanna and Clark practically jumped from the couch, pulling Alwynn into their arms, playing up their emotions a tad too far. It wasn't quite believable.

"Thank you, Vant, for being there for Alwynn when we couldn't," Clark shook Vant's hand firmly before sitting on the couch with his son between himself and Lyanna, "we don't know how to repay you."

"There's no need," Vant smiled stiffly, leaning in the doorway, glancing over at his sons lingering in the corner of the room with no too pleasant expressions on their faces, "however, there are some things I need to inform you on," Vant returned his attention to the three Valverde's, noting how uncomfortable Alwynn looked wedged in between his two parents, "I was on the phone with the local police force all night, I wanted to know every new development in the case as and when it occurred. After investigating into Alwynn's bedroom, they have concluded that it was Brodie who broke in. He got in through the window, hence the broken glass on the inside of the room and must have cut himself on some."

"But he shouldn't have even been out of police custody," Lyanna chimed in with a serious frown, to which Vant sighed heavily.

"Brodie was let out on bail a week ago."

"But that means he was only in police custody for three days. Why weren't we informed?" Lyanna's tone grew a tad too offensive for Vant's liking although he was half sure that the wrath in her voice was directed generally, rather than at him specifically.

"I have no idea, apparently, it was a trainee officer that had sorted all the paperwork and they hadn't read the documents correctly. It was set that if Brodie got released on bail, Alwynn should have been under constant police protection until the trial. That should be sorted within the next few days now, there will be an unmarked police car outside your house twenty-four seven and Alwynn will be advised on what the best way for him to move forward with his life will be."

"What are they doing to find this Brodie?"

"I'm not entirely sure, a lot of the internal affairs aren't public knowledge in these cases," Lyanna's frown deepened and she rose to her feet, with Clark mirroring her action only a few seconds behind.

"Well, thank you once again, Vant, we are eternally grateful for your compassion toward our son. Come on, Alwynn, we should be getting home," Alwynn remained rooted to his seat, staring up at Vant with a pleading gaze, ignoring the hand his mother was extending to him.

"Actually, Lyanna, Alwynn and I were speaking earlier and he's really not comfortable going back to the house so soon after the incident. He doesn't feel safe there and rightfully so with Brodie having gone through his personal possessions. It would put anyone on edge. However, I'm more than happy to have him stay here for tonight, or as long as he needs to after that," there went Lyanna's frown, her expression slipping into scepticism instead.

"That's very kind of you, Vant, but we wouldn't want to burden you. You already have enough children to care for, you don't need another. Alwynn will be fine at home with us there."

"Mom, please let me stay, I don't want to go back home," Alwynn interjected, his voice weak and wavering, drifting through quivering lips that Vant so desperately wanted to kiss.

"Alwynn, don't be so silly. You'll be fine at home," Lyanna was acting as though her son was having a temper tantrum over a toy being broken not a completely valid reaction to a serious incident that had occurred in his house.

"Lyanna," Vant put on a firmer tone himself, no longer content with how Alwynn's mother was speaking to him, "first, Alwynn is no burden to me. I have had a lot of experience with my children and they each have their own troubled pasts, I know very well how to deal with a child in this state of anxiety. Second, the police only just cleared Alwynn's room for entry and it isn't in any condition for him to be in just yet. The bloodied writing is still on the wall, for God sake, do you really want him to see that again?" clearly Vant had elicited a different type of reaction in Lyanna and Clark that time. It was beyond suspicions, he was sure he had actually offended them. What a pity.

"There are other rooms Alwynn can stay in," Lyanna spoke through gritted teeth.

"Mom, I don't want to-"

"Alwynn Valverde, I don't care what you want you are coming home tonight!" Lyanna snapped rather viciously, instantly causing tears to fall from Alwynn's eyes, visible to all present in the room before he darted upstairs.

"Oh yeah, going home with you would be such a good idea," Nova muttered from the corner of the room, taking Nephi's hand as they walked to the door.

"Excuse me-" Lyanna began, obviously not expecting Vant's sons to speak out that way, even though he did flash them a subtle look of pride.

"No," Nephi interjected, "can't you see how much Ali is freaked out over this? You really want to send your child back to the scene of a crime that is so emotionally scarring to him? What kind of parents are you? God, just let him stay here, stop downplaying this whole situation when you know it's blown way out of fucking proportion," Nephi followed Nova upstairs almost silently, although Vant did hear the quiet insults traded between the two boys along the way.

"Look, I apologise for how my sons spoke to you," more lies, "but you know they're right. Alwynn needs to be away from your house, at least for tonight. Forcing him to go back there with you will only worsen his condition," Lyanna sighed, dropping her gaze when Clark rested a hand gently on her back.

"Just for tonight."

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