A Family Affair

By thepizzaboys

72.7K 1.4K 78

Sage Williams, the 'sin baby' of Jesse Williams and Khloe Kardashian the fierce girl who doesn't back down an... More

one // this is me
three // ready or not
four // out with the old and in with the new
five // Home
six // Confessions of the Day
seven // No Different
eight // Leave it be
nine // Cute Genes
ten // my team, my dream
eleven // Saint Tropez Pt. 1
twelve // Saint Tropez Pt. 2
thirteen //
fourteen // bloom
fifteen // Can We Just Talk?
sixteen // take a hint, take a hint
seventeen // here ye
eighteen // the beat down
nineteen // Truth Be Told
twenty // Sun Times
twentyone // pick me! pick me!
twentytwo // I Love, Love
twentythree // We're Switzerland
twenty four // Oh, It's A Thing Alright
twenty five // Cover Me Up!
twenty six // It's For Real
twenty seven // do you even know me?
twenty eight // make your mark
twenty nine // Hollywood Love Affair
thirty // Pick A Side
thirty one // distance
thirty two // in fate's hands
thirtythree // old tales and new tales
thirty four // a gift given unknown
thirty five // Bet You Didn't Know
thirty six // fast forward

two // back home L.A

6.8K 82 6
By thepizzaboys

The feud mom and I had vanished into thin air the second my grandma and aunts Kim and Kylie had reasoned with her and I didn't do a thing to make them speak up for me. News travels fast in our big family and of course Ky is only three years older than me, she knew all too well what I was going through, sort of....

"Mom?" I called out as I heard movements down stairs and a door open up, cameras follow my every move and it's a little annoying if you ask me

I walked down the stairs expecting my aunt Kourt with her friends that are 20 years younger, age doesn't choose your friends!

"Your mom wouldn't happen to be home would she?"

I looked around, trying to let them know the obvious state "Nope, been gone since 10am. Why?"

We all walked over to the living room, sat around each making ourselves comfortable. Fai and Luka sat next to each other approximately 3 feet apart, it's a boy thing I noticed so other people won't think they're gay, it's some weird straight boy logic which I don't understand, us girls do it all the time....

"You guys want anything to eat?" I asked breaking the awkwardness, I know of the two star studded boys but I don't know them like that, so yes it's all awkward for me

They shook their heads even Kourt, "alright suit yourselves I'm eating some Japanese salad"

I stood up and headed towards the kitchen, moments later a few rustling came from the living room and the boys followed Kourt like little ducklings. They're glued to her like magnets, wherever she goes they follow, I don't know what more I can do from here on out.

"Where's the bathroom?" Fai asked

"We're renovating the bathrooms on the first and second floor, my room and my mom's are the only one that's done. Just use mine" I talk too much, I could've just said one thing but I made it complicated and told him a life story of my bathrooms... Good one!

"Show him, he might steal something" Kourt joked taking bites from my salad bowl, could've sworn she said she didn't want salad just a minute ago

I walked him up the stairs, it was awkward, complete silence.

"Once you enter the bathroom's-" He cut me off and shouted "Thanks, Found it" Mhm, okay thanks for the interruption green eyed monster- infamous for many things based on what I've heard of course, I have reliable sources no doubt!

I lingered in my mom's room, saw the picture of my baby sister- not really her but I'm truly excited to meet her, it's going to be great! Still in my moms room that she often shares with Tristan when he's in town, a month more left and I've got another sibling I'd have to be a great role model for. The crib was set  in the corner of her room, pastel pink with a little curtain hanging above it, picked up the note card because I'm nosey like that- gotta know what to get my sister.

For when we decide to see the family, see you in a week! Can't wait to see you three, the house is all set- big changes require big moves 

     - Tristan 

This crib was built and sent over literally in the middle of the day of yesterday. The three of us? In his house? I damn near thought we had a conversation about this already, there is no living with the guy who is not even my stepdad or her husband- I completely do not trust this guy, shit he might give me some moronic disease every time I touch the kitchen sink. No thanks, man hoes are full of disgusting- unsanitary diseases that I cannot be having at this age. 

I walked on out the room and acted as if everything was so normal when really all I want to do is break my mom's boyfriend's face without catching a case. 

"You still single Sage-y?" Kourt finished every bit of that salad within the span of seven minutes, quick mouth for a woman so small

Pulled myself up the counter slowly forgetting the anger I had in me "I know the saddest story ever huh?" 

Kourt did an unexplainable smirk "What even happened with you and that Gilinsky guy anyway? Didn't that happen over when you were at your dads?"

I nodded agreeing to everything she'd just said because it was true "Fell through, kind of civil I guess- I don't know, haven't seen or talked to the guy since which was like five and a half  months ago.... You know Dominican Republic Tour and what not, maybe" 

"Why?" she's such an instigator, I hate it

"I broke it off with him, that's all we're going to talk about. If anyone wants to catch these feelings I might be available, dunno" I joked around, haven't tried dating again so I really don't know if I'm even ready for anything

"Fai would love to take you up on that offer" Kourt and Luka spoke at the same time

I froze for a second and we had a stare down, which I could've avoided but didn't. I nodded without saying a word, I just made a movement, agreed but not really because I wasn't speaking or making a sound but my body was doing something. It was awkward silence until my pregnant mom came in and asked what the awkwardness was about and of course Luka made the save 

"Joking around, nothing serious" Whew, that was a really close one because I don't think I can hang out with somebody 10 years older than me who happens to be super duper besties with my aunt Kendall... No.

"They're really funny, might stick around them more often because of their class act" ate a carrot and moved towards my room to save myself the embarassment

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