Little mermaids big bad wolf

By crazy_redneck-freak

55.5K 2.1K 226

Jordan Texas bay and her family move to California do to an incident involving her and her family's secret th... More

Part 1. New begginings
Part friend.
Part 3.mate.
Part 4.dont go past the border.
Part 5.he's cute.
Part 6.who is this?
Part 7.kissing a stranger.
Part 8.pool party.
Part 9.sleep over.
Part 10.panic rant.
Part 11.werewolf construction.
Part 12.till next time.
Chapter 13
Part 13.Are you trying to get killed!
Part 14.I'm one too.
Part imformation.
Part 16.channels mate.
part 17.kidnapping by accident.
Part 18.bad dreams.
Part 19.mad wolfie.
Part 20.why do you run?
Part 21.a good day.
Part 22.prom dress.
Part 23.possesive.
Part 24.the mark.
Part 25.goin for a run.
Part 26.I'm a mermaid.
Part dive.
Part 28.don't eat the deer!
Part 29.breakfast.
Part 30.big news.
Part 31.Full moon.
Part 32. Wolfing out.
Part 33.morning after.
Part 34.lake trip.
Part 35. Leaving him.
Part 36.Two Legs Instead of Four.
Part 37.Hunting My Boyfriend.
Part 38.babysitting a werewolf.
Part 39. Going back to school for a week.
Part 39. Old Friends.
Part 40.meeting the friends.
Part 42.She's got a Concussion.
Part 43. Home.
Part 44. On the Run.
Part 45. Room Mates
Part 46. Daddy Dearest
Part 47. A Dream

Part 41.Abduction.

132 6 0
By crazy_redneck-freak

Diesels POV

I woke up early that morning my mate sleeping soundly in her bed wearing nothing but a oversized white t shirt.
Her curly hair was huge and everywhere I smiled moving the hair from her face I leaned down kissing her lightly.
She was so gorgeous that it made my chest hurt cause I got to call her mine.

"Diesel get here now!"my dads voice rung through the mind link.
I sighed pack business always came early it felt like.
I grabbed a sticky note and pen from the beside table and wrote a quick note for mate I stuck it to her forehead in hopes she would at least notice it there.
Since she happens to be a little ditsy most of the time.

I ran to the pack house when I got there my dad was in his office.
"Son sit down I have bad news!"he said I did he seemed very nervous.
"The problem with the Mers has escalated I had a Seair(A/Nsome one who can see people's future) look into it.she says there very close by and that someone you happen to be very close with will get hurt over it."he said he grabbed my shoulder as if looking at me with pity in his eyes.

"Who?"was all I asked even though I suspected who it could be.
"Jordan won't live through it if she's still involved with you."another voice came from the door I stood up ready for fight.
A tall, white haired ,girl with tan skin and brown eyes starred back at me I felt my blood boil at what she said.

"Trust me when I say I know Jordan and don't want anything happening to her ,the quicker she gets away from you the better."she said I growled.
"I won't let anyone touch her!"I growled out
"No one else will have to it'll be you that kills her or your wolf more like it."she said.

"Who the hell are you?"I said gritting my teeth.
"My name is Oceania bay I happen to be a relative of your mate."she bit back at me I sniffed the air she was full blood werewolf I could tell if someone wasn't ever since my shift into a Lycan.
"Listen if you love her then stay away!"she said I growled having trouble controlling my wolf.
He wanted so badly to tear the girl limb from limb.

I felt my dad touch my shoulder I looked over at him"son we only have 3 weeks till the wars on us that's it after you can come back to her!"he said it sounded reasonable so why did it feel so wrong.

"Fine I'll tell her to stay away for a while.."I started
" have to end it make her believe you feel nothing for her otherwise she won't listen!"I heard another different voice this time it was a males I look behind the white haired girl to see Ray my mates father.
Both my father and the white haired girl walked out the room shutting the door.
This action put my wolf on high alert expecting a threat.
"I have her friends here for a reason they've come to take her back home for a while till it's safe."he said I felt panicked at the thought of my mate leaving.

"Please that's my baby and if something happens to her over this war then I don't know what I would do."he said.

"I can get her to go without ruining our relationship!"I said frustrated at him he sighed
"Listen she is very stubborn and almost evil when it comes to people telling her to do stuff and if she found out this was over a war she would be furious.
If her anger were to be unleashed much like your own people would pay the price so I want you to break up with her make it real.
Then I can convince her to go back home for a while!
Once this all blows over she'll be willing to see you again."

"That's my point she'll hate me never want to see me again if I do this and I-I ....can't live without her in my life."I said I was no longer yelling while saying this.
"If we don't send her away you'll have to live without her for real.
Wouldn't you rather take the chance of her not excepting you a second time then her dying."he said I clenched my jaw tightly.

"I can't just abandon her for no reason!"I said
"If you love her you'll do what's best for her."he said walking out.

I growled out punching the wall leaving a giant hole.

(Jordan's POV)

I woke up and stretched yanking a sticky note of my face.
It read 'had some pack businesses call me when you get up love you,diesel.'

I rolled my eyes why did he pick to put it on my forehead of all places.

I groaned out man I had a headache then I remembered my friends were here.

I read the clock beside my bed it was 8 o clock meaning vi,grey and Alex won't be up for a while.
I got up putting on white Levi shorts and a lilo and stitch shirt that was blue and had stitch on my left boob.

I walked down stairs and started rummaging through the cabinets seeing what I could fix.
I decided on home made Mac &cheese with Italian chicken and mashed potatoes.

When I heard something I turned only to feel a cloth go over my face I tried to fight breathing it in I elbowed the person in the stomach and tried throwing them over my shoulder using all my strength.

I saw it was Alex the white cloth now laying on the floor beside him.
"What the hell dude!"I said trying to catch my breathe.

"I'm sorry they said it was for your own good!"he says looking behind me then I felt a cold sharp needle stab into my neck as a burning sensation followed it.

"Wh-why?"I asked as my body slowly started to collapse someone's strong arms rapped around my waist keeping me from falling.

"Okay grey put her in the back."vi said looking around as if guilty while grey lightly tried to put me in the back seat.

"Please....stop what's going on?why?"I groaned my voice a soft whisper while my head was throbbing and body ached.

"I'm sorry jay jay don't worry it'll be okay soon!but we have to get you away from your mate as soon as possible."Alex said as he got in the Jeep pulling me into his chest.
"No!no it's a full moon tonight,he needs me."I say I could barley open my eyes I tried moving out the door but he easily over powered me like this.

Vi got in the passenger seat as grey got in the drivers.
They looked at each other "we can't take her to North Carolina that'll be the first place they look."grey said vi sat there thinking.

"But they'll also look for the furthest places away from it...would they look in Tennessee or maybe Georgia?"she said he nodded "hear that jay will be in moonshine capital."he said and darkness consumed me.

(Diesels POV)

I stared at the empty bed in my mates room her closet had been ransacked all her favorite outfits gone her most personal items gone as well like the necklace she always had with her and a pillow she had trouble sleeping with out.

Her and her friends were gone nothing left in the guest rooms of them either having thought maybe they went back to there hotel I had a pack member call them for me they checked out hours ago with only three of them.

I growled out in pain "mate wouldn't leave without saying something!"carnivore growled out frustrated as I was.

"Especially not on a full moon."he whimpered

I walked into her room looking around for anything really that gave me a clue at to where she went.

I saw a letter with a green seal like you'd see in the olden days.

my name was on the other side in my mates sloppy cursive I broke the seal eager to see what was in it.

Dear, Diesel

My guess is by now you've realized I'm gone and are wondering why,

over the past few mouths I have come to both love and hate you.

You see my darling Mate I have a past that has finally caught up with me and you, have drove me away.

I love you but the monster you have become overwhelms me and I don't think its fare to you to keep this going.

I feared to tell you this in person because I'm almost positive your wolf would have killed me.

Not only am I leaving you but I Jordan Kitty Bay reject alpha Diesel Clay Reed as my mate.

have a good life and I hope this didn't come as a shock to you since we both new this was our end game.



(Jordens POV)

I woke up with an awful head ache and a splitting pain in my chest I sprung up clutching my chest trying to breathe ahhhhh I screamed out as the pain increased.

"shhhh shh its ok what's wrong jay tell us so we can help." I heard vi say as the boys huddled around me holding my arms down as tears ran down my face and I very rarely cried.

"its diesel somethings wrong is the moon up he needs me I have to get to him its his first one that he's had since he turned into a lycan!" I said trying to get out of there grip they pushed me back down getting a chain I started to scream and bite when I felt heat ignite my body the boys fled from me burns on there hands I looked down to see my whole body had been inflames.

I started running we were in a house that was built in stone and concrete as I slung the metal door open from the otherwise cozy dim lit room a corridor of metal doors showed itself empty other wise

I started running until I came to a pair of steps I looked back to see flames followed they were everywhere my feet touched no further and almost looked like foot prints.

Vi, Grey, and Alex stood there looking worried vi was yelling at some one on the phone.

I finally reached the top of the steps I came slung open the door to realize I had been in a bunker not a house I shut the door locking it as someone started beating on the other side.

I put out the flames calming myself down so they couldn't follow me I shifted into my wolf and started running there was only forest I couldn't tell if I was running towards civilization or deeper into the forest.


I slowed down when the sun had finally set I ad been running all day since the sun had just gotten settled in the east when I escaped that stupid bunker.

I felt so much anger and betrayal from the people who I thought loved me the most the people who weren't born into loving me like my family was but had chosen to love me in spite of how damaged I am.

another tear fell from my cheek I stopped and sat down behind a bush that was right beside a tree so I wouldn't be seen if they came after me.

The intense pain in my chest was forever growing as I sat there trying to breathe.

'mate?can you here me?' I asked through our link he should be able to here from anywhere now since were fully mated.

I heard his voice faintly but it wasn't a reply his part of the bond had been severed cause no matter how hard I tried he didn't here me but I heard him and his wolf there constant howls for me as if I had abandoned them.

his wolf cried out for me while diesel just felt pain 'I cant take this much longer.'he said weakly to his wolf.

A/N hello lovelies its me again I was wondering what you guys thought about a sequel to this.

anyways give me your feed back on that and if you could show a little love to one of my other books my livid mate it would be greatly appreciated.

as always comment and vote if you liked it.

love yall!

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