CHIM - Life in the limelight...

By GeordieDoll

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This is a continuation of my last story 'life in the limelight' that i suggest you read before reading this... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 38

297 15 1
By GeordieDoll

I am in my element as I sit under the sun enjoying a cold drink and the company of Cheryl and Whitney. Whitney is in a great mood today and has not stopped cracking jokes since she barged her way into our chalet this morning. Sarah is giving her a wide birth, so they have not spoken today let alone argued, I just hope the harmony between them lasts. I am sat watching Sarah in the swimming pool with Nadine and the children. Sarah is trying to teach Lilly to swim, she taught Paisley last year so she is now like a little fish in the water, she absolutely loves it and so does Alaina who is squealing with delight as Nadine pulls her around the water by her little hands. It is nice to see all of the children getting on nicely without any bickering, arguing or fighting but I do wish that Junie was here as he was looking forward to going swimming today until he found out about a football academy holiday club that he was eager to spend the day at and Whitney was thrilled at the prospect of having one less child when she found out that it was free so she sent him on his way.

Sitting under the sun that is scorching with a happy Cheryl who has had a smile on her face all day is my idea of heaven and Whitney keeps making us laugh with her quick wit and unapologetic sense of humour. When she spots a couple that we met this morning stood by the outdoor bar she leans forward and nudges Cheryl's arm before nodding her head towards the couple that are hand in hand. "Your friends are here" She giggles childishly, and Cheryl looks to see who she is talking about.

"Oh, shut up!" Cheryl says, and Whitney starts to laugh.

"What? I'd keep an eye on him if I was you, Kim. He definitely has a thing for Chezza. I saw him ogling over her this morning while he was scranning his bacon butty"

I roll my eyes playfully at my new friend and Cheryl sticks her tongue out at her. The couple are odd to say the least and they are our new neighbours for the next couple of days, they are in the chalet right next to ours and it seems like we cannot get away from them no matter how hard we try. This morning, at the crack of dawn they made a point of introducing themselves to us and Whitney may just be right when she said that the husband may have a bit of a thing for Cheryl. I did notice that he was a little too nice to her and his weird eyes were wandering but I am not sure if Whitney is right or if he just recognised Cheryl as being the nation's sweetheart.

Cheryl waves her hand at Paisley when she shouts her name and then suddenly there is a look of panic on her face which makes me laugh. With her eyes wide and her hand on my wrist she leans forward onto the table just like Whitney has done. "I hope they're not coming over here!" She exclaims as the couple start walking towards us.

"If they do, I'm off. I'm not having people thinking that we're friends with them. It looks like her twins are going to bounce straight out of that bikini top, the way she is skipping around, and I can do without seeing that" Whitney comments.

"Eee I know" Cheryl chuckles and puts her hand over her mouth in attempt to hide her amusement. "And what does he look like in those socks and sandals? It is 30 degrees and he's got them on with a pair of speedos"

Whitney laughs out loud unlike me as I am terrified that they are going to hear her and Cheryl slagging them off. They may be a bit weird, but I am sure they are nice people... I can do without finding out though, striking up a friendship is not on my agender and like Cheryl, I would prefer for them to keep their distance.

While continuing to laugh Whitney looks at the man's strange choice of a swimming costume. "Look how tight those speedos are and all, they can't be doing his bits any good"

"You're right there, I'm sure he's a pervert and she's just as bad. I opened the curtains this morning and their's were open too so I could see right through their window. She was floating around with a duster in her hand and she had not a stitch on, I didn't know where to look, I was mortified! I've never been so uncomfortable in me life"

"You might not have been comfortable, but she clearly was" I joke, and Cheryl and Whitney find it funnier than it actually was. Both of their heads are thrown back in a loud laughter and their laughs make my quick-witted joke even funnier so now I can't stop laughing either. I am sure that if we were somewhere else like a fancy hotel or an expensive holiday resort people would be complaining about the noise that our family make. We have been screaming with laughter all day, the children are wild and so are my friends, but nobody bats an eyelid here which does not surprise me because the families on this holiday site are just as loud, if not louder. They are tracksuit clad holidaymakers who just want to enjoy themselves without looking down their noses at other people.

Our laughter does attract the attention of the couple at the brunt of our jokes though because they are looking our way now and Cheryl is not happy about it. "Shit, they're waving at us" She hisses through her teeth. She is again trying to her face behind her hand and she is turning her body away from them and into my direction as if, if she does not look at them they will not see her. I wave back at them out of politeness, but it results in light kick from Cheryl under the table. "Don't fucking wave at them, they'll be over here in a flash!" Her little hand is clasped around my wrist and she is trying to pull my hand down, so I let her, and she slides her fingers between mine.

"Chez, I'm only being- "

"Nice, I know but never mind him having a thing for me, he has a thing for you!"

"What are you going on about?" I am laughing at her silliness but also at how serious she looks- like she actually believes what she is saying.

"He does and if I'm honest I think he gets a kick out of standing in front of you with his big thing poking out- "

"I wouldn't say big, I've seen bigger sausages at the butchers on Bay street" Whitney blurts out without thinking which is making us laugh once more. "To be fair though, Chez, I think the wife has a thing for you both... I've seen the way she was drooling over you earlier when you were putting your suncream on. She got up afterwards and there was a wet patch on her seat-"

As funny as Cheryl finds Whitney there is still a disgusted look on her face. "Don't be so filthy, no there wasn't!... Tell us there wasn't"

"Okay there wasn't but she was still making eyes at you, she has been all morning. Do you think they're swingers?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know but I wouldn't put it passed them, I mean just look at them!"

"Maybe you should ask them. I'm sure that they'd jump at the chance of getting you two in th-"

"Stop it, I really don't need those pictures in me head!" Cheryl stops Whitney before she has the chance to spew filth like she normally does and she is holding her hands over her ears.

I am relieved when the couple that we have shamefully been talking about for the past 15 minutes sit down at a table with their drinks and Alaina comes running over to us with Nadine, so it puts an end to the conversation. As soon as Alaina is at our table Cheryl wraps her in a big, pink, fluffy towel and lifts her onto her lap. "Did you like swimming with Auntie Nadine?" Cheryl asks her and pushes her wet hair out of her face.

Nadine smiles at Whitney and sits beside me at the table. "She loved it but I think she's getting tired now because every time someone would accidentally splash her she was screaming blue murder, normally she loves it" Nadine laughs and looks at Alaina who is happy to be cuddled in her mam's arms.

"I'm not tired" She whines but it is clear that she is. Her fist is rubbing at her eyes that are red from the chlorine and she is looking for the dummy that we are trying our hardest to get her off, but it is proving difficult just like it was with Paisley. Nadine chuckles and hands the pink dummy to Alaina and as soon as it is in her mouth she closes her eyes.

Nadine decided last night to put her differences with Whitney aside and tried to persuade Sarah to do the same but trying to get Sarah to back down from anything is a nightmare so whatever she said to her was falling on deaf ears and I don't think that surprised Nadine but she told Sarah that she is willing to give our new friend a chance even if she isn't and that pleased me. Whitney has been pleasant to Nadine all day so when Joey wakes up and Nadine asks if she can hold him Whitney has no problem with it and encourages her youngest child to go to Nadine. Once he has crawled his way over to her Nadine lifts him up and makes him giggle by pulling funny faces. "He's your double, Whitney. I can't get over how much he looks like you"

"The poor thing. I don't think he'll ever forgive me for that"

"Don't be daft" Cheryl laughs, and Whitney picks up the little flier on the table to read. Once she has read both sides she puts it back down with a smirk on her face. She pushes it towards Cheryl and Cheryl looks down at it. "A yummy mummy competition! I think you should enter, babe" She teases me and raises her eyebrow. I quickly shake my head and take a sip of my drink.

"There is no way you will find me prancing around that stage! It's a shame that your mum isn't here though because there is going to be a glamorous Granny contest. Joan would love it and she would win hands down!"

Cheryl chuckles because she knows that it is true. I do wish that Joan was here with us because she would love it here and so would my sister and Hailie. I have already made a mental note to come back here with the whole family. "What about you Whit?"

"What? I'm not a granny!"

"She means for the yummy mummy competition" Nadine laughs and as Whitney is about to reply she does not get a chance to because as soon as her mouth opens someone cuts her off. 

"I don't think crackhead chic is what they are looking for" Sarah nastily sniggers and Whitney's whole body language changes at the sight of her stood behind Nadine.

"What are you trying to say?" Whitney retorts moving to the edge of her seat.

"In simpler terms I'm saying that you look like a crackhead-"

"And you look like a slapper!"

I sigh and run my fingers through the front of my hair. I knew the peace would not last and Whitney would not be this jovial all day long, but Sarah is at fault today. Whitney has not said a thing about or to my best friend all day, she has been minding her business, keeping her thoughts to herself and she has been enjoying the day with a rare smile on her face, so I'm annoyed with Sarah and it seems like Nadine is too. "What is wrong with you?"Nadine asks Sarah who looks amazed by the question. 

"What? You mean apart from being a complete, utter headcase?" Whitney interrupts and Nadine waves her hand at her to be quiet.

"Would it hurt you to just be nice, Sarah?" Nadine asks. She has turned around in her seat and Sarah shrugs her shoulders. I am pleased that the girls are getting an ice-cream with the money that Sarah gave them, so they don't need to witness yet another argument. I don't want Paisley to think that nasty name calling is right.

Sarah looks at her girlfriend like she has never laid eyes on her before. "You've changed your tune, you weren't part of the Whitney fan club yesterday-"

"That's before I got to know her and she's alright, actually" Nadine tells Sarah which makes Whitney give her a smug smile while folding her arms across her chest like she always does when she feels threatened. "You're acting like a child Sarah and I don't know what your problem is"

"I don't have a problem, it's her that has the problem"

"Not from where I'm sitting" Nadine says through her teeth as if we wouldn't be able to hear her. "Remove the chip off your shoulder because you're embarrassing yourself"

"I'm embarrassing, am i? If that's how you feel, then I may as well just go back to the chalet and I'll leave you all to your new little friend here. I can't be bothered with any of you" Sarah says but even as Cheryl and I are brought into it we don't say anything. We ignore her as she grabs her back and throws her towel over her shoulder and even Nadine doesn't say anything or tries to stop her when she storms off in one of her little huffs that reminds me of my 5-year-old child.

"Careful, watch you don't trip over that mouth of yours!" Whitney calls to Sarah and without a word Sarah puts her fingers up at Whitney who just laughs.

When she's out of sight Nadine lets out a sigh. "That's the last we'll see of her until tonight-"

Whitney Is as pleased as anything and it shows on her face. She does not have any friends other than Cheryl and i and from the things she has told us it seems like she has never really had many friends so this is the first time that someone has been in her corner and as tough as she acts i know that makes her happy. "This is turning into my perfect day, all I need now is for someone to shut that mouthy cow up once and for all-"


"What?" she asks innocently. "I'd do it myself if I wasn't pregnant" 

When the girls return to the table Cheryl smiles at them. "Lets have no more dramas today, alright? The girls' talent show is tonight and they are really looking forward to it" 

I feel an uneasiness about the night ahead. Sarah is drinking like there is no tomorrow and after today's disagreement over Whitney Sarah has barely said a word to poor Nadine, she is practically blanking her, and I feel sorry for our Irish friend because she has not done a thing wrong. All she has done is try and be the peace maker but in Sarah's eyes she has went against her and sided with the enemy which is so ridiculous, and I have told Sarah that. Not only is Sarah getting tipsier by the minute, but Whitney is too which has disappointed Cheryl and I. We knew that she was desperate for a drink, but she is carrying a baby inside of her and I thought that I made her see sense last night when she promised me that she would not touch a drop of alcohol but clearly not. She has not just had one vodka coke but she has had three and she is just as tipsy as Sarah. I still can't believe that she has been drinking though because I did not see her order or drink a single one of them but Nadine did and could not intervene just like Cheryl and I can't stop her from drinking more because every time we say something we receive a mouthful of abuse so we have to grit our teeth and watch her children because Whitney is in no state to.

"You're not still annoyed with me are you, babe?" Nadine asks Sarah with sadness in her voice. She has had a drink too but luckily for us she is nowhere near drunk. She is just sadly trying to get herself back into her girlfriend's good books.

Sarah looks at Nadine with an expressionless face. "No, stop fussing and get yourself another drink" She puts a £5 note in Nadine's hand and despite her girlfriend's coldness Nadine still kisses the top of her head when she walks passed and Sarah can't help but to smile.

The entertainers on stage are singing one last song before the talent show starts and the children are dancing excitedly. Lilly and Paisley can not wait to get on stage and even Junie is looking forward to it starting. When it comes to appearance Paisley and Lilly are polar opposites. Paisley has an olive skin tone like Cheryl's with silky smooth blonde hair and Lilly has a paler skin with almost jet black hair so it is obvious to everyone they meet that there is not much chance of them being related, let alone sisters but that does not stop them telling all and sundry that they are twins because their outfits are very similar tonight. As promised, we gave Lilly one of Paisley's dresses to wear tonight and she thinks that she is the bees knee. She keeps looking down at the white fabric with a proud look on her face and keeps twirling around like a princess, it is adorable to see.

With the music and children so loud Cheryl has to lean towards me and speak into my ear. One of her hands is gripping at my thigh to keep herself balanced and the other Is on my shoulder. "I have a bad feeling about tonight, Kim. Sarah is still in a funny mood and just look at Whitney... tonight is not going to end well"

"It'll be fine" I smile at her. I don't believe it but I know what Cheryl is like, she will not stop worrying, she will be on high alert and it will spoil her night. "Don't look at me like that, babe, it will be. Nadine and Sarah will make up and Whitney seems happy enough even if she is drunk. I just can't believe that we have to sit watching her harm that innocent baby inside of her"

"I know" Cheryl sighs. "It better be alright though because if anyone spoils Paisley's big night, I'll be livid, I swear I will, and God help them if they upset her"

I give her a peck on the lips, and she smiles. "It'll be fine" I repeat, and the children come running back to the table to take a seat because the ginger man on stage with a microphone in his hand has just announced that the competition is about to start. Hearing the announcement over the speakers Nadine returns to the table with her drink and so does Whitney. Paisley kept asking me why she was acting so funny but Whitney's own children do not even acknowledge how drunk she is, it is a sad reminder that they probably see her in similar state all of the time at home.

"I'm so excited" Paisley says with her teeth gritted and her hands clenched into two fists. Apparently, she is not at all nervous unlike Lilly who is growing quieter and quieter. "I want to sit on your knee, Mammy" She says with a whine in her voice because Cheryl has just lifted Joey from the pram and onto her lap so he can have a good look around. Paisley's jealously makes Cheryl chuckle, so she passes Joey to me and puts her hands out to Paisley.

"Howay then, me little bobby dazzler"

Paisley is giggling as Cheryl kisses the side of her face and Alaina is asking Sarah to be picked up. I am weary of Sarah picking my youngest child up when she is drunk, but I don't think that she is drunk enough to drop her, or at least I hope she Is not so I just smile when she lifts her up and into her arms. "Are you excited, Lils?" Cheryl asks Lilly and Lilly shrugs her shoulders, not bothering to give a verbal reply.

When the entertainer announces that the first contestant is Lilly Jackson our whole table starts to cheer for the little shy girl who Whitney is walking over to the stage. I wish that someone else would have taken her because now everyone is staring at Whitney and the state she is in, luckily her stomach is hidden under her baggy jumper so they aren't aware of the condition she is in but everyone is still watching the way she is slurring her words and unable to stand still for five minutes. Whitney is watching Lilly from the bottom of the stage and when Lilly is stood by the entertainer, I can see fear in her eyes.

"Can we have a big round of applause for our first contestant, please?" The man shouts and everyone starts to clap for the child. Everyone at our table jumps to our feet and we clap and cheer so loud that other tables are looking over at us. "Hello, Lilly. How old are you?" He asks her and holds the microphone in front of her.

With her eyes glued to the floor Lilly shuffles nervously and plays with her hair while replying. "Five" she answers quietly and in a big, loud voice Paisley says

"Why is she whispering?"

Cheryl holds her finger to Paisley's lips to shush her. "Shh, she is just shy that's all. I bet you will be the same when you are up there... "

Paisley shakes her head. "No, I won't be" She insists but only time will tell.

Turning our attention back to Lilly on the stage we see that she is starting to cry. "I don't want to do it anymore" She sobs now that stage fright has officially got the better of her and Whitney has to climb up the steps to get her down. It's not an easy job when you are half cut so a man gets up to offer her a hand, but Whitney rudely shoves him off her, grab's Lilly's hand and pulls her down from the stage and back to our table. "I was too scared" Lilly says, and Junie laughs out loud.

"I knew you wouldn't do it"

"Wasted all of our time you have" Whitney tells her which is cruel when she is so upset so Nadine puts her arms out to the girl and gives her a cuddle.

"I'm sorry" Lilly whispers and Nadine smoothest back her hair. I reach over for her hand and give it a reassuring squeeze.

"You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for, there is always next time isn't there?" I smile and Lilly nods her head.

Whitney just scoffs and picks up the pound coins from the table. "Where's the bar? I'm getting another drink" Whitney says, and I reach for her before she turns around to go back to the bar she will drink dry if she gets the chance.

"I think you need sobering up, not another trip to the bar" I tell her.

"I'm not drunk" She insists which makes Sarah scoff. I knew her silence would not last long.

"You don't even know where the bar is and you've been propping it up all night-"

"I was joking you stupid twat"

"What did you just call me?" Sarah asks, passing Alaina to Nadine so she can get up to her feet and Nadine holds onto Alaina tightly while Cheryl clenches her jaw.

"I called you a stupid twat" Whitney replies, and I have heard enough. I am absolutely fed up of their childish behaviour now and I am all too aware of how funny Junie is finding it, so I turn Whitney around and she staggers forward. "What are you doing?"

"Just go over there and get a drink and Sarah shut up. If you want to tare lumps out of each other do it over there and not in front of the kids for God's sake, you're upsetting the girls."

Sarah leans towards Paisley and squeezes her cheeks. "Auntie Sarah isn't upsetting you, am I?" She slurs and Paisley moves away from her for the first time in her life. With a shrug of her shoulders Paisley doesn't say anything and I bet it is because she does not want to lie but on the other hand she does not want to upset her auntie so she is relieved when her name for the competition is called and she has an excuse to get away from our table.

Cheryl goes to get up and take her to the stage like the other parents have done but Paisley bats her hand away. "I can go myself, Mammy" She insists so Cheryl falls back onto her seat with a priceless look on her face and watches on as Paisley skips through the tables and straight up the little steps and to the middle so the stage where her favourite entertainer is waiting to ask her some question. Unlike Lilly Paisley does not seem fazed by the many eyes on her, in fact I think that she loves it as she is grinning from ear to ear.

"I wish you'd tell me what she's going to sing" Sarah says now that Whitney has disappeared and Cheryl laughs.

"I asked her and she wouldn't tell us either. Howay and put us out of me misery, Kimba"

I shake my head. "You'll find out in a minute. If I was to ruin the surprise Paisley would make my life not worth living. I have been sworn to secrecy, but I'll tell you this, she is going to sing something and do a little dance as well. I tried to change her mind about the dancing but you know what Paisley is like. She insisted that everyone would love her tap dancing"

"Not the dance she learnt from that YouTube video" Cheryl starts to really laugh and even more so when I nod my head. "Oh God help her!"

"Hello , what is your name and How old are you?" The man known as Bradley asks Paisley just like he did Lilly. Lilly is stood on a chair watching her best friend proudly and seems to be over her frightening experience.

With a smile still on her face Paisley leans forward and answers the question just like she has practised and in a big, loud voice. "My name is Paisley Tweedy- Walsh and I am five from London" Her confidence Is remarkable; you would think that she is used to being in front of a crowd but she isn't- I wish I was more like my five year old. "I'm going to sing a song for my Mammy and my Nana Joan.. I'm going to dance too"

"And is your Mammy and Nana here tonight?"

Paisley shakes her head. "My Nana Joan is in Newcastle but my Mammy is here, that's her over there with my Mummy, Aunties, my little sister Laney and my friends... wave at Bradley, Mammy!" She shouts much to the amusement of everyone watching her. Not having any other choice but to do as Paisley has told her Cheryl smiles from ear to ear and waves both of her hands. If holidaymakers did not already know that she was here, they certainly do now.

"What song are you going to sing?"

"Blaydon Races" Paisley replies proudly and Cheryl's jaw drops. She turns her head to look at me and the expression on her face is just like I thought it would be.

"She's lying!"

"She's not" I tell her and all of a sudden Paisley has taken the microphone from Bradley's hand and is singing in a loud voice every word to the Geordie song that Cheryl and Joan have sung to her and Alaina many times over the years. Alaina is sat up clapping her hands at her sister's singing and Cheryl is smiling like the chester cat. I still can't believe how well Paisley sings the Geordie song. Her forced accent and little tap-dance has the audience in a fit of laughter, they love it and Paisley is well aware of the fact so she sings louder.

The audience really start to laugh when Paisley sings "I got two black eyes and a broken nose gannin' te Blaydon Races" and then goes into the chorus. Cheryl's eyes are brimming with tears, she is so proud of Paisley and I am too but this is a special moment for Cheryl so I pat her knee and she puts her hand on top of mine.

"She's amazin'" She grins and when the song comes to the end and the whole room gives our child a standing ovation, we all jump up and down and Nadine is screaming so loud that I bet that people outside can hear her. Sarah has her fingers in her mouth whistling, the kids are clapping their hands in the air and Cheryl pushes passed me to run towards the stage. When she reaches Paisley she swings her into the air and Paisley's arms wrap around her neck. "Paisley, that was the best surprise ever"

"Did you like it? Why are you crying?" Paisley has noticed Cheryl's teary eyes and she Is concerned so she holds her small hand to Cheryl's cheek and Cheryl turns her face so she can give her a kiss.

"Like it? I loved it! You were so good you've made us cry and guess what?"


"Auntie Nadine got it all on camera so we can send it to your nana Joan"

"Yay!" Paisley cheers and squeals when Cheryl spins her around again. "Do you think I'll win, Mammy?"

"Yeah but even if you don't your're still my winner. You're me little superstar and I'm so proud of you" Cheryl is kissing her face again, I have never seen her so proud before. "You're a little Geordie like me, aren't you?"

"Yes" Paisley grins and takes full advantage of how happy her mam is. "Since I did so good can I have an ice-cream?"

"You can have whatever you want! Go and get your sister, Lilly and Junie and we'll see what we can get"

"Thank you, Mammy, you're the best" 

When Paisley's name was announced as the winner of the competition, we all went crazy. Paisley is acting like she has just won the X Factor and so is Cheryl who of course burst into tears in typical Cheryl style. She was so happy that she even sent a video to Simon Cowell- a man she has not spoken to for over a year. Lilly is happy for her best friend and even Junie looks as proud as a peacock as people walk passed the table, eyeing up her prizes that she won. Alaina is currently diving on top of the giant teddy bear and Nadine is in hysterics as she watches her because the teddy is twice her size. It is common knowledge that Cheryl is staying at this holiday park now and many people have came up to our table to ask for an autograph or a picture and Cheryl has happily gave them what they wanted because she is in a good mood tonight and she knows that if she scribbles her autograph down on a bit of paper or smiles for a quick photograph it is easier than refusing and getting them to leave her alone. 

Cheryl is bouncing Paisley up and down on her knee and I take a picture of them both to send to Joan along with a few videos to make her feel like she is here with us. I know that she would have loved to be here tonight and I feel guilty that she isn't but next time we come here she is definitely getting an invite and so will my mum who I doubt could think of anything worse than spending a week with us lot. Cheryl is still making a fuss of Paisley when an old couple come over to us. They are both white headed, small and they have incredibly friendly faces. They have come over to compliment our lovely daughter and once again my chest feels like it could burst with pride.

"You were excellent, wasn't she Frankie?" The old woman coos and we are all surprised to find that she has a broad Geordie accent like Cheryl's, they are from the Newcastle and Cheryl loves the fact that they are from her much loved home town.

"Brilliant" The man I am assuming is the woman's husband nods and I thank them while Cheryl gives Paisley a squeeze. "However does she know such a song?"

Humbly assuming that the couple does not know who she is Cheryl smiles at them. "I'm from Newcastle and like every other Geordie I grew up singing the song- I learnt it in school and I've always sung it for her and her sister- their nana has too. I had no idea that she knew all of the words though, she's amazed us"

"That is lovely" The old woman smiles, and I wonder if she does actually know who Cheryl Is but I suppose that considering that she is from Newcastle it would be hard for her not to.

"She knows a few other Geordie songs too, don't you Pai?" I say and Paisley nods her head. She is loving being the centre of attention. If it was Alaina she would be bashful and shyly hiding behind me but not Paisley, she enjoys nothing more than having all eyes on her and that has been proven this evening.

"Will I sing 'I'm coming home Newcastle' ?'" Paisley asks which makes us all chuckle. She won't shut up now and it is comical.

Despite Paisley's eagerness Cheryl shakes her head but runs her hand over our daughter's hair. "No, baby. You can sing that another time" She looks at me now and smiles at me with genuine affection in her eyes. "I think we've got a little star on our hands, don't you?"

"Most definitely" I smile back at her and after complimenting our child one more time the nice old couple say goodbye and Cheryl extends her hand to shake theirs. We wave to them as they leave the clubhouse and Paisley hops down from Cheryl's lap. "Where are you going me little superstar?"

Paisley points to the dancefloor where Junie and Lilly are now dancing with a very drunk Whitney. I don't think that Whitney is fully aware that Paisley has just won the whole competition as she was MIA during her performance and we still couldn't locate her when the winner was going to be announced but she is back now and is enjoying herself with her children in the middle of the dancefloor. Nadine must sense Cheryl's uneasiness about letting Paisley be around Whitney while she is in a drunken state like she is so she gets up and puts a hand on Paisley's shoulder.

"I'll keep my eye on her and I'll take Laney with me. You want to dance with Auntie Nads don't you?"

"Yes!" Alaina smiles and Cheryl thanks our friend.

"What are aunties for?" Is her reply and we watch her dancing happily with our daughters. Sarah looks at her too but then she looks away. I was thinking that Sarah was going get over her pettiness tonight and make it up to Nadine but I was wrong. As the drinks went down her neck Sarah went from bad to worse. Of course she was as happy as anyone when Paisley won the competition, she put on a happy, smiley front when she was around but now that she has gone her face has dropped, she is glaring at Whitney and Nadine and I can tell that she is getting angrier and angrier but she is being stupid, she has nothing to feel this type of way about because Whitney has not said a word to her for hours and Nadine has tried her best to win her around and nothing worked so she has gave up and that is nobody's fault but Sarah's. The worst thing about her mood is that it is having an effect on everyone and Cheryl can't be bothered with it anymore.

When Cheryl runs her hands down her face I look at her with my head cocked to the side. "You alright, babe?" 

"I think what you need is a cocktail, what do you say?" Sarah answers for her and her slurred tone, drunken eyes and the way she is swaying into Cheryl's side finally makes Cheryl snap.

"I think you need to stop with the cocktails because you're doing me head in, you really are. I don't want to be the party pooper but I think its time you went back to the chalet, i cant stand when you're like this-"

"Like what?"

"Drunk, annoying and argumentative. You're being ridiculous. Nadine has done fuck all wrong and you've been a bitch to her all day. I love you Sarah but you need to sort yourself out" Sarah looks offended and when she is offended, she makes no secret of the fact and I don't think Cheryl could cope with that tonight so before she has a chance to reply Cheryl waves her hand. "Don't start arguin' with us, I can't be arsed with it. Do you want us to get you a water or something?"

"No I bloody don't. You're not my mum, you know-"

"Thank fuck for that" Cheryl mumbles to me and when Sarah gets up and stumbles her way over to the bar Cheryl puts her hands on her head and sighs deeply. "I give up on her tonight, it's like talking to a brick wall when it comes to her and you know what this is all about don't you- she doesn't want us to have other friends"

"I know" I admit, and Cheryl rocks the pram with her foot when Joey starts to cry.

"What does she want us to do? Have no friends? Will we just go through life not getting to know anyone because we're too scared that Sarah will start kickin' off with them for no reason? Nar, she can fuck off" Cheryl's hand gestures and tone of voice should not make me want to laugh but she is so wound up now that her feisty side Is coming out so it is a good job that Sarah left the table when she did because she would have been at the other end of her temper. "Kimberley, you better have a word with her because i can't be arsed-"

"You said" I laugh but she doesn't.

"It's not funny, Kimba. Seriously, I'm tired and it's nearly 10pm so I'm going to go back to the chalet, you don't mind do you? "

"I'll come with you" I say but Cheryl frowns and looks at Whitney and then Sarah who will only leave the club at this time if they are dragged out. "What?"

"What about Whit and Sarah, though? If we leave Nadine here alone with the both of them something will kick off"

"Yeah, you have a point" I sigh. I could do with my bed right now too. I am exhausted and would love to curl up under the duvet with my head on a pillow but Cheryl is right, I can't leave my drunken friends alone because something will happen, a drama with unfold and if I am not here to play referee then I dread to think what will happen.

"I'm going to take Joey with us and Alaina. I'll see if Pai, Lilly and Junie will come with us but it looks like they're having too much fun to leave so is it alright if they stay with you?"

"Course it Is, you better wish me luck though"

"Good luck" She giggles against my lips and cups my face in her hands. "Next time it's my turn to babysit our crazy friends, alright?"

"I'll remember you said that"

"Do" She smiles and once she has taken the brake off the pram she goes over to get Alaina and asks if the older children want to go too. She was right about Paisley and Lilly not wanting to go but surprisingly Junie is ready for bed. He looks knackered and that is probably because it is late, and he has worn himself out playing football all day. When they leave, I sit in my chair and hope that I don't have a long night ahead of me but I probably do. Cheryl has only just left and I only look at my phone for a second before Sarah is charging passed me like a manic shouting at the top of her voice. I am so confused, I have no idea what Is happening so I call her name but she doesn't turn around, instead she starts ranting and raving at Nadine and Whitney with her arms flying in the air and an upset Paisley runs over to me. 

"Mummy! Mummy! Auntie Sarah is shouting at Auntie Nadine and Whitney... she's really angry" She tells me, slightly out of breath. She looks worried and she is pulling my arm, trying to get me to do something. I look over at my friends and all hell breaks loose when an irate Sarah pushes Whitney in the chest while they are screaming in each other's faces. Nadine is trying to get between them and Lilly is clinging onto her mum while strangers try to intervene. In the space of 3 minutes chaos has erupted and i don't have a clue why. "Do something, Mummy!" Paisley screams and i sit her on the chair i have just jumped up from. 

"Stay here, it's okay. Auntie Sarah is just being silly-" 

"It won't be" Paisley shakes her head with her eyes filling up. "Auntie Sarah said that Whitney kissed Auntie Nadine and now she said she is going to kill her.. i don't want Auntie Sarah to go to jail!"

"Oh my G... it's okay" I repeat and make sure that she is okay before i go and see to my two scrapping friends. "Nobody is going to kill anyone. Stay there and do not move. Everything will be fine"  

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