The Madness Within- Jeremiah...

By StoryBat129

10.2K 312 16

Clarissa stood beside Jerome through his best and worst moments. She was his queen, and now she's lost her ki... More

Her Name is Clarissa
Mr Valeska
Secrets of our Present and Past
Breaking Down
Locked Up
Brother's Desire
A Little Push
Blowing up the Tower
50 Million
Videos and Dreaming
Fire and Fury
The Beginning of Something Great
Beauty and the Psycho
Black Coffee, Two Sugars
Tick Tick
The Gangs All Here
Author Note

Bye Bye

537 16 0
By StoryBat129

Jerome held tight onto Clarissa's hand, staring intently into her eyes as she spoke. This was what he hoped for, to hear everything, and the reasons why he couldn't break through. Clarissa looked furious, her eyes wide as she glared down at the two people bound and gagged in front her. Her parents. Clarissa was talking quietly, her eyes bright and glistening with tears.

''You left me as a child because of what you thought I was. I was a disappointment to you, wasn't I? Even when I tried to hard to please you? Seven years of hardship,'' she said, turning to look down at the terrified couple in front of them. The man's hair was the same colour as Clarissa's, and the woman shared a whole list of features. Mrs Halliwell shook her head, looking up at her daughter with fear in her eyes.

''Our family never had anyone like you. So, difficult. We were afraid.''

''So you beat me? Made me feel like I was nothing!'' Clarissa's tone became angry in a moment, and she let go of Jerome's hand to stand right in front of her mother's face.

''Your father beat you, Clarissa! I only wanted to help you, but I had no idea how!''

Mr Halliwell glared up at Clarissa, and spat the words at her.

''Trying to take care of you was impossible. You made us so empty. You suck the emotions from other people, and you're doing it to Jerome. He may be a maniac, but you're no better.''

Jerome chuckled darkly. It didn't feel like it he was getting his emotions sucked out. Far from it. She'd tried so hard to save him.  She'd constantly tried everything to stop him from doing anything that hurt others. She'd volunteer to kill, to hurt, everyone and anyone, except Jeremiah. Well, the saving hadn't worked well, and Jerome had preferred to keep Clarissa safe rather than have her become a criminal like him. He'd tried a few things to help her, but the therapy had ended with a chair hitting the nurse in the head, and he'd had to kill her too. He was her therapy. 

''That's why we thought the circus would help. Get it out of your system,'' said Mr Halliwell sharply, and he wriggled his wrists, trying to break free of the bindings. 

''It didn't work,'' said Clarissa savagely, smacking her father's hand to stop him trying to break free. Jerome took her hand again and kissing her cheek. She looked over at him, calming down slightly. She ran a hand through her ponytail and asked quietly.

''Were you ever going to explain to me what was wrong?''

''If you'd gotten better,'' said Mr Halliwell.

''She wouldn't have without the help,'' said Jerome, grinning.

''That's where I came in. With me, she's free. No  more sadness, no more pain, only the freedom to do what she wanted. So what if I did the killing. She tried to fix herself, can't you tell? But without me, it never would've worked. Ya see, all that crazy's locked up tight now. Sometimes I wonder if I shoulda let it out? But, gotta keep dollface safe.''

Clarissa leant into Jerome's side, and from her back pocket drew out a knife. He looked at her.

''Wanna do it?''

Do it. 

Clarissa blinked as the voice piped up in her head, and for a moment actually considered plunging the blade into each of her parent's hearts. She wanted to so desperately.

Now. Do it, no regrets. C'mon!

Clarissa bit her lip and then hurriedly passed the knife to Jerome. 

''Not today, Jerome.'

''Alrighty,'' he said, a chaotic smile appearing on his face as he brandished the knife. Clarissa smiled slightly, then pulled the smile back as if she hadn't wanted to. 

''Who first?'' he asked. ''Alana? Rick?''

Neither replied, so Jerome instead turned to Clarissa, an expectant expression on his face. 

''Bye bye father,'' she said quietly, and Jerome cackled as the blade slashed Rick Halliwell's neck, blood pouring from the wound. A horrible gurgling sound came from his mouth and his wife screamed like a banshee. In a second smooth movement, a crimson smile appeared on her neck as well. Jerome startled cackling maniacally, stowing the knife back in the pocket of his coat as he took Clarissa in his arms and made for the door. Sirens wailed in the distance, and he lead her down a back passage and out to a car. 

''How fun was that?'' he asked, still giggling.

Clarissa shrugged, she didn't know how she felt.


She leant against Jerome's shoulder and he looked over at her.

''I got ya, dollface. Let's have a little fun.''


''Clarissa?'' called Jeremiah from the other side of the door. A couple of hours had passed, and she'd been on her own, debating whether or not to try and escape the room. When she had nothing to do, she felt empty, like she had when Jerome had died and she'd fled the show. He hadn't talked to her since he'd made her doubt Jeremiah's intentions of keeping her locked up. Did he know why everyone doubted her claims? Why those who did know refused to lock her up. She closed her eyes.

''Drive them mad,'' she mumbled, just as Jeremiah called her name a second time.

''Clarissa? Are you awake?'' he asked, knocking once more.


''May I come in?''

''I guess so,'' she replied and the door unlocked. Jeremiah appeared, dressed in an impeccable suit with his hair slicked back and dark and his eyes bright green. He looked different, a new version of himself that Clarissa hadn't seen. She was surprised when a smile flickered across her lips.

''Things haven't gone so well,'' he said, and she was immediately confused.

''What do you mean?''

''Bruce and I had a minor disagreement,'' he lied, then went on, his voice plagued with a fake disappointment. ''They won't let me have my generators. I intend to take them back and I'd like you to help me.''

Clarissa was still looking at him, longer than she had before. There was no similarity there now, and she couldn't help but like what she saw. Jerome had been good looking, even when he'd reattached his face, but like this Jeremiah....


Clarissa gasped quietly, and Jeremiah's face became clouded with confusion. Clarissa quickly covered herself. 

''If you want me to, I will...'' she said and Jeremiah smiled, the expression surprisingly dark and intense. He took a step closer.


A ripple went through Clarissa's body, and she tried to ignore it. Jeremiah looked around the room, as if he was trying to not meet her gaze. 

''We leave in ten minutes. I'll meet you at the car. Dress nicely,'' he ordered, turning and leaving the room, leaving Clarissa sitting there confused and dazed. She'd wanted to meet his gaze, and felt nervous when he didn't. She didn't like that. Getting up and looking over at the other clothes she'd taken from Bruce's. They still smelt like Selina, something Clarissa hadn't noticed until now. She growled slightly, going over and searching in her suitcase. Pulling off what she was wearing she changed into a black button up shirt and business pants, spraying them in her perfume. The musky sweet scent made her feel better about wearing Selina's things.  She pulled her hair into a bun and, double checking her appearance in the mirror that hung on the wall, lining her eyes before smoothing down her shirt. She had five minutes left, so she hurried out of her room and passing a couple of locked rooms. From behind one, she was sure he could hear voices talking and laughing, but didn't investigate. 

Jeremiah was waiting in the car for her, looking smart and impressive. Clarissa smiled again without wanting to, and slid into the passenger seat. Jeremiah looked over at her, and then passed her something silver and shiny. 

''A pistol? What do I need this for?'' Clarissa asked, her heart rate climbing rapidly until it felt like it was trampling her ribs. Jeremiah was totally calm as he answered, his voice almost lilting.

''I have a feeling we may need it, Clarissa.''

She looked away, not wanting to meet his eyes, but at the same time desperate to. What was wrong with her? Was it the change in him that made him so....des- ha! ha! ha!


She looked up at Jeremiah, whose wide green eyes stared down at her with an unreadable expression.  

''Ready to go?''

She nodded silently, and the engine started, purring to life as they pulled out of the hidden driveway. Clarissa stared straight ahead, but her eyes wanted to travel sideways against her will. Jeremiah was silent beside her, never talking, his eyes never deviating from the road ahead, but there was a tension in his shoulders that Clarissa hadn't seen. His fingers held the steering wheel tighter than normal, and his jaw was tense. Despite this, his aura was relaxed, calm, as if what he was about to do didn't phase him. He knew what he was happening. 

They pulled up in front of the huge city building, driving past the security who didn't even bat an eyelid at him. 

''Hello Mr Valeska,'' called the guard and Jeremiah held up a hand as he drove past, covering his face from view. Clarissa smiled warmly at the guard, nodding her head. As they pulled into the parking lot, he leant over and unlocked Clarissa's door, hissing ''Have that gun ready and stay behind me until I tell you.''

Clarissa shuddered, and climbed out of the car, waiting for Jeremiah to join her. There was a click as the doors locked and he smiled slightly. It was darker than he thought it would be, which was a relief. So soon, his plan would be in motion and he would have Clarissa on her way to becoming the person he wanted her to be. The person is brother had been to soft to make her. They walked together down the corridors, nobody in their way as the evening ticked on. It was about six thirty, when he knew Bruce would be home with his girlfriend, probably thinking about why Clarissa had taken the job. Bruce knew what he was now, and was too scared of protecting Selina to try and save Clarissa too. Perfect. As they drew close to the corner where the generators were kept, he spun around and pinned Clarissa against the wall. His voice low he said.

''This is where we may need that gun. If you need to, you can shoot.''

''Why? No-''

''Trust me.''


His eyebrow rose in response, and her face went blank for a moment. Fear, confusion, anger....determination.....obedience...within a few moments a kaleidoscope of emotions had crossed over her face, and under her breath he just heard her whisper ''Anything for you, J. I have to.''

J? Jerome? Or himself? Jeremiah shook off the thought, and pushed her behind him. They turned into the last corridor, which ended in a frosted glass door with two guards stationed in front of it. One stepped forwards as Jeremiah walked along the corridor, his gun held across his chest. 

''Hey there, Mr Valeska,'' he said. ''You alone? Or have you got Mr Wayne with you?'' his tone was suspicious, and Clarissa grew nervous. 

''No Mr Wayne, but I'm not alone,'' replied Jeremiah in his lilting voice, and Jerome spoke in Clarissa's head. 

Now. Dollface.

Without thinking clearly, Clarissa fired into the guard's chest as the second yelled, turning to fire a second time and dropping the gun to the floor.


Jeremiah bent down to pick up the key card that the guard had dropped, then looked expectantly at Clarissa. Tears pricked her eyes. Tears that, to be completely honest Clarissa didn't know what they meant. She wanted to run, to hide, but she wanted to move forwards and ignore the body she touched to grab the key card. She wasn't crying, a fact that surprised her. 

You've held a gun. You've seen people shot, so why would it bother you if you're the reason why? Remember the show? You've been there, no regrets.

This time the voice was female, and so so familiar. Clarissa called Jerome's name in her head, and a distant chuckle answered, but she was unsure if it was him or not. The voice had been there all through her time with him, and now, where was Jerome? Her comfort? The one she needed like a drug. She had gone cold turkey, and didn't like it. 

But Jeremiah? Isn't he handsome?

No. Yes. She didn't know anymore. She swiped the keycard and the door slid open, revealing shelf upon shelf of generators. Electricity pulsed and blue light flooded their faces, giving Jeremiah's an eerie aura. 

''The gifts of true friendship,'' he said, leading Clarissa into the  cavernous, humming room with a single gesture. 

''Let's load them on the trucks. It's time to give Gotham City it's new face.''

The blue light pulsed around them as he picked up one of the generators, switching it off. Clarissa followed him, and as he looked back at her, he could see the battle raging in her head. What was wrong with her? Jerome had never explicitly named what it was, but he had an idea. 

''New face? What the hell does that even mean?'' she asked. ''And what trucks, Jeremiah?''

Jeremiah laughed.

''Well, the truth is that these generators would serve much better as bombs, dear Clarissa. And unlike my brothers, who was messy in his ways, I've found a much more successful way of carrying out his plans. And if I do believe, yours as well.''


He was right, and he could see that Clarissa knew he was. She had been promised a safe place to live as she pleased, free from judging, allowed to perform her magic, if she even still wanted to after all those years. Somewhere she could live side by side with Jerome as king and queen and not worry about her issue...whatever that was. Jeremiah wanted to know.

''Your magic tricks were amazing. I'd love to see them again,'' he said casually, and Clarissa's face changed. 

''You liked them?'' she asked, shocked. 

''Adored them. I'd always watch you.''

Clarissa's face lit up and she switched off one of the generators, loading it on a nearby trolley. Jeremiah did the same, and they began loading the generators one by one. Clarissa was happy that he remembered her magic. Maybe she would pick it back up, if he wanted her to. It had been her entire childhood, and a way to feel like she belonged. She moved into another row of generators, switching each one off and loading them onto the trolley with Jeremiah. They dragged them passed the dead bodies and out to where three large trucks were waiting. Three men stood there, and Clarissa recognised them as members of Jerome's cult. Their eyes widened, and they bowed their heads in Clarissa's direction.

''Miss Halliwell!'' said one, whose greasy hair and darkened eyes revealed him as an ex-Arkham prisoner. She waved awkwardly as Jeremiah turned to look at her.

''Load these on the trucks,'' he ordered, and the men glanced at Clarissa before following their orders. He took Clarissa's arm and lead her back to the car.

''They know you,'' he said sharply.

''Apparently, but I only know they followed Jerome. They're yours to lead,'' she said.

''If they choose to follow you, however, what will you do about it?''

Clarissa hadn't thought about that. A member of the cult had left the recording for her, and maybe they expected her to overthrow Jeremiah? His voice had been deadly when he'd spoken, and it sent shivers down her spine. 

''Miss Halliwell, Mr Valeska?'' called the man who had recognised her. Clarissa looked up to see him standing by his truck. He gestured for her to join him and after giving Jeremiah a quick glance she went to stand by him.

''All done?'' she asked, and he nodded.

''Did you receive Jerome's last message?''

''Yeah, but it was taken off me by someone.''

''Him?'' asked the man, and she shook her head.

''Selina Kyle.''

The man grunted, and then spoke in a whisper so that Jeremiah wouldn't hear. He leant closer and hissed ''We don't believe that the brother will live up to his claims. You're our queen, Miss Halliwell. We will follow you, for Jerome.''


''You are our leader. Not him.''

He pointed at Jeremiah, who was watching them with a suspicious expression on his face. Clarissa smiled at Jeremiah, then turned back to the man.

''What's your name?'' she asked.

''Beckett. James Beckett. Got locked up in Arkham for butchering my grandparents and a couple of school teachers. Got out after the Maniax.''

''So you're-''

''Nineteen now. Was in there two years. Watching Jerome, his message was freedom.''

Clarissa thought for a moment.

''Would you follow Jeremiah if I told you to?''

James considered this, but seemed unwilling to agree, so Clarissa changed her tactics, going along with the feeling in her gut, and ignoring the voices that were beginning to whisper in her head.

''If he proved himself would you follow him?''

''Yes. We'd follow you both, but if he doesn't we kill him.''


Clarissa's heart beat escalated, and she began to feel nervous.

''No need for that. If he fails you, you'll follow me.''

''For Jerome.''

For Jerome.

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