Reincarnation of a human to b...

By yomushosetsu

340K 7.8K 988

The story is about a person named Zach who got reincarnated to another world but for some reason he became a... More

Chapter 1-God's offer
Chapter 2-God's blessing
Chapter 3-The Forgotten forest
Chapter 4-First encounter
Chapter 5-Cheat skill
Chapter 6-Cooking
Chapter 7-Exploring
Chapter 8-Exhausting magic
Chapter 9-Being Human
Chapter 10-Golem
Chapter 11-Unknown material and building
Chapter 12-House
Chapter 13-Meeting humans
Chapter 14-Introducing oneself and nonsensical magic
Chapter 15-Visit
Chapter 16-Testing the fire crystal
Chapter 17-Earth worm
Chapter 18-Mysterious person
Chapter 19-Getting stronger
Chapter 20-Revive
Chapter 21-Evolution possibilities
Chapter 22-Weapons?!
Chapter 23-Paron's boring lecture
Chapter 24-New system and Zach's past
Chapter 25-System's new uses
Chapter 26-Preparation
Chapter 27-Inside Paron's dream
Chapter 28-Meeting a fox(?)
Chapter 29-Fight with a fox
Chapter 30-Fenrir
Chapter 31-Bringing a fox home
Chapter 32-Eternal companion
Chapter 33-The plan
New Book!
Chapter 34-Infiltrating an information room
Chapter 35-Packing up
Chapter 36- Entering a kingdom
Self rant and reflection
Chapter 37-Waiting in line
Chapter 38-Taking the test
Chapter 39-New members
Chapter 40-System "Moonlight"
Chapter 41-The troubled demon
Chapter 42-Hints about the past
Chapter 42.5-WTF?!
Chapter 43-The condition
Chapter 44-The signal
Chapter 46-Return of the genius
Chapter 47-Defending a kingdom
Chapter 48-The researcher
Chapter 49-The start of something worse
Chapter 50-Scorpio
Chapter 51-Suprise
Chapter 52-Tears of the past
Chapter 53-A way back home
New book has been released!!

Chapter 45-Gods shall bow down

2.4K 61 22
By yomushosetsu

As my vision slowly restores, a message prompted me immediately.

Congratulations!, you have reached ????? Emperor Dragon God, being as one of the strongest, even on the dragon gods section, Gods shall bow down before your presence

"WTF?!" (Zach)

Gods shall bow down my ass!, am I a godly being now?!

"Congratulations Master!!, you've become stronger!!" (Moonlight)

"Is there any way to prevent the gods from bowing before me?!" (Zach)

"Oh, seems like master is a God now, let's celebrate!, and as for how to fix that, Master just needs to prevent his mana from leaking by using Magic God" (Moonlight)

"Thank god" (Zach)

'Cancel Morphing' (Zach)

I turned into a dragon of great size and felt stronger than before, it's as if my entire body is like a mountain, big, strong, and immovable.

"Master is doing well on using Magic God we cant even feel anything now!" (Moonlight)

"Thank God" (Zach)

"So now I'm gonna need to prepare for the next war" (Zach)

"About that Master, the one that you asked me to decipher, it tried to say "the devourers are coming", as for the last part I cant tell either it tried to say they are coming "early and stronger" or "easy but stronger"" (Moonlight)

"Damn, stronger huh?, guess I'll have to create robots early, is the time here slower than the time there?" (Zach)

"Yes, 100,000 seconds here is 1 second there, so Master has nothing to worry about" (Moonlight)

"Good, cause I'm gonna have to design loads of different machines to deal with them" (Zach)

"Moonlight, what kind of materials do we have?" (Zach)

"Uhm, since Master has reached God level, Master can now use materials from the God world, such as God metal and God wood, moreover the God mithril is 100× stronger than mana powered mithril" (Moonlight)

"Weird name but they're gonna be useful in the battle" (Zach)

"Start making that world and place Lvl 100 mines to get God mithril and God adamantite, were going to make a alloy of both metals, that metal would have the properties of mithril at the same time the properties of admantite" (Zach)

"Creating world....Glory....creating materials....creating environment.....creating world properties....process finished, world's name "Glory"" (Moonlight)

I entered Glory without hesitation and started placing factories where mithril and adamantite are made and then they are made into an alloy inside the alloy factory.

" design, first of all, the turrets, second the robots, third the stations" (Zach)

For the turrets that was easy I just had to use an ultra high-speed processor and ultra high-speed microscopic motors on the turrets and they were fast as f**k, including their shooting, turning, and targeting speed was extremely fast.

"Now that's finished, next are the robots" (Zach)

I used the same methods of making the robots, their parts are replaceable so that when a part of their body are badly damaged they can just return and have it replaced or just wait for the part to come to it.

The same parts were used, like the processors and motors were used, now the have human like movement unlike those golems that had weird movements and the movements were pretty slow and rusty

By using nanotechnology I was able to accomplish that, instead of rusty movements I was able to make it smooth.

After finding out the nanotech is much more useful that those big hunk of machines, I instead used nanotech for the turrets.

"But I'd have to use the alloy as the material for the nanotech, well I am already using it" (Zach)

"Welp that joke aside, the station would need to have nanotech to supply the robots with nanotech just incase some of their parts were destroyed" (Zach)

One problem of nanotech was that they can only be controlled if they are connected to the control chip.

An example of this is like a wand, if you aren't holding it would you think you could cast a spell?, the answer is no, and this is the same for the nanotech if they aren't connected to the control chip they would be useless like ants on water, for easier example Imagine a chain.

So I made them have receptors inside them so they would react to specific mana pattern and a battery so that they could still carry out their work.

"Now the nanotech is finished, I must place them on the stations" (Zach)

I had all of the duplication factories make the nanotechs and had all of them programmed automatically using a large scale programming facility, I made three, one for the turrets, one for the robots, and one for the stations.

"Now all of that is finished, I could make more, just for fun" (Zach)

The first toy that I made using nanotech is a glove gun, you wear the glove and make your hand as though you were holding an actual one and the glove would transform into a gun, though it's a bit robust.

The second toy is an all purpose weapon, its first form is a gun, second form is a dagger, and third is a sword.

"That was fun, let's make more" (Zach)

(Let's just stop here, this is way too much)

The third toy-

(No!, don't you dare!, I've had enough listening to your machine talks!)

I made a lot of things, I couldn't even count how many I did, I'm actually lying I could still count it.

(Thank go-)

Fourth to-

(Mother f-)

I went out of Glory and prepared to apply the my creations into the flying kingdom and crazily boosted the wall, now they are protected by extremely tough nanotech, from the outside they look like lumps of dirt but when they are activated they will protect the entire floating island kingdom.

"Now everything is set, I'm just gonna make more robots, a flying type would be good, maybe underground and underwater types would be good, wait... space types are also cool yeah let's do that" (Zach)

So I went back to Glory to add more factories and programming facilities to mass produce the robots that I will make, a Lvl 100 factory should be able to make 1000 robots per min, maybe more cause I cant count anymore.

"I'll also need to make a Void Storage facility to store the robots and turrets because the entire mile is being covered by robots" (Zach)

So I placed some and had it fully automated.

After making the flying, underground, underwater, and space robots and turrets, I had to make 4 more stations, each befitting their types.

"That took forever, but it's still worth it" (Zach)
"I didn't expect that to happen" (??1)

"Me either but looks like we don't need to worry about him now, after the invasion we could see them again" (??2)

"I'm also intrigued on his workings, nanotech is it?, he even beat me on nearly all of my inventions, well, I don't need to improve them using nanotech, that just breaks my sense of normality, if you notice they are like bugs crawling on a person's body on my perspective" (??1)

"That is to you, but it looks normal to me" (??2)

"We all have differences so let's just end it at that" (??1)

"Sure" (??2)
Some self thought time!

"Why must we judge immediately?"

"Somewhere hidden in our hearts is our grief, awaiting to come out, some may keep it hidden consciously some may keep it hidden unconsciously, everything depends on us to release them all"

"Our lives are all different, no one are the same, even if they are twins, some may think their lives are the same but in truth they are not"

"Love is something you cannot truly understand, you may have felt love, but did you really understand what it truly is?, even if you have read love stories, they are just fictional, not real, that is their own perspectives, each of our perspectives about love is different, so don't talk as if you had understood what love truly is, you may ship two people but do they really love each other?"

Seriously, like, sometimes I think that is there really heaven?, if so then should I die to find out?
(Like seriously I am the impatient type when it comes to my curiosities)

God that took forever, oh well, I'm suffering from mental and physical stress.

First factor for that is the events that are constantly popping up, it's almost every single day.

Second, the Quarterly exams, tomorrow I'm gonna have the major subjects, last week was the minor subjects.

Third, I barely have enough sleep thanks to the annoying events, yesterday I slept instantly, from 6 Pm to 12 Pm, then from 1 Am to 9 Am.

Pls send help, I'm so tired.
BTW, I had to reupload this MFing chapter because this chapter was unpublished, I just Fucking published this late at night!!!

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