Chapter 29-Fight with a fox

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The fox fired a red ball into the air and we waited for it to explode


The fox went blurry but I somehow knew that I had to dodge

"Barrier mode!"(Zach)

I raised my shield and activated the barrier

Clang!(Sound of metals hitting each other)

The fox's claw was stopped by the barrier

Interesting, the barrier's formation is made carefully there's no weak point and the magic formation is formidable

"《Accel》!, 《Slash》!"(Zach)

I ran forward, cladded the sword in fire affinity and slashed the fox

You're quite strong for being able to wound me, but I wouldn't fall down that easily!

The fox stomped and the ground went flying upwards causing me to have problems with my balance

I carefully aimed at the fox while keeping distance

'Let's try this out,《Gravity manipulation》5x(?)'(Zach)

The fox became very slow and it's legs
slightly shaking, the ground is slowly having big dents in each step it takes

To think that I could beat you with speed and strength, how about this!

The fox shot a beam? of fire towards me

"Barrier mode!"(Zach)

I felt like I was carrying something heavy and the air around me slowly starts to become hot
My Hp was quickly decreasing 《Regeneration》, and 《Magical battier》wasn't even helping

'Amy tell me an enchant on the sword that can help me with this!'(Zach)

'Increased sharpness, Harden, Mana burst'(Amy)

'《Enchant》Increased sharpness, Harden, Mana burst!'(Zach)

What's with the sudden increase in mana?


The fox dodged by jumping upwards and I missed

Same trick wont work twice!

Large shards of ice formed around the fox and went straight towards me


and slashed the fox but the damage was 6 times bigger than before

"《Slash》!,《Brute strength》!"(Zach)

To be able to wound me this badly and survive my strongest attack, you truly are a formidable warrior

The fox lays down and doesn't move while breathing heavily
Zach's Dash evolved into Accel

Reincarnation of a human to be turned to a godDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora