Chapter 6-Cooking

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I looked at my stats and I saw something about affinity and in there are fire, wind, space and im guessing it is what magic I can use since there is nothing else related to it.
"Lets see how can I use fire magic since I need to cook the meat"(Zach)
Dammit! I can't think about anything on how to use fire magic.
"I give up! i'll just use the old way to make a damn fire!"(Zach)
And I collected branches and chopped wood using my claws and apparently it works well at cutting wood, then I made a stake shaped wood, actually i'll just call it a stake since its shaped like one.
"Now all I need is to spin it really fast"(Zach)
And I spun it really fast but nothing happened.
"Why isn't it working?!"(Zach)
Then I remebered i need to push it down while spinning it.
"Dammit, Zach! why did you forget how to make a fire!"(Zach)
(Note:Zach was referring to himself in 3rd person)
Then I spun the stake while pushing it downwards and when it was slowly making smoke I blew at the smoke(not strong enough to put the fire off) then it was starting to make fire.
"Yes! finally i can cook the meat"(Zach)
But there is one problem I don't know how to cook if I put it in the fire for too long it will burn but if I put it in the fire for a short time it wont be tasty.
"I guess i'll just try to cook it with no knowledge in it"(Zach)
I tried to cook it for 40 mins and it was a bit burnt but it was good for a first try.
"Now, time to eat!"(Zach)
"?!, ugh"(Zach)
Whats with this taste! it not even decent it tastes like rotten meat!
"I guess the meat wasn't good even if its cooked but if this is what I will eat everyday I will have to suck it up and keep on eating it"
After I finished eating the meat I felt like throwing up and I went to the nearest river to drink some water and felt a little bit better but I still feel like throwing up
"I think I just need some sleep"(Zach)
There was grass everywhere and I thought that I can sleep here and I was correct the grass was soft then I lay down on the grass after that I slept for the day.

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