Chapter 33-The plan

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"Argento are you fine with hunting alone?"(Zach)

It's fine beside I got nothing to do here other than just sitting

"Just be sure to not go too far"(Zach)

Okay, okay

Argento turned into his real form and left

I went into another room and entered Space


I called out and saw him holding two huge tablets


He handed me a card as huge as a large sized tablet(Technology), no it is as big as a sign

"Is this the Identification card?"(Zach)

"Yes, also can you insert your mana into the card?"(Paron)

"Sure, but why is the Identification card big?, shouldn't it be an Identification tablet(Ancient)?

"Don't ask me, ask the person who invented it"(Zach)

I inserted mana into it and my name suddenly popped up in it

"As you can see it now registered you as it's owner, a person can tell who own it but in this case it shows your stats and occupation, letting a person know your stats, they also record what the card shows, each card has their own pattern so the guild and guards who are protecting the entrance can tell if it's fake or not"(Paron)

Paron's card somehow changed the words on it and now shows his stats and occupation

"So it's essential to be able to enter a kingdom and join a guild?"(Zach)

"Yes now that we have it we can go anywhere, but before that I need to secretly insert these two cards pattern into an information room so it would be accepted anywhere"(Paron)

"Where can we find one?"(Zach)

"It's always inside any guild"(Paron)

"Then we can go there now"(Zach)

"Are you sure?, you seem like you haven't seen people for years that you'll freeze just by trying to talk to them, other than me of course"(Paron)

"I'm fine!, I've talked to other people before!"(Zach)

"How long since you've talked to other people?"(Paron)

"....2 weeks"(Zach)

"And that's why I'm worried, you might freeze when seeing other people, I've met people that have been shut ins that they freeze or stutter when talking to people"(Paron)

"It's fine!, let's go!"(Zach)

I opened a rift, grabbed him on his collar and pulled him

"Hey!, don't pull me!"(Paron)

"Hurry!, I want to see the things they have in the kingdoms!, soon!"(Zach)

"Okay!, okay!, let me go so things would go faster!"(Paron)

I quickly let him go and just let him walk normally

"Okay here's our plan, they have no senses to notice our presence so it would be no big deal but we have to be silent so we wouldn't be noticed, and second we have to be invisible, so we can just use the Cloak of deception and Facial misrecognition, but we only have one"(Paron)

And suddenly I remembered I had one skill that has a similar function

"Oh that, we don't have to worry about it, 《Camouflage》"(Zach)

"Where did you go?!"(Paron)

"This is a skill that I obtained last 3 weeks ago"(Zach)

I gave him the Cloak of deception and Facial misrecognition

"Lets start"(Zach)

A smile left my face before going to a kingdom
While they are walking
'User, I have fixed a bug'(Amy)

'What bug?'(Zach)

'User's stats wasn't showing most of the stats properly so Amy had fixed it'(Amy)

'I didn't know that, thanks Amy'(Zach)

'Amy will be fixing something'(Amy)

'Okay, I'll leave you to it then'(Zach)
This is Zach's stats

Name:Zach Tempest
Mana regeneration:36437×2>> 72874 per 7 sec
Active skills:Cooking(Advanced) Lvl 2, Cleaning Lvl 5, Copy Lvl 8, Human morphing Lvl 8, Inspect Lvl 7, Accel Lvl 2, Presence detection Lvl 6, False status Lvl 6, Spacial creation Lvl Max, Dragon's roar(?????? Dragon exclusive) Lvl 1, Spacial pocket Lvl 7, Gravity manipulation Lvl 7, Enchant Lvl 6, Camouflage Lvl 5, Glide Lvl 4, Brute Strength Lvl 3, Eagle eye Lvl 4, Steel body Lvl 3, Steel thread Lvl 2, Transmutation Lvl 9, Gravity collapse Lvl 5

Passive skills:Disease resistance Lvl 1, physical damage resistance Lvl 3, Elemental defense Lvl 9, Regeneration(Dragon exclusive) Lvl 6, Enhanced Mana regeneration Lvl Max, Magic comprehension Lvl Max, Magic perception Lvl Max, Mana efficiency Lvl Max, Mana suppression Lvl Max, High speed perception Lvl 6, Aging deceleration Lvl 5, Chantless Lvl 9, Enhanced chant speed Lvl Max, Elemental barrier Lvl Max, Magical Barrier Lvl Max
Affinities:Fire, wind, space and time, water, earth, light, dark, lightning, space, time, gravity, Holy
Titles:Another worlder(Hidden, locked), True sage(Awakened), Fate's friend

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